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9:45 AM ET, June 23, 2020


 Top Items: 
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“Brad Really S—t the Bed Saturday Night”: After Tulsa Catastrophe, Parscale—And Kushner—Is at the Top of Trump's Hit List  —  Trump is pondering putting Kushner antagonists atop the campaign—"We can't allow Jared's stupid disagreements to get in the way," he said—but the problem is likely at the top.
Discussion: Raw Story and The Week
Asawin Suebsaeng / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Rally Was a ‘Disaster.’ But It Wasn't Even His Biggest One.  —  No one thought that the event in Tulsa was a success.  But the bigger problem may be the fundraising numbers that came in right before.  —  Shortly after Saturday night's less-than-packed rally in Oklahoma …
Discussion: Daily Kos and Mediaite
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
Two Trump campaign staffers who attended Tulsa rally test positive for coronavirus
Discussion: The Week and WHDH-TV
Washington Post:
Trump's anger over Tulsa rally underscores growing problems within his campaign
Discussion: The Nation and Mediaite
ABC News:
After Trump's dismal return rally, finger pointing, blame game intensifies
Discussion: Political Wire and Yahoo News
Paul LeBlanc / CNN:
Clash near White House prompts Secret Service to tell press to leave grounds in unusual move  —  Washington (CNN)A confrontation between protesters and police in the park across the street from the White House on Monday evening led the US Secret Service to take the unusual step of ordering members …
Washington Post:
D.C. police, protesters skirmish over removal of tents near White House  —  D.C. police and protesters engaged in a skirmish Monday afternoon as city officials attempted to clear out tents erected on a street near the White House as part of a protest after the killing of George Floyd.
Discussion: Breitbart, DCist, The Hill and Axios
Watch Live: Protesters, police clash in Lafayette Square after trying to tear down Andrew Jackson statue
Morgan Winsor / ABC News:   Protesters try to topple Andrew Jackson statue near White House
Washington Post:
Trump increasingly preoccupied with defending his physical and mental health  —  The early June meeting in the Cabinet Room was intended as a general update on President Trump's reelection campaign, but the president had other topics on his mind.  —  Trump had taken a cognitive screening test …
Rebecca Shabad / NBC News:
Univ. of Michigan bows out of 2nd presidential debate and it's moved to Miami  —  WASHINGTON — The second 2020 presidential debate this fall will be held in Miami instead of the University of Michigan, which originally planned to host it, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Tuesday.
Discussion: The University Record and The Hill
Trump team weighs a CDC scrubbing to deflect mounting criticism  —  White House officials are putting a target on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, positioning the agency as a coronavirus scapegoat as cases surge in many states and the U.S. falls behind other nations that are taming the pandemic.
Discussion: Raw Story
Anne Flaherty / ABC News:
3 questions to watch for as Fauci, Redfield testify before House panel
Discussion: Washington Post
Dareh Gregorian / NBC News:
Key Democratic primaries for House in N.Y. and Senate in Kentucky  —  New York's coronavirus-delayed primary is Tuesday — and it has the potential to throw a wrench into the power structure in the Democratic-controlled House — while in Kentucky there's a Democratic battle for the right …
Siobhan Hughes / Wall Street Journal:
Tuesday's Primaries to Test Progressive Democrats' Momentum
Discussion: Jewish Insider
Senate Democrats threaten to block GOP police bill
9 things to watch on a huge primary day for Democrats
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight
Amy Gardner / Washington Post:
Barring a landslide, what's probably not coming on Nov. 3?  A result in the race for the White House.  —  After voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada went to the polls this month, some races hung in the balance for days as election officials waded through thousands of absentee ballots.
Tom LoBianco / Business Insider:
Mike Pence and his wife Karen voted by mail in April from a mansion they haven't lived in for four years
Washington Post:
Voters head to the polls in Kentucky and N.Y. as election officials contend with dearth …
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Scoop: House Judiciary prepares to subpoena Attorney General Bill Barr  —  House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) is preparing to subpoena Attorney General Bill Barr for his testimony on July 2, a committee spokesperson confirmed to Axios.  —  Why it matters: The expected subpoena comes …
CNN:   White House admits Trump was involved in firing of top US attorney after Trump claimed he wasn't
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Nearly all in US back criminal justice reform  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans overwhelmingly want clear standards on when police officers may use force and consequences for officers who do so excessively, according to a new poll that finds nearly all Americans favor at least …
Eric Umansky / ProPublica:
My Family Saw a Police Car Hit a Kid on Halloween.  Then I Learned How NYPD Impunity Works.  —  ProPublica Deputy Managing Editor Eric Umansky's family saw an unmarked NYPD cruiser hit a Black teenager.  He tried to find out how it happened, and instead found all of the ways the NYPD is shielded from accountability.
Paul LeBlanc / CNN:
Trump falsely accuses Obama of treason in latest unfounded attack on his predecessor  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump has falsely accused former President Barack Obama of committing treason in his latest unfounded accusation aimed at his predecessor.  —  Trump for months has publicly accused Obama …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Bolton on a Trump second term: Be afraid  —  Inviting biological weapons attacks, withdrawing the U.S. from NATO and criminalizing political dissent: John Bolton tells Axios these are some of his fears about what could come to pass if President Trump is elected to a second term.
Washington Post:
Activists halt street protests in South Carolina as some demonstrators become infected  —  South Carolina racial justice activists said they would postpone future demonstrations or move them online after at least 13 people who took part in previous protests tested positive for the coronavirus.
