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1:45 PM ET, August 18, 2021


 Top Items: 
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
A primer on false narratives about Afghanistan  —  There are many alarmist headlines pronouncing with certitude what has occurred or will occur in Afghanistan.  Many are premature — or alternatively, out of date.  Others ignore information now available to us that debunks fanciful explanations …
Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resurfaces in UAE after fleeing Kabul, Emirati government says  — Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who fled his country as its capital Kabul was being overtaken by Taliban fighters, is now in the United Arab Emirates.
Mike Pence / Wall Street Journal:
Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban  —  It's a foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.  —  'The likelihood there's going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country [of Afghanistan] is highly unlikely," …
Ahmad Massoud / Washington Post:   The mujahideen resistance to the Taliban begins now. But we need help.
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Biden approval drops to lowest of 7-month presidency after Taliban takeover
Yahoo Finance:   Taliban Barricade Airport; Ghani Is in UAE: Afghanistan Update
David Rohde / New Yorker:
Trying—and Failing—to Save the Family of the Afghan Who Saved Me
Jazz Shaw / HotAir:
Kinder, gentler Taliban murder woman in the streets for not wearing a burqa  —  I'm not sure, but it sounds as if not all of the Taliban militants received their copy of the strongly worded letter from the United Nations.  The New York Post is reporting today that a woman in Takhar province …
New York Times:
The Taliban respond with force to an outpouring of public anger.  —  Even as the Taliban took their first steps to create a functioning government, they faced the first street protests on Wednesday against their takeover of Afghanistan, with demonstrations in at least two cities.
Graeme Wood / The Atlantic:
This Is Not the Taliban 2.0  —  When the Taliban first sacked Kabul 25 years ago, the group declared that it was not out for revenge, instead offering amnesty to anyone who had worked for the former government.  “Taliban will not take revenge,” a Taliban commander said then.  “We have no personal rancor.”
Jeffrey Morris / Covid Data Science:
Israeli data: How can efficacy vs. severe disease be strong when 60% of hospitalized are vaccinated?  —  A surge involving the rapidly-transmitting Delta variant in heavily vaccinated countries has led to much hand-wringing that the vaccines are not effective against Delta, or vaccine efficacy wanes after 4-6 months.
U.S. reports more than 1,000 COVID deaths in single day  —  The United States reported more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths on Tuesday, equating to around 42 fatalities an hour, according to a Reuters tally, as the Delta variant continues to ravage parts of the country with low vaccination rates.
Phil Helsel / NBC News:
Texas school district makes masks part of dress code to get around Gov. Abbott's order … A small Texas school district has made facial coverings part of its dress code, in a bid to get around Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order banning mask mandates.  —  The board of the Paris Independent …
HHS News releases:
Joint Statement from HHS Public Health and Medical Experts on COVID-19 Booster Shots  —  Today, public health and medical experts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the following statement on the Administration's plan for COVID-19 booster shots for the American people.
Erika Edwards / NBC News:
U.S. announces plan to offer boosters to all Americans starting in late September  —  Top U.S. health officials announced Wednesday that the country has developed a plan to start offering Covid-19 booster shots to all Americans beginning the third week of September, citing evidence that protection …
Sara Boboltz / HuffPost:
White House Recommends COVID-19 Booster Shot 8 Months Post-Vaccination
Discussion: UPI and POLITICUSUSA
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Federal officials press GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert over apparent personal use of campaign funds  — Federal officials are pressing Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., for answers on the apparent personal use of campaign funds.  — A letter from the Federal Election Commission to the treasurer …
Discussion: Raw Story and Political Wire
Los Angeles Times:
Cox served with subpoena, Elder blasted for remarks on women at California recall debate  —  Republicans hoping to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in the recall election focused their criticism on the Democratic governor and a leading replacement candidate who both declined to join them at a Tuesday debate …
Apoorva Mandavilli / New York Times:
Vaccines' protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest.  —  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released three studies on Wednesday that federal officials said provided evidence that booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines …
Discussion: Politico and UPI
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
The hidden way Biden will salvage value from the Afghanistan debacle  —  A narrative is taking shape around the Afghanistan debacle that goes like this: The failure of our mission, and the terrible humanitarian consequences of the botched withdrawal, badly complicate President Biden's claim that “America is back.”
Teaganne Finn / NBC News:
Georgia election board launches review of Fulton County votes setting up possible takeover  —  Georgia's Republican-controlled State Election Board took a step Wednesday toward a possible takeover of elections in Fulton County.  —  The board has decided to take aim at Fulton County …
- Raheem J. Kassam / The National Pulse:
Stunning Poll Reveals Trump Would Win Election Held Today, As Nearly 1 In 10 Democrats ‘Regret’ Their 2020 Vote.  —  Stunning new poll numbers from Rasmussen Reports suggest nearly 1 in 10 Democrats regret their vote in the 2020 Presidential election, with 12 percent of ‘Moderates’ saying the same …
Discussion: Wall Street Journal and Israpundit
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
A First Amendment Precedent  —  The Supreme Court may reconsider a major case concerning freedom of the press.  The Times's Adam Liptak explains why.  —  Four years ago, at his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch indicated that a 1964 precedent protecting press freedom was secure.
Discussion: Insider and Raw Story
New York Times:
The School Culture Wars: ‘You Have Brought Division to Us’  —  From mask mandates to critical race theory and gender identity, educators are besieged.  “You are just trying to keep everything from collapsing,” one official said.  —  July and August are supposed to be the quietest months of the school year.
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 More Items: 
Jan Hoffman / New York Times:
Sacklers Threaten to Pull Out of Opioid Settlement Without Broad Legal Immunity
2022 Florida Gubernatorial Poll
Discussion: The Hill and Florida Politics
Laura Zhou / South China Morning Post:
Beijing plans to build airport on reclaimed land near Taiwan amid tension
Discussion: HotAir and Taiwan News
Mel Leonor / Richmond Times-Dispatch:
‘Splitting the baby’: Partisan tension roils Virginia redistricting commission
Mississippi eighth grader dies a day after positive coronavirus test
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Julie Barrett / The Federalist:
How To See If Critical Race Theory Is In Your Kids' School—And Fight It
Wall Street Journal:
BuzzFeed Clashed With NBCUniversal as It Pursued SPAC Deal
Steve Israel / The Hill:
Do not underestimate Kathy Hochul
Jesús A. Rodríguez / Politico:
What Kamala Harris' Law School Years Reveal About Her Politics

From Mediagazer:

Alexandra Alter / New York Times:
How TikTok influencers helped a self-published author sell 1M+ copies of her book, including ~700K on the TikTok shop, showing how TikTok changed book marketing

Philip Bump / Washington Post:
YouGov: the news sources Americans say they trust the most aren't always used most heavily; YouTube and Facebook are often sources for news but not trusted much

Laura Wagner / Washington Post:
The Times Guild leaders say NYT, while rolling out expanded bio pages for staff, made “petty” cuts to the language in which staffers extolled their Guild work

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