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10:00 PM ET, March 16, 2020


 Top Items: 
Alex Wickham / BuzzFeed:
The UK Only Realised “In The Last Few Days” That Its Coronavirus Strategy Would “Likely Result In Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths”  —  Scientists advising the government say an aggressive new approach adopted to attempt to “suppress” the virus may have to be in place for 18 months.
Discussion: Redstate
New York Times:
Trump Gives New Guidelines for Containment in the U.S.  —  President Trump announced new guidelines to control the spread of the virus, advising against gatherings of more than 10 people, as European nations sealed their borders.  —  RIGHT NOW Health officials ordered millions in six counties …
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves’  —  On a conference call with the nation's governors, President Trump said they should try to get ventilators on their own ahead of an expected crush of coronavirus cases.  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump told a group of governors …
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Andrew Cuomo Is the Control Freak We Need Right Now  —  In ordinary times, Mr. Cuomo's relentlessness and bullying drive New Yorkers crazy.  In the age of the coronavirus, they soothe our battered nerves.  —  “A crisis shows you a person's soul,” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo mused during a conference call with reporters on Sunday.
Discussion: Security, IJR, Townhall, Redstate and Gothamist
Spencer Hsu / Washington Post:
U.S. Justice Dept. abandons prosecution of Russian firm indicted in Mueller election interference probe  —  The U.S. Justice Department moved Monday to drop its two-year-long prosecution of a Russian company charged with orchestrating a social media campaign to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
New York Times:
Justice Dept. Moves to Drop Charges Against Russian Firms Filed by Mueller  —  The companies funded Russia's social media-fueled interference in the 2016 election, prosecutors said.  But they tried to weaponize the case instead of fight it.  —  WASHINGTON — The Justice Department moved …
Discussion: Fox News
Associated Press:
Feds dropping case for 2 Russian companies in troll probe
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Justice Department drops plans for trial over Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Rick Rouan / The Columbus Dispatch:
Coronavirus: Ohio election is up in air despite judge's ruling  —  Rick Rouan The Columbus Dispatch John Futty The Columbus Dispatch  —  After issuing a release that appears to defy a judge's ruling that Tuesday's primary must go forward, a source in the governor's office says that's not the case.
Laura Hancock / Plain Dealer:
Judge denies request to delay Ohio primary election until June over coronavirus  —  COLUMBUS, Ohio - A Franklin County judge on Monday night denied an effort backed by Gov. Mike DeWine, who sought to move Ohio's primary election until June over concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight
Laura Hancock / Plain Dealer:   Judge denies request to delay Ohio primary election until June over coronavirus
Rick Rouan / The Columbus Dispatch:
Coronavirus: Judge denies request to move Ohio Primary to June 2
Discussion: The Hill and New York Post
Dan Merica / CNN:
Court denies Ohio governor's request to delay Tuesday's primary until June due to coronavirus
Discussion: Twitchy
Washington Post:
On Fox News, suddenly a very different tune about the coronavirus  —  For weeks, some of Fox News's most popular hosts downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, characterizing it as a conspiracy by media organizations and Democrats to undermine President Trump.
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Rolling Stone
Daniel Desrochers / Lexington Herald-Leader:
McConnell calls on McGrath to take down political ads as coronavirus cripples Kentucky  —  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign called on a potential Democratic opponent — former Marine Corps pilot Amy McGrath — to stop running political advertisements during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Discussion: CNN
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
McConnell Has a Request for Veteran Federal Judges: Please Quit  —  The Senate majority leader has encouraged judges thinking about stepping down to do so soon to ensure that Republicans confirm their replacements this year.  —  WASHINGTON — Running out of federal court vacancies to fill …
Senate to take up coronavirus package after House passes revised bill
Politico:   Senate GOP punts on surveillance bill amid coronavirus crisis
Tim Morrison / Washington Post:
No, the White House didn't ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office.  I was there.  —  Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council.  —  President Trump gets his share of criticism — some warranted, much not.
Jeremy Konyndyk / Just Security:
Lessons Ignored: John Bolton's Bogus Defense of “Streamlining” Away Our Bio-Readiness
White House press secretary works from home after exposure to Brazil delegation with coronavirus
Erin Allday / San Francisco Chronicle:
Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ expected: Only essential businesses open in 6 counties with 6.7 million people until April 7  —  The San Francisco Chronicle has lifted the paywall on our coverage of this developing story to provide critical information to our community.
Before Trump's inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’  —  Seven days before Donald Trump took office, his aides faced a major test: the rapid, global spread of a dangerous virus in cities like London and Seoul, one serious enough that some countries were imposing travel bans.
Washington Post:
How U.S. coronavirus testing stalled: Flawed tests, red tape and resistance to using the millions of tests produced by the WHO  —  When Olfert Landt heard about the novel coronavirus, he got busy.  —  Founder of a small Berlin-based company, the ponytailed 54-year-old first raced …
