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10:10 PM ET, July 8, 2021


 Top Items: 
Amy B Wang / Washington Post:
Toyota to stop donating to GOP lawmakers who objected to certifying Biden's win  —  Toyota announced Thursday that its political action committee would no longer make donations to Republican members of Congress who objected to certifying the presidential election results in January …
Sam Vaca / Toyota USA Newsroom:
Toyota Statement on PAC Contributions  —  Toyota is committed to supporting and promoting actions that further our democracy.  Our company has long-standing relationships with Members of Congress across the political spectrum, especially those representing our U.S. operations.
Sky Palma / Raw Story:   Lincoln Project scores a win against the ‘Sedition Caucus’ after latest ad targeting Toyota
David Shepardson / Reuters:
Toyota halting contributions to U.S. lawmakers who opposed Biden certification
Discussion: Bloomberg and Associated Press
Lachlan Markay / Axios:
Toyota to cease donations to election objectors
Discussion: Mediaite and The Daily Caller
Michaeleen Doucleff / NPR:
The Delta Variant Isn't Just Hyper-Contagious.  It Also Grows More Rapidly Inside You  —  After months of data collection, scientists agree: The delta variant is the most contagious version of the coronavirus worldwide.  It spreads about 225% faster than the original version of the virus …
Discussion: Florida Politics
Pfizer to ask FDA to authorize booster dose of COVID vaccine as Delta variant spreads  —  Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) plans to ask U.S. regulators to authorize a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine within the next month, the drugmaker's top scientist said on Thursday, based on evidence of greater risk …
Mary Louise Kelly / NPR:
Fauci Says Current Vaccines Will Stand Up To The Delta Variant
Discussion: KOIN-TV and WGN-TV
Washington Post:
U.S. citizen among suspects arrested in assassination of Haitian president, senior official says  —  PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A U.S. citizen of Haitian descent has been arrested in connection with the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, a senior official here said Thursday.
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
The rapid decline of White evangelical America?  —  New data suggests a bigger decrease than previously understood — including in the GOP.  —  If there was an epitome of Donald Trump's hostile and often puzzling takeover of the Republican Party, it might have been his alliance with evangelical Christians.
The 2020 Census of American Religion  —  THE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS LANDSCAPE IN 2020  —  The American Religious Landscape in 2020  —  According to PRRI's 2020 American Values Atlas, seven in ten Americans (70%) identify as Christian, including more than four in ten who identify as white Christian …
Jack Jenkins / Religion News Service:
Survey: White mainline Protestants outnumber white evangelicals, while ‘nones’ shrink
Discussion: New York Magazine
Five undervaccinated clusters put the entire United States at risk  —  (CNN)A new data analysis identifies clusters of unvaccinated people, most of them in the southern United States, that are vulnerable to surges in Covid-19 cases and could become breeding grounds for even more deadly Covid-19 variants.
Erika Edwards / NBC News:   Unvaccinated hospitalized patients say they regret not getting the shot
Eric Levenson / CNN:   In Maryland, every person who died of Covid-19 in June was unvaccinated. That's not an aberration, experts say
Wall Street Journal:
‘Financially Hobbled for Life’: The Elite Master's Degrees That Don't Pay Off  —  Columbia and other top universities push master's programs that fail to generate enough income for graduates to keep up with six-figure federal loans  —  Recent film program graduates of Columbia University …
Richard L. Hasen / Slate:
The Supreme Court's Latest Voting Rights Opinion Is Even Worse Than It Seems  —  It's been almost a week since the Supreme Court issued its most significant ruling on voting rights in nearly a decade, and each time I read Justice Samuel Alito's majority opinion in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, the angrier I become.
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
Disgraced Trump foe Michael Avenatti weeps as he is sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for Nike extortion scheme  — Michael Avenatti, the brash attorney who became a leading foe of then-President Donald Trump, was sentenced Thursday to 30 months in prison for a brazen botched scheme …
Wall Street Journal:
Michael Avenatti Sentenced to 2 1/2 Years for Trying to Extort Nike
Henry Olsen / Washington Post:
J.D. Vance is scaring America's elite.  Good.  —  Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance is being attacked by critics on the left and right for his populist economics and his changed views on former president Donald Trump.  That's a good sign that Vance's message is getting through and that he can win.
Discussion: Yahoo News, HotAir and Althouse
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Tom Cotton's slimy attack on a ‘critical race theory’ professor is full of holes  —  Sen. Tom Cotton is calling for the firing of a U.S. Air Force Academy professor after she admitted to discussing critical race theory with cadets.  But even a cursory look at the Arkansas Republican's slimy argument shows …
Donald J. Trump / Wall Street Journal:
Why I'm Suing Big Tech  —  If Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can censor me, they can censor you—and believe me, they are.  —  One of the gravest threats to our democracy today is a powerful group of Big Tech corporations that have teamed up with government to censor the free speech of the American people.
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“There's Going to Be a Blowup”: Trump and DeSantis Are on a Collision Course  —  In public it's all smiles, but behind the scenes, Republicans are already preparing themselves for a showdown between former president Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis.
