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7:40 AM ET, April 20, 2020


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti-quarantine protests  —  A trio of far-right, pro-gun provocateurs is behind some of the largest Facebook groups calling for anti-quarantine protests around the country, offering the latest illustration that some seemingly organic demonstrations …
Jasmin Barmore / Detroit News:
5-year-old with rare complication becomes first Michigan child to die of COVID-19  —  A month ago, 5-year-old Skylar Herbert complained to her parents that she had a bad headache.  —  On Sunday, after spending two weeks on a ventilator, the Detroit girl died.
Discussion: Fox News
Rob Gillies / Associated Press:
Police: At least 10 killed in shooting rampage in Canada  —  TORONTO (AP) — A 51-year-old man went on a shooting rampage across the northern part of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia Sunday, killing at least 10 people, including a policewoman.  Officials said the suspected shooter was also dead.
Discussion: The Week and ABC News
Nova Scotia / Canadian Press:
RCMP officer among 17 confirmed dead in Nova Scotia killing spree  —  Suspected shooter was killed after being intercepted by officers in Enfield, N.S.  —  RCMP say 17 people are dead, including one of their officers, after a man who at one point wore a police uniform and drove a mock …
Wall Street Journal:
Coronavirus Testing Hampered by Disarray, Shortages, Backlogs  —  State officials and labs say competition for supplies and questionable results are prolonging the national crisis  —  Amid efforts to expand coronavirus testing, laboratory operators and state health officials are navigating …
Discussion: Raw Story
Patrick Cooley / The Columbus Dispatch:
Coronavirus in Ohio: More than 1,800 inmates at Marion Correctional test positive  —  Patrick Cooley Jim Woods The Columbus Dispatch  —  The total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus rose to 11,602 cases on Sunday  —  Coronavirus has overtaken a vast majority of the prison population …
Discussion: New York Post
David Wallace-Wells / New York Magazine:
The White House Has Erected A Blockade Stopping States and Hospitals From Getting Coronavirus PPE  —  Whenever you start to think that the federal government under Donald Trump has hit a moral bottom, it finds a new way to shock and horrify.  —  Over the last few weeks, it has started to appear as though …
Discussion: WBUR and Daily Kos
Ben Smith / New York Times:
The U.S. Tried to Teach China a Lesson About the Media.  It Backfired.  —  American journalists were showing the world the devastating effects of China's botched response to the coronavirus.  Now, many have been kicked out.  —  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is better known for yelling at journalists than consoling them.
Josh Taylor / The Guardian:
Facebook and Google to be forced to share advertising revenue with Australian media companies  —  Mandatory code being developed by ACCC will create ‘level playing field’ in media landscape, Josh Frydenberg says  —  Facebook and Google will be forced to share advertising revenue …
Derek Wallbank / Bloomberg:
Shake Shack Will Return Its Entire $10 Million U.S. Government Loan  —  Shake Shack, the U.S.-based burger chain, will return its entire $10 million loan from the U.S. government, the company's leaders said in a statement, amid widespread criticism over who got access to the funds aimed …
Discussion: NBC News, Axios and LinkedIn
Bernie Sanders / New York Times:
The Foundations of American Society Are Failing Us  —  The unequal impact of the pandemic and economic collapse are forcing us to rethink the assumptions of our system.  —  Mr. Sanders is a senator from Vermont and former Democratic candidate for president.
Discussion: Common Dreams
Piers Morgan says his friend President Trump is ‘failing the American people’  —  New York (CNN Business)The coronavirus pandemic is “the biggest news story that any of us have every dealt with,” Piers Morgan says, and it requires “a different approach from the traditional news anchor approach.”
David French / The French Press:
Evangelicals Have Abandoned the Character Test.  The Competence Test is Next.  —  On April 15, the United States hit a horrifying milestone.  It not only crossed 30,000 total COVID-19 deaths, but for the fourth consecutive day, the daily death toll was so high that COVID-19 was the single leading cause of death in the United States.
James Arkin / Politico:
Democrats' momentum puts Senate majority in play  —  Republicans started this election cycle as heavy favorites to keep their Senate majority, with a lineup of elections mostly in red-tinted states and GOP incumbents favored over a slate of relatively unknown and untested challengers.
Trump won't say whether he will pardon Manafort and Stone, calls FBI investigators ‘human scum’  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump Sunday would not say whether he will pardon several former associates who were convicted after being charged as part of the Mueller probe, including former campaign …
Aaron Lorenzo / Politico:
Tax-refund delays mount as IRS struggles with snail mail amid shutdown  —  The IRS is piling unopened business tax refund requests into storage trailers and advising companies to file by fax instead.  It's stopped answering phone calls on taxpayer assistance lines.
Charlie Warzel / New York Times:
Protesting for the Right to Catch the Coronavirus  —  The reopen America protests are the logical conclusion of a twisted liberty movement.  —  Mr. Warzel is an Opinion writer at large.  —  At a string of small “reopen America” protests across the country this week, mask-less citizens …
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump money machine overcomes coronavirus in March  —  The Republican National Committee raised a record $24 million last month, an early indication that President Donald Trump's fundraising machine could be able to withstand the economic collapse brought on by the coronavirus.