Washington Post:
Casinos ask Congress for emergency aid as coronavirus toll sweeps industry  —  Gaming association says leaders should move ‘urgently’ to back casinos and their employees  —  Casinos have joined the airline industry in asking Congress for emergency financial help as Las Vegas …
CNBC:   White House braces for political fight as it readies coronavirus airline bailout package
Tim Wu / New York Times:
Don't Feel Sorry for the Airlines
New York Times:
Mayor Resisted Harsh Steps on Virus.  Then Aides Said They'd Quit.  —  Mayor Bill de Blasio hesitated to close schools and restaurants, but pushback from advisers changed his mind.  He still went to the gym Monday.  —  For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge …
Lindsay Schnell / USA Today:
California, Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington close bars and restaurants in effort to slow coronavirus  —  The governors in five states — California, Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington — closed bars, restaurants and wineries in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:   America begins drinking at home
Mihir Zaveri / New York Times:
Be Wary of Those Texts From a Friend of a Friend's Aunt  —  Text messages claiming to have inside knowledge were the latest example of misinformation spreading amid anxiety about the coronavirus.  —  The text messages have largely followed a pattern: The author claims to have a connection …
Ben Collins / NBC News:   False coronavirus rumors surge in ‘hidden viral’ text messages
Mark Weiner / Syracuse Post-Standard:
Former Rep. Richard Hanna, GOP moderate from Upstate NY, dies at 69  —  WASHINGTON - Former U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna, a fiercely independent Republican from Upstate New York who championed LGBT and women's rights, died Sunday at a hospital in Oneida County.  He was 69.
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
Americans kept wondering what the president wanted them to do about coronavirus.  Finally, Trump offered some guidance.  —  President Trump for weeks dismissed the danger of the novel coronavirus.  He distracted himself by stoking unrelated feuds and nursing grievances.
Discussion: NPR, Mediaite, The Hill and CNN
Associated Press:
Coronavirus vaccine test opens as US volunteer gets 1st shot  —  SEATTLE (AP) — U.S. researchers gave the first shot to the first person in a test of an experimental coronavirus vaccine Monday — leading off a worldwide hunt for protection even as the pandemic surges.
Dareh Gregorian / NBC News:
NBC News projects Joe Biden wins Washington state primary  —  Bernie Sanders won the state in a landslide in the 2016 Democratic caucuses there.  —  NBC News projects that former Vice President Joe Biden has won the Democratic primary in Washington state.  —  With 99 percent of the vote …
Discussion: Politico and New Republic
New York Times:
Inside the Coronavirus Response: A Case Study in the White House Under Trump  —  Infighting, turf wars and a president more concerned with the stock market and media coverage than policy have defined the Trump White House.  They have also defined how it has handled a pandemic.
ABC News:
Coronavirus live updates: Major cities shutdown  —  COVID-19 has reached 49 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.  —  Major cities are shutting down restaurants, bars, gyms and schools to try to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, which has killed at least 73 people in the United States.
John Solomon / Just The News:
Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn  —  A little-noticed letter from special counsel Robert Mueller's office divulges Obama DOJ concerns about FBI treatment of ex-Trump national security adviser.  —  Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates …
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
SoftBank Owned Patent Troll, Using Monkey Selfie Law Firm, Sues To Block Covid-19 Testing, Using Theranos Patents  —  from the and-that's-not-even-all-the-insane- parts dept  —  Honestly, I wasn't sure how to begin this story or how to fit all the insanity into the title.
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 More Items: 
Bernie Sanders / Jezebel:
The Fight For Reproductive Freedom Is Happening Right Now
Ron Paul /
The Coronavirus Hoax  —  Governments love crises because when …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Lisa Marie Pane / Associated Press:
Virus fears fuel spike in sales of guns and ammunition
Discussion: Rolling Stone
New York Times:
Falls Short of Enacting Limits That Other Nations Required
Discussion: The Hill
Sister Toldjah / Redstate:
Dan Bongino and Others Call out NYT Editor for Altering Trump Quote From Conference Call With Governors
Discussion: Instapundit
Mariya Petkova / Al Jazeera:
Concern mounts of ‘catastrophic’ coronavirus outbreak in Syria
Morgan Chalfant / The Hill:
Trump gives himself 10 out of 10 on coronavirus response
Discussion: Washington Post
 Earlier Items: 
Andrew O'Reilly / Fox News:
Trump releases guidelines to slow coronavirus spread in ‘15 days,’ but warns crisis could stretch to summer
Discussion: Redstate
Elizabeth Warren: We need a grassroots stimulus package
Bryn Elise Sandberg / Hollywood Reporter:
‘Saturday Night Live’ Suspends Next Three Shows Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Discussion: Jezebel and Raw Story
Philip Klein / Washington Examiner:
Trump is finally starting to get it on coronavirus
Jonathan Capehart / Washington Post:
The buck never, ever stops with Trump
Discussion: Common Dreams
The Appeal:
The Coronavirus Response: Spotlight on State & Local Governments
Discussion: New York Times and Fox News

From Techmeme:

Tom Warren / The Verge:
Nvidia said newly announced RTX AI PC laptops from Asus and MSI will have up to GeForce RTX 4070 GPUs and “systems-on-a-chip with Windows 11 AI PC capabilities”

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

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