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12:50 PM ET, December 14, 2020


 Top Items: 
Dave Boucher / Detroit Free Press:
Michigan House punishes GOP Rep. Gary Eisen for hinting at Electoral College disruption  —  Michigan Republican legislative leaders pulled a GOP lawmaker from his committee assignments Monday after the lawmaker hinted he was part of a group that sought to disrupt or otherwise undermine t …
Craig Mauger / Detroit News:
Michigan House, Senate close offices due to threats ahead of electors' meeting  —  Lansing — Citing “safety and security concerns,” the Michigan House and Senate will close their offices in downtown Lansing on Monday as presidential electors meet in the state Capitol.
New York Times:
Live: Here Are the Electoral College Results, By State  —  The 538 members of the Electoral College are meeting today to cast ballots for president based on the election results in their states, formalizing Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s victory.  —  This year, Mr. Biden won states with 306 electoral votes, and President Trump won 232.
Track Electoral College votes, state by state  —  (CNN)The outcome of the presidential election has been clear for weeks, but on Monday it gets one step closer to being official as the Electoral College meets.  —  Across the US, 538 electors are gathering in their respective states to cast electoral votes for president.
Discussion: Washington Post
David E. Sanger / New York Times:
Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect  —  In one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years, email systems were breached at the Treasury and Commerce Departments.  Other breaches are under investigation.
Christopher Bing / Reuters:
Suspected Russian hackers spied on U.S. Treasury emails - sources
Smartmatic Demands Justice for Defamation  —  Smartmatic announced today that it is issuing legal notices and retraction demand letters to Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network for publishing false and defamatory statements.  The demand letters identify dozens of factually inaccurate statements …
Andrew C. McCarthy / National Review:
A Stunning Passage from the Latest Court Rejection of Team Trump  —  What a Wisconsin federal court's order turning back another campaign lawsuit tells us about the election-rigging case.  —  he most telling aspect of the Wisconsin federal district court's rejection of another Trump campaign lawsuit …
The Daily Beast:
Trump Says He'll Fight On. His Campaign HQ Is Literally Taking Down His Name.
Discussion: Raw Story
FSB Team of Chemical Weapon Experts Implicated in Alexey Navalny Novichok Poisoning  —  We have detailed the research methodology for this investigation into a separate article.  You can read it here.  — In a previous series of investigations, Bellingcat uncovered evidence …
Marc Tracy / New York Times:
Wall Street Journal Opinion Editor Defends Item on Dr. Jill Biden  —  “There's nothing like playing the race or gender card to stifle criticism,” Paul A. Gigot said as he accused Democrats of orchestrating a coordinated response to an op-ed piece.  —  The editorial page editor …
Paul A. Gigot / Wall Street Journal:
The Biden Team Strikes Back
Anita Kumar / Politico:
Trump tells allies he will run in 2024, but hints he may back out  —  Donald Trump doesn't need to run for president again.  He just needs everyone to think he is.  —  The president's recent discussions with those around him reveal that he sees his White House comeback deliberations …
Wall Street Journal:
Trump's Challenge Is Over  —  After losing at the Supreme Court, he has no legal alternatives and ought to concede.  —  By The Editorial Board  —  The Electoral College meets Monday to cast its votes for President, officially marking Joe Biden as the election winner.
Kaylee McGhee White / Washington Examiner:
Talk of secession is madness
Discussion: The Hill and The Federalist
Sabrina Tavernise / New York Times:
What's Next for Trump Voters Who Believe the Election Was Stolen?  —  Some are certain the election was fraudulent.  Others aren't so sure.  What becomes of their skepticism has important implications for American democracy.  —  WASHINGTON — Richard Everit walked with a heavy heart …
New York Times:
Cleveland's Baseball Team Will Drop Its Indians Team Name  —  The decision comes amid a wider push for sports teams to stop using Native American names and imagery as team names and mascots.  —  Following years of protests from fans and Native American groups, the Cleveland Indians have decided …
Daisuke Wakabayashi / New York Times:
Google Dominates Thanks to an Unrivaled View of the Web  —  As regulators seek ways to curb the company's power, there is more focus on the vast index — hundreds of billion of web pages — behind its search engine.  —  OAKLAND, Calif. — In 2000, just two years after it was founded …
New York Times:
Big Tech Turns Its Lobbyists Loose on Europe, Alarming Regulators
Washington Post:
Inside the ‘nasty’ feud between Trump and the Republican governor he blames for losing Georgia  —  The first major fissure in the relationship between President Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp came a year ago, when Kemp paid Trump a clandestine visit in the White House residence.
