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8:25 AM ET, July 21, 2020


 Top Items: 
Michelle Goldberg / New York Times:
Trump's Occupation of American Cities Has Begun  —  Protesters are being snatched from the streets without warrants.  Can we call it fascism yet?  —  The month after Donald Trump's inauguration, the Yale historian Timothy Snyder published the best-selling book “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century.”
John Ismay / New York Times:
A Navy Veteran Had a Question for the Feds in Portland.  They Beat Him in Response.  —  The veteran said he wanted to ask the officers whether they felt their actions violated the Constitution.  Video shows them tear-gassing him and smashing his hand with baton blows.
Dozens of moms formed a human shield to protect protesters from officers outside a federal courthouse in Portland  —  (CNN)As a mom in Portland, Oregon, was watching the unrest unfolding in her city, she felt compelled to get involved and protect protesters.
CBC News:
‘It feels like an invasion,’ says Portland protester detained by federal agents
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:   Portland's Pottery Barn Rule
Washington Post:
Trump threatens to deploy federal agents to Chicago and other U.S. cities led by Democrats
Chicago Tribune:
Homeland Security making plans to deploy some 150 agents in Chicago this week, with scope of duty unknown
Allyson Chiu / Washington Post:
Tucker Carlson claimed the New York Times planned to expose his address.  Then his fans doxed the reporter.  —  On Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson made a surprising accusation: the New York Times, he said, was trying to endanger him and his family by revealing where they live in an upcoming story.
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Tucker Carlson Accuses New York Times of Trying to ‘Injure’ His Family  —  “The Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence of Tucker Carlson's, which Carlson was aware of before tonight's broadcast,” the paper said in response.  —  Fox News host Tucker Carlson ended his first program …
Discussion: Breitbart
Justin Curto / Vulture:
Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity Accused of Sexual Misconduct in New Lawsuit
Discussion: Just The News and East Bay Times
The Daily Beast:
Ex-Fox News Star Ed Henry Accused of Rape in Brutal New Lawsuit
Roger Sollenberger / Salon:
Lawsuit accuses former Fox News anchor Ed Henry of rape and current top talent of sexual harassment
Discussion: Raw Story
NBC News:
Suspect in federal judge's home ambush railed against her in misogynistic book  —  The man suspected of ambushing the family of the first Latina federal judge in New Jersey posted thousands of pages of writing to the internet in recent years decrying feminism and ranting against her …
New York Times:
‘Anti-Feminist’ Lawyer Is Suspect in Killing of Son of Federal Judge in N.J.  —  Roy Den Hollander had openly seethed against the judge, Esther Salas.  After the shooting at her home, he was found dead in an apparent suicide.  —  Roy Den Hollander was a self-described “anti-feminist” …
Joe Biden:
My Statement on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections  —  Foreign interference in the U.S. electoral process represents an assault on the American people and their constitutional right to vote.  When foreign states direct hackers, trolls, money launderers, and misinformation to subvert …
Discussion: Axios and UPI
Nico Hines / The Daily Beast:
Official Report ‘Scandal:’ U.K. ‘Actively Avoided’ Probing Russia's Role in Brexit  —  U.K.'s Intelligence and Security Committee ‘outraged’ that the Conservative government failed to investigate Russian interference of protect Brexit referendum.  —  LONDON—Britain's Conservative government never bothered …
Washington Post:
Trump's reelection effort has spent more than $983 million, a record sum at this point in the campaign  —  The president maintains a cash lead over Joe Biden, who is gradually closing the money gap.  —  President Trump's campaign, the Republican Party and two affiliated committees have spent …
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:   Joe Biden Is Courting Trump Defectors In the Least Effective Way Imaginable
Washington Post:
Americans support Black Lives Matter but resist shifts of police funds or removal of statues of Confederate generals or presidents who were enslavers  —  A majority of Americans support the Black Lives Matter movement and a record 69 percent say black people and other minorities are not treated …
Discussion: Political Wire
Sabrina Siddiqui / Wall Street Journal:
Majority of Voters Say U.S. Society Is Racist as Support Grows for Black Lives Matter  —  Perceptions that minorities face racial discrimination hit new highs, WSJ/NBC News poll finds  —  Voters in growing numbers believe that Black and Hispanic Americans are discriminated against …
Discussion: The Big Picture
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
RNC to hawk Donald Trump Jr.'s new book
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Raw Story
Corporate giants shut down Trump texting program
