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11:15 AM ET, March 10, 2020


 Top Items: 
Jeffery Martin / Newsweek:
Republican mayor drops Donald Trump for Joe Biden in key swing state of Michigan  —  With Tuesday's Democratic primaries hours away, former Vice President Joe Biden has found an unexpected supporter in Sterling Heights, Michigan Mayor Michael Taylor, a Republican.
Ken Meyer / Mediaite:
Michigan Republican Mayor Who Voted For Trump Switches To Biden: ‘Even More Deranged Now Than I Thought Then’  —  A Michigan mayor and longtime Republican has decided to renounce President Donald Trump in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden.  —  The Chicago Tribune has released a profile …
Discussion: The Week
Sean Colarossi / POLITICUSUSA:
Kamala Harris Looks Like A VP As She Brings Down The House At Biden's Michigan Rally  —  California Sen. Kamala Harris - seen by many as a top contender for a vice presidential slot - brought down the house at Joe Biden's jam-packed Detroit rally on Monday night.
Bill Ruthhart / Chicago Tribune:
Democrats' path to the White House runs through places like Michigan's Macomb County …
Monique O. Madan / Miami Herald:
Trump administration orders immigration courts to immediately remove coronavirus posters  —  Immigration court staff nationwide have been ordered by the Trump administration to take down all coronavirus posters from courtrooms and waiting areas.  —  The Executive Office for Immigration Review …
Discussion: ImmigrationProf Blog and CNN
White House plan for economic response to coronavirus is ‘not there right now,’ officials say  — The White House is far from ready to roll out specific economic proposals in its response to the widening impact of the coronavirus outbreak, administration officials said.
Washington Post:
From tweet eruptions to economic steps, Trump struggles for calm amid market meltdown and coronavirus crisis
Discussion: Politico and National Review
CDC tells people over 60 or who have chronic illnesses like diabetes to stock up on goods and buckle down for a lengthy stay at home  — The CDC is expanding its guidance for people at extreme risk of serious illness, like those over 60 or with underlying health conditions.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Business Insider:
One chart shows how many coronavirus tests per capita have been completed in 8 countries.  The US is woefully behind.  — As the coronavirus spreads globally — more than 100 countries have reported cases — governments are ramping up testing.  — South Korea and China have tested hundreds of thousands of cases.
Discussion: Bangor Daily News
Robinson Meyer / The Atlantic:
America's Coronavirus Testing Still Isn't Moving Fast Enough
John Walcott / TIME:
The Trump Administration Is Stalling an Intel Report That Warns the U.S. Isn't Ready for a Global Pandemic  —  An annual intelligence report that has been postponed without explanation by President Donald Trump's administration warns that the U.S. remains unprepared for a global pandemic …
Discussion: The Root and Balloon Juice
Megan Brenan / Gallup:
Approval of U.S. Congressional Republicans Tops Democrats  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — More Americans approve of the job congressional Republicans are doing than of congressional Democrats' performance — 40% vs. 35%.  The rating for Republicans in Congress has risen six percentage points since late October …
Jane C. Timm / NBC News:
Democrats vote: What the polls show for Biden and Sanders in Michigan, other states  —  The former vice president has been on the move since winning big on Super Tuesday last week.  —  Democratic voters in six states will make their choices for president known Tuesday, when more than 350 delegates are at stake.
Cameron Peters / Vox:
When polls close on March 10 — and when we might get results
Discussion: Mediaite, Daily Kos and The Week
Jonathan Cohn / HuffPost:
Bernie Sanders Is Hoping For Another, Much-Needed Upset In Michigan
Quinta Jurecic / The Atlantic:
Incompetence Exacerbated by Malevolence  —  Throughout the many disasters that have befallen the Trump administration, one theme has remained a constant: malevolence tempered by incompetence.  That description emerged from a text-message conversation between the two of us in January 2017 …
Discussion: Washington Post, New York Times and CNN
Catherine Rampell / Washington Post:
This is the YOLO presidency  —  Two weeks ago, after stocks …
Discussion: Raw Story
Rick Newman / Yahoo Finance:   America's worst financial adviser
Mike DeBonis / Washington Post:
Three GOP congressmen who interacted with Trump say they are quarantining after contact with coronavirus carrier  —  The incoming White House chief of staff, Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, was among three Republican congressmen who said Monday that they were quarantining themselves …
Discussion: HuffPost and Slate
Billy House / Bloomberg:   Trump Hasn't Been Tested for Virus But Top Aide Is Quarantined
Emily Goodin / Daily Mail:
Gaetz goes into quarantine AFTER flying on Air Force One with Trump
Discussion: Redstate, Breitbart and The Hill
New York Times:
Trump Floats Economic Stimulus in Response to Coronavirus
Keith A. Spencer / Salon:
There is hard data that shows “Bernie Bros” are a myth  —  A computational social scientist's study shows Bernie's Twitter followers act pretty much the same as everyone else  —  Mainstream pundits and politicians continue to obsess over the stereotype of the “Bernie Bro,” …
Discussion: Political Junkie and The Outline
Anton Troianovski / New York Times:
Russia's Parliament Passes Law Enabling Putin to Run for President Again  —  In a carefully scripted appearance, President Vladimir V. Putin agreed that he should be allowed to seek two more terms, if the Constitutional Court agrees.  —  MOSCOW — At the urging of President Vladimir V. Putin …
Max Seddon / Financial Times:   Russia's proposed reforms could give Putin power until 2036
