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2:55 PM ET, June 24, 2020


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Biden Takes Dominant Lead as Voters Reject Trump on Virus and Race  —  A New York Times/Siena College poll finds that Joseph R. Biden Jr. is ahead of the president by 14 points, leading among women and nonwhite voters and cutting into his support with white voters.  —  Biden  —  Trump  —  Other
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
What If I Told You Joe Biden Is Actually Running a Great Campaign?  —  Joe Biden spent months stumbling through the Democratic primary, only to prevail in the end through a fantastical combination of circumstances.  Now he is stumbling through the basement-confined general election to a double-digit lead.
Discussion: Raw Story and The Hill
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Approval of Trump's coronavirus response sinks to lowest on record amid surge in cases: Reuters/Ipsos poll  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) - American approval of President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic has dropped to the lowest level on record, the latest Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll shows …
U.S. appeals court orders judge to dismiss case against former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn  — A federal appeals court ordered a lower-court judge to dismiss the criminal case against Michael Flynn, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's first national security advisor.
Discussion: The Hill, POLITICUSUSA and Disrn
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Appeals court orders judge to dismiss case against Michael Flynn  —  The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday that the federal judge overseeing the sentencing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn must accept the Justice Department's request to drop charges.
Discussion: Politico, Slate and Raw Story
Jennifer Bendery / HuffPost:
Trump Notches His 200th Lifetime Federal Judge  —  Senate Republicans have filled the nation's highest courts with dozens of white men — and zero Black judges.  —  WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans on Wednesday confirmed President Donald Trump's 200th lifetime federal judge …
Bruce Golding / New York Post:
Joe Biden may have ‘personally raised’ idea to investigate Michael Flynn  —  Former Vice President Joe Biden appears to have “personally raised the idea” of investigating Michael Flynn for potentially having violated the obscure Logan Act during his phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak …
Ann Marimow / Washington Post:
Appeals court orders judge to dismiss criminal case against Michael Flynn
Discussion: and New York Times
Allan Smith / NBC News:
Appeals court orders judge to dismiss Michael Flynn case
Discussion: MSNBC
Madison protesters tear down Capitol statues, attack state Senator from Milwaukee as fury erupts again  —  MADISON - Fury exploded outside the Wisconsin State Capitol on Tuesday night as protesters smashed windows at the statehouse, attacked a state senator, and tore down two iconic statues …
Allyson Chiu / Washington Post:
Wisconsin state senator attacked by protesters as demonstrations in Madison turn violent  —  Amid heated demonstrations that left two statues destroyed and windows smashed in Madison, Wis., a Democratic state senator was reportedly attacked by protesters near the state Capitol.
Brooke Singman / Fox News:
New York, Connecticut, New Jersey to require 14-day quarantine for individuals traveling from states hit with coronavirus surge  —  The governors from New York, Connecticut and New Jersey on Wednesday announced that individuals traveling to the tri-state area from states experiencing a surge …
Washington Post:   Live updates: N.Y. N.J. and Conn. order quarantine for travelers from Florida, other states hit hard by coronavirus
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
Madison Cawthorn, 24, Upsets Trump-Endorsed Favorite in North Carolina  —  Mr. Cawthorn's victory in the G.O.P. primary for a House seat formerly held by Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, was an upset for his handpicked successor, who had the president's backing.
Discussion: National Review and 6abc
Adam Serwer / The Atlantic:
Trump Is Struggling to Run Against a White Guy  —  Eight months into Barack Obama's first term as president, the right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh, who was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Donald Trump earlier this year, warned that Obama's election had ushered in a dangerous inversion of power.
Discussion: The Sun and Reuters
New York Times:   With Tweets, Videos and Rhetoric, Trump Pushes Anew to Divide Americans by Race
Jonathan Tilove / Austin American-Statesman:
Texas reports 5K coronavirus cases, highest single-day hike  —  In noon-time TV interviews, Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas is hitting an all-time high for COVID-19 cases Tuesday and told Texans to stay home unless they need to be out.  —  “Texas will report an all-time high in the number …
Natalie Weiner / New York Times:
A Softball Team's Tweet to Trump Leads Players to Quit Mid-Series  —  The players said they did not want a photo of them standing during the national anthem to be used for political purposes.  —  For a few hours this week, softball had a shot at something it has pursued for decades: the spotlight.