Discussion: Breitbart and Raw Story
Tyler Pager / Bloomberg:
Biden Proposes $775 Billion Plan Funded by Real Estate Taxes  — Democratic program would bolster care for children, elderly  — Proposal would target ‘like-kind’ real estate exchanges  —  Joe Biden on Tuesday unveiled a $775 billion plan to bolster child care and care for the elderly …
Discussion: CNBC and The Week
Washington Post:   Biden to unveil $775 billion plan for universal preschool, child care and elder care
Shane Harris / Washington Post:
DHS authorizes personnel to collect information on protesters it says threaten monuments  —  The Department of Homeland Security has authorized its personnel to collect information on protesters who threaten to damage or destroy public memorials and statues, regardless of whether they are on federal property …
Dartunorro Clark / NBC News:
Biden says four Black women are on his VP list but won't commit to choosing one … Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told MSNBC on Monday that four Black women are on his shortlist for vice president — putting him closer to selecting a running mate …
Discussion: The Hill
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Biden says 4 Black women are on his list of potential running mates
Alyssa Nakken / CBS News:
Giants Manager Gabe Kapler, others kneel during national anthem  —  Oakland, California — San Francisco Giants manager Gabe Kapler plans to use his position to speak out against racial injustice and provide a voice for those who aren't heard.  Kapler and several of his players knelt during …
Marshall Cohen / CNN:
‘Things could get very ugly’: Experts fear post-election crisis as Trump sets the stage to dispute the results in November  —  Washington (CNN)Voting experts and political strategists from across the political spectrum are increasingly alarmed about the potential for a disputed presidential election …
Discussion: WTOP
Louise Perry / UnHerd:
Factcheck10:55 An untrue claim in the New Yorker speaks volumes  —  Photo by Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)  —  Reading the latest copy of the New Yorker magazine, published exactly a week ago, I came across this sentence in a piece by Jill Lepore:
Andrew C. McCarthy / New York Post:
FBI knew ‘collusion’ was a nothing-burger, but kept fake scandal alive anyway  —  'We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with [Russian intelligence officers].  How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok …
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
American Death Cult Why has the Republican response to the pandemic been so mind-bogglingly disastrous?  —  Last October, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security compiled a ranking system to assess the preparedness of 195 countries for the next global pandemic.
Discussion: Raw Story
Julian Borger / The Guardian:
Trump consults Bush torture lawyer on how to skirt law and rule by decree  —  The Trump administration has been consulting the former government lawyer who wrote the legal justification for waterboarding on how the president might try to rule by decree.  —  Read more
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 More Items: 
Rebecca Shabad / NBC News:
Fauci responds to Trump: ‘I consider myself a realist, as opposed to an alarmist’
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal:
Disney Fires Top ABC News Executive Barbara Fedida for Racially Insensitive Remarks
Dan Hannan / Washington Examiner:
What's in a capital letter? The unmaking of racial equality
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Rebecca Falconer / Axios:
ACLU sues Trump administration over Michael Cohen's imprisonment
Discussion: Politico, ACLU, UPI and Fox News
Washington Post:
Trump to bring back coronavirus briefings in attempt to revive reelection campaign
Discussion: Raw Story, The Week and Deadline
Annie Gowen / Washington Post:
‘A very dark feeling’: Hundreds camp out in Oklahoma unemployment lines
New York Times:
Republicans, Still at Odds Over Aid Package, Eye $1 Trillion Opening Offer
Discussion: Political Wire
 Earlier Items: 
Bob Brigham / Raw Story:
George Will reveals he is voting for Joe Biden — the first time he's ever cast a vote for a Democrat: report
Bhaskar Sunkara / Jacobin:
Remembering Our Friend and Comrade Michael Brooks
Nicole Lyn Pesce / MarketWatch:
The doctor behind a cognitive test Trump took says 'it's supposed to be easy'
Daniel Arkin / NBC News:
Florida's largest teachers union sues state over reopening schools
Discussion: The Week
Stuart Stevens / Penguin Random House:
It Was All a Lie  —  Buy the Audiobook Download:
Manu Raju / CNN:
Ousted New York Democrat warns his colleagues: ‘Very dangerous’ to engage in intraparty primary fights

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+ people: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use vs. just two a decade ago, more

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
TikTok expands its Symphony generative AI ad suite with dubbing, stock Digital Avatars based on paid actors, and custom Avatars resembling specific creators

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