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10:25 AM ET, October 5, 2020


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
As Trump Seeks to Project Strength, Doctors Disclose Alarming Episodes  —  The president made a surprise outing from his hospital bed in an effort to show his improvement, but the murky and shifting narrative of his illness was rewritten again with grim new details.
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Didn't Disclose First Positive Covid-19 Test While Awaiting a Second Test on Thursday  —  President received positive result on Thursday evening before making an appearance on Fox News in which he didn't reveal those results  —  WASHINGTON—President Trump didn't disclose a positive result …
West Wing melts down as aides point fingers at Mark Meadows  —  White House crises of competence and credibility grew during a botched weekend that left even White House aides dismayed and befuddled.  —  Many complained bitterly about the leadership of chief of staff Mark Meadows.
New York Times:
Use of Dexamethasone to Treat Trump Suggests Severe Covid-19, Experts Say  —  Many of the measures cited by his doctors are reserved for patients severely affected by the coronavirus.  —  President Trump's doctors offered rosy assessments of his condition on Sunday, but the few medical details …
Annie Karni / New York Times:
At the White House, an Eerie Quiet and Frustration With the Chief of Staff  —  With President Trump hospitalized, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, delivered no guidance to aides about how they were expected to behave in a moment of crisis.  —  WASHINGTON — In a memo …
Fox News:
Meadows ‘optimistic’ Trump will leave Walter Reed, return to White House Monday after coronavirus treatment  —  Trump spent the weekend at Walter Reed being treated for coronavirus  —  What more progress does Trump need to make to be discharged?  —  White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows …
Wall Street Journal:   The Trump Coronavirus Spread
Andrew Joseph / STAT:
'There's a disconnect': Outside medical experts question the upbeat portrayal of president's condition
Discussion: Axios, Bloomberg and The Slot
Kevin Liptak / CNN:
‘That should never have happened’: Inside Trump's Walter Reed parade  —  Trump surprises crowd with drive-by outside Walter Reed  —  (CNN)Pacing the well-appointed presidential suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center between intravenous doses of remdesivir and near-hourly checks of his vitals …
Discussion: Vanity Fair, Raw Story and Daily Kos
President Pelosi?  Pence prepares to risk it all for Trump  —  He's the GOP's one line of defense between a hospitalized commander-in-chief and a President Nancy Pelosi, and he's about to depart Washington on a four-day campaign swing in the middle of his boss's health crisis.
Washington Post:
Secret Service agents, doctors aghast at Trump's drive outside hospital  —  Current and former Secret Service agents and medical professionals were aghast Sunday night at President Trump's trip outside the hospital where he is being treated for the coronavirus, saying the president endangered those inside his SUV for a publicity stunt.
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:
The Untraveled High Road of Humility, and a President Laid Low
Discussion: STAT, CNN and IJR
Washington Post:
National security experts describe a distracted and potentially vulnerable country
Discussion: Political Wire
Washington Post:
President's blood oxygen levels dropped twice in recent days, doctors say
Dan Zak / Washington Post:
The president is sick but his followers feel great
It's concerning that President Trump got so sick so quickly  —  Dr. Celine Gounder is a CNN medical analyst and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at NYU Langone and Bellevue Hospital Center.  She is the Host of the Epidemic podcast.  The opinions expressed here are her own.
Discussion: WSPA-TV, ABC News and USA Today
Matthew Herper / STAT:
The lesson from Trump catching Covid-19: With this virus, there are no magic bullets
Discussion: Forbes
David Folkenflik / NPR:
VOA White House Reporter Investigated For Anti-Trump Bias By Political Appointees  —  Toggle more options  —  Two political appointees at the federal agency that oversees the Voice of America recently investigated one of its most prominent journalists to make the case he was biased against President Trump.
Paige Williams / New Yorker:
Inside the Lincoln Project's War Against Trump  —  From a secret location, conservative operatives who condemn the President are waging vicious battle against him.  Progressives are wary, but the strategists insist that they're fighting for every American.  —  The week of Labor Day …
The blue money wave in Senate races  —  Democrats are trouncing Republicans on the airwaves in the battle for the Senate, outspending them in nine of the top 10 competitive Senate races.  —  Why it matters: Even before President Trump's COVID diagnosis, Republicans were growing increasingly concerned …
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Sen. Pat Toomey won't run for reelection or for Pennsylvania governor, sources say  —  Toomey was widely seen as the likely Republican favorite for governor in 2022.  His decision not to run for that office or for Senate could create two wide open contests on the Republican side.
