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12:25 PM ET, May 12, 2020


 Top Items: 
Frank Figliuzzi / NBC News:
Trump's ‘Obamagate’ comments and Barr's Flynn meddling suggest troubling new pivot  —  Trump can't pull off this ruse by himself, of course, but he has a partner.  Barr is riding shotgun during this scorched-earth joyride against justice.  —  In my 25 years as an FBI special agent and …
Discussion: Fox News and The Intercept
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
Taking #Obamagate Seriously  —  President Trump's bonkers theory, explained.  —  It is easy to overlook some of the everyday corruptions that President Trump has inflicted on the body politic.  After all, his unique blend of logorrhea, mendacity, and clownishness creates an atmosphere …
Senate Republicans break with Trump over ‘Obamagate’  —  President Donald Trump's aggressive campaign to encourage sweeping investigations of his predecessor Barack Obama met a unanimous response from Senate Republicans: No thanks.  —  Trump's Senate allies on Monday stopped short …
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: The big thing we still don't know about the Michael Flynn Case  —  Welcome to Byron York's Daily Memo newsletter.  —  Was this email forwarded to you?  Sign up here to receive the newsletter.  —  THE BIG THING WE STILL DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE MICHAEL FLYNN CASE: It's really pretty simple.
Washington Post:
The Flynn case isn't over until the judge says it's over  —  John Gleeson served as a U.S. district judge for the Eastern District of New York and chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney's Office in that district.  David O'Neil served as the acting assistant attorney general …
Discussion: The Atlantic
New York Post:
It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal
Martha Raddatz / ABC News:
Acting DNI seeks to declassify any Obama officials involved in Flynn ‘unmasking’: Source
Kristina Wong / Breitbart:   Sally Yates Hid from Congress that Obama Told Her about Flynn-Kislyak Calls But Confirmed It to Mueller
Wall Street Journal:
Intelligence Chief Declassifies Names of Obama Officials Who ‘Unmasked’ Flynn
Discussion: New York Post and Fox News
Brooke Singman / Fox News:
Biden says he was ‘aware’ of Michael Flynn probe during transition
Discussion: The Daily Caller and NB Blog
ABC News:
Biden pushes back on Trump's testing claims, labels coronavirus response ‘incompetent’
Discussion: Townhall
Ryan Saavedra / The Daily Wire:
BREAKING: U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In ‘Unmasking’ General Flynn
CNN Poll: Negative ratings for government handling of coronavirus persist  —  Three members of coronavirus task force in quarantine  —  (CNN)Most Americans (54%) continue to say the US government is doing a poor job preventing the spread of Covid-19, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.
Washington Post:
Many governors win bipartisan support for handling of pandemic, but some Republicans face blowback over reopening efforts  —  Governors collectively have been winning widespread praise from the public for their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, often with the kind of bipartisan approval that has eluded President Trump.
Discussion: Raw Story, Mediaite and The Week
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Two big warning signs for Trump in the new coronavirus poll — signs he doesn't seem to want to see
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Coronavirus Live Updates: Fauci to Warn Senate of ‘Needless Suffering and Death’  —  The risks of reopening the country too soon will be a focus of government hearings on Tuesday.  The White House's new mask requirement won't apply to President Trump.  —  RIGHT NOW Dr. Anthony S. Fauci …
David Siders / Politico:
Trump is getting trounced among a crucial constituency: The haters  —  President Donald Trump is losing a critical constituency: voters who see two choices on the ballot — and hate them both.  —  Unlike in 2016, when a large group of voters who disliked both Trump and Hillary Clinton broke sharply …
Discussion: Althouse and Raw Story
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:   How Trump Plans to Weaponize COVID-19 Against Biden
NBC News:
Unreleased White House report shows coronavirus rates spiking in heartland communities  —  President Trump's claim that cases are falling everywhere is contradicted by his own task force's report, obtained by NBC News, showing the virus spreading far from the coasts.
Barbie Latza Nadeau / The Daily Beast:
American Travelers Are About to Be Pariahs in This New World  —  SEAT'S TAKEN  —  As tourist-centric countries begin testing travel corridors and reciprocal quarantine regulations, American travelers might find themselves locked out of the post-pandemic world.
Greenville News:
Why I endorse challenger Harrison over Sen. Lindsey Graham  —  Some of you have seen in news reports that I have endorsed Jaime Harrison for the U.S. Senate seat in South Carolina against Lindsey Graham.  —  Reactions have varied from support (by far the most people) to threats to never buy Michelin tires.
Discussion: The Hill, Political Wire and Raw Story
Devan Cole / CNN:
Former Lindsey Graham donor backs his Democratic challenger after questioning Graham's principles  —  (CNN)A prominent donor to Sen. Lindsey Graham said this week he broke with the South Carolina Republican to support his Democratic challenger after he started to question Graham's principles.
