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5:00 PM ET, February 12, 2021


 Top Items: 
Caleb Ecarma / Vanity Fair:
“I Will Destroy You”: Biden Aide Threatened a Politico Reporter Pursuing a Story on His Relationship  —  Deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo lashed out at journalist Tara Palmeri, spurring conversations between Politico's brass and the White House—and raising questions about behavior tolerated in the Biden administration.
Alexandra Jaffe / Associated Press:
White House aide suspended for threatening reporter
Discussion: Fox News and Townhall
Oliver Darcy / CNN:
White House suspends deputy press secretary for one week for threatening reporter over story about him
Nikki Haley's Choice  —  The 2024 hopeful can't decide who she wants to be—the leader of the post-Trump GOP or a “friend” to the president who tried to sabotage democracy.
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill:
Nikki Haley breaks with Trump: 'We shouldn't have followed him'  —  Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down.”
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Even with acquittal, GOP sees trial ending Trump's shot at future office  —  Senate Republicans, including those who do not plan to vote to convict former President Trump, say this week's impeachment trial has effectively ended any chance of him becoming the GOP presidential nominee in 2024.
Senate GOP gripped by conviction vote intrigue  —  Six GOP senators voted this week to move forward with President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.  But Republicans believe several more of them may be considering conviction.  —  As the Trump defense made its argument on Friday …
Discussion: Washington Post
Three GOP senators meet with Trump's lawyers on eve of impeachment defense presentation
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Trump's impeachment defense centers on both having and eating cake
Susan B. Glasser / New Yorker:
“We Lost the Line”: Trump Is on the Brink of Yet Another Senate Acquittal
Jesse McKinley / New York Times:
New Allegations of Cover-Up by Cuomo Over Nursing Home Virus Toll  —  In a leaked conversation, the governor's top aide admitted that data was withheld on nursing homes, where more than 10,000 New Yorkers have died during the pandemic.  —  ALBANY, N.Y. — Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and his top aides …
Yaron Steinbuch / New York Post:
Melissa DeRosa's admission on nursing home coverup sparks calls for probe — and Cuomo's prosecution
New York Post:
Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn't find out
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Firing Actors for Being Conservative Is Another Hollywood Blacklist  —  In the 1950s, Hollywood studios — under pressure from the right — promised they would not “knowingly employ a communist.”  This blacklist eventually became notorious, especially in Hollywood, which came to lionize its victims in several films.
Andreas Wiseman / Deadline:
Gina Carano Hits Back, Announces New Movie Project With Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire: “They Can't Cancel Us If We Don't Let Them”  —  EXCLUSIVE: Less than 24 hours after her explosive ouster from Star Wars series The Mandalorian for incendiary social media posts, Gina Carano has hit back at her detractors …
Tim Pearce / The Daily Wire:
Gina Carano To Produce And Star In Upcoming Film For The Daily Wire
Discussion: BizPac Review
Wall Street Journal:
CDC Presses K-12 Schools to Reopen  —  Public-health agency issues new guidelines for schools to reopen safely  —  Federal health and education officials urged the nation's elementary and secondary schools on Friday to reopen safely as soon as possible, saying they can operate by strictly adhering …
Burgess Everett / Politico:
The most influential Democrat you never hear from  —  Kyrsten Sinema doesn't often make big policy pronouncements.  But when she does, Democrats had better listen.  —  Take the $15 hourly minimum wage that Democratic leaders want to add to a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.
John Daniel Davidson / The Federalist:
The ‘Sound And Fury’ Of Trump's Impeachment Trial Signifies Something Sinister For America  —  Trump isn't really on trial here, everyone who voted for him is.  —  Twitter had some fun Wednesday night when NBC's Andrea Mitchell tried—and miserably failed—to correct Sen. Ted Cruz on the source …
Marisa Schultz / Fox News:
Trump impeachment defense team puts Democrats on trial for past hot rhetoric: ‘Stop the hypocrisy’
USA Today:
Take whatever COVID vaccine you can get.  All of them stop death and hospitalization.  —  Waiting for a more effective vaccine is actually the worst thing you can do to lower your risk of getting severely ill and dying of COVID-19.  —  Almost every day, we get the same questions from family …
Discussion: and The Week
New York Times:
F.D.A. Agrees Moderna Can Increase Vaccine Supply in Each Vial
Discussion: Politico and Forbes
Kate Bennett / CNN:
Melania Trump disengaged from her husband's second impeachment trial and bitter over Jill Biden's publicity  —  (CNN)While former President Donald Trump watches his second impeachment trial unfold, Melania Trump spends most of her time post-White House relaxing at the spa and staying out of the fray.
