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11:40 AM ET, April 26, 2020


 Top Items: 
White House weighing plan to replace Azar  —  White House officials are weighing a plan to replace Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, according to four people familiar with the discussions.  —  Among the names on the short list to replace Azar are White House coronavirus coordinator …
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
The White House tried to move a reporter to the back of the press room, but she refused.  Then Trump walked out.  —  A White House official ordered a CNN reporter to give up her front-row seat and move to the back of the press room before President Trump's briefing on Friday …
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
The White House attempts to humiliate CNN's Kaitlan Collins  —  CNN on Friday made sure its viewers knew not to inject bleach to protect themselves from covid-19.  In multiple segments, the network's hosts denounced President Trump's unfathomably dumb remarks from Thursday evening …
Discussion: CNN
Wall Street Journal:
White House in Talks to Replace Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
Discussion: The Week and The Hill
Jeremy Diamond / CNN:   White House officials are discussing plans to replace HHS Secretary Alex Azar
NBC News:   Fauci's absence from recent coronavirus briefings draws notice
Washington Post:
Kim Jong Un's train spotted at coastal resort, intel reports scotch death rumors  —  TOKYO — Evidence that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is still alive and in the coastal resort of Wonsan is mounting, as satellite images showed his train apparently traveled there in the past few days …
Discussion: The Week
Hyung-jin Kim / Associated Press:
Satellite imagery finds likely Kim train amid health rumors
Discussion: The Week and Washington Times
Washington Post:
13 hours of Trump: The president fills briefings with attacks and boasts, but little empathy  —  President Trump strode to the lectern in the White House briefing room Thursday and, for just over an hour, attacked his rivals, dismissing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden as a …
Discussion: Daily Kos
Charles Duhigg / New Yorker:
Seattle's Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead.  New York's Did Not  —  The initial coronavirus outbreaks on the East and West Coasts emerged at roughly the same time.  But the danger was communicated very differently.  —  The first diagnosis of the coronavirus in the United States occurred …
Ramesh Ponnuru / Bloomberg:
America Isn't Actually Doing So Badly Against Coronavirus  —  The U.S., like all countries, has made its share of mistakes, but that doesn't make it a “failed state.”  —  We don't have enough tests for Covid-19 in the U.S. President Donald Trump spent weeks minimizing the threat …
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News:
Biden accuser Tara Reade ‘lost total respect’ for CNN's Anderson Cooper for not asking former VP about assault claim  —  EXCLUSIVE: The woman who has accused Joe Biden of a sexual assault in the early 1990s says she's disappointed that CNN anchor Anderson Cooper failed to ask …
Charles Gaba / ACA Signups:
Michigan (and elsewhere): For anyone using the “It's a Detroit problem!” dog whistle, I have some bad news for you.  —  For the past month, I've spent an awful lot of time tracking COVID-19 cases and fatalities on a state-by-state level.  I'm obviously not the only one doing this …
Discussion: Axios
Nicole Winfield / Associated Press:
Perfect storm: Lombardy's virus disaster is lesson for world  —  ROME (AP) — As Italy prepares to emerge from the West's first and most extensive coronavirus lockdown, it is increasingly clear that something went terribly wrong in Lombardy, the hardest-hit region in Europe's hardest-hit country.
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:
Trump Turns Shared American Experiences Into Us vs. Them  —  Nostalgia for a time when Democratic leaders could embrace Republican leaders in a moment of crisis — and when a bipartisan group would gather for an annual roasting in Washington.  —  WASHINGTON — Last weekend …
Jonathan Rauch / The Atlantic:
It's George Wallace's World Now  —  he Republican Party has been taken over by an unscrupulous populist demagogue.  His loyalty is to himself, not to his party or any ideology.  He glories in violating political norms.  He trashes liberals and government bureaucrats but has no use for limiting …
Helena Bottemiller Evich / Politico:
USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared  —  Tens of millions of pounds of American-grown produce is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand, a two-pronged disaster that has deprived farmers of billions of dollars …