Discussion: HotAir, Raw Story and The Hill
Michael C. Bender / Wall Street Journal:
Inside Donald Trump's Last Days in the White House and Plans for a Comeback  —  The president's effort to overturn the election alienated much of his inner circle—but solidified his dominance of the GOP.  Now he's planning his return.  —  On the morning of Nov. 7, 2020 …
Matt Viser / Washington Post:
Deal of the art: White House grapples with ethics of Hunter Biden's pricey paintings  —  White House officials have helped craft an agreement under which purchases of Hunter Biden's artwork — which could be listed at prices as high as $500,000 — will be kept confidential from even the artist himself …
Nick Corasaniti / New York Times:
Texas Republicans Reveal Bills of Far-Reaching Voting Restrictions  —  In their second attempt to pass a sweeping elections overhaul, Republican lawmakers followed the broad outlines of the first, including a wide range of measures to limit voting access.  —  Republicans in the Texas Legislature …
The Seattle Times:
Two Seattle officers trespassed on U.S. Capitol grounds during riot and should be fired, investigation finds  —  Two of the six off-duty Seattle police officers who attended a pro-Trump rally that led to the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol in January trespassed onto restricted grounds and stood …
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Live free and die: Inside the bizarre political philosophy of America's unvaccinated  —  A couple of weeks ago, I drove two hours north to the hillside town of Olyphant, Pa., just outside Scranton, to meet with a Donald Trump superfan for a book project I've been working on.
New York Times:
Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg's Partnership Did Not Survive Trump  —  The company they built is wildly successful.  But her Washington wisdom didn't hold up, and neither did their close working relationship.  —  Sheryl Sandberg knew she'd be asked about the attacks on the Capitol.
The Daily Beast:
Rudy Giuliani's Legal Fund Was a Bust.  Now, Its Donation Page Has Disappeared.  —  The Fundly account raised $9,798 before the page disappeared—far short from its goal of raising $5 million in two months.  —  After raising a paltry sum of money from supporters and attracting little interest …
Discussion: Raw Story
Mica Soellner / Washington Times:
Va. GOP demands ethics probe of polisci heavyweight Larry Sabato's ‘bitter partisanship’ on Twitter  —  The Virginia Republican Party on Thursday demanded an ethics investigation into the University of Virginia's top elections forecaster, Larry Sabato, over his tweets that they say display “bitter partisanship” in favor of Democrats.
Catherine Rampell / Washington Post:
Fund the (tax) police  —  Here's one issue that both the left and right should be able to agree on: Fund the police.  Specifically, the tax police.  —  If you care about “law and order,” if you think unpatriotic hucksters are getting away with scamming Uncle Sam or, heck …
Discussion: Raw Story
Alexis Nowicki / Slate:
I've Always Suspected “Cat Person” Was Based on My Life.  Now I Know It Was.
  —  Kristen Roupenian's viral story draws specific details from my own life.  I've spent the years since it published wondering: How did she know?  —  One night in December of 2017, I saw Call Me by Your Name …
Discussion: Gothamist and Insider
Quint Forgey / Politico:
Biden puts faith behind Afghan troops while defending U.S. withdrawal  —  President Joe Biden on Thursday issued a forceful defense of his decision to withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan and denied it was inevitable that the Taliban would eventually topple the U.S.-backed government in Kabul.
Sarah Ellison / Washington Post:
How May Edwards became the forgotten whistleblower  —  By the time Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards stood before Judge Gregory Woods in a courtroom in Lower Manhattan last month, she had lost her job, her car, her home and had spent nearly three years on supervised release, awaiting a likely prison sentence.
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 More Items: 
Dan Egan / New York Times:
The climate crisis haunts Chicago's future. A Battle Between a Great City and a Great Lake
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Aimee Picchi / CBS News:
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was supposed to stop corporate tax dodgers. It didn't, study says.
Discussion: Common Dreams
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
GOP candidate says he hides his abortion positions from voters
Discussion: Daily Kos, The Hill and HuffPost
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic:
Critical Race Theory Is Making Both Parties Flip-Flop
Trump erupted at his impeachment lawyer's typos, asking 'What is f—ing wrong with these people? They can't hit spell-check?' new book says
Discussion: Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Conrad Black / The Hill:
The steady erosion of Trump-hate is a growing problem for Team Biden
San Francisco Chronicle:
Bay Area NIMBYs are saying the racist parts out loud over affordable housing developments
Ruy Teixeira / The Liberal Patriot:
Why Current Democratic Strategy Probably Won't Work
Joseph Cox / VICE:
We Got the Phone the FBI Secretly Sold to Criminals
Discussion: Gizmodo and Boing Boing
Julia Ioffe / Vanity Fair:
“These Bastards Will Never See Our Tears”: How Yulia Navalnaya Became Russia's Real First Lady
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
Gettr by the Pu$$y  —  [Note: This article includes sexually explicit language and a gross screenshot from Gettr users.]
Discussion: Salon
Maggie Fox / CNN:
Coronavirus almost certainly came from an animal, not a lab leak, top scientists argue
Discussion: National Review, Bloomberg and Zenodo

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

Brian Fung / CNN:
FCC ends the Affordable Connectivity Program, which helped low-income Americans afford internet service, after the House failed to approve additional funding

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