Brad Bannon / The Hill:
Biden has a choice that could make or break him  —  President Biden has a choice that could make or break his presidency.  —  He can go big and rely on Senate Democrats to pass a $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package or he can accept a less expensive and less effective package that might attract a few Republican votes.
POLITICO Playbook: Could McConnell surprise us all?  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  BREAKING OVERNIGHT — LINCOLN PROJECT MELTDOWN: Late Thursday night, the Lincoln Project published what appeared to be the private Twitter messages of its recently departed co-founder JENNIFER HORN …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Democrats have one big weapon left against Trump.  Will they use it?  —  Evidence is mounting that Donald Trump knew Mike Pence was in grave danger from the mob rampaging into the Capitol when the then-president sent out a tweet blasting his vice president.
Discussion: Vanity Fair, Bloomberg and Law & Crime
Ben Terris / Washington Post:
Donald Trump's version of an insanity defense: His critics are insane  —  In the summer of 2015, two months after Donald Trump announced he was running for president, a blogger named Esther Goldberg read a Washington Post column by the conservative commentator George F. Will that accused Trump of being phony, vulgar and unprincipled.
Peter Hermann / Washington Post:
Two officers who helped fight the Capitol mob died by suicide.  Many more are hurting.  —  Engulfed in the crush of rioters storming the Capitol, D.C. police officer Jeffrey Smith sent his wife a text that spoke to the futility and fears of his mission.  —  “London has fallen,” …
Discussion: The Hill and Associated Press
Hansi Lo Wang / NPR:
6-Month Delay In Census Redistricting Data Could Throw Elections Into Chaos  —  The 2020 census data needed for the redrawing of voting districts around the country are extremely delayed and now expected by Sept. 30.  —  A senior Democratic aide who was briefed by the Census Bureau on Friday …
Scott Bixby / The Daily Beast:
Donors Fume: 'It's Bullshit' Biden Hasn't Called About Ambassadorships  —  “People are starting to second-guess whether or not they're qualified, whether or not they overshot the countries that they're qualified for,” one party bundler said.  —  They wrote massive checks.
Discussion: HotAir
George Will / Washington Post:
Will Senate Republicans allow their louts to rule the party?  —  The first of this century's national traumas is denoted by two numbers: 9/11.  One purpose of, and a sufficient justification for, the second impeachment of the 45th president was to inscribe this century's second trauma in the nation's memory as: 1/6.
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 More Items: 
“I Don't Trust the People Above Me”: Riot Squad Cops Open Up About Disastrous Response to Capitol Insurrection
Joshua Vaughn / The Appeal:
After Man Dies Waiting For Commutation, Pennsylvania Governor Frees 13 People
Discussion: FAMM
Erick-Woods Erickson / Erick Erickson's Confessions …:
Disproportionality Will Lead to Violence
Discussion: alicublog
Jennifer Epstein / Bloomberg:
Biden to ‘Hang Out’ at Camp David for First Time in Presidency
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
Buzz: Trump to unleash after trial, Cheney on his ‘list,’ GW's hair, JFK's sweater to auction
Discussion: Mother Jones
Joseph Choi / The Hill:
Majority of Kentuckians disapprove of McConnell's job in Senate
Discussion: Breitbart
 Earlier Items: 
Peggy Noonan / Wall Street Journal:
A Vote to Acquit Trump Is a Vote for a Lie
Discussion: Raw Story and Mediaite
Yashar Ali / Yashar's Newsletter:
Scoop: FBI Investigating Allegations Against John Weaver, Sources Say
Washington Post:
This is how Biden eked out his 2020 victory
Sherrilyn A. Ifill / New York Times:
Lawyers Enabled Trump's Worst Abuses

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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