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10:40 AM ET, June 10, 2020


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
GOP expects to move its convention to Jacksonville after dispute with North Carolina over pandemic safeguards  —  Seeking a city willing to allow a large-scale event amid the coronavirus pandemic, Republicans have tentatively settled on Jacksonville, Fla., as the new destination …
New York Times:
How Public Opinion Has Moved on Black Lives Matter  —  In the last two weeks, American voters' support for the Black Lives Matter movement increased almost as much as it had in the preceding two years.  —  Net support is a measure showing the percent of respondents who supported a policy minus …
Discussion: NBC News and Washington Post
New York Times:
Angry White Counterprotesters in N.J. Mock George Floyd's Killing  —  One man yelled while kneeling on the neck of another who was facedown on the ground.  The ugly display drew a fierce condemnation.  —  The protest in the New Jersey township was similar to those that have unfolded across …
Discussion: Axios
Counter protest reenacting George Floyd's death in South Jersey goes viral  —  FRANKLIN TWP.  - Videos of a man apparently re-enacting the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd during a Black Lives Matter protest Monday in Gloucester County has gone viral, spurring immediate backlash for the incident on social media.
Courtney McBride / Wall Street Journal:
Ousted State Department Watchdog Says Official Pressed Him Not to Probe Saudi Arms Sales  —  WASHINGTON—The former State Department internal watchdog fired by President Trump told lawmakers that a senior department official discouraged him from probing U.S. arms sales to Gulf states before his ouster last month.
Kyle Cheney / Politico:   Ousted State Department watchdog tells lawmakers he's unaware if Pompeo probes were stopped
ABC News:   Lawmakers release transcript of fired IG's interview as State Dept. accuses him of leaks, requests new probe
Ryan Lucas / NPR:
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest  —  Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George Floyd's death, but federal court records show no sign of so-called Antifa links …
Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence
Discussion: Raw Story
David Siders / Politico:
‘Blood in the water’: Dems get unexpected opening against Trump in Iowa  —  Iowa, once a model swing state, fell so hard for Donald Trump four years ago that 2020 seemed like a forgone conclusion.  —  But in a sign of how Trump's reelection prospects have weakened across the country, even the heartland may be having second thoughts.
Washington Post:
Republicans fear Trump's weakened standing jeopardizes the party in November  —  President Trump's incendiary responses to racial injustice protests and the coronavirus pandemic have left him politically isolated and profoundly weakened less than five months from the election …
Discussion: Los Angeles Times, Raw Story and CNN
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Trump aides despondent over Buffalo protester tweet  —  My phone blew up yesterday with texts from White House aides, current and former, who seemed at their wits' end over President Trump's tweet that the 75-year-old Buffalo protester who was rushed to the hospital after being shoved by police last week …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Root
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal:
HBO Max Pulls ‘Gone With the Wind,’ While ‘Cops’ Gets Canceled  —  Moves come as entertainment companies reassess their content amid nationwide protests over racial injustice and police brutality  —  “Gone with the Wind” was pulled from HBO Max while the long-running TV show “Cops” …
USA Today:
Biden: We must urgently root out systemic racism, from policing to housing to opportunity  —  From the moment I launched my campaign, I have said that we are in the battle for the soul of this nation.  And after two weeks of daily protests, with thousands of people coming out to march …
BuzzFeed News:
The Head Of CrossFit Told Staff On A Zoom Call, “We're Not Mourning For George Floyd”  —  We may all be at home, but that hasn't stopped our reporters from breaking exclusive stories like this one.  To help keep this news free, become a member.  You can also share tips with BuzzFeed News securely.
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
‘What I saw was just absolutely wrong’: National Guardsmen struggle with their role in controlling protests  —  Pvt. Si'Kenya Lynch, a member of the D.C. National Guard, was on duty at Lafayette Square near the White House last Monday when U.S. Park Police cleared the area of protesters ahead …
Discussion: Breitbart and Raw Story
Jeff Pegues / CBS News:
George Floyd and Derek Chauvin “bumped heads” while working at nightclub, former coworker says  —  As mourners in Houston honor the life of George Floyd in Minneapolis, CBS News is learning new details from a nightclub coworker about alleged history between Floyd and Derek Chauvin, the former officer who is charged in Floyd's death.
