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8:55 AM ET, April 14, 2020


 Top Items: 
Reid J. Epstein / New York Times:
Upset Victory in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Gives Democrats a Lift  —  A liberal challenger's surprise triumph over a Trump-backed incumbent demonstrated strong turnout and vote-by-mail efforts for the Democrats in a key general election state.  —  Democrats scored an enormous political …
Patrick Marley / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Liberal Jill Karofsky defeats conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly  —  MADISON - Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky won the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court, narrowing the conservative majority after a tumultuous election conducted in the midst of a global pandemic …
Daniel Bice / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
All seven Supreme Court justices voted absentee, even those who hadn't in the past  —  (Photo: Michael Sears / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)  —  When the state Supreme Court took up Gov. Tony Evers' last-minute order to delay the April 7 election, they didn't have to worry about one possible consequence of their decision.
Washington Post:
Liberal challenger defeats conservative incumbent in Wisconsin Supreme Court race
New York Times:   How a Supreme Court Decision Curtailed the Right to Vote in Wisconsin
James Carville / NBC News:
Trump poll numbers look good for Biden. But Republicans can still win in 2020 — if they cheat.
Griff Witte / Washington Post:
South Dakota's governor resisted ordering people to stay home.  Now it has one of the nation's largest coronavirus hot spots.  —  As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota's top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home.
NBC News:
Biden's Biden: How the former VP is approaching his running mate search  —  The former vice president has already broken a lot of the guidelines that past nominees have used in conducting their running mate searches.  —  WASHINGTON — The selection of a vice presidential running mate …
Discussion: MSNBC
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:   Hello, What's This? The Democrats Aren't in Disarray
Ezra Klein / Vox:   How Joe Biden won over Bernie Sanders — and the Democratic Party
Glenn Thrush / New York Times:
‘Accelerate the Endgame’: Obama's Role in Wrapping Up the Primary
Bruce Bartlett / USA Today:
Ex-Republican on Trump coronavirus failures: Our lives depend on electing Joe Biden.
California Governor:
California, Oregon & Washington Announce Western States Pact
Jesse McKinley / New York Times:
‘Worst Is Over,’ Cuomo Says as States Snub Trump on Restarting Economy
Discussion: The Guardian
New York Times:
Latest Updates: Coronavirus Outbreak in New York
Jeremy B. White / Politico:
Trump claims ‘total authority’ over state decisions
Discussion: Associated Press and The Hill
Susan Page / USA Today:
Trump on the defensive: A White House coronavirus briefing becomes a campaign rally  —  It was a White House briefing like no other.  —  President Trump late Monday turned a White House briefing on the coronavirus into a fervent defense of his actions to respond to the deadly pandemic …
Discussion: Raw Story, The Week and Washington Post
Washington Post:
Independent Rep. Justin Amash says he's looking ‘closely’ at White House run
Discussion: The Hill
Ben Jacobs / New York Magazine:
Where the Risk of Coronavirus Comes With Unparalleled Access
Discussion: PressThink
Ashley Parker / Washington Post:   The Me President: Trump uses pandemic briefing to focus on himself
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses  —  Two years before the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the world, U.S. Embassy officials visited a Chinese research facility in the city of Wuhan several times and sent two official warnings …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and New York Post
Samantha J. Gross / Miami Herald:
DeSantis deems pro wrestling ‘essential business’ amid statewide stay-at-home order  —  Count professional wrestling among the essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies that can stay open despite coronavirus-related restrictions statewide.  —  WWE will continue taping …
Discussion: Raw Story
Devlin Barrett / Washington Post:
Anti-malarial drug touted by Trump was subject of CIA warning to employees  —  The CIA has privately advised its workforce that taking an anti-malarial drug touted by President Trump and some of his supporters as a promising treatment for the novel coronavirus has potentially dangerous side effects, including sudden death.
