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8:55 PM ET, December 17, 2020


 Top Items: 
Nuclear weapons agency breached amid massive cyber onslaught  —  The Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, have evidence that hackers accessed their networks as part of an extensive espionage operation that has affected …
Jonathan V. Last / The Triad:
Where Is the President of the United States?  —  Donald Trump is AWOL.  And his disgrace is hiding in plain sight.  —  Before we start: Tonight we're doing a livestream that I'm hoping will go down in legend as The Bulwark version of the Star Wars Holiday Special.  The first 12 minutes will be entirely in Wookie.
Alert (AA20-352A)  —  Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of Government Agencies, Critical Infrastructure, and Private Sector Organizations  —  Summary  —  The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is aware of compromises of U.S. government agencies …
Joseph Menn / Reuters:
Exclusive-Suspected Russian hacking spree reached into Microsoft -sources  —  SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -Microsoft was breached in the massive hacking campaign disclosed by U.S. officials this week, according to people familiar with the matter, adding a top technology target to a growing list of vital government agencies.
Discussion: The Sun
Wall Street Journal:
Hack Suggests New Scope, Sophistication for Cyberattacks  —  The suspected Russian hack involving SolarWinds software that compromised parts of the U.S. government was executed on a scale that has surprised even veteran security experts  —  The suspected Russian hack that compromised parts …
Discussion: Reuters and TechCrunch
Kevin Liptak / CNN:
Trump remains silent as massive cyber hack poses ‘grave risk’ to government
Discussion: BuzzFeed News and TheGrio
Ben Fox / Associated Press:
Hack against US is ‘grave threat,’ cybersecurity agency says
Discussion: Roll Call and Florida Politics
Washington Post:
Federal investigators find evidence of previously unknown tactics used to penetrate government networks
The Moscow Times:
Putin Talks Coronavirus, Navalny Poisoning at Annual Marathon Press Conference
Washington Post:
Biden picks Rep. Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) to be first Native American interior secretary  —  Tribal and progressive activists lobbied hard to put an indigenous leader in charge of a department that helps oversee Indian County  —  President-elect Joe Biden has tapped Democratic Rep. Deb Haaland …
Top Biden aide walks back expletive description of Republicans  —  Jen O'Malley Dillon, President-elect Joe Biden's campaign manager and incoming White House deputy chief of staff, walked back comments she made in a recent interview suggesting that congressional Republicans were “a bunch of f—ers.”
Brittany De Lea / Fox News:
Biden White House pick tests positive for COVID after attending event with president-elect  —  Biden's campaign said the president-elect was not in close contact with Richmond this week
Discussion: Bloomberg and TheGrio
Pence prepares to oversee Trump's loss — and then leave town
Ronald Brownstein / The Atlantic:
Does Joe Biden Understand the Modern GOP?
Washington Post:
States report confusion as feds reduce vaccine shipments, even as Pfizer says it has ‘millions’ of unclaimed doses  —  Officials in multiple states said they were alerted late Wednesday that their second shipments of Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine next week had been reduced, sparking widespread confusion …
Kirby Wilson / Tampa Bay Times:
DeSantis says Florida shipments of vaccines are ‘on hold.’ Pfizer disagrees.  —  ‘No shipments containing the vaccine are on hold or delayed,’ the pharmaceutical giant said in a statement Thursday.  —  TALLAHASSEE — Less than a week into its program to vaccinate millions of residents …
Jeff Stein / Washington Post:
White House aides talked Trump out of last-minute demand for stimulus checks as big as $2,000  —  Chaotic chain of events at White House illustrates why stimulus bill remains in flux  —  White House aides intervened Thursday to prevent President Trump from issuing a statement calling …
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
An outraged Kemp blasts pro-Trump conspiracy theorists harassing his family  —  Gov. Brian Kemp is fed up with the unrelenting attacks from conspiracy theorists calling on him to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in Georgia.  But he's even more enraged that some of those peddlers …
Discussion: Axios and HotAir
Jennifer Horn / USA Today:
Texas lawsuit was the last straw.  I'm leaving the Republican Party: Former NH GOP chair  —  The GOP has ransacked our Constitution and attempted a coup.  The Republican Party of Lincoln is no more.  I'm switching my registration to independent.  —  My mother spent a lifetime trying to teach me to stand for what is right.
Never-Trump movement splinters as its villain heads for the exit  —  The defeat of Donald Trump might have been the easy part for never-Trump Republicans.  Next up: taking on the more elusive target of Trumpism with their boogeyman gone from office.  —  More than a dozen leaders …
Alex Kirshner / Slate:
How Offshore Oddsmakers Made a Killing off Gullible Trump Supporters  —  On Dec. 9, Donald Trump tweeted something incorrect but at least closer to the ballpark of the truth than most of what he's posted since losing his reelection campaign.  —  “At 10 p.m. on Election Evening, we were at 97% …
Discussion: Forbes
Washington Post:
Biden picks top North Carolina environmental official to run EPA  —  Michael Regan has forged a multibillion-dollar clean up of coal ash and worked with the state's GOP legislature  —  President-elect Joe Biden will choose to nominate Michael S. Regan, who heads the North Carolina Department …
