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8:50 PM ET, October 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr quietly concludes without charges or any public report  —  The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted …
John Duffy / Teacher-Scholar-Activist:
An Open Letter to Judge Amy Coney Barrett From Your Notre Dame Colleagues  —  We write to you as fellow faculty members at the University of Notre Dame.  —  We congratulate you on your nomination to the United States Supreme Court.  An appointment to the Court is the crowning achievement …
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
Trump's words haunt Amy Coney Barrett as she vows not to be a ‘pawn’ on Supreme Court  —  WASHINGTON — Again and again, Amy Coney Barrett insisted to senators on Tuesday that she has no “agenda” on issues like the Affordable Care Act, the future of abortion rights or same-sex marriage …
Ginger Gibson / NBC News:
Group of 88 Notre Dame faculty pens letter asking Barrett to refuse nomination
Discussion: Mother Jones, POLITICUSUSA and Townhall
Matthew Choi / Politico:
Barrett apologizes for calling sexual orientation a ‘preference’
CBS News:
Live updates: Amy Coney Barrett faces questions on Day 2 of Senate hearings
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult:
Graham Takes Lead Over Harrison in South Carolina Amid Supreme Court Confirmation Fight
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The Hill
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
DOJ sues Melania Trump's former adviser for disclosures in her tell-all book  —  The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former adviser and confidant of first lady Melania Trump, alleging she breached a nondisclosure agreement when she published a scathing tell …
Darlene Superville / Associated Press:
First lady unseen as Trump restarts campaign after COVID-19
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg:
Supreme Court Lets Trump Officials End Census Count Early  —  The U.S. Supreme Court let President Donald Trump's administration end the census count more than two weeks early, dealing a blow to civil rights groups that said minorities will be undercounted as a result.
Discussion: Raw Story and The Week
New York Times:
‘Straight to Gunshots’: How a U.S. Task Force Killed an Antifa Activist  —  New accounts from the scene raise questions about whether Michael Reinoehl, suspected of killing a far-right Trump supporter, pulled out a gun before officers fatally shot him.  —  Michael Reinoehl was on the run.
Discussion: ProPublica
Conrad Wilson / opb:   New eyewitness accounts: Feds didn't identify themselves before firing on Portland antifa shooting suspect
Poll: Trump losing ground in NC  —  RALEIGH, N.C. — Three weeks out from Election Day, President Donald Trump is losing ground to Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the battleground state of North Carolina, according to the results of a WRAL News poll released Tuesday.
Vicky Prodeline / Monmouth University Polling …:
Prez Race Stays Tight; Dem Senate Candidate Gains  —  Incumbent maintains lead in governor's race  —  West Long Branch, NJ - It continues to be a very tight race for president in North Carolina according to the Monmouth ("Mon-muth") University Poll.  The race for U.S. Senate has grown …
Tom LoBianco / Business Insider:
Trump's campaign nearly went broke for the 2020 home stretch amid Brad Parscale's $200 million budgeting misfire, Republicans tell Insider … - Before his ouster earlier this summer as President Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale had been banking on a $200 million cash surge for October, Republicans told Insider.
Olivia Nuzzi / New York Magazine:
Mamma Mia!  Rudy Giuliani Threw a Potential Superspreader Event for Trump on Columbus Day  —  It was Columbus Day in Pennsylvania, and in 2020 that could only mean one thing: Rudy Giuliani was in Philadelphia sounding like Livia Soprano.  —  As Donald Trump traveled to Florida …
Oriana Gonzalez / Axios:
DOJ says Trump's tweets “declassifying” Russia documents are not orders  —  Attorneys from the Department of Justice argued in court on Tuesday that President Trump's tweets authorizing the “total declassification of any & all documents” related to the Russia investigation and Hillary Clinton's emails …
Discussion: BuzzFeed News and Politico
Mary McNamara / Los Angeles Times:
Column: Make way for Slayer Pete.  Buttigieg is the Biden campaign's ruthless secret weapon  —  Mayor Pete has found his format: the five-minute, remote-feed evisceration.  —  He always looks so nice, Pete Buttigieg — handsome in that white, Midwestern, college yearbook way …
Mike Baker / New York Times:
Anchorage Mayor Admits to ‘Inappropriate’ Relationship With TV Anchor  —  Mayor Ethan Berkowitz apologized for engaging in a “consensual, inappropriate messaging relationship” with a local news anchor after she posted a photo on social media.  —  The mayor of Anchorage, Ethan Berkowitz …
Max Boot / Washington Post:
How can 42 percent of Americans still support the worst president in our history?  —  I have some good news and some bad news.  The good news: 52 percent of Americans support Joe Biden in the FiveThirtyEight poll average.  The bad news: 42 percent support President Trump.  Why isn't Trump losing by a whole lot more?
Discussion: The Guardian, NPR and New York Post
Sarah Ellison / Washington Post:
How the 1619 Project took over 2020  —  One morning in mid-September, Nikole Hannah-Jones woke to a text message from a friend noting an unusual event on President Trump's schedule: the first “White House Conference on American History.”  —  It might have sounded banal, but Hannah-Jones …
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News:
Tara Reade penning memoir on coming forward as a Biden accuser, will be released before election  —  'Left Out: When The Truth Doesn't Fit In' will be released Oct. 27  —  EXCLUSIVE: Tara Reade is writing a memoir about the turbulent journey she has taken since coming forward with her allegation …
