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9:50 PM ET, June 10, 2020


 Top Items: 
Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading  —  CNN poll: Trump sees big drop in approval rating  —  Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's campaign is demanding CNN retract and apologize for a recent poll that showed him well behind presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Trump Will Return to Campaign Trail With Rally in Tulsa  —  The president is set to hold his first rally since the coronavirus shuttered most of the country, with polls showing Joe Biden establishing a significant national lead over his rival.  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump will return …
Discussion: National Memo
ABC News:   As Trump struggles to respond to crises, internal polling instills fear in advisers: Sources
Max Cohen / Politico:
Trump to resume campaign rallies with June 19 event in Tulsa
Kevin Freking / Associated Press:
Trump picks Tulsa for return of signature campaign rallies
Discussion: Breitbart
USA Today:
USA TODAY Poll: Forceful clearing of Lafayette Square protest was defining moment for president and protests  —  The police crackdown to clear protesters from Lafayette Square last week looms as a defining moment in the national debate over race and law enforcement that has been sparked by the death of George Floyd.
Matt Zapotosky / Washington Post:
More than 1,250 former Justice Dept. workers call for internal watchdog to probe Barr role in clearing demonstrators from Lafayette Square  —  More than 1,250 former Justice Department workers on Wednesday called on the agency's internal watchdog to investigate Attorney General William P. Barr's involvement …
New York Times:
White House Tells Bolton His Book Still Contains Classified Information  —  A White House official said Mr. Bolton would be given a redacted version of his manuscript by June 19, four days before the book's current publication date.  —  The White House has told John R. Bolton …
Chuck Cooper / Wall Street Journal:
The White House vs. John Bolton  —  Officials are attempting to use national security as a pretext to prevent the publication of his memoir.  —  President Trump doesn't want John Bolton to publish his book, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.”
Discussion: Axios
Washington Post:   Bolton plans to move forward with book despite new White House warning that it contains classified material
‘Everything about this is irregular’: Ex-judge tapped to review Flynn case blasts Trump DOJ  —  A former judge selected to advise on a path forward in the criminal case against Michael Flynn is accusing the Justice Department of exercising a “gross abuse of prosecutorial power” …
New York Times:   Outsider Tapped in Flynn Case Calls Justice Dept. Reversal a ‘Gross Abuse’ of Power
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:   A retired judge's sharp rebuke of William Barr confirms the worst
Spencer Hsu / Washington Post:
Flynn committed perjury and his guilty plea of lying to FBI should not be dismissed as DOJ requests …
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
LeBron James and Other Stars Form a Voting Rights Group  —  “This is the time for us to finally make a difference,” the N.B.A. superstar said of the new group, which will aim to protect African-Americans' voting rights.  —  WASHINGTON — The N.B.A. superstar LeBron James and a group …
Discussion: Axios, Raw Story, POLITICUSUSA and Deadline
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
Three corporations that say they support Black Lives Matter but sponsor Tucker Carlson [UPDATED]  —  Fox News host Tucker Carlson (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)  —  Over the last several days, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has used his platform to repeatedly attack and denigrate the Black Lives Matter movement.
New York Times:
Economics, Dominated by White Men, Is Roiled by Black Lives Matter
Discussion: Breitbart
Michael Levenson / New York Times:
NASCAR Says It Will Ban Confederate Flags
Discussion: NBC News, Mediaite and The Daily Caller
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
NASCAR bans Confederate flag at all events and properties
Discussion: The Spun, ESPN and Breitbart
CBS Boston:
Beheaded Christopher Columbus Statue In Boston Will Be Removed From North End Park  —  BOSTON (CBS) - The Christopher Columbus statue in Boston's North End will be removed Wednesday, hours after it was beheaded overnight.  Mayor Marty Walsh said it will be put in storage and there will now be conversations …
Jessie Van Berkel / Star Tribune:   Protesters topple Columbus statue on Minnesota Capitol grounds
Brian MacQuarrie Globe / The Boston Globe:
Vandalized statue of Christopher Columbus will be removed pending a review, Mayor Walsh says
Discussion: NPR
J.K. Rowling:
J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues  —  This isn't an easy piece to write, for reasons that will shortly become clear, but I know it's time to explain myself on an issue surrounded by toxicity.  I write this without any desire to add to that toxicity.
The Amazon Blog:
We are implementing a one-year moratorium on police use of Rekognition  —  We're implementing a one-year moratorium on police use of Amazon's facial recognition technology.  We will continue to allow organizations like Thorn, the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children …
Ari Levy / CNBC:
Amazon bans police use of facial recognition technology for one year
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Trump Job Approval Slides to 39%  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump's job approval rating has fallen to 39% amid nationwide protests about racial injustice.  His ratings this year had been the best of his presidency but are now back near his term average of 40%.
Donald Trump's Increasingly Elaborate Bid to Create His Own America  —  On Tuesday morning, Donald Trump, whose unsurprising character defects still never fail to surprise, tweeted a Russian-sourced conspiracy theory claiming that the 75-year-old peace activist who remains hospitalized …
Discussion: Mediaite, Axios and POLITICUSUSA
Will Sommer / The Daily Beast:
HISTORY!  Congress Poised to Get Its First QAnon Believer  —  Barring the unexpected, Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to be elected the next representative from Georgia's 14th district.  And boy does she have some wild ideas.  —  A believer in a conspiracy theory the FBI classifies …
Discussion: and Jewish Insider
Louisville police release the Breonna Taylor incident report.  It's virtually blank  —  LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Nearly three months after Louisville Metro Police officers fatally shot Breonna Taylor in her South End apartment, the department has released the incident report from that night.