Discussion: Raw Story and Sports Illustrated
Louis Casiano / Fox News:
Students for Trump co-founder pleads guilty to $46,000 fraud scheme  —  The co-founder of Students for Trump pleaded guilty Tuesday to scamming consumers and businesses out of $46,000 by posing as a lawyer online and dispensing legal advice, federal prosecutors said.
Dareh Gregorian / NBC News:
Kentucky Senate Democratic primary between McGrath and Booker to decide who challenges McConnell too close to call  —  The Kentucky Senate Democratic primary race to determine who takes on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in November is too close to call, NBC News projects.
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
Facebook creates fact-checking exemption for climate deniers  —  This is a special joint edition of Popular Information and HEATED, a climate newsletter by journalist Emily Atkin.  HEATED is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of the planet earth.  Sign up HERE.
Max Cohen / Politico:
Kellyanne Conway reacts to Trump's use of ‘kung flu,’ months after calling term ‘highly offensive’  —  White House counselor Kellyanne Conway reacted to President Donald Trump's use of “kung flu” first by explaining that Trump used the phrase to highlight the origins of the coronavirus in China …
Associated Press:
US virus cases surge to highest level in 2 months  —  BEIJING (AP) — New coronavirus cases in the U.S. have surged to their highest level in two months and are now back to where they were at the peak of the outbreak.  —  The U.S. on Tuesday reported 34,700 new cases of the virus …
Discussion: Defense One
Nick Judin / Jackson Free Press:
State Health Officer Warns in Interview: Prepare For Overwhelmed Hospitals by Fall … State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs has led Mississippi's response to COVID-19 since the first days of the crisis.  Now, facing spiking metrics in all of the state's key indicators for the spread of the virus …
SoundCloud  —  CBS News Radio correspondent Steve Futterman interviews Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi via phone on police reform legislation, President Trump's recent comments on COVID-19 testing, former National Security Adviser John Bolton's new book, and more!  —  Genre  —  and this reporter is a joke.
Caitlin Dickerson / New York Times:
A Minneapolis Neighborhood Vowed to Check Its Privilege.  It's Already Being Tested.  —  Blocks from where George Floyd drew his last breaths, residents have vowed to avoid the police to protect people of color.  The commitment is hard to keep.  —  MINNEAPOLIS — When Shari Albers moved three decades ago …
Tom McTague / The Atlantic:
The Decline of the American World  —  “He hated America very deeply,” John le Carré wrote of his fictional Soviet mole, Bill Haydon, in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  Haydon had just been unmasked as a double agent at the heart of Britain's secret service, one whose treachery was motivated by animus …
Discussion: Raw Story
John Daniszewski / Associated Press:
Gregory Katz, acclaimed AP journalist, dies at 67  —  NEW YORK (AP) — Gregory Katz, an acclaimed correspondent for The Associated Press in London who recently led the news cooperative's coverage of Brexit and the election of Boris Johnson as prime minister, died Tuesday.
Florida Democrats gain vote-by-mail advantage  —  TALLAHASSEE — Democrats have opened up a 302,000-voter advantage over Republicans in vote-by-mail enrollment, an edge that could pay big dividends in President Donald Trump's newly adopted must-win state.  —  Five months before Election Day …
Discussion: Raw Story, Mother Jones and CNN
Sam Fortier / Washington Post:
Redskins to remove George Preston Marshall's name from all team material  —  Five days after the city tore down George Preston Marshall's statue outside RFK Stadium, the Washington Redskins said they would remove his name from all official team material, including their Ring of Fame …
Discussion: Roll Call
Michael Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Kosovo President Hashim Thaci indicted on war crimes charges ahead of planned White House meeting  —  BRUSSELS — Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was indicted for a range of war crimes, including nearly 100 murders, a special prosecutor in The Hague announced Wednesday, just three days …
John McCormack / National Review:
Marquette Poll: Biden's Lead Grows in Wisconsin as Independents Turn against Trump  —  A new poll shows Joe Biden widening his lead over Donald Trump in the crucial battleground state of Wisconsin.  —  Biden now leads Trump 49 percent to 41 percent, according to the new Marquette University Law school poll.
