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8:10 PM ET, March 3, 2020


 Top Items: 
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“He Will Risk Making Ross Perot and Ralph Nader Look Good”: Bloomberg Resists Advisers' Push to Exit the Race  —  With his path disappearing after South Carolina, advisers pressed for a quick exit.  But Mike has so far refused: I'll be damned if I walk away before a single vote is cast for me.
Discussion: The Week
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult:
Biden Reclaims National Lead With Buttigieg, Klobuchar Exits  —  36% of Democratic primary voters back the former VP as Super Tuesday contests unfold  —  Former Vice President Joe Biden is joined on stage by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), who endorsed Biden during a rally on Monday night in Dallas …
Sydney Ember / New York Times:
Sanders Campaign Was Caught Off Guard by Quick Massing of Opposition  —  “It's becoming clear that in order for us to win this nomination, that road clearly flows through Joe Biden,” Bernie Sanders's campaign manager said.  —  ST. PAUL, Minn. — On Sunday night, Faiz Shakir …
Discussion: IJR and Washington Post
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Trump's new attack on Biden exposes his own unfitness  —  At a rally in North Carolina on Monday night, this actually happened: President Trump ripped into a resurgent Joe Biden by claiming he bungles facts and often appears confused.  —  Yes, Trump suggested the former vice president is mentally unfit for the presidency.
Peter Hamby / Vanity Fair:
Biden's Branding Reboot: Here Comes Emo Joe  —  He's always had what Richard Ben Cramer called “the connect.”  But now his campaign will focus on showing his emotional chops in a bid for “empathy moms,” the suburbanites who led 2018's crushing Democratic victory.
ABC News:
Super Tuesday live updates: Biden performing well so far in the South, Sanders in Northeast  —  More than a third of delegates are at stake.  —  LIVE NOW  —  As Super Tuesday, the single biggest day of voting gets underway, the candidates are competing across 15 contests for a treasure chest of delegates …
CBS News:
Live updates: Biden and Sanders pick up wins in first Super Tuesday states
Discussion: CNN and The Week
Our Final Forecast For Super Tuesday Shows Biden's Surge — And Lots Of Uncertainty
Washington Post:
Did Mike Bloomberg waste $500 million running for president? We're about to find out.
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
Bernie Sanders Is Still in a Remarkably Strong Position
Discussion: Memos, Louder With Crowder and IJR
New York Times:
As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire  —  Federal health officials botched an initial diagnostic test and restricted widespread screening.  Missteps may have raised the risks to Americans, critics say.  —  The coronavirus has found a crack in the nation's public health armor …
New York Times:   Stocks Tumble After the Fed Cuts Rates
Trump loyalist installed in top intelligence post on National Security Council  —  A White House lawyer and former counsel to the House Intelligence Committee under Devin Nunes has been named senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council, the latest instance …
Ellen Nakashima / Washington Post:
Lawmakers want the DNI to make public the intelligence community's assessment of who's responsible …
Discussion: CNN and Politico
Sarah Owermohle / Politico:
'You don't want to go to war with a president'  —  Anthony Fauci might be the one person everyone in Washington trusts right now.  —  But at 79, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is in the thick of one of the biggest battles of 35 years in the role …
ABC News:
9th coronavirus death reported in U.S. as virus continues to spread
Discussion: New York Post
WHO says coronavirus death rate is 3.4% globally, higher than previously thought  — World health officials say the case fatality rate for COVID-19 is 3.4% globally, higher than previous estimates of about 2%.  — “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” …
Tyler Cowen / Bloomberg:
Bill Gates Is Really Worried About the Coronavirus.  Here's Why.  —  The debate is splitting into two broad camps: Call them the “growthers” and the “base-raters.”  —  Just how bad will the new coronavirus be?  I can't answer that question, but I have observed the debate splitting into two broad camps …
Discussion: UPI and STAT
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
The real reason Chris Matthews had to go  —  Give Chris Matthews partial credit for his apology on his way out the door Monday night.  In his abrupt and unexpected farewell, the MSNBC host acknowledged his history of what he called “compliments on a woman's appearance.”
Dan Diamond / Politico:
CDC blocked FDA official from premises  —  In a sign of growing tension among the Trump administration's health agencies, officials are expressing frustration that a top scientist was initially rebuffed when attempting to visit the CDC in Atlanta last month to help coordinate …
Discussion: Twitchy and Raw Story
NBC News:
Amid outbreak, Trump admin's proposed rollback of nursing home regulations faces criticism  —  “These are frail, medically compromised people,” said an attorney at the nonprofit Center for Medicare Advocacy, who opposes the change.  —  The Trump administration last year moved to roll …
Discussion: New York Times
Helen Branswell / STAT:
Washington State risks seeing explosion in coronavirus cases without dramatic action, new analysis says  —  The coronavirus outbreak in the Seattle area is at a critical juncture and could see explosive growth in cases much like Wuhan, China, if public officials don't take immediate …
Discussion: UPI
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post:
