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2:25 PM ET, January 6, 2021


 Top Items: 
Republicans turn on Trump after Georgia loss  —  Democrats have pulled off at least one Senate win in Georgia, with another likely to follow.  And Republicans are pointing a frustrated finger at Donald Trump.  —  With control of the Senate at stake in the state's two races …
Republicans privately furious after Trump's post-election implosion blows Senate majority  —  Republicans, who enabled President Trump with their silence and compliance, are privately furious with him for blowing their Senate majority.  —  Driving the news: Democrat Raphael Warnock …
Ian Millhiser / Vox:
America's anti-democratic Senate, in one number  —  41,549,808.  —  Well, it's official.  Georgia Democratic Senators-elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are going to Washington.  The Senate will be evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.  That means that, with Democratic Vice …
Alex Thompson / Politico:
Liberals to Breyer: Time to retire  —  The results of the Georgia Senate runoffs aren't yet final.  But left-wing activists are already pressuring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to take advantage of a possible Democratic majority in the Senate and retire.
Evie Fordham / Fox News:
5 takeaways from Georgia Senate runoffs  —  Here are some key takeaways after Tuesday's runoff elections  —  Even if Georgia becomes purple, US needs to learn to work together: Alveda King  —  With Democrats projected to win at least one of the two Georgia Senate runoff races …
Marc Caputo / Politico:
POLITICO Playbook: The GOP implodes in Georgia  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  What.  A. Night.  —  Just after 2 a.m., the Rev. RAPHAEL WARNOCK was declared the winner in his bid against Republican Sen. KELLY LOEFFLER.  About that time, his fellow Democrat, JON OSSOFF, started overtaking Sen. DAVID PERDUE in their race.
Jeff Flake / New York Times:
'Trump Can't Hurt You.  But He Is Destroying Us.'  —  My fellow Republicans, there is power in standing up to the rank corruptions of a demagogue.  —  Mr. Flake is a former Republican senator from Arizona.  —  Today, in what is meant to be a solemn ritual of democracy …
Oriana Gonzalez / Axios:
Schumer declares Democratic majority in the Senate
Discussion: Mother Jones
New York Times:
Georgia Senate Runoff Election Results
Giovanni Russonello / New York Times:
A Democratic Twist in Georgia
Discussion: IJR and National Review
Biden to tap Merrick Garland for attorney general  —  Joe Biden has selected Judge Merrick Garland to serve as his attorney general, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.  —  Biden selected Garland over former Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) and former deputy attorney general Sally Yates …
Fox News:
Mitch McConnell to rebuke GOP challenge to certify Electoral College vote  —  This would be McConnell's first public statement against President Trump's supporters in Congress on the matter  —  Rep. Fulcher explains how GOP challenging of 2020 election certification will work
McKay Coppins / The Atlantic:
The Bitter Reality of the Post-Trump GOP  —  Mitt Romney's flight to Washington, D.C., hadn't even taken off yesterday when the chants from the back of the plane began: “TRAI-TOR! … The Republican senator from Utah is used to angering Donald Trump's most die-hard fans.
Discussion: Washington Post, Townhall and NPR
Biden to nominate Merrick Garland as attorney general  —  (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden has decided to nominate Judge Merrick Garland as attorney general, people familiar with the matter tell CNN, a long-awaited decision that moved toward completion Wednesday as it became apparent that Democrats …
Ryan J. Reilly / HuffPost:
Biden To Pick Merrick Garland As Attorney General: Reports  —  The former Supreme Court nominee will face challenges on civil rights, domestic terrorism, police reform, the FBI and dealing with Trump-era corruption.  —  President-elect Joe Biden is reportedly set to name Merrick Garland as his nominee for attorney general.
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Pence tells Congress he lacks ‘unilateral authority’ to reject Electoral College votes  —  Vice President Pence, in a letter to members of Congress on Wednesday, said he does not believe he has the “unilateral authority” to reject electoral votes, dealing a final blow to President Trump's push for Pence to overturn the election result.
Washington Examiner:
Congress certifies presidential electoral votes: Live blog
Discussion: The Hill and Political Wire
New York Times:
Pence Said to Have Told Trump He Lacks Power to Change Election Result
Alana Wise / NPR:
Pence Says He Doesn't Have Power To Reject Electoral Votes
Pence breaks with Trump on Electoral College role
Wall Street Journal:
Why America Needed Mike Pence
Discussion: Mediaite and Vox
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Biden's debt to Black voters grows as Warnock makes history in Georgia
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
Congress Is Expected to Meet Into the Night as Republicans Try to Subvert the Election
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian:
James Comey: Donald Trump should not be prosecuted after leaving office  — Fired FBI director: next attorney general must ‘foster trust’  — President has insulted Comey and threatened him with jail  —  Donald Trump should not be prosecuted once he leaves the White House no matter …
Vivian Wang / New York Times:
Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens of Pro-Democracy Leaders  —  The officials and activists were detained under the national security law for their efforts to choose candidates to run in the city's legislative elections.  —  HONG KONG — The Hong Kong police arrested dozens of elected pro-democracy officials …
Dozens of Hong Kong opposition figures arrested under national security law
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Trump set to be first president since 1932 to lose reelection, the House and the Senate  —  When President Trump lost in November, he joined some select and unpleasant company: presidents who failed to win a second term.  Modern presidents most often win reelection, including all three of Trump's immediate predecessors.
Quint Forgey / Politico:
'I'm going to be in your backyard': Trump sons threaten primaries for GOP lawmakers  —  Fox News, which had been carrying the remarks live, dropped its feed of the rally after the expletives uttered by the president's son aired uncensored.  —  Donald Trump Jr. speaks Wednesday, Jan. 6 …
Eric Tucker / Associated Press:
Justice Department says it's been affected by Russian hack  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said Wednesday that about 3% of its email accounts could be compromised as part of a massive breach of federal government agencies that U.S. officials have linked to Russia.
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 More Items: 
Rasmussen Reports:
GOP Voters Strongly Support Senators Challenging Biden's Election
Nicholas Fondacaro / Newsbusters:
What a Slip! CNN's Cuomo Boasts ‘We Won’ in Georgia as Dems Lead
Stocks extend their gains amid Georgia runoff results, Dow jumps 500 points to record
Discussion: The Week
Washington Post:
Wealthy donors received vaccines through Florida nursing home
Discussion: Florida Phoenix
David Dayen / American Prospect:
Another BlackRock Veteran Will Join the Biden Administration
Jaclyn Peiser / Washington Post:
Trump supporters heckle Romney, chanting ‘traitor’ on flight to D.C.
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Which Side Are You On?  —  We know from past experience that Republicans will try to repurpose …
Discussion: Common Dreams
 Earlier Items: 
Sohrab Ahmari / First Things:
We Laugh, They Rule  —  No columnist's cleverness could do justice to the absurdity …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Inside the West Wing: Trump didn't want to go back to Georgia