Becket Adams / Washington Examiner:
Trump has met his Hurricane Katrina, media declare for the umpteenth time  —  An MSNBC roundtable agreed this weekend that President Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak could be his Katrina moment, a reference, of course, to President George W. Bush's much-maligned handling of the 2005 hurricane of the same name.
Discussion: Townhall and CNN
Cristian Salazar / The Guardian:
‘Remember us’: could Trump lose Florida because of hurricane refugees?
Discussion: Raw Story
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Three reasons Joe Biden will never be president  —  Joe Biden was sworn into the United States Senate on January 3, 1973.  He remained in the Senate until January 15, 2009 — a span of 36 years.  If history is any guide, that alone is a disqualifier in Biden's quest for the White House.
Discussion: Power Line
Tom Bossert / Washington Post:
It's now or never for the U.S. if it hopes to keep coronavirus from burning out of control  —  This column has been updated.  —  Tom Bossert served as homeland security adviser to President Trump from 2017 to 2018.  —  The first phase of the coronavirus outbreak was a domestic challenge …
Discussion: Raw Story
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
Tlaib Pictured in T-Shirt That Erases Israel Off the Map  —  Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) was recently pictured sporting a t-shirt that portrays the modern state of Israel as belonging entirely to Palestine.  —  Tlaib, one of Congress's leading critics of Israel, was pictured in the t-shirt …
Discussion: Twitchy
New York Times:
Russia Trying to Stoke U.S. Racial Tensions Before Election, Officials Say  —  Russian intelligence services are trying to incite violence by white supremacist groups to sow chaos in the United States, American intelligence officials said.  —  WASHINGTON — The Russian government has stepped …
Discussion: Just Security
Walter Russell Mead / Wall Street Journal:
Trump and the Pandemic  —  The virus can't be bluffed or bullied and will soon become his greatest adversary.  —  The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest challenge Donald Trump has ever faced.  As stock markets fall and patient numbers rise, the epidemic threatens the lives of some Americans …
Discussion: Raw Story
Associated Press:   Trump talks down virus as his properties face possible hit
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Ben Schreckinger / Politico:
'My phone's been blowing up': CPAC attendees rip the group's virus messaging  —  A CPAC attendee infected with coronavirus attended multiple days of the conference on a gold-level VIP ticket as well as a Friday night Shabbat dinner associated with the event, according to people familiar with the situation.
The Daily Beast:
Trump Chatted With Taliban Leaders on Secret U.S. Kill-or-Capture List  —  The commander in chief got on the phone with people his government officially wants jailed or dead, Defense Department sources told The Daily Beast.  —  President Donald Trump's phone call with Taliban leaders last week …
Discussion: Associated Press
New York Times:
Economy Faces ‘Tornado-Like Headwind’ as Financial Markets Spiral  —  Crashing financial markets are increasing the risk of a vicious cycle that could usher in a recession.  —  The fast-spreading coronavirus and a plunge in oil prices set off a chain reaction in financial markets on Monday …
Discussion: CNBC and Associated Press
Irina Ivanova / CBS News:
As coronavirus recession threatens, economists recommend cash for people  —  The White House is preparing to meet with Wall Street executives to discuss measures to protect the economy from the coronavirus outbreak.  But Wall Street is low on the list of responses economists say the government should be considering.
Chris Kratzer / Cygnal:
Cygnal Poll: Tuberville Leads by Two Touchdowns Headed Into the 4th Quarter of the GOP Senate Primary Race  —  MONTGOMERY, Ala. - A week after Super Tuesday, former Auburn Tigers football coach Tommy Tuberville has a commanding lead in the Alabama primary runoff for U.S. Senate against former Senator …
Discussion: The Hill
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 More Items: 
New York Times:
What the Economy Needs From President Trump
Robin Shulman / New York Times:
It Took Me 3 E.R. Visits to Get a Coronavirus Test in New York
New York Times:
U.S. Military Reviewing Iraq Operations After 2 Troops Die Fighting ISIS
Discussion: Townhall, Task & Purpose and The Week
Todd Bensman / The Federalist:
Guatemalans Admit They're Illegally Entering The U.S. To Get Bigger Houses, Not Flee Violence
Rebecca R. Ruiz / New York Times:
Bloomberg's Job Security Promises Are Falling Through, Campaign Workers Say
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
‘She gets it.’ Haley endorses Loeffler at Marietta rally
 Earlier Items: 
USA Today:
Trump administration takes action to make portable electronic health records a reality
Discussion: Redstate
Wall Street Journal:
After a Buildup to Counter Iran, U.S. Troops Begin Leaving Mideast
Jonathan Capehart / Washington Post:
Why Kamala Harris waited for Warren to exit the race before endorsing Biden
Discussion: Althouse and PREVAIL
Carrie Campbell Severino / National Review:
Shame of the Senate  —  Senator Chuck Schumer's attack …
Justine Coleman / The Hill:
Gohmert returns to Congress despite possible coronavirus exposure after physician recommendation
Discussion: The Week and Axios
Renae Merle / Washington Post:
Securities and Exchange Commission asks D.C. employees to work from home after coronavirus scare
Discussion: CNN and New York Post
Washington Post:
Suddenly we need the ‘Deep State’ Trump has spent three years weakening and demeaning
Discussion: HuffPost
Sarah Longwell / New York Times:
‘Never Trump’ Republicans Will Support Biden, not Sanders

From Mediagazer:

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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