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10:35 AM ET, May 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
The Daily Beast:
Team Trump Pushes CDC to Revise Down Its COVID Death Counts  —  The president and members of his task force are skeptical of the numbers and want the methodology changed.  —  President Donald Trump and members of his coronavirus task force are pushing officials at the Centers for Disease Control …
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and IJR
ABC News:
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort released to home confinement amid coronavirus concerns  —  Manafort's lawyers had requested release, citing age, pre-existing conditions.  —  President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released from prison to serve the remainder …
Washington Post:
Paul Manafort granted home confinement due to coronavirus fears  —  President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released to serve his prison term under home confinement because of coronavirus fears, his lawyer confirmed.Manafort has been confined since June 2018 …
NBC News:
Paul Manafort released from prison to home confinement amid coronavirus concerns
Discussion: Fox News
David Sherfinski / Washington Times:
Former Trump campaign chairman Manafort released from prison amid COVID-19 crisis
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
New York Times:
Kushner, Law Aside, Doesn't Rule Out Delaying 2020 Election  —  The opinion of a White House staff member has no bearing on when the election is held, but his comment played into the concerns of President Trump's detractors.  —  WASHINGTON — Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Hill
Jared Kushner Admits There's ‘Risk’ in Reopening the Country Too Soon  —  The same day that the nation's top infectious-disease expert warned that reopening the economy too quickly could bring serious consequences, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner acknowledged that there is inherent …
Lloyd Grove / The Daily Beast:   Jared Kushner Non-Committal When Asked if 2020 Election Could Be Delayed
Washington Post:
U.S. judge puts on hold Justice Dept. move to dismiss Michael Flynn's guilty plea to hear outside groups' challenges  —  A U.S. judge on Tuesday put on hold the Justice Department's move to drop charges against Michael Flynn, saying he expects independent groups and legal experts to argue …
Discussion: Redstate, Power Line and New York Post
Gregg Jarrett / Fox News:
Flynn judge wrong to allow anti-Trump former Watergate prosecutors to interfere in case
Discussion: Redstate
Sharon LaFraniere / New York Times:   Judge Hesitates to Accept Justice Dept. Move to Drop Flynn Charge
Laurence H. Tribe / The Boston Globe:
Judge Sullivan must reject Barr's usurpation of judicial power
Discussion: Washington Post
Michael Isikoff / Yahoo News:
EXCLUSIVE: In court filing, FBI accidentally reveals name of Saudi official suspected of directing support for 9/11 hijackers  —  WASHINGTON — The FBI inadvertently revealed one of the U.S. government's most sensitive secrets about the Sept. 11 terror attacks: the identity …
Discussion: Al Jazeera, New York Post and Raw Story
Annie Linskey / Washington Post:
Ocasio-Cortez is working with the Biden campaign on climate policy  —  Liberal leader Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is helping Joe Biden's presidential campaign develop proposals by serving on a climate policy panel that the former vice president created as part of a larger effort to woo the party's left wing.
Jeffery C. Mays / New York Times:
Ocasio-Cortez Commits Re-election Gaffe, Losing a Progressive Ballot Line
Discussion: National Review
Trevor Hunnicutt / Reuters:
Democrat Ocasio-Cortez to lead Biden climate change panel with Kerry
Discussion: Breitbart
Brian Niemietz / New York Daily News:
Howard Stern to Trump supporters: He hates you and so do I  —  Howard Stern says he and President Trump are both showmen who love a good time — and they both hate Trump supporters.  —  “One thing Donald loves is celebrities, he loves the famous,” Stern said on his SiriusXM show Tuesday.  “He loves it.