Washington Post:
Trump administration, congressional leaders near deal on virus aid that includes major boost for small businesses  —  Pact would add aid for hospitals and testing and around $300 billion to restart small-business loan program  —  The Trump administration and congressional leaders closed …
Washington Post:
Americans at World Health Organization transmitted real-time information about coronavirus to Trump administration  —  More than a dozen U.S. researchers, physicians and public health experts, many of them from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were working full …
Washington Post:
Trump says government will step up coronavirus testing efforts, after governors blast federal inaction  —  President Trump said on Sunday that the federal government is stepping up efforts to obtain vital supplies for coronavirus testing, hours after several governors from both parties faulted …
Discussion: The Seattle Times and Politico
Meredith Deliso / ABC News:
Residents protest coronavirus stay-at-home orders in 5 states  —  Protests occurred in Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee and Washington.  —  Opposition to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders has continued to build from coast to coast, with at least five states the site of protests Sunday.
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Trump, Fox News are trying to gin up a new Tea Party to distract you from their deadly failures  —  One carried a sign with Patrick Henry's famed Revolutionary-era quote — “Give me liberty or give me death!”  — and parked herself in front of a shuttered Baskin-Robbins to show her determination …
Discussion: The Atlantic, The Mahablog and Vox
Liz Sly / Laredo Morning News:
Stirrings of unrest could portend turmoil as economies collapse  —  BEIRUT -As more than half the people in the world hunker down under some form of enforced confinement, stirrings of political and social unrest are pointing to a new, potentially turbulent phase in the global effort to stem the coronavirus pandemic.
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Scoop: Klobuchar to appear on Biden podcast amid VP rumors  —  Sen. Amy Klobuchar is the next guest on Joe Biden's podcast “Here's the Deal,” which was previewed by Axios before it comes out tomorrow.  —  Why it matters: You can't have conversations with Democratic operatives …
Discussion: The Hill
Kristen Jordan Shamus / Detroit Free Press:
Family ravaged by coronavirus begged for tests, hospital care, but was repeatedly denied  —  The man who raised Keith Gambrell, who loved him like a son and married his mother, died in a blue recliner of novel coronavirus in his Grosse Pointe Woods home.  —  Gary Fowler, 56 …
Uri Friedman / The Atlantic:
New Zealand's Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet  —  The coronavirus pandemic may be the largest test of political leadership the world has ever witnessed.  Every leader on the planet is facing the same potential threat.  Every leader is reacting differently, in his or her own style.
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
DNC cheers 23 tweets from reporters ripping Trump, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and Al Jazeera  —  The Democratic National Committee's 2020 war room rolled out some new ammunition in its bid to take down President Trump and belittle his fight against the coronavirus …
Discussion: NB Blog
The Seattle Times:
AND THE TEAM PLAYED ON  —  As COVID-19 fears grew, public officials and sports executives weighed health risks — and a PR message — but let 33,000 fans into a Sounders match on March 7.  At what cost?  —  Despite coronavirus concerns, some 33,000 fans attended the Seattle Sounders vs …
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Hold these Republicans accountable for deaths caused by recklessness  —  President Trump tweeted a series of all-caps messages Friday that Virginia, Michigan and Minnesota —states with responsible stay-at-home orders — should “LIBERATE” themselves.  It's not clear whether this was a suggestion …
Discussion: Raw Story
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 More Items: 
Jamil Anderlini / Financial Times:
Why China is losing the coronavirus narrative
Karol Markowicz / New York Post:
Andrew Cuomo owes a genuine back-to-work plan to New Yorkers
Neil MacFarquhar / New York Times:
Oklahoma City Marks 25 Years Since America's Deadliest Homegrown Attack
Discussion: TalkLeft
Alayna Treene / Axios:
First look: Victoria Coates denies being “Anonymous”
Discussion: Fox News and The Hill
Anderson Cooper / CBS News:
Addressing the strain the coronavirus has put on America's food supply chain with José Andrés
New York Times:
Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump, Facing Criticism, Vows to Increase Swab Production
Discussion: Raw Story
K Street is booming. But there's a creeping sense of dread.
Discussion: Raw Story
Hyung-jin Kim / Associated Press:
North Korea denies that Kim sent Trump ‘a nice note’
 Earlier Items: 
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Boris Johnson skipped five virus briefings in early days of pandemic
Ellen Knickmeyer / Associated Press:
'They're killing us,' Texas residents say of Trump rollbacks
Catherine Lucey / Wall Street Journal:
More Americans Fear Lifting Coronavirus Restrictions Too Soon, WSJ/NBC Poll Says
Discussion: Slate and Mother Jones
Associated Press:
‘Cartels are scrambling’: Virus snarls global drug trade
New York Times:
Covid-19 Antibody Test, Seen as Key to Reopening Country, Does Not Yet Deliver
Discussion: Washington Post

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming in 2024

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Stablecoin provider Tether says it made a synthetic dollar that is backed by gold and will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain

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