Discussion: Daily Kos and The Hill
Washington Post:
Britain briefly suspends sending evidence to U.S. law enforcement, in move some see as a sign of fraying relationship  —  British authorities earlier this month told their American counterparts that they had suspended sending over all evidence in criminal cases because the United States still uses …
Discussion: UPI
Cydney Yeates /
‘America is at a tipping point’: Oprah Winfrey states US 'can't move forward without calling out pain of racism' following George Floyd's death  —  Oprah Winfrey has stated that America is ‘on a tipping point’ following the death of George Floyd and has called for systemic change in a town hall titled Where Do We Go From Here?.
New York Times:
Aggressive Tactics by National Guard, Ordered to Appease Trump, Wounded the Military, Too  —  The world responded the evangelical guard the eyes of the world were gone.  The National Guard.  The actions that occurred this past week, were absolutely used to work.
Discussion: Raw Story
Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart / Task & Purpose:
Former DIA Director: Please, take your knee off our necks so we can breathe  —  “It's hard to explain what it was like for me on the first day of elementary school, or the pain I felt in high school when I was stopped and searched nearly every time I left my apartment.”
‘Change agent’ Charles Booker is best Democratic candidate in Kentucky Senate race  —  This is a historic time in our state and nation.  A time when young and old, black, white and brown are calling for change — not just incremental change, but sweeping reform that will usher in true equality and justice for all.
Discussion: The Hill
Amanda Hess / New York Times:
The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol’  —  A backlash is mounting against depictions of “good cops,” on television and in the street.  —  It was only a matter of time before the protests came for “Paw Patrol.”  —  “Paw Patrol” is a children's cartoon about a squad of canine helpers.
Discussion: Breitbart
Jeff Pegues / CBS News:
George Floyd and Derek Chauvin “bumped heads” while working at nightclub, former coworker says  —  As mourners in Houston honor the life of George Floyd in Minneapolis, CBS News is learning new details from a nightclub coworker about alleged history between Floyd and Derek Chauvin, the former officer who is charged in Floyd's death.
Biden repeatedly pushed bill in Senate that critics said would have made investigating police officers for misconduct more difficult  —  (CNN)In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has called for more accountability for police officers accused …
Discussion: Redstate
Christopher Wilson / Yahoo News:
Coronavirus infections appear to spike in U.S. even as they decline elsewhere  —  While many countries are seeing a decline in COVID-19 cases, infections in the United States appear to be spiking, according to documents obtained by Yahoo News.  —  In a Centers for Disease Control …
Discussion: CNBC
Washington Post:
House impeachment managers: Trump is as lawless and corrupt as ever  —  Adam Schiff (Calif.), Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), Val Demings (Fla.), Sylvia Garcia (Tex.) and Jason Crow (Colo.) were the Democratic House managers in the impeachment trial of President Trump.
Benjamin Siegel / ABC News:
Speaker Pelosi wants Confederate statues in Capitol removed  —  She's pushing for the removal of eleven Confederate statues.  —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Wednesday called for the removal of nearly a dozen Confederate statues from the halls of Congress, throwing …
Glenn K. Beaton / The Aspen beat:
A report from the big white suburban guilty girls picnic march  —  Urban trekking around Denver the other day, I happened across a protest march of maybe a thousand people.  Here's what I observed.  —  The marchers were almost all white.  I saw fewer than a dozen black people and no Hispanics.
Michael Schneider / Variety:
A&E Canceling ‘Live PD’ Following Ongoing Protests Against Police Brutality  —  A&E has pulled the plug on “Live PD,” in the wake of ongoing protests against police brutality and concerns over coverage of police activity following the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.
Travis Yates / Law Officer:
America, We Are Leaving  —  This is the hardest thing I have written.  —  I grew up in a law enforcement family.  My father worked his way up to the rank to Captain at the Ft. Smith (AR) Police Department.  As I kid I remember going with him on Friday to pick up his check and I was in awe of these super heroes he worked around.
Discussion: Redstate, Townhall and Instapundit
How to stop Trump from delegitimizing the 2020 decision: election law expert explains  —  Election law expert Rick Hasen: “We may have a full week where we don't know who has won in Pennsylvania while those absentee ballots are counted.  If Trump is ahead, that might be a time for him to claim …
Terence P. Jeffrey / CNSNews:
Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion for First Time; Jumps $2 Trillion in Just 63 Days  —  ( - The debt of the federal government topped $26 trillion for the first time on Tuesday, when it climbed from $25,960,547,920,986.11 to $26,003,751,512,344.91, according to data released today by the Treasury Department.
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 More Items: 
Washington Post:
Voting debacle in Georgia came after months of warnings went unaddressed
Neha Lalchandani / Times of India:
Up to 10-year jail for cow slaughter in UP
Discussion: Breitbart
Quarantine fatigue: Governors reject new lockdowns as virus cases spike
Discussion: Raw Story
Washington Post:
Beleaguered and besieged, police try to come to grips with a nation's anger
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian / Axios:
Zoom closed account of U.S.-based Chinese activist “to comply with local law”
Eric Boehlert / PRESS RUN:
How Trump's mental health became the third rail of American journalism
Des Moines Register:
Iowa State Fair canceled for the first time since World War II
Discussion: Axios
 Earlier Items: 
Matt Zapotosky / Washington Post:
Head of Justice Department's criminal division to step down next month
Marianne LeVine / Politico:
McConnell accuses NYT of ‘lying’ over Tom Cotton op-ed
Discussion: The Hill and The Daily Caller

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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