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8:40 AM ET, July 27, 2020


 Top Items: 
Carrie Dann / NBC News:
Biden leads in North Carolina as voters give Trump poor marks on virus, race relations  —  Republican Sen. Thom Tillis trails his Democratic challenger, as well, in a new NBC News/Marist poll.  —  WASHINGTON — Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 7 points in the key swing state of North Carolina …
‘She had no remorse’: Why Kamala Harris isn't a lock for VP  —  When former Sen. Chris Dodd, a member of Joe Biden's vice presidential search committee, recently asked Kamala Harris about her ambush on Biden in the first Democratic debate, Dodd was stunned by her response.
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Ryan Lizza / Politico:
Biden's VP shortlist comes up short  —  Joe Biden has a dilemma when it comes to choosing a running mate.  —  The Democratic presidential nominee wants to pick someone who is like him (or at least the way he saw himself as vice president): loyal, trusted, experienced, apolitical, someone with whom he will bond.
Discussion: Washington Post
POLITICO Playbook: Sneak peek at the Dem convention  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  NEWS ... THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION — Aug. 17 to Aug. 20 — will be live from 9 P.M. to 11 P.M. each evening, with one or more speakers appearing nightly from a swing state, including Wisconsin.
Discussion: New York Times
Frank E. Lockwood / Arkansas Online:
Bill by Sen. Tom Cotton targets curriculum on slavery  —  WASHINGTON — A New York Times-based school curriculum emphasizing American slavery instead of American independence has been targeted by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton.  —  The Little Rock Republican introduced legislation Thursday …
Summer Concepcion / Talking Points Memo:   Cotton's Office Denies He Believes Slavery Was A ‘Necessary Evil’ After Backlash Over Remark
Bryan Armen Graham / The Guardian:
Tom Cotton calls slavery ‘necessary evil’ in attack on New York Times' 1619 Project
Discussion: Contemptor
Katie Rogers / New York Times:
Melania Trump to Announce Plan to Revamp White House Rose Garden  —  The first lady's renovation of one of the strongest symbols presidents have used to showcase the power of the office is taking place as her husband enters a crucial stretch of his re-election effort.
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:
Don't Count Trump Out  —  Let's stipulate right away …
Discussion: Vox
Washington Post:
One question still dogs Trump: Why not try harder to solve the coronavirus crisis?  —  Both President Trump's advisers and operatives laboring to defeat him increasingly agree on one thing: The best way for him to regain his political footing is to wrest control of the coronavirus.
Associated Press:
On Portland's streets: Anger, fear, and a fence that divides  —  PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The party at the Salmon Street Springs fountain, a riverfront landmark in the heart of Portland, was just getting started.  —  Dozens of drummers beat out entrancing rhythms and a crowd of hundreds danced joyfully …
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Senate Republicans grow weary with White House over stimulus bill  —  Frustration among many Senate Republicans, not to mention Democrats, toward the White House has hit a fever pitch, with many lawmakers — including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — admitting they could break for the August recess without a stimulus bill.
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Trump plans to aggressively promote vaccine and therapeutic news at coronavirus briefings
Discussion: Associated Press
Gabby Orr / Politico:
‘We will not be betrayed again’: Trump's SCOTUS list hits a new roadblock  —  To give disgruntled conservatives a dash of hope after crushing Supreme Court losses on abortion and LGBTQ protections this summer, President Donald Trump made a promise: He would unveil a new list …
Robert Costa / Washington Post:
Sen. Hawley lays down new antiabortion marker for Supreme Court nominees
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Fauci Propaganda — This Time  —  Will the broadcasting company now drop a program attacking the prominent public health expert, or just repackage it?  —  Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is one of the largest television station operators in the country …
Discussion: Vox, CNN and Axios, more at Mediagazer »
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
America's global standing is at a low point.  The pandemic made it worse.  —  Under Trump, the United States retreats from collaborative leadership at a time of global crisis  —  America's standing in the world is at a low ebb.  Once described as the indispensable nation …
Andrea Cambron / WTOP:
ShutDownDC rallies in Alexandria at the home of acting secretary of Homeland Security  —  A crowd gathered outside the home of Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of Homeland Security, in Alexandria, Virginia, on Sunday afternoon to protest the recent controversial detention of protesters in Portland, Oregon.
Justin George / Washington Post:
On a quiet Northern Virginia street, protesting DHS tactics in Portland, Ore.
