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3:30 PM ET, July 25, 2020


 Top Items: 
Oliver Darcy / CNN:
Local TV stations across the country set to air discredited ‘Plandemic’ researcher's conspiracy theory about Fauci  —  New York (CNN Business)Local television stations owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group are set to air a conspiracy theory over the weekend that suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci …
New York Times:
Videos Show How Federal Officers Escalated Violence in Portland  —  Peaceful protests were already happening for weeks when federal officers arrived on July 4.  Our video shows how President Trump's deployment ignited chaos.  —  Federal officers in military gear ... ... clouds of tear gas ... ... crowd control munitions ...
Wall Street Journal:
Elite Border Patrol Unit Is Among Federal Agents Deployed to Portland
Discussion: JustOneMinute
Jonathan Turley / The Hill:
More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration  —  The Washington press corps seems engaged in a collective demonstration of the legal concept of willful blindness, or deliberately ignoring facts, following the release of yet another declassified document …
New York Times:
The F.B.I. Pledged to Keep a Source Anonymous.  Trump Allies Aided His Unmasking.  —  After a Russia expert who had collected research on Donald Trump for a disputed dossier agreed to tell the F.B.I. what he knew about it, law enforcement officials declassified a road map to identifying him.
Discussion: Althouse
Paul Sperry / RealClearInvestigations:
Meet the Steele Dossier's ‘Primary Subsource’: Fabulist Russian at Democrat Think Tank Whose Boozy Past the FBI Ignored
Barbara Boxer / Washington Post:
DHS was a mistake.  I regret voting for it.  —  I never imagined a president like Trump when I voted to create the Department of Homeland Security.  —  Here are the three words that no elected official, serving or retired, wants to say: “I was wrong.”  —  Throughout my career, I was known for taking some very lonely votes.
Masha Gessen / New Yorker:   Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force
Jonathan Blitzer / New Yorker:   Is It Time to Defund the Department of Homeland Security?
Andrew Crespo / Washington Post:
The federal police in Portland don't even understand what ‘arrests’ are
Discussion: Breitbart and Lawfare
Washington Post:
Operation Diligent Valor: Trump showcased federal power in Portland, making a culture war campaign pitch
Discussion: Raw Story and City Journal
David Siders / Politico:
Donald Trump's suburban horror show  —  Donald Trump says Joe Biden wants to abolish the suburbs.  But polls show a different truth: The suburbs want to abolish Donald Trump.  —  If current numbers hold, the Republican Party will suffer its worst defeat in the suburbs in decades — with implications reaching far beyond November.
Discussion: Raw Story and Fox News
Danielle Zoellner / The Independent:
Key Trump campaign donor steps back from supporting president's 2020 election bid
Discussion: Business Insider
Asawin Suebsaeng / The Daily Beast:
'It's Bleak': Trump's Great American Comeback Is a Dumpster Fire
Discussion: Raw Story
Ian Millhiser / Vox:
The Supreme Court's surprising decision on churches and the pandemic, explained  —  Nevada churches brought an unusually strong challenge to the state's public health rules, but they lost anyway.  —  The Supreme Court has ruled, for the second time in the last two months …
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Split 5 to 4, Supreme Court Rejects Nevada Church's Challenge to Shutdown Restrictions  —  The church said it was subject to more severe limits than casinos and restaurants.  —  The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request from a church in Nevada to block enforcement of state restrictions on attendance at religious services.
USA Today:
As America tops 4 million COVID cases, the cult of Donald Trump has become a death cult  —  America has now passed the milestone of 4 million COVID cases, and we're still arguing with doctors and epidemiologists about masks and school closures.  I expected some of this …
Discussion: Raw Story and Progress Pond
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
Trump's week of retreat: The president reverses course as the coronavirus surges out of control  —  President Trump was adamant that Congress cut payroll taxes — until, suddenly, he backed down.  —  He demanded that all of the nation's schools reopen for the fall semester — until, suddenly, he allowed for some wiggle room.
Discussion: The Moderate Voice and Raw Story
Washington Post:
How the Republican National Convention came undone
Discussion: The Bulwark
NBC News:
Trump's convention cancellation is costing GOP donors millions
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
The Biggest Takeaway from Trump's Barstool Suck-Up Session  —  The president's anti-Black Lives Matter shtick is so extreme he's even lost the Barstool bros.  —  President Trump invited Dave “El Presidente” Portnoy to the White House on Thursday for a discussion vaguely resembling an …
Washington Post:
