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11:40 AM ET, July 4, 2021


 Top Items: 
Kevin Draper / New York Times:
A Disparaging Video Prompts Explosive Fallout Within ESPN  —  In comments still rippling through the network, the reporter Rachel Nichols, who is white, said Maria Taylor, who is Black, earned the job to host 2020 N.B.A. finals coverage because ESPN was “feeling pressure” on diversity.
Discussion: Larry Brown Sports
Tyler Pager / Washington Post:
Trump appears to acknowledge tax schemes while questioning whether alleged violations are crimes  —  Former president Donald Trump lashed out at Manhattan prosecutors Saturday night for indicting his organization and its chief financial officer for tax fraud, calling it “prosecutorial misconduct” …
Michael J. Stern / USA Today:
Trump meets his match in Manhattan DA.  Tax fraud charges show accountability is coming.  —  What's next for Weisselberg?  I've had many defendants tell me to shove my cooperation offer, then take it after seeing what I planned to show the jury.  —  The day that half of America has been eagerly awaiting has arrived.
Discussion: Washington Post
Kevin Drum:
If you hate the culture wars, blame liberals  —  On Thursday I posted a series of charts that all documented a similar theme: Since roughly the year 2000, according to survey data, Democrats have moved significantly to the left on most hot button social issues while Republicans have moved only slightly right.
The Daily Beast:
Trump Boat Parades Left Untold Destruction in Their Wake  —  Trump's boat parades were a major source of pride for the former president.  They were also a major source of accidents for the boaters.  —  On Independence Day 2020, as a MAGA armada of 100-plus boats sped across Tennessee's Old Hickory Lake …
Discussion: Raw Story
Washington Examiner:
Happy birthday to a great and good nation, the USA  —  As this great nation celebrates its 245th birthday, it is time to fight back, hard, against the critical race theory and 1619 Project lies claiming that the founding was motivated largely by racism and slavery.
National Review:
A Day to Celebrate the American Promise
Discussion: HotAir
NBC10 Philadelphia:
Tensions Flare as White Supremacists March in Front of Philly City Hall  —  A group of white supremacists marched in front of Philadelphia City Hall Saturday night, drawing jeers from onlookers, as well as small scuffles.  —  The group of dozens of men wore white face coverings, kakis …
Discussion: Crooks and Liars and Raw Story
Jessica Griffin / The Philadelphia Inquirer:   White supremacy protest in Philadelphia on the eve of July 4th
Washington Post:
Post-ABC poll: Biden earns high marks for handling the pandemic, but many Republicans resist vaccination  —  President Biden has earned high marks for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, but the government's effort to vaccinate as many Americans as possible continues to face hurdles …
Alexander Burns / New York Times:
America Is Undergoing Seismic Changes.  Its Politics?  Hardly.  —  The country is recovering from a pandemic and an economic crisis, and its former president is in legal and financial peril.  But no political realignment appears to be at hand.  —  In another age, the events of this season …
Plain Dealer:
Nina Turner in the Democratic primary for the 11th Congressional District  —  The pioneering civil rights legacy of the late U.S. Rep. Louis Stokes of Cleveland — who spent 30 years representing Ohio's 11th Congressional District and its predecessor, the 21st Congressional District — still burns brightly for many in his district.
New Hunter Biden Disclosures Feature $100,000 Donation Of Former FBI Director Freeh To The Biden Grandchildren  —  We recently discussed the latest disclosures from the laptop of Hunter Biden showing new business dealings leveraging access to his father — and further contradicting President …
Alex Lo / South China Morning Post:
Hong Kong is staring into the abyss of domestic terrorism  —  At risk of radicalisation, vulnerable people are being encouraged to commit violent acts At risk of radicalisation, vulnerable people are being encouraged to commit violent acts.In the early hours of July 1, several cans of petrol …
Tracy Qu / South China Morning Post:
China's cybersecurity watchdog orders Didi removed from country's app stores  —  The Cyberspace Administration of China said the company had seriously violated data and privacy laws Recent moves by cyberspace administration comes hot on the heels of mega IPO in the US and as Beijing ups regulatory scrutiny …
Sarah Maslin Nir / New York Times:
A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite  —  In a Long Island town, neighbors now make assumptions, true and sometimes false, about people who conspicuously display American flags.  —  SOUTHOLD, N.Y. — The American flag flies in paint on the side of Peter Treiber Jr.'s potato truck …
ABC News:
Trump's false election claims were ‘b.s’ from beginning: Bill Barr  —  Coming up in the next {{countdown}} {{countdownlbl}}  —  Coming up next:  —  {{nextVideo.title}}  —  {{nextVideo.description}}  —  Skip to this video now  —  Related Extras Related Videos Video Transcript
Kerry J. Byrne / New York Post:
11 in ‘heavily armed’ fringe group arrested after standoff in Massachusetts  —  Eleven “heavily armed” members of a fringe group called Rise of the Moors were arrested on a Massachusetts highway Saturday following a bizarre nine-hour standoff with law enforcement that included hostage negotiators.
CBS Boston:
Wakefield Standoff Suspects Claim To Be Part Of Group Called ‘Rise Of The Moors’
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 More Items: 
Georgi Gotev / Euractiv:
Orbán, Le Pen, Salvini, Kaczyński join forces to impact on the future of EU
Discussion: Breitbart
Lauren Lantry / ABC News:
'It's a challenge. That's all there is to it': W.Va. governor on vaccine hesitancy
Discussion: The Hill and Crooks and Liars
Nolan Rappaport / The Hill:
Most Americans think surge of illegal border crossings is a crisis
Caroline Anders / Washington Post:
15 million people in the U.S. have missed their second dose of the coronavirus vaccine, CDC says
Daily Mail:
REVEALED: Flag-snubbing ‘activist athlete’ Gwen Berry's history of racially-charged rape jokes and tweets mocking white, Mexican and Asian people
Discussion: New York Post and HotAir
Maggie Fox / CNN:
Unvaccinated people are ‘variant factories,’ infectious diseases expert says
Sarah Kaplan / Washington Post:
Climate change has gotten deadly. It will get worse.
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and Axios
The Real Problem With Critical Race Theory
 Earlier Items: 
The Guardian:
Joe Biden cherry-picks audience to promote bipartisan infrastructure deal
Washington Post:
Craving freedom from virus, U.S. heads into July 4 with sharply divided risk
Jordan Williams / The Hill:
Harris, in optimistic speech, says America ‘getting back to work’
Discussion: RedState
The Guardian:
‘Idiotic’: Fury in Ukraine after female soldiers made to march in heels
Matt Lewis / The Daily Beast:
Hypocrite's Elegy: J.D. Vance Is an Avatar of GOP Corruption
Washington Post:
In Virginia governor's race, a raging debate about education takes center stage
Discussion: Blue Virginia
Dan Goldberg / Politico:
‘Wasting my breath’: Southern faith leaders wary of promoting vaccines
Discussion: HotAir and Raw Story