Maggie Haberman / New York Times:
Trump Campaign Suggests Omarosa Manigault Newman Pay for $1 Million in Ad Spending  —  The suggestion emerged in an arbitration case over the critical comments Ms. Manigault Newman, a former White House aide, made about President Trump in her 2018 book “Unhinged.”
Discussion: Raw Story and The Hill
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
Another pro-Trump ad uses footage from Russia  —  A new pro-Trump super PAC ad uses stock footage from Russia and Belarus in a major ad buy that's airing in three swing states.  It's the fourth time in three months that an ad promoting President Donald Trump's reelection has used footage from Russia.
Discussion: Political Wire
Brad McElhinny / WV MetroNews:
West Virginians favor Trump over Biden for president, latest poll shows  —  West Virginia once again overwhelmingly favors Donald J. Trump for president, although not by the dominating margin he achieved in his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.  —  The latest edition of the MetroNews West …
Discussion: Washington Post
Davey Alba / New York Times:
Riled Up: Misinformation Stokes Calls for Violence on Election Day  —  Baseless claims are circulating online about a Democrat-led coup, inflaming tensions in an already turbulent election season.  —  In a video posted to Facebook on Sept. 14, Dan Bongino, a popular right-wing commentator and radio host …
Jessica Taylor / The Cook Political Report:
What is The Cook Political Report?  —  The Cook Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the US House of Representatives, US Senate, Governors and President as well as American political trends.
Devlin Barrett / Washington Post:
FBI: Whitmer plotters also discussed kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam  —  Accused conspirators charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed “taking” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, an FBI agent testified at a court hearing Tuesday.
Sean Sullivan / Washington Post:
Biden and Trump step up their fight for older voters  —  Joe Biden on Tuesday made his most direct appeal yet to older voters, seeking to lock in support from a group that favored President Trump four years ago but has emerged as one of the most significant groups to potentially shift toward Biden in 2020.
Facebook says it will finally ban anti-vaccination ads  — Facebook said Tuesday it is launching a new global policy that bans ads that discourage people from getting vaccines.  — The company previously had a policy against vaccine hoaxes that were publicly identified by global health organizations.
Will Sommer / The Daily Beast:
Trump Touts Falconer's Benghazi Blood-Sacrifice Conspiracy Theory  —  Trump's endorsement of the insane story shot it to national prominence, fueling the bizarre allegations about blood sacrifice and Bin Laden body doubles.  —  President Donald Trump backed a budding conspiracy theory …
Discussion: Raw Story
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Trump's Incompetence Does Not Excuse His Authoritarianism  —  Three weeks from now, President Trump will probably — probably — lose a reelection campaign to an opponent he has trailed consistently for three years.  And he will probably — probably — lose by a large enough margin to moot …
Henry Rodgers / The Daily Caller:
Pelosi Calls CNN ‘Apologists’ For Republicans In Heated Interview With Wolf Blitzer  —  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi slammed CNN and anchor Wolf Blitzer in an interview Tuesday when he pressed her on passing a coronavirus stimulus package.  —  In the interview, Blitzer pressed Pelosi …
American Enterprise Institute - AEI:
An analysis of Joe Biden's tax proposals, October 2020 update … - Using the Tax-Calculator (3.0.0) microsimulation model, we estimate that Joe Biden's propos­als would raise federal revenue by $2.8 trillion over the next decade (2021-30).  — The majority of new federal revenue …
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 More Items: 
David Enrich / New York Times:
No, There Isn't Evidence That Trump Owes Money to Russia
Benjamin Rosenberg / Vox:
Trump and Biden will hold dueling town halls instead of a debate this Thursday
Zachary Brennan / Politico:
Eli Lilly antibody trial paused over safety concerns
Discussion: Forbes
Mike Allen / Axios:
Andrew Cuomo book: Meadows threat over hydroxychloroquine
Discussion: Penguin Random House
John Verhovek / ABC News:
Obama to hit the campaign trail for Biden ‘soon’ as race enters final weeks
Discussion: Reuters, The Guardian and The Hill
The Daily Beast:
Trump Is Polluting the Planet With a Thousand Mini-Dons
 Earlier Items: 
Kelsey Bradshaw / Austin American-Statesman:
Travis County early voting: 14,000 people cast ballots as of noon Tuesday
Discussion: Washington Post
BuzzFeed News:
Bank Of America Raised Concerns About Michael Flynn's Suspicious Transfers — But Not Until Eight Months Later
Felix Salmon / Axios:
Exclusive: America's true unemployment rate
David Jackson / The Lancet Infectious Diseases:
Genomic evidence for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: a case study
New York Times:
California Republican Party Admits It Placed Misleading Ballot Boxes Around State
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
The outlook for House Republicans keeps getting worse
Discussion: Washington Post and Raw Story

From Mediagazer:

New York Times:
WaPo CEO Will Lewis and top editor Matt Murray send memos trying to reassure staff, and former CEO Patty Stonesifer visits the newsroom, after a week of tumult

Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer:
The New York Times confirms its internal source code and data leaked on 4chan after being stolen using an exposed GitHub token in January 2024

Mickey Djuric / The Canadian Press:
Google signs a deal with The Canadian Journalism Collective to distribute the CA$100M the company has promised to Canadian news companies in 2023

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