Discussion: Breitbart and The Hill
Michael Kruse / Politico:
Trump's Summer of Love Is a Distant Memory Now  —  Four years ago today, 8,879 people crammed into an arena in Toledo, Ohio, and waved signs and pumped fists and jumped up and down and shrieked at the sight of the man Republicans the week before had tapped as their candidate for president.  “Wow!”
Discussion: Raw Story
Harry Enten / CNN:
Trump is behind in a state no Republican has won the presidency without in 96 years  —  (CNN)Poll of the week: A new CNN/SSRS poll finds that former Vice President Joe Biden leads in the state of Florida by a 51% to 46% margin over President Donald Trump among registered voters.
Discussion: Politico and The Hill
Andrew O'Reilly / Fox News:
Biden campaign declines ‘Fox News Sunday’ interview, 1 week after Chris Wallace's Trump sitdown
Discussion: The Inquisitr and NBC News
Louie Gohmert Supporters Alleged to Have Beaten Up Opponent's Campaign Manager at Protest, Calls for Texas Rangers to Investigate  —  TYLER, Texas—Armed supporters of Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Tyler) brutally beat and assaulted Ryan Miller, the campaign manager for Gohmert's opponent …
Anton Troianovski / New York Times:
Fighting False News in Ukraine, Facebook Fact Checkers Tread a Blurry Line  —  Facebook hired a Ukrainian group battling Russian disinformation to flag misleading posts.  But critics say the fact checkers' work veers into activism.  —  MOSCOW — To understand the complexity …
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Did Hearst's Culture Kill Hearst's Biggest Magazine Story?  —  The workplace environment at the company's magazine division was troubled under Troy Young.  And it may not have been good for ambitious investigative journalism, either.  —  One evening in August 2018, Maximillian Potter …
Sarah Taylor / TheBlaze:
Rabid rioters burn justice center, apartment building in violent clashes: Media won't show ‘full picture’ because 'they don't want you to realize Antifa' torched homes  —  A violent mob set fire to a justice center construction site in Seattle, Washington, reports say.
Moderna, Inc.:
Moderna Announces Phase 3 COVE Study of mRNA Vaccine Against COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) Begins  —  Phase 3 study being conducted in collaboration with NIH and BARDA  —  Expected to enroll 30,000 participants in the U.S.  —  Moderna, Inc., (Nasdaq: MRNA) a clinical stage biotechnology company …
Fred Hiatt / Washington Post:
In just one month, Trump commits a whole new set of potentially impeachable offenses  —  President Trump's contempt for the Constitution is deepening at an accelerating pace.  —  How can I tell?  —  In a June 28 column, I updated the articles of impeachment, imagining as a thought experiment …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Inquisitr
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 More Items: 
Joshua T. Katz / Wall Street Journal:
I Survived Cancellation at Princeton
Discussion: Instapundit
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Anxiety props up Biden, Trump voters fervent
Discussion: The Hill
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
Why Montana Is a Test Case for Democrats' Winning the Senate
Michael Tracey:
Two months since the riots, and still no “National Conversation”
A nation John Lewis helped unite salutes him on his final journey across Selma bridge
Maria Bartiromo / Media Matters for America:
Maria Bartiromo asks why DHS can't “just arrest the leadership in Portland” for “ignoring what's really happening”
David Weigel / Washington Post:
The Trailer: The ‘squad’ gears up for two tough primaries
Discussion: Power Line and Jihad Watch
 Earlier Items: 
Max Greenwood / The Hill:
100 Days: Democrats see clear path to Senate majority
Discussion: Reuters, Raw Story and The Inquisitr
Reed Galen / Business Insider:
Trump knows his reelection chances are in trouble, so now he's trying to confuse Americans …
Discussion: The Inquisitr
Rosalind Helderman / Washington Post:
Trump keeps touting New Jersey fraud case to attack mail voting.  Local leaders say he's not telling the whole story.
Discussion: Raw Story
David French / The Dispatch:
A Eulogy for a Friend, a Lament for our Nation
Discussion: National Review
ABC News:
Oakland protesters set fire to courthouse and vandalize
Discussion: Clayton Cramer, Instapundit and Twitchy
Spencer Fordin / Florida Politics:
Former U.S. Rep. David Jolly hints at possible run for Governor or U.S. Senate
Francis Wilkinson / Bloomberg:
Why Democrats Don't Hold Trump Accountable

From Techmeme:

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch:
Meta launches its much-awaited Threads API, letting developers publish posts, fetch content, manage replies, and view analytics, after an API beta in March 2024

Javier Espinoza / Financial Times:
Sources: Apple is set to settle a long-running EU antitrust investigation over payments, after the EU accepted measures that Apple committed to in January 2024

Amar Subramanya / Google:
Google launches a Gemini app for Android in India, supporting English and nine other languages, and says Gemini will roll out to its iOS app in the coming weeks

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