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9:25 PM ET, June 22, 2020


 Top Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
Attorney General Barr, Berman at Odds Over Letter Criticizing New York City Mayor  —  Geoffrey Berman, the former top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, refused to sign letter criticizing Mayor de Blasio for enforcing social-distancing rules to block religious gatherings but not protests
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Scoop: House Judiciary prepares to subpoena Attorney General Bill Barr  —  House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) is preparing to subpoena Attorney General Bill Barr for his testimony on July 2, a committee spokesperson confirmed to Axios.  —  Why it matters: The expected subpoena comes …
White House admits Trump was involved in firing of top US attorney after Trump claimed he wasn't  —  (CNN)The White House on Monday admitted that President Donald Trump was involved in the removal of US Attorney Geoffrey Berman after Trump had claimed he was “not involved” in the process this weekend.
Joyce White Vance / TIME:
Americans Need to Know the Truth About William Barr's Friday Night Massacre.  We Can't Afford to Wait  —  Vance is distinguished professor of the practice of law at the University of Alabama, a former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama and an NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst.
Felicia Sonmez / Washington Post:
After Trump fires Manhattan U.S. attorney, some Senate Republicans respond with a shrug
Discussion: Politico and The Hill
U.S. Department of Justice:
Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband and U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider …
Discussion: Associated Press
Fiercely independent New York prosecutors won't be cowed by Barr and Trump
Tom LoBianco / Business Insider:
Mike Pence and his wife Karen voted by mail in April from a mansion they haven't lived in for four years  — Vice President Mike Pence and his wife mailed in their ballots for Indiana's June GOP primary, according to a copy of the state's voter files obtained by Insider.
Amy Gardner / Washington Post:
Barring a landslide, what's probably not coming on Nov. 3?  A result in the race for the White House.  —  After voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada went to the polls this month, some races hung in the balance for days as election officials waded through thousands of absentee ballots.
Associated Press:
Trump Rails Against Mail Voting.  His Aides Have Embraced It  —  WASHINGTON — A half-dozen senior advisers to President Donald Trump have repeatedly voted by mail, according to election records obtained by The Associated Press, undercutting the president's argument that the practice will lead to widespread fraud this November.
Eric Tucker / Associated Press:
With unsubstantiated claim, Trump sows doubt on US election
Miles Parks / NPR:
FACT CHECK: Trump Spreads Unfounded Claims About Voting By Mail
Discussion: New York Times, CNN and Washington Post
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“Brad Really S—t the Bed Saturday Night”: After Tulsa Catastrophe, Parscale—And Kushner—Is at the Top of Trump's Hit List  —  Trump is pondering putting Kushner antagonists atop the campaign—"We can't allow Jared's stupid disagreements to get in the way," he said—but the problem is likely at the top.
Brexit Leader Allowed To Attend Trump Rally With A ‘National Interest’ Travel Ban Waiver
Discussion: Breitbart
ABC News:
After Trump's dismal return rally, finger pointing, blame game intensifies
Discussion: Political Wire
Washington Post:
Trump's anger over Tulsa rally underscores growing problems within his campaign
Discussion: Mediaite
Washington Post:
Trump increasingly preoccupied with defending his physical and mental health  —  The early June meeting in the Cabinet Room was intended as a general update on President Trump's reelection campaign, but the president had other topics on his mind.  —  Trump had taken a cognitive screening test …
Matt Viser / Washington Post:
Biden campaign confirms he will attend three debates with Trump, criticizes the president for flipping on his debate stance  —  Joe Biden's campaign on Monday committed to three scheduled debates with President Trump in September and October and criticized the president for taking varied positions …
Janelle Irwin Taylor / Florida Politics:   Poll shows Duval voters oppose RNC coming to Jacksonville, worry about coronavirus impact
NBC New York:
US Army Soldier Allegedly Gave Classified Info to Satanic Neo-Nazi Group, Sources Say
Discussion: Daily Kos, The US Sun and Law & Crime
Craig McCarthy / New York Post:
How conspiracy theories about the NYPD Shake Shack ‘poisoning’ blew up  —  The three cops at the center of the NYPD milkshake “poisoning” scandal never even got sick, and there wasn't the slightest whiff of criminality from the get-go — but that didn't stop gung-ho brass from rolling …
Donald J. Trump / The White House:
Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak  —  The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly disrupted Americans' livelihoods.  Since March 2020, United States businesses and their workers …
John Binder / Breitbart:
Trump to Halt Foreign Visa Worker Programs to Free Up 600K U.S. Jobs for Americans
Discussion: Big League Politics
Washington Post:
Trump, citing pandemic, orders limits on foreign workers, extends immigration restrictions through December
Discussion: The Verge and The Week
USA Today:
‘We can mute that line’: State Department cuts off reporter trying to ask about Bolton's book during censorship briefing  —  WASHINGTON - During a briefing on Chinese propaganda and press censorship, the State Department's chief spokeswoman muted the line of a reporter who tried to ask …
Matthew Boyle / Breitbart:
Exclusive - State Department Torches Media for Comparing U.S. to Chinese Communist Party …
Max Cohen / Politico:
State Dept. mutes reporter asking about Bolton's book
Discussion: Mediaite
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
White House fumbles its story on explaining testing ‘slow down’  —  The White House said Trump was kidding when he claimed he wanted to “slow down” coronavirus testing.  Given a chance to clarify, he made matters worse.  —  Even by Donald Trump standards, his comments about the coronavirus on Saturday night were deeply unfortunate.