Dan Diamond / Politico:
White House goes quiet on coronavirus as outbreak spikes again across the U.S.  —  The coronavirus is still killing as many as 1,000 Americans per day — but the Trump administration isn't saying much about it.  —  It's been more than a month since the White House halted its daily coronavirus task force briefings.
Discussion: Salt Lake Tribune
New York Times:
Coup Threats Rattle Brazil as Virus Deaths Surge  —  As Brazil reels from its worst crisis in decades, President Bolsonaro and his allies are using the prospect of military intervention to protect his grip on power.  —  The threats are swirling around the president: Deaths from the virus …
New York Times:
How the Coronavirus Compares With 100 Years of Deadly Events  —  Only the worst disasters completely upend normal patterns of death, overshadowing, if only briefly, everyday causes like cancer, heart disease and car accidents.  Here's how the devastation brought by the pandemic in 25 cities and regions compares with historical events.
Trump's tweet on injured 75-year-old man shows there's no bottom  —  Jill Filipovic is a journalist based in New York and author of the forthcoming book “OK Boomer, Let's Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind,” and of “The H-Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness.”  Follow her on Twitter.
Discussion: Politico, Mediaite and Raw Story
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Trump Job Approval Slides to 39%  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump's job approval rating has fallen to 39% amid nationwide protests about racial injustice.  His ratings this year had been the best of his presidency but are now back near his term average of 40%.
Discussion: The Hill and POLITICUSUSA
New York Times:
After 34 Years, the Killer of Olof Palme Is Finally Named  —  A prosecutor said there was “reasonable evidence” that the man who shot the Swedish prime minister was Stig Engstrom, a graphic designer, who took his own life in 2000.  —  Bedeviled for over 34 years by the mysterious killing of Olof Palme …
Discussion: NPR
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Trump May Compare Himself to Nixon in 1968, but He Really Resembles Wallace  —  The president has employed the same kind of inflammatory language as George Wallace did in the 1968 campaign.  Richard Nixon ran that year seeking the middle between the Alabama governor and Hubert Humphrey.
Discussion: Raw Story
Frank Partnoy / The Atlantic:
The Looming Bank Collapse  —  After months of living with the coronavirus pandemic, American citizens are well aware of the toll it has taken on the economy: broken supply chains, record unemployment, failing small businesses.  All of these factors are serious and could mire the United States in a deep, prolonged recession.
Gabby Orr / Politico:
Only 1 in 4 Americans see Donald Trump as a man of faith  —  A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll sheds light on perceptions of Trump and religion after his widely criticized photo op outside a church.  —  As President Donald Trump leans on religion to reconnect with his political base ahead …
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and The Hill
Emily Jane Fox / Vanity Fair:
The Parallel Universe of Ivanka Trump, America's Disassociated Princess  —  It's a stunning misread of this turbulent moment for one of the most privileged and powerful people in the nation to tell students about how important it is to listen to her, when she should be doing the listening.
Discussion: Raw Story and Washington Monthly
CBS Boston:
Christopher Columbus Statue In Boston Beheaded  —  BOSTON (CBS) - A Christopher Columbus statue in Boston was beheaded overnight.  —  The statue in Christopher Columbus Park on Atlantic Avenue in the North End was surrounded by crime scene tape early Wednesday morning as the head lay on the ground.