ABC News:
DOJ whistleblowers argue department damaged by political interference from Barr, Trump  —  The DOJ argues neither whistleblower has provided evidence of misconduct.  —  Two Justice Department whistleblowers appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday to outline a series …
Discussion: Breitbart
Josh Kraushaar / National Journal:
Prepare for a Biden landslide  —  The biggest warning sign for Trump's reelection: He's starting to see softening support from his base.  —  President Trump's weekend rally in red-state Oklahoma, featuring empty seats, a canceled outdoor event, and a rambling speech that failed to land …
Discussion: Daily Kos, NBC News and Fox News
The Federalist:
Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation  —  Handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok show that Obama himself directed key aspects of the campaign to target Flynn during a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.  —  Newly released notes confirm …
Discussion: Althouse
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Campaign Weighs Alternatives to Big Social Platforms  —  Amid disputes with Facebook and Twitter, the president's team mulls whether to push supporters toward a different platform or put more emphasis on its own campaign app  —  The Trump campaign, known for its social media savvy, is hitting digital roadblocks.
Wall Street Journal:
‘Crush This Lady.’ Inside eBay's Bizarre Campaign Against a Blog Critic.  —  Security employees allegedly orchestrated deliveries of live cockroaches, pornographic videos and a mask of a bloody pig's head  —  The box of live cockroaches delivered to their door was the last straw for David and Ina Steiner.
Kashmir Hill / New York Times:
Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm  —  In what may be the first known case of its kind, a faulty facial recognition match led to a Michigan man's arrest for a crime he did not commit.  —  On a Thursday afternoon in January, Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was in his office at an automotive supply company …
Michael Daly / The Daily Beast:
Palm Beach ‘Patriots’ Are Ready to Die for Their Freedom to Breathe Mask-Free  —  Before the county board of commissioners voted to require masks in public places, they were excoriated by witnesses as communist dictators who love the devil—and hate freedom.  —  BEAST INSIDE
Discussion: The Sun and Raw Story
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 More Items: 
Sam Dorman / Fox News:
Trump signs executive order expanding HHS efforts to help foster children
Discussion: Associated Press
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
Trump can recover from this  —  President Trump looked every bit …
Discussion: Breitbart
Bill Barrow / Associated Press:
Joe Biden turns focus to Wisconsin with battle-tested hires
Discussion: The Hill
Sister Toldjah / Redstate:
Retrospective: Compare and Contrast How the Media Described ‘CHOP’ to What Was Really Going on (Video)
Discussion: Newsbusters and Reason
Wall Street Journal:
News From the Non-Lockdown States
Li Cohen / CBS News:
Washington state to require face masks after county runs out of hospital beds
Discussion: Louder With Crowder and Axios
Leigh Ann Caldwell / NBC News:
Sen. Tim Scott shares threatening, racist voicemails he's received
Discussion: The Hill and IJR
Eric Kaufmann / Quillette:
The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution
 Earlier Items: 
Brie Stimson / Fox News:
Bubba Wallace defiant, calls rope ‘straight-up noose’ after FBI says no crime occurred
Discussion: Disrn
W. James Antle III / Washington Examiner:
Trump's Biden problem: People don't hate him like they did Hillary
Leah Asmelash / CNN:
Black Lives Matter protests have not led to a spike in coronavirus cases, research says
Thomas B. Edsall / New York Times:
Why Do We Pay So Many People So Little Money?
Tim Alberta / Politico:
'I'm Tired of Being the Help'
Rick Wilson / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Happy Place Is Grunting and Fantasizing About Real Men
Discussion: Raw Story