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2:50 PM ET, September 2, 2020


 Top Items: 
Grinnell College:
Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump in Latest Grinnell College National Poll  —  If the election were held today, the newest edition of the Grinnell College National Poll shows Joe Biden winning the popular vote in his quest to become to be the 46th President of the United States.
Discussion: Washington Times
USA Today:
Exclusive: The conventions over, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by a narrower 50%-43% in USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll  —  The political conventions over, Joe Biden now leads Donald Trump in the race for the White House by 50%-43%, the new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds.
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
No bounce in support for Trump as Americans see pandemic, not crime, as top issue: Reuters/Ipsos poll  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's attempt to make civil unrest a central theme of his re-election campaign has yet to boost his political standing, as most Americans …
POLITICO Playbook: Brace for impact
Discussion: Speaker Nancy Pelosi
President Trump sees bump in Georgia following conventions, more undecided, Channel 2 poll finds
Ben Jordan / TMJ4:
Kenosha business owner declines President Trump photo-op, former owner replaces him  —  A Kenosha business owner is accusing President Donald Trump of using his destroyed store for political gain.  —  Tom Gram's century-old camera shop burned to the ground a week ago during the unrest in Uptown Kenosha.
Commission on Presidential Debates:
Kristen Welker, Co-Anchor Weekend TODAY, White House Correspondent, NBC News  —  Thursday, October 22, Belmont University, Nashville, TN  —  Fahrenkopf, Ridings and Wollack said that, “We are grateful to these experienced journalists, who will help ensure that the general election presidential …
Grace Segers / CBS News:
Watch live: Biden gives remarks on how COVID-19 is affecting students and educators  —  Joe Biden is speaking Wednesday about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected students and educators, and also condemning President Trump's response to the virus.  —  Biden said that if Mr. Trump …
Joe Biden to visit Kenosha on Thursday
Molly Jong-Fast / The Daily Beast:
Trump Hearts Wisconsin (Cuz if He Loses It, He Could End Up in Jail)
Discussion: Raw Story and NPR
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Presidential Race Tightens  —  Democrats lead in other state contests  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Joe Biden holds a 4-point lead over Donald Trump among all registered voters in Pennsylvania according to the Monmouth ("Mon-muth") University Poll.  Among likely voters, the race is a tight 1 to 3 points …
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian:
Trump told Sarah Sanders to ‘take one for the team’ after Kim Jong-un wink  —  Donald Trump told Sarah Sanders she would have to “go to North Korea and take one for the team”, after Kim Jong-un winked at the then White House press secretary during a summit in Singapore in June 2018.
Amanda Terkel / HuffPost:
GOP Rep. Clay Higgins Threatens To Shoot Armed Protesters: 'I'd Drop Any 10 Of You'  —  His social media post, which was removed by Facebook, had a photo of armed Black men.  —  Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) said he'd be more than willing to shoot any armed demonstrators in Louisiana …
Discussion: Raw Story
ABC News:
DHS withheld July intelligence bulletin calling out Russian attack on Biden's mental health  —  The Trump campaign has repeatedly engaged in a similar line of attack.  —  In early July the Department of Homeland Security withheld publication of an intelligence bulletin warning law enforcement agencies …
Katie Shepherd / Washington Post:
‘So skeptical’: Sen. Joni Ernst echoes conspiracy theory questioning coronavirus death count  —  When a man in the crowd of her Iowa campaign stop told Sen. Joni Ernst (R) on Monday that he believed the number of U.S. coronavirus deaths had been overcounted, Ernst replied that she too was “so skeptical.”
Washington Post:
First covid-19 death linked to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally reported in Minnesota  —  The case, involving a biker in his 60s, is one of at least 260 infections traced to the event last month where many declined to wear masks.  —  A Minnesota biker who attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally …
Jada Yuan / Washington Post:
Melania Trump used private email accounts while in the White House, says former colleague and friend  —  Melania Trump regularly used a private Trump Organization email account, an email from a domain, iMessage and the encrypted messaging app, Signal, while in the White House …
Katie Way / VICE:
The Little Cards That Tell Police 'Let's Forget This Ever Happened'  —  Some cops give their friends and family union-issued “courtesy cards” to help get them out of minor infractions.  The cards embody everything wrong with modern policing.  —  KW  —  Mike, a white man in his 50s …
Discussion: Gothamist
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
Trump melts down after Lincoln Project ad mocks his RNC TV ratings: ‘We have FAR more people!’  —  President Donald Trump on Wednesday threw a tantrum about a new Lincoln Project ad that mocked him for scoring lower television ratings for the Republican National Convention than Democratic rival Joe Biden.
Philip Oltermann / The Guardian:
Alexei Navalny poisoned with Novichok, says German government … The German government has said toxicological exams at Berlin's Charité hospital have yielded “unequivocal proof” that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent.
David Folkenflik / NPR:
At Voice of America, Trump Appointee Sought Political Influence Over Coverage  —  Toggle more options  —  At the Voice of America, staffers say the Trump appointee leading their parent agency is threatening to wash away legal protections intended to insulate their news reports from political meddling.
Elisha Fieldstadt / NBC News:
Fauci predicts ‘safe and effective’ coronavirus vaccine by end of year … Dr. Anthony Fauci predicts that a coronavirus vaccine will be developed by the end of 2020.  —  “I believe that by the time we get to the end of this calendar year that we will feel comfortable that we do have a safe …