Jamelle Bouie / New York Times:
Elizabeth Warren Knows What Joe Biden Needs in a Vice President  —  If Biden wants to win the White House and govern like a New Dealer, Warren is his indispensable partner.  —  Joe Biden built his political career as the New Deal order came to an end, one of a generation of Democrats …
Toluse Olorunnipa / Washington Post:
As coronavirus roils the nation, Trump reverts to tactic of accusing foes of felonies
Wall Street Journal:
Chinese, Iranian Hacking May Be Hampering Search for Coronavirus Vaccine, Officials Say  —  In a possible escalation, U.S. to accuse China of actions some officials consider attacks on American public health  —  WASHINGTON—Chinese and Iranian hackers are aggressively targeting American universities …
Discussion: National Review
New York Times:
As Coronavirus Restrictions Lift, Millions in U.S. Are Leaving Home Again  —  Where people started leaving home again  —  Percentage point change in the share of people staying home  —  Note: The map shows the change in the average share of people sheltering at home from May 1 to May 8 …
Discussion: Althouse
Josh Campbell / CNN:
FBI arrests researcher for NASA who allegedly failed to report ties to China  —  (CNN)Federal agents have arrested an Arkansas professor who allegedly failed to disclose his ties to Chinese entities during the course of securing funding for a NASA research project, the Justice Department announced.
Discussion: National Review, The Hill and Breitbart
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
It's time to take off the gloves against Chinese cybercrime
Tina Nguyen / Politico:
With Obamagate, Trump returns to a favorite distraction tactic  —  Donald Trump launched his political career turbocharging the conspiratorial birther movement.  Now Trump is trying to keep his presidency afloat with another theory about his predecessor: Obamagate.
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:   Get ready for ‘Obamagate’ to become ‘ObamaBidengate’
Peter Hamby / Vanity Fair:
Who You Calling Sleepy Joe?:  Biden on His Youth Agenda, Internet Memes, and Fighting Trump From His House  —  “Young people want the truth,” says the presumptive Democratic nominee.  And “I sometimes say more than I mean, but no one doubts I mean what I say.”
Discussion: Politico
Moriah Balingit / Washington Post:
Armed militia helped a Michigan barbershop open, a coronavirus defiance that puts Republican lawmakers in a bind  —  OWOSSO, Mich. — Armed members of the Michigan Home Guard stood outside Karl Manke's barber shop, ready to blockade the door if police arrived.
Discussion: Althouse and Raw Story
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
A new internal GOP poll suggests tight prez, Senate races in Georgia  —  An internal poll conducted by a group backing Gov. Brian Kemp showed a deadlocked presidential race in Georgia and tight contests for both U.S. Senate seats, underscoring the challenges Republicans face keeping the state in the GOP column.
Discussion: National Journal and The Hill
Bob Herman / Axios:
Coronavirus likely forced 27 million off their health insurance  —  Roughly 27 million people have likely have lost job-based health coverage since the coronavirus shocked the economy, according to new estimates from the Kaiser Family Foundation.  —  Why it matters: Most of these people …
Robby Soave / Reason:
No, 68 Percent of Americans Did Not Say They Would Avoid ‘Normal Life’ Until There's a Coronavirus Vaccine  —  Two-thirds of Americans said they would not return to “normal life” until a vaccine becomes available for COVID-19, according to CNN.  —  The ramifications of this finding …
Discussion: Mediaite, Arc Digital and Redstate
Matthew Haag / New York Times:
Manhattan Faces a Reckoning if Working From Home Becomes the Norm  —  Even after the crisis eases, companies may let workers stay home.  That would affect an entire ecosystem, from transit to restaurants to shops.  Not to mention the tax base.  —  Before the coronavirus crisis …
Pete Williams / NBC News:
‘Faithless elector’: Supreme Court hears cases that could change presidential contests  —  If presidential electors are determined to be free agents, a handful — or even one in a close election — could change the outcome.  —  WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday takes up a …
Discussion: The Week and The Hill
Heather Long / Washington Post:
Small business used to define America's economy.  The pandemic could change that forever.  —  More than 100,000 small businesses have closed forever as the nation's pandemic toll escalates  —  The coronavirus pandemic is emerging as an existential threat to the nation's small businesses …
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Think we have military primacy over China?  Think again.  —  Here's a fact that ought to startle every American who assumes that because we spend nearly $1 trillion each year on defense, we have primacy over our emerging rival, China.  —  “Over the past decade, in U.S. war games against China …
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
Is the Trump Campaign App Designed to Win the Election, or Launch Trump TV?  —  Brad Parscale's “Death Star” looks less like it's trying to win in 2020 than start a TV network in 2021.  —  At first glance, President Trump's digital campaign operation appears fairly impressive.