Hayley Miller / HuffPost:
Sen. Susan Collins Loses Endorsement Of Major Gun Control Group  —  Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund supported the Maine Republican in 2014.  This year, they've thrown their support behind Democrat Sara Gideon.  —  After backing Republican Sen. Susan Collins in 2014 …
Discussion: Raw Story
Garrett M. Graff / Washington Post:
Badge-less police officers are showing up at protests.  It's dangerous.  —  Garrett M. Graff is a journalist, historian and the author of “The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11.″  —  Scores of armed, helmeted men in blue and olive drab shirts took up positions around …
Discussion: Fox News
Tariro Mzezewa / New York Times:
2020 Is the Summer of the Road Trip.  Unless You're Black.  —  The family road trip is making a comeback in the wake of the coronavirus, but for African-American motorists, it's never been a source of unfettered freedom.  —  If there's one thing the people behind car and R.V. companies …
Des Moines Register:
Message from GOP lawmakers to Iowans: We don't want you voting  —  Republican state lawmakers are on a mission: Make it as difficult as possible for Iowans to vote.  —  Their latest effort to fulfill this mission came in the form of a last-minute 30-page amendment to a previously simple, noncontroversial bill.
Discussion: Raw Story
NBC News:
Detained migrants say they were forced to clean COVID-infected ICE facility  —  LOS ANGELES — Asylum-seeking migrants locked up inside an Arizona Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center with one of the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases say they were forced to clean the facility and are …
Kate Bennett / CNN:
Trump Jr.'s Mongolian sheep hunting trip cost taxpayers about $75,000, documents show  —  (CNN)Donald Trump Jr.'s trip to Mongolia last August, where he hunted a rare breed of giant sheep, cost US taxpayers about $75,000 in Secret Service protection, according to documents obtained by a government watchdog group.
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Defund police?  Democrats lead list of those taking cash from police unions  —  Amid calls to defund police and criticism of police unions from the left in the wake of George Floyd's death, an analysis of donations from police unions and political action committees (PACs) …
U.S. Department of Justice:
Harvard University Professor Indicted on False Statement Charges  —  The former Chair of Harvard University's Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department was indicted today on charges of making false statements to federal authorities regarding his participation in China's Thousand Talents Program.
Discussion: Just The News and The College Fix
USA Today:
‘Not acceptable’: USA TODAY Network reporter covering George Floyd protest detained in Delaware  —  DOVER, Del. — A staff photographer/reporter for the USA TODAY Network was taken into custody by Delaware State Police on Tuesday night while covering a protest near the state's capital.
Marc Santora / New York Times:
The World Reopens, Despite Skyrocketing Coronavirus Cases  —  The number of infections is rising faster than ever, but many countries have decided that this is the moment to ease lockdown restrictions.  —  LONDON — Two months ago, when there were roughly one million confirmed coronavirus cases …
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
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 More Items: 
Travis Yates / Law Officer:
America, We Are Leaving  —  This is the hardest thing I have written.
Madeline Osburn / The Federalist:
Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women
Zachary Evans / National Review:
The Oberlin Mindset Has Spread to the Real World
David Corn / Mother Jones:
Donald Trump's Corruption Is Killing Americans
Marc Tracy / New York Times:
Wall Street Journal Staff Faults Column on Race by Former Top Editor
Keith C. Burris / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Truth, fairness and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Sen. Marco Rubio / Public Discourse:
On the Unjust Death of George Floyd and Racism in America
Robert Burns / Associated Press:
US military now rethinking links to Confederate Army symbols
 Earlier Items: 
Wesley Lowery / The Atlantic:
The Breaking Point  —  MINNEAPOLIS—Miski Noor watched …
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
‘A seismic quake’: Floyd killing transforms views on race
Wall Street Journal:
1MDB's Suspected Mastermind Found New Ways to Move Money in Kuwait
Madeline Holcombe / CNN:
19 states see rising coronavirus cases and Arizona is asking its hospitals to activate emergency plans
Discussion: Bloomberg and KTLA
Report: FBI found weapons, booby traps after arrest of 3 Las Vegas men

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming this year

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Tether, the top stablecoin provider, says it made a new synthetic dollar that is backed by gold and will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on Ethereum Mainnet

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