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12:35 PM ET, April 24, 2020


 Top Items: 
Jordan Valinsky / CNN:
Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products  —  New York (CNN Business)The company that makes Lysol is urging customers not to consume its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants to protect people from coronavirus.
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Fact Check: No, Trump Didn't Propose Injecting People with Disinfectant  —  CLAIM: President Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to cure coronavirus.  —  VERDICT: False.  Trump was speaking generally about new information about sunlight, heat, and disinfectant killing the virus.
Washington Post:
Trump asked if disinfectants could be injected to kill the coronavirus inside the body.  Doctors answered: ‘People will die.’  —  After a presentation Thursday that touched on the disinfectants that can kill the novel coronavirus on surfaces and in the air, President Trump pondered whether …
Lauren Egan / NBC News:
Lysol manufacturer warns against internal use after Trump comments  —  A spokesperson for the cleaning product company said it had a responsibility to give accurate info to the public.  —  WASHINGTON — The manufacturer for Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product …
Dartunorro Clark / NBC News:
Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and ‘clean’ the lungs  —  A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option.  —  Trump suggests injecting disinfectant into the body to treat coronavirus
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Media erupt over Trump comments on disinfectant and sunlight to cure coronavirus: Here's what he said  —  President Trump spars with Washington Post's White House bureau chief: I'm the president and you're fake news  —  President Trump, in his White House coronavirus task force briefing Thursday …
Discussion: New York Times
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Eat More Potatoes, America  —  Is It Really Too Much to Ask That We Focus, People?  —  In just about every major publication in the country today, the lead story is that President Trump has once again said something outrageous in yesterday's briefing about the virus response.
Washington Post:
Live updates: Trump's comments prompt doctors to warn against injecting disinfectants …
Discussion: Novara Media
NBC News:   Facebook ads, conspiracy theorists pushed bleach consumption and UV ray cures
David Smith / The Guardian:
Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump's theory of ‘disinfectant injection’
Discussion: HuffPost
Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon  —  Donald Trump is warning “China will own the United States” if Joe Biden is elected president.  —  But Trump himself is tens of millions of dollars in debt to China: In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced …
Discussion: WLNS-TV, Raw Story and
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump's poor poll numbers trigger GOP alarms over November  —  Senior Republicans and President Donald Trump's campaign are wrestling with how to best position him for November as the coronavirus poses a grave threat to his reelection.  —  With Trump's poll figures sagging …
Discussion: Bloomberg, Raw Story and NBC News
The Daily Beast:   Team Trump Fears Suburban Women Will Destroy Him in 2020—and That Coronavirus Is Making It Worse
Kate Sullivan / CNN:
Biden says he thinks Trump will try to delay the presidential election
Matthew Choi / Politico:
Biden predicts Trump will try to delay November election
Discussion: IJR
Marty Johnson / The Hill:
Biden predicts Trump will try to delay November election
Berkeley Lovelace Jr / CNBC:
FDA issues warnings on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine after ‘serious poisoning and death’ reported  —  An employee checks the production of chloroquine phosphate, resumed after a 15-year break, in a pharmaceutical company in Nantong city in east China's Jiangsu province Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020.
Discussion: Discourse Blog
Berkeley Lovelace Jr / CNBC:   Citing a ‘primary outcome’ of death, researchers cut chloroquine coronavirus study short over safety concerns
New York Times:
Trump and the Coronavirus: A Sour President, Home Alone at the White House  —  As his administration grapples with reopening the economy, President Trump is worried about his re-election and how the news media is portraying him.  —  Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Kill Viruses.  ‘Not as a Treatment,’ Birx Says.
New York Times:
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Kill Viruses.  ‘Not as a Treatment,’ Birx Says.  —  At a briefing, the president promoted unproven treatments and asked Dr. Deborah Birx if she had heard of the success of sunlight as a tool against viruses.  —  LIVE UPDATES, 4 minutes ago  —  Global
Discussion: The Daily Dot and Twitchy
Associated Press:
Trump approved of Georgia's reopen plan before bashing it  —  President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence repeatedly told Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp that they approved of his aggressive plan to allow businesses to reopen, just a day before Trump pulled an about-face and publicly bashed the plan …
Alana Goodman / Washington Free Beacon:
Man Who Died Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner Remembered as Intelligent, Levelheaded Engineer  —  In death, he has become famous as a cautionary tale about the risks of mindlessly following the armchair medical advice President Donald Trump has dispensed from the White House podium.
Discussion: Twitchy
Astead W. Herndon / New York Times:
Black Leaders Want a Black Woman as Biden's Running Mate.  But Who?  —  Among black leaders close to Joe Biden, a commitment to selecting a woman is not enough.  They have publicly and privately pushed him to select a black woman to fuel black voter enthusiasm.
David Eggert / Associated Press:
Whitmer extends stay-home order through May 15, eases rules  —  LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday lengthened her stay-at-home order through May 15, while lifting restrictions so some businesses can reopen and the public can participate in outdoor activities like golf …
The Daily Beast:
Top Dem Operative David Brock Accused of Illegally Profiting From His Political Empire by Conservative Group  —  The complaint with the IRS, which comes from Patriots Foundation, details legally murky interactions between various entities in the Brock network.
Discussion: VodkaPundit
Todd J. Gillman / Dallas Morning News:
No, Trump did not put a Labradoodle breeder in charge of COVID-19 response  —  Yes, the family of the HHS chief of staff sold fancy puppies, but that's not how he got the job, and in any case he wasn't in charge of the coronavirus task force, no matter what you've read online.
Phil Owen / The Wrap:
Giuliani Calls COVID-19 Contact Tracing ‘Ridiculous’: ‘We Should Trace Everybody for Cancer’ (Video)  —  Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News Thursday night to talk about how New York governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the state's coronavirus response.
Susan Glasser / New Yorker:
Fifty Thousand Americans Dead from the Coronavirus, and a President Who Refuses to Mourn Them  —  In just the past few days, President Trump has blamed immigrants, China, the “fake news” and, of course, “the invisible enemy” of the coronavirus for America's present troubles.
Discussion: The Week
Kathleen Gray / Detroit Free Press:
Michigan Legislature wants to create committee to oversee Whitmer's coronavirus response  —  In the midst of the continuing spread of the coronavirus in Michigan, the Michigan Legislature has scheduled a special session for Friday to create an oversight committee to examine how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer …
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
The coronavirus crisis shows the risks of scientific collaboration with China  —  Since my column last week revealing safety concerns regarding the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), some Western scientists have come to the defense of the lab and its scientists.
Discussion: Vox, NPR and NATIONAL ENDOWMENT …
Timothy Egan / New York Times:
Facing the Coronavirus, Republicans Aren't So Pro-Life After All  —  People are disposable.  So is income.  For the ‘pro-life’ party, one is more important.  —  I look at the numbers every day, sometimes every hour, sometimes before dawn.  China is not to be trusted.  Nor is Russia.
Dan Diamond / Politico:
Trump team moves to scrap protections for LGBTQ patients  —  The Trump administration is moving to scrap an Obama-era policy that protected LGBTQ patients from discrimination, alarming health experts who warn that the regulatory rollback could harm vulnerable people during a pandemic.
Discussion: Raw Story
Amy Walter / The Cook Political Report:
Just What Will Voting Look Like This Fall?  —  One of the most immediate repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on our politics is its impact on who votes and how they do it.  Before COVID-19, there was an expectation for record-breaking turnout in 2020.  After all, turnout in the 2018 midterm election hit a 100-year high.
New York Times:
Opposed to Bailouts, but in This Case Willing to Take One  —  Some conservative nonprofit groups are seeking financial help to weather the coronavirus crisis.  Some liberal organizations are putting aside different qualms to make the same request.  —  WASHINGTON — Among the applicants …
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 More Items: 
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Inside Trump's obsession with Iranian gunboats
Aaron Glantz / Reveal:
Bailout money bypasses hard-hit New York, California for North Dakota, Nebraska
Joy Pullmann / The Federalist:
Violent Threats, Hate Mail Hit Raleigh Church For Holding Services With Under 10 People
Zachary Warmbrodt / Politico:
Small business loans to restart Monday, Rubio says
NBC News:
America is failing to handle its worst crisis in 80 years
Arthur Beesley / Financial Times:
Trump golf course seeks a lifeline from Ireland
 Earlier Items: 
New York Times:
Ecuador's Death Toll During Outbreak Is Among the Worst in the World
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Moving Out and Not Coming Back  —  On the menu today …
NBC News:
Political influence skews Trump's coronavirus response
Discussion: Daily Kos
Kendall Karson / ABC News:
Large majorities of Americans back coronavirus restrictions, slower return to normal: POLL
Discussion: The Week, Ipsos and Eschaton
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
‘Fox & Friends First’ Host Heather Childers Complains About Fox News Benching Her During Coronavirus
Liz Crampton / Politico:
Save your bacon: A real meat shortage looms with virus shutdowns
Discussion: VICE and Bloomberg
Gabrielle Hamilton / New York Times:
My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore?
Discussion: Family Meal and Fortune

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming this year

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Tether, the top stablecoin provider, says it made a new synthetic dollar that is backed by gold and will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on Ethereum Mainnet

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