Ben Smith / New York Times:
The Times Took 19 Days to Report an Accusation Against Biden.  Here's Why.  —  Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, said the article was published when there was enough reporting “to present to readers for them to make their own judgment.”
David Folkenflik / NPR:
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife  —  Toggle more options  —  Michael Bloomberg's short-lived presidential bid reignited a long-simmering dispute over the widespread use of non-disclosure agreements at American corporations — especially at his own.
John Yoo / National Review:
No, Trump Can't Force States to Reopen  —  The Constitution reserves police powers for the states.  The president will have to make do with persuasion.  —  President Donald Trump is appointing a new “Opening Our Country” task force today to jumpstart the economy by early …
Discussion: Reason and CNN
Kim Wehle / The Bulwark:
Trump Claims ‘Total’ Authority to Order States Open
Discussion: Washington Post, NPR and Breitbart
Biden Extends Lead in Arizona  —  PHOENIX (April 14th, 2020) -As Arizona residents endure a stay-at-home order and thousands of people suffer from coronavirus, President Donald Trump continues to fall in a head-to-head matchup with former Vice President Joe Biden.
Lee Brown / New York Post:
Virginia pastor who defiantly held church service dies of coronavirus  —  He practiced what he preached — then he died of coronavirus.  —  An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I'm in jail or the hospital.”
Matthew Herper / STAT:
Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline collaborate to speed up coronavirus vaccine development  —  The French drug giant Sanofi said Tuesday that it plans to use technology from GlaxoSmithKline to accelerate the development of its experimental vaccine against the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
Marc Lipsitch / New York Times:
Who Is Immune to the Coronavirus?
Pelosi looks to seize Trump's bully pulpit  —  As President Donald Trump beams into American homes with his daily coronavirus briefings, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided the best way to counter him is to be everywhere — even if that means doing so from her San Francisco kitchen.
Miami Herald:
Everyone on exclusive Fisher Island, even the staff, can get tested for coronavirus  —  Fisher Island — an exclusive enclave of multi-million dollar condos and homes and one of the wealthiest ZIP Codes in the country — has purchased thousands of rapid COVID-19 blood test kits from the University …
Nancy Cook / Politico:
Trump's grand reopening council triggers a slew of new questions  —  A day before President Donald Trump promised to unveil his latest task force — one devoted to reopening the economy as soon as possible — the White House was still scrambling to fortify its membership …
Discussion: Associated Press
Matthew Boyle / Breitbart:
Governors, White House Race to Reopen America
Fact check: A list of false claims from Trump's bitter coronavirus briefing  —  Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump delivered another litany of false and misleading claims on Monday at a White House coronavirus briefing during which he repeatedly accused the media of dishonesty.
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 More Items: 
Adela Suliman / NBC News:
Coronavirus: As world set to reach 2 million cases, leaders come under scrutiny
Trump's Key 2020 States Reel Under Twin Blows of Virus, Job Loss
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo:
Massachusetts Joins New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island's …
Tony Romm / Washington Post:
More than 2,100 U.S. cities brace for budget shortfalls due to coronavirus, new survey finds …
Rich Lowry / New York Post:
It looks like Putin conned the FBI into the ‘Russiagate’ probe
Wall Street Journal:
States Move to Coordinate on Reopening Plans
 Earlier Items: 
Report: 28 Million Mail Ballots Went Missing in Past Decade
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Cassandra Fairbanks / The Gateway Pundit:
GOP Rep. Massie Warns US is ‘Weeks Away, Not Months,’ From Food Shortages
Discussion: IJR
Gov. Gavin Newsom Sued by Church Leaders Over Lockdown Restrictions
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Scottie Andrew / CNN:
Nearly 30% in the US believe a coronavirus theory that's almost certainly not true
Discussion: The Guardian
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult:
Net Approval for Trump's Handling of Coronavirus Dips Underwater
Jessica Piper / Bangor Daily News:
Poll: Mainers trust state government more than feds on coronavirus response
Discussion: The Hill and POLITICUSUSA