Andrew Heavens / Reuters:
Sweden's king says ‘we have failed’ over COVID-19, as deaths mount  —  STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -Sweden's king said his country had failed in its handling of COVID-19, in a sharp criticism of a pandemic policy partly blamed for a high death toll among the elderly.
Discussion: Bloomberg and National Review
Washington Post:
John Roberts's self-defeating attempt to make the court appear nonpolitical  —  His obviously strategic opinions have infuriated the right — and emboldened the left.  —  “The highest art is artlessness,” observed Francis Alexander Durivage, a now largely forgotten 19th-century American author …
Discussion: Reason
Hamed Aleaziz / BuzzFeed News:
DHS Inspectors Found ICE Detainees Who Were Kept In Solitary Confinement For 300 Days  —  Nearly a dozen immigrants arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement were kept in solitary confinement for more than two months, including two people who were isolated for more than 300 days …
Paul Kane / Washington Post:
Capitol's physician to receive coronavirus vaccines for senior members of Congress, Supreme Court  —  The Capitol's leading doctor will soon receive doses of the coronavirus vaccine to administer to the Supreme Court justices and senior members of Congress under a continuity-of-government plan crafted by intelligence experts.
Zeynep Tufekci / The Atlantic:
Hang On for Three More Months  —  Hunkering down to wait out the coronavirus isn't easy.  The costs of isolation are steep.  Quarantine fatigue is real.  The chance to gather with extended family and friends this holiday season is particularly alluring to those of us battling loneliness.
Discussion: Insight
O Rahm, where art thou?  —  Welcome to POLITICO's 2020 Transition Playbook, your guide to one of the most consequential transfers of power in American history.  —  RAHM EMANUEL had never lost a political campaign.  Until this week.  —  Over the past few weeks, the former Chicago mayor …
Discussion: Raw Story
Nicholas Rowan / Washington Examiner:
Supreme Court rejects Kentucky religious school's appeal against coronavirus restrictions  —  The Supreme Court rejected an appeal from a Kentucky religious school challenging Gov. Andy Beshear's coronavirus restrictions.  —  The high court wrote in an unsigned opinion on Thursday …
Discussion: Fox News and Washington Post
Dan Diamond / Politico:
HHS secretary tells staff: My wife is sick with Covid  —  Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Thursday night informed staff that his wife, Jennifer, tested positive for Covid-19, according to an email shared by HHS.  —  “Today, my family learned that my wife Jennifer …
Grady Means / The Hill:
Joe Biden's looming disaster  —  Pity Joe Biden.  He is the dog that finally caught the bus and he is soon to be political roadkill.  While he celebrates his victory in the Electoral College, powerful forces already are engaged to doom him and his presidency.
James Baker / Washington Post:
Trump's recognition of Western Sahara is a serious blow to diplomacy and international law  —  James Baker served as the 61st U.S. secretary of state from 1989 to 1992 and as the U.N. secretary-general's personal envoy for Western Sahara from 1997 to 2004.  —  President Trump's recent …
Discussion: Politico, The Economist and Raw Story
Detroit Free Press:
Antrim County hand tally affirms certified election results  —  Clara Hendrickson Paul EganDetroit Free Press  —  An audit conducted Thursday of the votes cast in the November presidential election in Antrim County, the heart of a conspiracy theory about Dominion Voting Systems leveling false allegations …
Miriam Berger / Washington Post:
Man really did hack Trump's Twitter account by guessing password, ‘maga2020!,’ Dutch prosecutors say  —  Six years ago, Dutch hacker Victor Gevers logged into President Trump's Twitter account by guessing the password: “yourefired.”  —  Then he did it again.
Associated Press:
US inmate scheduled to be executed tests positive for virus  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal prisoner scheduled to be executed just days before President-elect Joe Biden takes office has tested positive for coronavirus, his lawyer said Thursday.  —  The Bureau of Prisons notified attorneys …
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 More Items: 
New York Times:
‘Sticky Bombs’ Sow Terror and Chaos in a City on Edge
Discussion: Task & Purpose
USA Today:
Front of the COVID-19 line: How to ensure VIPs don't receive special treatment
Mark Follman / Mother Jones:
National Security Experts Warn Trump “Is Promoting Terrorism”
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair:
“The Trump Bubble Is Already Starting to Deflate”: Publishers Squeeze Out the Last Drops of White House Drama and Kick Off a Biden-Harris Book Blitz
Foreign Affairs:
Competition With China Could Be Short and Sharp
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
Top GOP senator warns of potential for brief shutdown
Discussion: Political Wire
 Earlier Items: 
Amy Walter / The Cook Political Report:
A Return to Normal?  —  In this era of unprecedented tumult and change, it's easy …
Edmund Lee / New York Times:
Axios Buys Charlotte Agenda, a Digital Start-Up, as Part of Push Into Local News
Nick Reynolds / Casper Star-Tribune:
Wyoming lawmaker apologizes for tweet about Wyoming's first Black sheriff
Discussion: Raw Story and The Root
2020 Election Map  —  Permanent link to this comic:
Discussion: CNN

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline Mimbs Nyce / The Atlantic:
Kids are interacting with AI in school and online, serving as testers for a new generation of tech, making them the ones to experience some of its worst effects

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