Georgia likely removed nearly 200k from voter rolls wrongfully, report says  —  (CNN)The state of Georgia has likely removed nearly 200,000 Georgia citizens from the voter rolls for wrongfully concluding that those people had moved and not changed the address on their voter registration …
Discussion: Political Wire and The Hill
Marc Caputo / Politico:
Biden posts stunning monthly cash haul: $365 million  —  Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee reported raising a record $365 million in August, surprising even seasoned party fundraisers and putting to rest fears that President Trump would drown him in campaign spending.
Ezra Klein / Vox:
Can anything change Americans' minds about Donald Trump?  —  President Trump disembarks from Air Force One as lightning splits the sky at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 28.  Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images  —  The eerie stability of Trump's approval rating, explained.
Discussion: Washington Post
Quint Forgey / Politico:
'That's certainly not my approach': Fauci rejects pursuing herd immunity  —  Dr. Anthony Fauci argued Wednesday that the United States should not pursue herd immunity in its fight against the coronavirus — even as a top White House adviser has reportedly advocated the strategy and President Donald Trump himself invoked it this week.
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
U.S. Perceptions of White-Black Relations Sink to New Low  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans' already tepid review of relations between White and Black Americans has soured since 2018 and is now the most negative of any year in Gallup's trend since 2001.  The majority of U.S. adults …
Discussion: National Review, The Hill and Axios
Jimi Famurewa / British GQ:
John Boyega: 'I'm the only cast member whose experience of Star Wars was based on their race'  —  During Britain's Black Lives Matter rallies in June, John Boyega wrote his name in the history of racial justice.  And here, in his first interview since finishing Star Wars and that unguarded address …
Lee Brown / New York Post:
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler moving to avoid rioters targeting his home  —  The Democratic mayor of Portland, Ore. is moving from his $840,000 condo to avoid rioters who have repeatedly targeted the building, according to a report.  —  Ted Wheeler wrote to neighbors in his building to say it would be …
Jake Bittle / The Guardian:
Exclusive: Trump's postal chief ousted brother to win control of family firm, court files allege … Last week, as the Louis DeJoy testified before the House of Representatives about mail slowdowns around the country, the Republican congressman Jim Jordan praised the embattled postmaster general's career …
Discussion: Raw Story
James Laporta / Associated Press:
Soldier to receive Medal of Honor for Iraq hostage rescue  —  DELRAY BEACH, FL (AP) — An American soldier who helped rescue about 70 hostages set to be executed by Islamic State militants in Iraq has been approved to receive the Medal of Honor for actions during a daring 2015 raid, The Associated Press has learned.
Emily Opilo / Baltimore Sun:
Baltimore postal facility sat on 68,000 pieces of election mail for 5 days ahead of primary, audit shows  —  An audit of U.S. Postal Service performance during this year's primary election season has found 68,000 pieces of political mail sat untouched at a Baltimore mail processing facility for five days ahead of the June 2 primary.
Tallahassee Democrat:
Gunfire in a Tallahassee parking lot leads to arrest of armed couple, complaints of racism  —  Charles McMillon Jr. was dropping off a U-Haul van with his young son and childhood friend Kendrick Clemons when out of nowhere bullets started flying.  —  They had just parked the van …
Discussion: Raw Story and New York Post
Sent Home to Die  —  ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.  Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they're published.  —  Sarah Johnson spent her entire life taking care of people — the six children she raised, mostly alone, and the hospital patients she served in her 25 years as a nurse.
Des Moines Register:
White House says Iowa has the highest coronavirus rate in country, should close more bars  —  White House coronavirus experts warned Iowa leaders Sunday, Aug. 30, that the state has the country's steepest coronavirus outbreak, and the state should close bars in 61 counties and test all returning college students for the virus.
Discussion: WISC-TV and UPI
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 More Items: 
Ronn Blitzer / Fox News:
CDC letter urges governors to prepare for coronavirus vaccine distribution in ‘fall of 2020’
Discussion: The Hill
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
Trump presses Barr (again) to target his enemies before election
Discussion: Washington Post
Aimee Green / Oregonian:
Pro-Trump supporter who shot paintballs into downtown Portland crowd is sued for $250,000
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Covid-19 Live Updates: Steroids Can Be Lifesaving for Sickest Patients, Studies Show
John Murawski / RealClearInvestigations:
The Deeply Pessimistic Intellectual Roots of Black Lives Matter, the ‘1619 Project’ and Much Else in Woke America
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
The scandals surrounding Trump are beginning to overlap in strange ways
Discussion: Raw Story and Talking Points Memo
San Francisco Chronicle:
Judge bars University of California from all use of SAT, ACT scores in admissions
Discussion: Mercury News
 Earlier Items: 
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
Many GOP Voters Value America's Whiteness More Than Its Democracy
Discussion: Washington Post, Power Line and PNAS
Justice News:
Nine Boston Police Officers Arrested for Overtime Fraud Scheme
New Engineering Report Finds Privately Built Border Wall Will Fail
Kate Sullivan / CNN:
'I support Joe Biden's pro-science agenda': 81 Nobel laureates endorse Biden for president
Discussion: The Guardian, The Hill and Axios
Steve Inskeep / NPR:
Former DHS Official: Trump Pouring ‘Fuel On The Fire’ Of Domestic Extremism
Peter Canellos / Politico:
The Unlikely Kennedy Who Ended the Kennedy Dynasty
Discussion: Axios and The Daily Beast
Richard Winton / Los Angeles Times:
FBI investigates after alarmed pilot tells LAX tower: ‘We just passed a guy in a jet pack’
Discussion: Task & Purpose, CANNONFIRE and KTLA

From Mediagazer:

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

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