Mark Sherman / Associated Press:
Supreme Court to hear clash over Trump tax, bank records  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is taking up President Donald Trump's bid to keep his tax, bank and financial records private, a major clash over presidential accountability that could affect the 2020 presidential campaign.
John Kruzel / The Hill:
Supreme Court to hear blockbuster case on Trump financial records
Discussion: New York Times and NBC News
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“Trump's Feeling Is, ‘Why Are We Losing Everywhere?’”:  With Advisers Feuding and Numbers Plummeting, Trump Eyes Campaign Shake-up  —  Brad Parscale (and his Ferrari) is in the hot seat.  Kushner is pushing for Nick Ayers, and against a Corey Lewandowski return.  But whose fault are the disastrous swing state numbers?
Discussion: Political Flare
Thomas Franck / CNBC:
US grocery costs jump the most in 46 years, led by rising prices for meat and eggs  — The Labor Department reported Tuesday that prices U.S. consumers paid for groceries jumped 2.6% in April, the largest one-month pop since February 1974.  — The price of the meats, poultry …
Trump's jaw-dropping attack on California's voting plan  —  Trump and Democrats fight over mail-in voting  —  Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is the host of SiriusXM radio's daily program “The Dean Obeidallah Show” and a columnist for The Daily Beast.  Follow him @DeanObeidallah.
Washington Post:
Trump wanted a coronavirus victory event.  It ended when he stalked off after clashing with two female reporters.  —  As President Trump flashed a quick tight-lipped smile from the steps of the White House overlooking the Rose Garden on Monday, it looked like a victory lap of sorts was underway.
Rebecca Shabad / NBC News:
‘Should have kept his mouth shut’: McConnell slams Obama for criticizing Trump admin  —  The Senate Majority leader said the former president broke with tradition by maligning his successor.  —  WASHINGTON — Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Monday evening slammed former President Barack Obama …
Discussion: CNN, POLITICUSUSA, Slate and MSNBC
Spencer Ackerman / The Daily Beast:
Mitch McConnell Moves to Expand Bill Barr's Surveillance Powers  —  Welcome to the Trump-era Patriot Act: a law that protects politicians while giving the government greater knowledge of the websites you searched for and visited.  —  Days after the Justice Department controversially dropped charges …
Errin Haines / Washington Post:
Family seeks answers in fatal police shooting of Louisville woman in her apartment  —  Breonna Taylor was working as an EMT in Louisville when the coronavirus pandemic hit the country, helping to save lives while trying to protect her own.  —  On March 13, the 26-year-old aspiring nurse …
Discussion: The Root and USA Today
Eric Felten / RealClearInvestigations:
FBI's Man in Europe Undercut Ohr's Claim of Limited Russiagate Role  —  Above right, FBI agent Michael Gaeta at a 2016 seminar in Rome.  —  An FBI agent's newly released testimony undercuts top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr's denial of a conflict of interest between his Trump-Russia efforts …
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Forced to govern, a fierce partisan warrior gets pragmatic  —  Mark Meadows spent his entire congressional career trying to divorce the Republican Party from its moderate wing.  Now he's trying to make it work with centrist Republicans and even Democrats on Capitol Hill.
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 More Items: 
Tony Romm / Washington Post:
Facebook is quietly helping to set up a new pro-tech advocacy group to battle Washington
Matt Smith / MarketWatch:
Exclusive: Health official quits after being pushed to reopen Colorado county and hot-spot meat plant
Christopher Jacobs / The Federalist:
How Government-Run Health Care Worsened The Coronavirus Crisis
Trump ‘not interested’ in reopening U.S.-China trade deal after report of Beijing discontent
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Dan Friedman / Mother Jones:
Newly Released Transcript Shows Jared Kushner Misled Congress About a Contact Involving Russia
Marlo Safi / The Daily Caller:
Former Emory University Professor Pleads Guilty To Omitting Chinese Government Funding In Tax Returns
Discussion: American Greatness
Washington Post:
Live updates: Trump claims ‘we have met the moment and prevailed’; U.S. death toll surpasses 80,000
Discussion: Fox News
 Earlier Items: 
USA Today:
Coronavirus economy: We're in for a painful slog, not Trump's fast, ‘spectacular’ recovery
Kanishka Singh / Reuters:
Watchdog Reports Record Number of Anti-Semitic Incidents in U.S. Last Year
Andy Greenberg / Wired:
The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet
Robert E. Lighthizer / New York Times:
Coronavirus Is Bringing an End to the Offshoring Era
Scaachi Koul / BuzzFeed News:
Guy Fieri Is The Last Unproblematic Food Person
Christina Capatides / CBS News:
Doctors Without Borders dispatches team to the Navajo Nation
Discussion: The Week and Raw Story