Discussion: The Week, Fox News and Power Line
The Texas Tribune:
Texas is heading down a dangerous path, local leaders warn as coronavirus cases and hospitalizations surge
Discussion: Off the Kuff
Adela Suliman / NBC News:
Trump says China deal ‘intact’ hours after aide declares it ‘over’  —  A trade deal worth $200 billion between China and the United States is “fully intact,” President Donald Trump said Monday night, just hours after his senior trade adviser rattled markets by saying the pact was “over.”
Justice News:
U.S. Army Soldier Charged With Terrorism Offenses For Planning Deadly Ambush On Service Members In His Unit  —  U.S. Army Private Ethan Melzer Sent Sensitive U.S. Military Information to Members of a Neo-Nazi Group in an Attempt to Facilitate a “Mass Casualty” Attack on Melzer's Army Unit
Wall Street Journal:
America's Jacobin Moment  —  The cultural putsch in America's institutions strikes at liberal values.  —  By The Editorial Board  —  Anger at the killing of George Floyd has spurred useful reflection about race and perhaps some important police reform.  But the political and cultural forces …
Scott Alexander / Slate Star Codex:
NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I Am Deleting The Blog  —  So, I kind of deleted the blog.  Sorry.  Here's my explanation.  —  Last week I talked to a New York Times technology reporter who was planning to write a story on Slate Star Codex.
Matt Bai / Washington Post:
What Democrats get wrong about the 2016 election  —  By any conventional measure — election polls, approval ratings, economic trends, pandemic death rates — President Trump should be headed for a sound beating in November.  —  Point this out to any nervous liberal, though, and you'll probably hear this rejoinder: “But 2016!”
Steve Bing Dies: Film Financier & Philanthropist Jumped From Century City Building, Authorities Say  —  Steve Bing, the film financier and philanthropist who backed hit movies from Robert Zemeckis' The Polar Express and Beowulf to the Rolling Stones' Shine A Light concert movie, has died.
Discussion: The US Sun, Fox News and
Wesley Lowery / New York Times:
A Reckoning Over Objectivity, Led by Black Journalists  —  What's different, in this moment, is that the editors of our country's most esteemed outlets no longer hold a monopoly on publishing power.  —  It was a brief interaction, during the first weeks of my career.
Discussion: Slate
C. J. Chivers / New York Times:
Trump Didn't ‘Send In the Troops.’ They Were Already There.  —  Police today can turn out with more weaponry than I had in 1992, as a Marine deployed to a burning Los Angeles.  What does it mean to project this much force at home?  —  A little more than 28 years ago, a convoy of Marines drove north on Interstate 5 toward Los Angeles.
Media Matters for America:
Fox guest Rudy Giuliani: “Black Lives Matter wants to come and take your house away from you”  —  Giuliani: “There were well over 100 people wounded with guns and 25 Americans killed over the weekend.  That didn't happen accidentally, Laura.  That's part of a plan and we better wake up to it”
Julie Bosman / New York Times:
Health Officials Had to Face a Pandemic.  Then Came the Death Threats.  —  State and local health officials have found themselves at the center of regular news briefings amid the coronavirus outbreak, making them targets for harassment and threats.  —  Leaders of local and state health departments …
Discussion: Mercury News
Alex Leary / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Heads to Arizona, an Emerging Election Battleground  —  ‘They should be very concerned about Arizona,’ says a former Republican National Committee chairman, pointing to pandemic, economy and civil unrest  —  President Trump heads to Arizona as the once reliably conservative state …
CBS News:
Top Trump fundraiser sought to cash in on valuable 3M masks  —  In early April, as U.S. supplies of N95 surgical masks were dwindling, President Trump took aim at 3M, America's biggest mask maker.  —  Mr. Trump invoked the Defense Production Act, which authorized the head of FEMA to “acquire” any and all 3M N95s.
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 More Items: 
Jonathan Lemire / Associated Press:
After Tulsa, Trump heads to virus hotspot Arizona and border
Catherine Rampell / Washington Post:
The U.S. is falling behind its peers. Americans — if not their leaders — are starting to notice.
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:
Who Wants to Be a Cop?  —  Detroit's police chief talks …
Marianne LeVine / Politico:
The Biden whisperer in the Senate
Annie Lowrey / The Atlantic:
The Second Great Depression
Issues & Insights:
Coronavirus Cases Are Climbing Again. So What?
While national voices claim ‘voter suppression,’ Kentucky on pace for record voter turnout
Erin Geiger Smith / HarperCollins Publishers:
Thank You for Voting
 Earlier Items: 
New York Times:
Trump Suspends Visas Allowing Hundreds of Thousands of Foreigners to Work in the U.S.
Discussion: Slate, The Unz Review and The Week
Senator Tom Cotton / The American Mind:
Senator Tom Cotton against the 1619 Riots
Discussion: Instapundit and The Daily Signal
Sam Warner / NME:
Winona Ryder lost a movie role because a producer thought she looked “too Jewish”
Discussion: IndieWire
Trevor Nace / Forbes:
The Arctic Circle Hit 101°F Saturday, Its Hottest Temperature Ever
USA Today:
‘We can mute that line’: State Department cuts off reporter trying to ask about Bolton's book during censorship briefing
Noam Scheiber / New York Times:
Bill Simmons Plays Defense on Diversity at The Ringer