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic:
Three Interpretations of Trump's Tax Records  —  The New York Times exposé of President Donald Trump's taxes is chock-full of tantalizing revelations.  According to the report, the president avoided paying federal income tax in 10 of the 15 years preceding his election.
Discussion: Los Angeles Times and Townhall
Ti-Hua Chang / TYT Network:
EPA Grants Oklahoma Control Over Tribal Lands  —  Agency Decision Reverses Tribal Sovereignty That Was Recognized in Landmark Supreme Court Ruling  —  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted the state of Oklahoma regulatory control over environmental issues on nearly all tribal lands there, TYT has learned.
Ben Smith / New York Times:
How to Cover a Sick Old Man  —  The president is hospitalized and reporters are fighting for basic facts.  What should elderly leaders — many of America's top politicians are over 80 — reveal about their health?  —  When John Bresnahan was starting out as a reporter in the mid-1990s …
Anthony Giannini /
“President Donald J. Trump Defeats COVID”  —  First 1,000 Orders Receive a Complimentary Presidential Blue Mask with Coin!  —  Note from Designer & Series Creator: Anthony Giannini, CEO, USAF-R  —  For these past four years, I have created and co-designed the Historic Moments …
Discussion: Twitchy, Raw Story and
Jaclyn Peiser / Washington Post:
The Proud Boys were emboldened by Trump's words.  Then, LGBTQ couples reclaimed the group's hashtag.  —  At last week's presidential debate, President Trump refused to condemn white supremacists and far-right groups like the Proud Boys, an organization that has been known to incite violence.
Discussion: Forbes
The Times of Israel:
US envoy Friedman: If Biden wins, it will be bad for Israel and Gulf on Iran  —  American ambassador tells Emirati website that Democrat nominee would undermine efforts of Trump administration to reverse nuclear deal  —  US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Sunday told …
Discussion: Breitbart and Axios
Salena Zito / Washington Examiner:
Pennsylvania manufacturer thrives, if only it can find good workers  —  FAIRVIEW, Pennsylvania — The instant you walk into the massive, 750,000-square-foot PHB Industries tool and die plant, the smells and sounds of the buzz and hum of machines and people making things engulfs your senses …
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 More Items: 
Chauncey DeVega / Salon:
Will Trump's illness break his hold over his followers? Mental health experts say probably not
Joy Pullmann / The Federalist:
Corporate Media Is Vomiting Trump Coronavirus Reporting All Over The Bed
Matthew Cochran / The Federalist:
How Strong Women Like Amy Coney Barrett Submit To Their Husbands With Joy
Discussion: The 96th Thesis
Exxon's Plan for Surging Carbon Emissions Revealed in Leaked Documents
Rich Thau / The Bulwark:
Meet the Swing Voters Who Embrace Conspiracy Theories
Discussion: Raw Story
Bill Scher / Real Clear Politics:
Democrats May Soon Get the Electoral College Edge
Discussion: The Guardian
Christopher F. Rufo / Wall Street Journal:
The Truth About Critical Race Theory
Discussion: Cafe Hayek
Hassan Hassan / Newlines Magazine:
How Iraq's Top ISIS Scholar Became a Target for Shiite Militias
 Earlier Items: 
Campbell Robertson / New York Times:
Voters Dread Election: 'It's Going to Be Hell No Matter What'
Elizabeth Kolbert / New Yorker:
Three Scenarios for the Future of Climate Change
A new challenge for transition planners: Building a government over Zoom
Beth LeBlanc / The Detroit News:
After high court decision, Michigan AG will not enforce COVID orders
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Andrew Seidman / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Rural Pennsylvania voters don't hate Biden as much as they hated Clinton — and Trump may need them to
Kristin Urquiza / Washington Post:
I sat in the front row at the debate. Did Trump infect me with the coronavirus?
Discussion: NPR
Thomas Kaplan / New York Times:
After Biden's Exposure to Trump, His Team Is Cagey on Health Questions