Adam Entous / New Yorker:
What Fiona Hill Learned in the White House  —  The senior fellow at Brookings and expert on modern Russia had hoped to guide the U.S.-Russia relationship.  President Trump had other ideas.  —  The Brookings Institution is one of many think tanks in Washington, D.C., where scholars …
Discussion: Mediaite and The Week
Noam Scheiber / New York Times:
Bill Simmons Plays Defense on Diversity at The Ringer  —  A podcast episode on the recent protests increased staff complaints concerning the lack of diversity at his digital outlet, The Ringer.  —  Since leaving ESPN in 2015, the sports media pioneer Bill Simmons has notched a series of wins …
The National Pulse:
EXCLUSIVE: Ex-CNN ‘Reporters’ Now Work for The Chinese Communist Party's Propaganda Outfit: CGTN  —  China Global Television Network, a registered foreign agent in the U.S. and integral outlet in the Chinese state-owned media landscape, employs several former CNN correspondents and anchors.
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:   Trump Admin Shuts Down Radio Station Run by Chinese Propaganda Outlet
Sam Jones / The Guardian:
Experts call for regulation after latest botched art restoration in Spain  —  Immaculate Conception painting by Murillo reportedly cleaned by furniture restorer  —  Conservation experts in Spain have called for a tightening of the laws covering restoration work after a copy of a famous painting …
Discussion: New York Post
Mark Z. Barabak / Los Angeles Times:
News Analysis: Joe Biden is no Hillary Clinton, and that's a problem for President Trump  —  Joe Biden is old.  He has a paper trail reaching back half a century.  He is, by his own admission, a “gaffe machine” who regularly trips over his own tongue.  —  He is not, however …
Statement from Treasurer Magaziner about the State's Name  —  PROVIDENCE, RI —Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magazine today made the following announcement about his office's use of the state's name:  —  “Today, I am announcing that the Office of the General Treasurer will remove the words …
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 More Items: 
CBS News:
Top Trump fundraiser sought to cash in on valuable 3M masks
Christine Jordan Sexton / Florida Politics:
Florida changes ICU reporting
Washington Post:
D.C. police, protesters skirmish over removal of tents near White House
New Yorker:
The Mail  —  Letters respond to Nicholas Lemann's piece …
Janelle Griffith / NBC News:
Sheriff's office employee among 3 men accused of vandalizing Black Lives Matter sign
Discussion: The Root
Patrick Svitek / The Texas Tribune:
Gov. Greg Abbott urges voluntary measures to curb coronavirus spread but says closing Texas will be the “last option”
 Earlier Items: 
Gregg Re / Fox News:
Jimmy Kimmel used ‘N-word’ in imitation Snoop song in 1996, impersonated comic George Wallace in 2013: audio
Discussion: Breitbart and Twitchy
David Freed / The Atlantic:
The First U.S. General to Call Trump a Bigot
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
McEnany's sloppy, misleading effort to defend Trump's indefensible use of ‘kung flu’
Discussion: Breitbart
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Raw Story
Associated Press:
Surging US virus cases raise fear that progress is slipping
Discussion: IJR
Dan Sabbagh / The Guardian:
Johnson and May ignored claims Russia had ‘likely hold’ over Trump, ex-spy alleges
Will Sommer / The Daily Beast:
TikTok Teens Are Obsessed With Pizzagate
Discussion: New York Times and Gothamist

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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