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8:01 PM ET, May 6, 2020


 Top Items: 
On the Same Day Sen. Richard Burr Dumped Stock, So Did His Brother-in-Law.  Then the Market Crashed.  —  The brother-in-law, a Trump appointee, sold between $97,000 and $280,000 worth of stock.  Burr is under federal investigation over whether he traded on non-public information gathered through his work in the Senate.
Discussion: Axios
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
Trump contradicts nurse in testy Oval Office exchange over coronavirus protective gear  — President Donald Trump contradicted a nurse who said that access to sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic “has been sporadic.”
Discussion: Raw Story
Jordan Fabian / Bloomberg:
Trump Contradicts Nurse Who Reports Shortages of Protective Gear  —  President Donald Trump contradicted a nurse who said during a meeting with him at the White House Wednesday that some parts of the country are still experiencing shortages of protective medical gear, insisting the U.S. supply is “tremendous.”
Discussion: Raw Story
Trump and some top aides question accuracy of virus death toll  —  President Trump has complained to advisers about the way coronavirus deaths are being calculated, suggesting the real numbers are actually lower — and a number of his senior aides share this view, according to sources with direct knowledge.
Ben Collins / NBC News:
‘What are we doing this for?’:  Doctors are fed up with conspiracies ravaging ERs  —  “I left work and I felt so deflated,” one doctor said about an effort to counter misinformation he saw on Facebook.  “I let it get to me.”  —  At the end of another long shift treating coronavirus patients …
Ursula Perano / Axios:
Trump vetoes resolution to curb war powers against Iran  —  President Trump on Wednesday vetoed a war powers resolution that would have curbed his ability to direct military action against Iran without Congress' authorization.  —  Why it matters: The bipartisan measure came after Trump ordered …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian / Axios:
Beijing demanded praise in exchange for medical supplies
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Louis Casiano / Fox News:
Trump vetoes Iran war powers resolution, swipes at Republicans who backed it
Susannah Luthi / Politico:
Trump will urge Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare  —  President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his administration will urge the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare, maintaining its all-out legal assault on the health care law amid a pandemic that will drive millions of more Americans to depend on its coverage.
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
The problem with Biden's pledge of a black woman Supreme Court justice  —  There are few black women serving on the federal judiciary, and none younger than age 67 in appeals courts, the usual stepping stone to the high court.  —  WASHINGTON — Joe Biden has promised that if elected president …
Associated Press:   Israeli Supreme Court: Netanyahu may form government
Cuomo says it's ‘shocking’ most new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who had been staying home  — Early look at data from 100 New York hospitals shows that 66% of new admissions related to the virus are people who were at home, Cuomo said.  — He also said a majority of the cases …
Discussion: Big League Politics
Washington Post:
Trump order to paint border wall black could drive up cost $500 million or more  —  President Trump is once more pushing to have his border wall painted black, a design change that is projected to add at least $500 million in costs, according to government contracting estimates obtained by The Washington Post.
Omar Villafranca / CBS News:
New video emerges of fatal shooting of black jogger in Georgia  —  Warning: The above video depicts graphic violence.  —  There are new developments in a deadly shooting that has had racial tensions simmering in a Georgia community.  Video has surfaced of a young African American man …
David Kaye / Just Security:
The Republic of Facebook  —  With the Naming of Oversight Board Members, What Kind of Institution Will This Become?  —  With Facebook's unveiling of the first 20 (of an expected 40) members of its newly minted Oversight Board for content moderation, it's a good moment to take a step back …
Alan Judd / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
In northeast Georgia, a new COVID-19 hot spot emerges  —  A new coronavirus hot spot has emerged in northeast Georgia, stirring fears the region could see the devastating human toll already experienced in the state's opposite corner.  —  The number of new cases in the Gainesville area …
Discussion: Washington Post and Raw Story
Kemp Warns Of Growing Outbreak Stressing Northeast Georgia
Discussion: Raw Story and The Root
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Voters Divided on Alleged Biden Assault  —  Half the electorate consider voting by mail this year  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Recent headlines may have dented Joe Biden's favorability rating ever so slightly but he has actually widened his national lead over Donald Trump in the race for president.