House GOP's pleas to Republican National Committee for financial help go unanswered  —  Senior House Republicans are pleading with the deep-pocketed Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign to provide financial help as Democrats vastly outraise the GOP, but top campaign officials are so far declining to commit.
Discussion: Political Wire
New York Times:
Corporate Insiders Pocket $1 Billion in Rush for Coronavirus Vaccine  —  Well-timed stock bets have generated big profits for senior executives and board members at companies developing vaccines and treatments.  —  On June 26, a small South San Francisco company called Vaxart made a surprise announcement …
Discussion: American Prospect
Roger Cohen / New York Times:
American Catastrophe Through German Eyes  —  Trump says he wants to protect law-abiding citizens.  In 1933, Hitler issued his ‘Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State.’  —  PARIS — No people has found the American lurch toward authoritarianism under President Trump more alarming than the Germans.
Julie Satow / New York Times:
Turning a Second Home Into a Primary Home  —  Those who are lucky enough to have a weekend house have discovered that living there full-time can require some adjustment.  —  20 PhotosView Slide Show  —  ›  —  When the pandemic slammed into New York City in March, Sally Fischer …
Gwen Aviles / NBC News:
Florida lawyers offering free living wills to teachers returning to school during the pandemic … A number of Florida lawyers are offering free or discounted living wills for teachers who may be required to return to the classroom this school year.  —  “I had read a story a few weeks ago …
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
Media coverage of the 2016 campaign was disastrous.  Now's the last chance to get 2020 right.  —  How did the news media mess up in the 100 days leading up to the 2016 presidential election?  Let me count the ways.  —  Journalists relied too much on what opinion polls were saying …
Discussion: Politico
Washington Post:
Spin, deride, attack: How Trump's handling of Trump University presaged his presidency  —  The judge was out to get him, he said.  So was that prosecutor in New York, whom he called a dopey loser on a witch hunt.  So were his critics, who he said were all liars.
Charles Fain Lehman / Washington Free Beacon:
The Wages of Woke  —  Dr. Robin DiAngelo, the bestselling author of White Fragility, claims to believe in accountability.  DiAngelo used to list the “racial justice” organizations she donates to as part of her extensive “accountability statement,” including a monthly “land rent” …
Peter Baker / New York Times:
‘Mugged by Reality,’ Trump Finds Denial Won't Stop the Pandemic  —  A president who once claimed that “the worst days of the pandemic are behind us” now acknowledges that it has surged through much of the country and will “get worse before it gets better.”  —  WASHINGTON — He insisted …
Helaine Olen / Washington Post:
Small-business owners are realizing they are the victims of another Trump con  —  Last summer, Scott Richardson renovated Occasionally Yours, his 30-year-old cafe in Swarthmore, Pa., and revamped the menu.  Business more than doubled.  “Putting avocado on things is a really positive thing,” he told me.
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 More Items: 
Hallie Golden / The Guardian:
'That's an illegal order': veterans challenge Trump's officers in Portland
Andy Ngo / New York Post:
Portland protests have no goal except violence and anarchy
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Elon Musk, Blasting Off in Domestic Bliss
Discussion: Vanity Fair and Breitbart
Leah Nylen / Politico:
House hearing with big tech company CEOs rescheduled for Wednesday
Gulabuddin Ghubar / TOLOnews:
‘Over 400 Taliban Attacks in Past Week’: ONSC
Washington Post:
CDC director concedes schools in ‘hot spots’ face tougher call on reopening
Lydia O'Connor / HuffPost:
LeBron James Helping Florida Ex-Felons Pay Fees So They Can Vote
 Earlier Items: 
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Georgia Senate: Ossoff in self-isolation after his wife contracts COVID-19
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:
Why Republicans are more afraid of change than ever
Discussion: Twitchy
A Texas hospital overwhelmed by the coronavirus may send some patients home to die
New York Times:
Anatomy of an Election ‘Meltdown’ in Georgia
Why the Obama-Biden ad may persuade key US voters
Discussion: Washington Post
Ken Coleman / Michigan Advance:
He spent $10M of his own money running for governor in '18. …
Edmund Lee / New York Times:
At Wall Street Journal, News Staff and Opinion Side Clash
Discussion: Washington Post, Fox News and Townhall

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+ people: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use vs. just two a decade ago, more

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
TikTok expands its Symphony generative AI ad suite with dubbing, stock Digital Avatars based on paid actors, and custom Avatars resembling specific creators

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