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Apple TV Was Making a Show About Gawker.  Then Tim Cook Found Out.  —  Big tech companies now exert huge influence over what stories get told.  The message is clear: Be careful who you offend.  —  The show was called “Scraper,” but it was clearly about Gawker Media, the network of aggressive …
Wall Street Journal:
Barr Kept Biden Probes From Public to Avoid Election Politics  —  In preventing leaks, attorney general hewed to Justice Department practice and defied his critics' view of him  —  Attorney General William Barr, in the weeks before November's election, instructed prosecutors and senior colleagues …
Maggie Severns / Politico:
In final years at Liberty, Falwell spent millions on pro-Trump causes  —  After shocking many in the evangelical movement by endorsing Donald Trump over other Republicans for the 2016 presidential nomination, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. pumped millions of the nonprofit …
Discussion: The Hill and The Week
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite:
Former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb: Trump Administration Declined More Pfizer Vaccines as Recently as November  —  Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, now on the board of Pfizer, said that the United States was offered more of the company's successful coronavirus vaccine …
Discussion: Business Insider and CNBC
Associated Press:
U.S. blames Iran in abduction, death of ex-FBI agent Levinson  —  The Trump administration for the first time on Monday formally blamed Iran for the presumed death of retired FBI agent Robert Levinson, publicly identifying two Iranian intelligence officers believed responsible for his abduction.
Kendall Karson / ABC News:
Americans willing to receive COVID-19 vaccine but divided on timing: POLL  —  The new ABC News/Ipsos poll comes as all 50 states receive the vaccine.  —  Why are people hesitant to trust a COVID-19 vaccine?  —  Vaccines are proven to reduce deaths and help end pandemics …
The New York Times Company:
Opinion Welcomes Siddhartha Mahanta  —  Siddhartha Mahanta joins Opinion as vertical editor for business, economics and technology.  Most recently, Sid was managing editor of Rest of World, a digital magazine that covers tech, business and culture.  Sid began his career as an editor …
How Biden's team botched his Cabinet debuts  —  President-elect Joe Biden's decision to nominate a recently retired military general as Defense secretary blindsided the lawmakers who will have to pass a waiver to allow for his confirmation.  His choice of a former White House chief of staff …
Discussion: The Week
Washington Post:
Pro-Trump rally descends into chaos as Proud Boys roam D.C. looking to fight  —  Nearly three dozen people were arrested during a night of unrest in downtown Washington that began Saturday with rallies supporting President Trump and descended into chaos and violence as a group with ties …
Michael R. Blood / Associated Press:
With his star dimmed, California's Newsom could face recall  —  LOS ANGELES (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has had a rough year.  The next one might be even tougher as a recall effort appears to be gaining momentum, fueled partly by outrage over the first-term Democrat dining with friends …
Coral Davenport / New York Times:
Mary Nichols Appears to Be Out of Running to Lead E.P.A.  —  The president-elect's transition team is scrambling to find a new candidate for the E.P.A. after advocates objected to Mary D. Nichols.  —  WASHINGTON — When Joseph R. Biden, Jr. won the presidential election …
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 More Items: 
Micah L. Sifry / American Prospect:
Why Did Obama Forget Who Brought Him to the Dance?
Mark Hemingway / Real Clear Politics:
Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets
Defector Freelancer Policies, Created In Partnership With The National Writers Union
Paul Bois / The Daily Wire:
Debra Messing Issues Homophobic Insult To Trump: ‘I Hope’ You Become ‘Most Popular Boyfriend’ In Prison
Discussion: RedState and Twitchy
Ben Taub / New Yorker:
Murder in Malta  —  After a journalist was assassinated, her sons found clues in her unfinished work …
New York Times:
New York Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Begins
Discussion: The Guardian, The Week and Townhall
Newt Gingrich / Fox News:
How radical is Raphael Warnock? Look at Georgia Senate candidate's record
Ed Yong / The Atlantic:
How Science Beat the Virus
 Earlier Items: 
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
Democrats Have a Problem. ‘Workers, Wages, Weed’ May Be the Answer.
Rick Wilson / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Axis of Assholes Just Completed Its Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party
Discussion: Raw Story and Common Dreams
The Way to Keep Georgia Blue
New York Times:
White House staff members will be among the first to be vaccinated.
Washington Post:
‘A dark, empty place:’ Public officials face personal threats as tensions flare
Discussion: Raw Story
Christine Jordan Sexton / Florida Politics:
Gov. DeSantis suggests one dose of Pfizer vaccine may be enough
Glen Johnson / Axios:
Scoop: O'Brien takes wife on COVID-era tour of Europe
Discussion: The Week, Politico and The White House
Sarah Lyall / New York Times:
John le Carré, Best-Selling Author of Cold War Thrillers, Is Dead at 89