Washington Post:
'We're basically ill-prepared': Hobbled House majority frets about its effectiveness amid pandemic  —  House Democrats have blasted President Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic as inept and dangerous.  Party leaders insisted on the creation of a special committee to root out abuse …
Discussion: Politico and
San Francisco Chronicle:
Exclusive: Coronavirus caused heart to rupture in nation's first known victim, autopsy shows  —  The Santa Clara woman whose death from COVID-19 is the earliest so far known in the United States suffered a massive heart attack caused by coronavirus infection, signs of which were found throughout her body …
Discussion: Politico and The Hill
The Moscow Times:
Russia's New Military Mega-Church to Feature Putin, Stalin, Crimea Mosaics  —  The walls of Russia's new Orthodox cathedral dedicated to the Armed Forces will be decorated with the faces of President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Soviet leader Josef Stalin, the MBKh News website reported Friday.
J. Edward Moreno / The Hill:
Trump, Putin issue joint commemorative statement triggering concerns from government officials
A Labradoodle breeder, an internet thug and a college senior walk into the White House  —  Michael D'Antonio is the author of the book “Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success” and co-author with Peter Eisner of “The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence.”
Sean Sullivan / Washington Post:
Democrats see Senate suddenly within reach, boosted by Biden's ascent  —  Joe Biden's unexpectedly rapid consolidation of the Democratic presidential nomination has upended calculations in both parties about the U.S. Senate landscape, with Democrats hopeful that Biden can actively help …
New York Times:
One Rich N.Y. Hospital Got Warren Buffett's Help.  This One Got Duct Tape.  —  The inequities of New York City's health care system are clear at a public hospital in a section of Brooklyn hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.  —  It has been hours since the 71-year-old man in Room 3 …
Katherine Shaver / Stamford Advocate:
Experts worry ‘quarantine fatigue’ is starting  —  Researchers tracking smartphone data say they recently made a disturbing discovery: For the first time since states began implementing stay-at-home orders in mid-March to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, Americans are staying home less.
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 More Items: 
USA Today:
Federal coronavirus strategy lurches as plans to help states change, then change again
Julie McCarthy / NPR:
Praised For Curbing COVID-19, New Zealand's Leader Eases Country's Strict Lockdown
Kevin D. Williamson / National Review:
A Federal Bailout Won't Fix States' Finances
Janelle Griffith / NBC News:
Detroit health care worker dies after being denied coronavirus test 4 times, daughter says
Discussion: VICE
Lauren Fruen / Daily Mail:
Tens of thousands of Californians escape their homes to open beaches during a heatwave despite …
Matt Viser / Washington Post:
With rallies banned, Joe Biden welcomes voters to another kind of show
 Earlier Items: 
George Gilder / RealClearMarkets:
This Pandemic Is Over. Let's Stop the Economic Suicide, and Get Back to Work
Discussion: Florida Politics
Seung Min Kim / Washington Post:
Tensions emerge between Republicans over coronavirus spending and how to rescue the economy
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Daily News:
Cuomo: ‘I dare you’ to let states declare coronavirus bankruptcy in scathing new attack on GOP
Goli Sheikholeslami / WNYC News:
Statement From CEO Goli Sheikholeslami To The NYPR Staff On The Death Of WNYC's Richard Hake
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Biden wants a new stimulus ‘a hell of a lot bigger’ than $2 trillion
Discussion: The Hill, Bloomberg and Fox News
Washington Post:
Trump expands battle with World Health Organization far beyond aid suspension

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+ people: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use vs. two a decade ago, more

Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
TikTok expands its Symphony generative AI ad suite with dubbing, stock Digital Avatars based on paid actors, and custom Avatars resembling specific creators

Brian Steinberg / Variety:
NBCU partners with Group Black, a collective focused on Black-owned and Black-produced media, to launch multicultural content hub E!+ on Peacock

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