Jerusalem Post:
American detained in Venezuela says he planned to capture president  —  “Donald Trump is the direct chief of this invasion,” Maduro said in televised comments, after the video of Denman was broadcast.  —  Venezuelan state television broadcast on Wednesday a video of captured American Luke Denman …
Jorge Fitz-Gibbon / New York Post:   US will use ‘every tool’ to get ex-soldiers back from Venezuela: Pompeo
Joshua Goodman / Associated Press:   Sources: US investigating ex-Green Beret for Venezuela raid
Change Research:
States of Play: Battleground Survey Shows Voters Concerned About Reopening Economy  —  CNBC/Change Research Poll in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin: May 1-3, 2020  — 68% of voters in the battleground remain seriously concerned about the coronavirus …
Discussion: CNBC, Breitbart and Balloon Juice
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: EXCLUSIVE - DNI to Schiff: The transcripts are ready to release  —  Welcome to Byron York's Daily Memo newsletter.  —  Was this email forwarded to you?  Sign up here to receive the newsletter.  —  EXCLUSIVE — DNI TO SCHIFF: THE TRANSCRIPTS ARE READY TO RELEASE.
Taffy Brodesser-Akner / New York Times:
What Happened to Val Kilmer?  He's Just Starting to Figure It Out.  —  Cancer has taken his voice, but the unlikeliest movie star in Hollywood history still has a lot he wants to say.  —  It's hard to believe now, as I write this, but just two months ago, when we were allowed to roam free …
DOJ releases Mueller's marching orders  —  The Department of Justice has released a less redacted copy of a memo laying out the scope of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) after the Judiciary Committee chairman requested it.
Discussion: Raw Story
The Daily Beast:
Kushner's Screwed Up His COVID Jobs—Now He's Got an Even Bigger One  —  Operation Warp Speed is certainly ambitious.  But Trump's own advisers say it's overly so, even with his son-in-law involved.  —  Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration's response …
Nathaniel Lash / New York Times:
Don't Be Fooled by America's Flattening Curve  —  Here is America's coronavirus curve: the number of newly reported cases each day.  The curve has started declining moderately from the peak in early April.  —  But that's not the whole story.  Separate the region around New York City and the picture becomes far less rosy.
Ernest Luning / Colorado Politics:
New Colorado poll shows Hickenlooper widening double-digit lead over Gardner  —  Former Gov. John Hickenlooper leads U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner by 18 percentage points in Colorado's U.S. Senate race, according to a poll from Colorado firms released Wednesday.  —  The Keating-Onsight-Melanson poll …
Discussion: The Week
Ariane de Vogue / CNN:
Supreme embarrassment: The flush heard around the country  —  (CNN)Well, someone forgot to mute.  —  The Supreme Court was making history Wednesday afternoon, holding arguments over the phone because of Covid-19, when all of a sudden there was the distinct sound of a toilet flushing.
Discussion: Law & Crime, Bloomberg and HuffPost
Erica L. Green / New York Times:
Betsy DeVos Completes Sexual Assault Rules  —  Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released final regulations for schools dealing with sexual misconduct, giving them the force of law for the first time and bolstering due-process rights.  —  WASHINGTON — Education Secretary Betsy DeVos …
Connor Richards /
2 Utah County businesses told staff to ignore COVID-19 guidelines, resulting in 68 positive cases  —  Nearly half of the employees of a Utah County business tested positive for COVID-19 after the business instructed employees to not follow quarantine guidelines and required staff …
Discussion: Raw Story
Kyle Kaminski / City Pulse:
Armed citizens escort lawmaker into Michigan State Capitol  —  State Rep. Sarah Anthony pushes for tighter security in Lansing  —  After a hoard of armed and angry protesters swarmed Lansing last week, State Rep. Sarah Anthony brought some extra protection on her way to the State Capitol today.