Steven Shepard / Politico:
Republican voters give Trump and GOP governors cover to reopen  —  Republican voters have undergone a significant shift on the coronavirus in a few short weeks.  —  A month ago, half of GOP voters said they were more worried about public health than the economy.
Associated Press:
AP Exclusive: CDC docs stress plans for more virus flareups  —  GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Advice from the nation's top disease control experts on how to safely reopen businesses and institutions in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic included detailed instructive guidance …
Discussion: Axios, Mediaite and Yahoo News
Ann Limpert / Washingtonian:
Inn at Little Washington Chef Will Fill His Socially Distanced Dining Room With Midcentury Mannequins  —  The three Michelin-starred destination will also have Marilyn Monroe masks.  —  A few weeks ago, the Inn at Little Washington sent out an email blast announcing that the luxury Rappahannock …
Discussion: New York Post
Victoria Guida / Politico:
Fed's Powell: More spending from Congress ‘costly but worth it’  —  Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Wednesday warned that fallout from the coronavirus crisis could result in lingering pain for the U.S. economy and said further action by Congress to head off that damage would be worth the high cost.
Luke Putvin / Lynnwood Times:
Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19  —  At his May 12 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee laid out the plans for the statewide contact tracing initiative.  —  “[The initiative] is robust, it is vigorous and it is comprehensive, and it needs to be all three to be successful,” Inslee said.
Discussion: Redstate
Washington Post:
Americans' expectations for safe public gatherings slip to July at the earliest, Post-U. Md. poll finds  —  As the coronavirus spreads across the country, Americans are curbing their expectations about when it will be safe for gatherings of 10 or more people, with about 2 in 3 adults now saying …
Nurith Aizenman / NPR:
Different Coronavirus Models Are Starting To Agree: 110,000 Dead In U.S. By June 6  —  Toggle more options  —  More than 82,000 people in the United States have died of COVID-19 as of Tuesday.  How many more lives will be lost?  Scientists have built dozens of computational models to answer that question.
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 More Items: 
Meg Cunningham / ABC News:
On the campaign trail, vulnerable Senate Republicans tout accomplishments, sidestep Trump mentions in ads
Peter Whoriskey / Washington Post:
Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants.  Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.
Joseph Curl / Washington Times:
FACT: N.Y. Gov. Cuomo has done an absolutely abysmal job handling COVID-19
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
35 years ago, Philly dropped a bomb on MOVE. It's time to apologize.
Discussion: Raw Story
Michelle Alexander / New York Times:
The Horror of Prison During the Coronavirus
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Attention to U.S. Election Reverts to Pre-Primary Level
Discussion: The Hill
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Fox News: John Brennan Suppressed Intel Saying Russia Wanted Hillary Clinton to Win
Discussion: American Greatness
 Earlier Items: 
Frank Bruni / New York Times:
Nobody Is Protected From President Trump
Discussion: Vox
New York Times:
Latin America's Outbreaks Now Rival Europe's. But Its Options Are Worse.
Discussion: Mother Jones
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News:
CNN skips revived WH briefings after yearlong complaints demanding ‘transparency’
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Trump approval dips amid mounting coronavirus death toll, trails Biden by 8 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Discussion: Mediaite and The Week
Wall Street Journal:
All the Adam Schiff Transcripts
Discussion: Townhall
Washington Post:
Trump presses immunity argument in Summer Zervos defamation case
Discussion: The Week
Colleen Shalby / Los Angeles Times:
L.A. County could keep stay-at-home orders in place well into summer

From Mediagazer:

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

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