I just remembered Joe Biden is fine  —  This is a little awkward, but better late than never!  I suddenly remembered that Joe Biden is a dynamite candidate, something I had forgotten over the past few months of watching Joe Biden campaign.  Joe Biden is the best hope of the party and its logical standard-bearer!
Discussion: National Review
Matthew Yglesias / Vox:
Why Elizabeth Warren is losing even if all your friends love her  —  White college grads are living in the Warren bubble.  —  A lot of people I know are voting for Elizabeth Warren on Super Tuesday.  They're doing so even though they're aware she's way down in the polls and that her hopes …
Discussion: CNN
Sam Tanenhaus / Washington Post:
Bernie Sanders is the new Ronald Reagan  —  He remade his party with a youth movement he built from the outside.  Just like the Gipper did.  —  Democratic Party elders are bewildered.  Don't voters understand how unpopular Sen. Bernie Sanders is in Washington?
Discussion: Redstate and The Week
Byron York / Washington Examiner:   Calls for unity cannot hide stark cultural differences inside Democratic Party
Carlos R. Munoz / Sarasota Herald-Tribune:
Coronavirus Florida: Mother and son at Sarasota Military Academy under quarantine  —  By Carlos R. Munoz By Timothy Fanning By Zac Anderson  —  They are not showing any symptoms of COVID-19 but came in contact with a patient who the CDC now says tested “positive,” the schools says.
CBS Miami:
Coronavirus Confusion: Miami Woman Allegedly Denied Proper Testing  —  MIAMI (CBSMiami) - In what may be the first case of coronavirus in South Florida, a woman who recently returned home from Italy says she was told by doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital that she “likely” has COVID-19 …
Discussion: Raw Story and National Review
Graham Vyse / Politico:
‘The Worst Possible Scenario’: Never Trumpers Wonder What to Do About Bernie  —  It's been a rough four years for Never Trumpers, the cadre of Republican and former-Republican commentators, strategists and veterans of the conservative movement who tried and failed to thwart the president's rise to power in 2016.
Coronavirus emergency bill held up over vaccine cost concerns  —  Democrats are insisting the spending package include significant funding to purchase large amounts of coronavirus diagnostics.  —  “Our Republican friends don't want to see the kinds of limitations that we want to see,” …
Discussion: Acquisition.GOV, The Hill and Raw Story
Bill Mears / Fox News:
Divided Supreme Court takes on executive power and limits of independent federal agency authority  —  The Supreme Court appeared divided Tuesday over the limits of a unique aspect of presidential power, and the extent so-called “independent” federal agencies have from executive oversight.
Discussion: Washington Post and Breitbart
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chairwoman to ‘Go to Hell’ on Fox News  —  Brazile was immediately indignant over McDaniel offering up her take on the Democratic race, calling on her and other Republicans to “stay the hell out of our race.”  —  Former interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman …
Cynthia Littleton / Variety:
How Nancy Pelosi Emerged as a Media Star and Trump's Most Formidable Foe  —  “Welcome to the House,” Nancy Pelosi says to a group of surprised tourists in the majestic National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol Building as she breezes past them on her way to her office on a rainy Monday morning in mid-February.
Discussion: Breitbart
Stephanie Armour / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Administration Considering Paying Hospitals for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients  —  U.S. government may use disaster recovery reimbursement program that would pay providers 110% of Medicare for treating patients  —  The Trump administration is considering using a national disaster program …
Discussion:, Raw Story and The Guardian
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 More Items: 
New York Times:
About That Much Vaunted U.S.-U.K. Trade Deal? Maybe Not Now
Jake Gibson / Fox News:
DHS cyber security official on Super Tuesday: 'Don't let the Russians get in your head'
Andrew O'Reilly / Fox News:
19 states sue administration over diverting military funding to border wall
Discussion: Breitbart
Barbra Streisand / Variety:
Barbra Streisand on Why Trump Must Be Defeated in 2020 (Column)
Denis McDonough / Twin Cities:
I worked closely with Joe Biden, and here's why I support him
Discussion: The Hill
Jennifer Haberkorn / Los Angeles Times:
Maine Republican Susan Collins struggles to keep Senate seat after votes on Kavanaugh and impeachment
Discussion: Raw Story
Real Clear Politics:
Sanders Camp Ignores Socialism's Total Failure
 Earlier Items: 
Kevin Diaz / Star Tribune:
Minnesota Secretary of State calls website's link to progressive site a ‘lapse of judgment’
Discussion: Twitchy
David French / TIME:
President Trump's Disgraceful Peace Deal with the Taliban
Discussion: Power Line, NPR and The Smoke Eater
Anna Smolchenko / Agence France-Presse:
Kremlin critic Navalny says bank accounts frozen
Sebastian Kettley / Daily Express:
Asteroid warning: NASA tracks a 4KM killer rock on approach - Could end human civilisation
Discussion: PJ Media Home
Emily Singer / The American Independent:
Defense secretary warns military not to challenge Trump on coronavirus
Jesse McKinley / New York Times:
Coronavirus in N.Y.: Cuomo Confirms Second Case in the State

From Mediagazer:

Laura Wagner / Washington Post:
The Times Guild leaders say NYT, while rolling out expanded bio pages for staff, made “petty” cuts to the language in which staffers extolled their Guild work

Philip Bump / Washington Post:
YouGov: the news sources Americans say they trust the most aren't always used most heavily; YouTube and Facebook are often sources for news but not trusted much

Brian Welk / IndieWire:
The Tribeca Festival and OpenAI plan to feature five short films made using OpenAI's text-to-video tool Sora on June 15

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