Discussion: Twitchy
George Conway / Washington Post:
Trump lashed out at me on Twitter.  It's because he knows the truth.  —  Americans died from covid-19 at the rate of about one every 42 seconds during the past month.  That ought to keep any president awake at night.  —  Not Donald Trump.  —  Just days ago, the president flipped …
Washington Post:
Top Republican fundraiser and Trump ally named postmaster general, giving president new influence over Postal Service  —  A top donor to President Trump and the Republican National Committee will be named the new head of the Postal Service, putting a top ally of the president in charge …
Anthony Leonardi / Washington Examiner:
'I'm not willing to sell my soul for anyone': Carly Fiorina says she won't vote for Trump in 2020  —  One of President Trump's former presidential primary opponents won't be voting for him in November.  —  During a podcast interview with the Bulwark's Charlie Sykes, former CEO …
Aaron Rupar / Vox:
Trump's train wreck ABC interview illustrated why he rarely strays from Fox News  —  President Trump tours a Honeywell plant in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 5.  Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images  —  “I'll be honest, uh, I have a lot of things going on,” Trump said, trying to explain his lack of coronavirus preparation.
Linda Hirshman / New York Times:
I Believe Tara Reade.  I'm Voting for Joe Biden Anyway.  —  The importance of owning an ugly moral choice.  —  Ms. Hirshman is the author, most recently, of “Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment.”  —  Let's be clear: I believe Tara Reade.  I believed Anita Hill, too.
Discussion: Redstate and Twitchy
Glenn Harlan Reynolds / USA Today:
Coronavirus lessons on density, mass transit, bureaucracy and censorship: They kill.  —  Coronavirus unknowns include how fatal it is and if we can make a vaccine.  But we've already learned about four things that make the pandemic worse.  —  The novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan …
Discussion: National Review
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Pandemic especially tough on people of color  —  DETROIT (AP) — People of color have not only been hit harder by the deadly coronavirus than have Americans overall, but they're also bearing the brunt of the pandemic's financial impact, according to a recent survey …
Discussion: The Hill
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 More Items: 
Agence France-Presse:
Pentagon announces new mission for secretive space drone
Catherine E. Shoichet / CNN:
While she treated coronavirus patients, the US denied her a green card
Discussion: The Hill
J. David McSwane / ProPublica:
The TSA Hoarded 1.3 Million N95 Masks Even Though Airports Are Empty and It Doesn't Need Them
Discussion: New York Post
Democrats demand intel on coronavirus origins
Discussion: Townhall, BuzzFeed News and ABC News
Allan Smith / NBC News:
Michigan Gov. Whitmer wants to ban guns from Capitol after armed anti-lockdown protests
Discussion: Townhall, Redstate and The Hill
Jada Yuan / Washington Post:
New York's patron saint of PPE went $600,000 in debt to outfit workers — and hospitals keep turning her down
Washington Post:
Children are falling ill with perplexing inflammatory syndrome thought to be linked to covid-19
 Earlier Items: 
Clive Hammond / Daily Express:
Pope Francis seeks Vatican freedom as Benedict urged to take ‘real retirement’
Wall Street Journal:
Coronavirus Casts Deep Chill Over U.S.-China Relations
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
US private payrolls drop by 20.2 million in April, the worst job loss in the history of ADP report
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The Week
Kurt Bardella / USA Today:
Coronavirus and xenophobia: ‘Blame China’ is Trump's 2020 version of ‘Build the wall’
Discussion: Raw Story
Zoom Blog:
Zoom Adds Board Member H.R. McMaster and Head of Global Public Policy and Government Relations …
Discussion: Politico
Claire Galofaro / Associated Press:
'It's gone haywire': When COVID-19 arrived in rural America
Discussion: Eschaton
S.E. Cupp / New York Daily News:
The president is not well: The umpteenth reminders of Trump's mental state and the consequences
Discussion: Raw Story and NB Blog