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6:05 PM ET, September 6, 2021


 Top Items: 
New York Post:
‘The Wire’ actor Michael K. Williams found dead in NYC apartment  —  “The Wire” actor Michael K. Williams was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment Monday afternoon, law-enforcement sources told The Post.  —  Drug paraphernalia was found in the apartment, suggesting a possible overdose, sources said.
Hamza Shaban / Washington Post:
Justice Department to protect women seeking an abortion in Texas  —  Attorney General Merrick Garland said Monday that the Justice Department would protect women seeking an abortion in Texas as the agency explores ways to challenge one of the most restrictive laws in the nation.
Discussion: Political Wire
U.S. Department of Justice:
Statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Regarding Texas SB8  —  The U.S. Department of Justice today issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland regarding Texas SB8:  —  “While the Justice Department urgently explores all options to challenge Texas SB8 …
Douglas Belkin / Wall Street Journal:
A Generation of American Men Give Up on College: ‘I Just Feel Lost’  —  The number of men enrolled at two- and four-year colleges has fallen behind women by record levels, in a widening education gap across the U.S.  —  Men are abandoning higher education in such numbers that they now trail female college students by record levels.
Anand Gopal / New Yorker:
The Other Afghan Women  —  In the countryside, the endless killing of civilians turned women against the occupiers who claimed to be helping them. … Late one afternoon this past August, Shakira heard banging on her front gate.  In the Sangin Valley, which is in Helmand Province …
Washington Post:
Panjshir Valley, last resistance holdout in Afghanistan, falls to the Taliban
New York Times:
U.S. Citizens and Afghans Wait for Evacuation Flights From Country's North
Dan Primack / Axios:
The labor movement is showing signs of life  —  Labor unions represent a larger percentage of U.S. workers than at any time in the past five years, as the pandemic took its biggest bite out of non-unionized jobs.  —  Why it matters: America's labor movement isn't quite resurgent …
Discussion: Mock Paper Scissors
Juan Williams / The Hill:   Labor's surprising winning streak
Jeff Rhodes / Washington Examiner:   Workers deserve a day in their honor. The unions that exploit them don't
Jake Zuckerman / Ohio Capital Journal:
Judge reverses order forcing hospital to give ivermectin to COVID-19 patient  —  HAMILTON — A Butler County judge sided with a local hospital and reversed a previous court order forcing it to honor a prescription of ivermectin, which infectious disease experts have warned against as a COVID-19 treatment …
Discussion: KHON2
Hailey Branson-Potts / Los Angeles Times:
In red California, Trump's lies about a rigged election echo among recall supporters  —  Looking to oust the governor?  Ed Brown has just the right merch for you.  —  Camouflage Recall Newsom hats and Recall Newsom masks.  He's got Recall Newsom yard signs.  A stack of Recall Newsom pamphlets.
Jack Dutton / Newsweek:
Donald Trump Beats Joe Biden in 2024 Election Poll  —  A new poll has placed former President Donald Trump as the favorite to win the 2024 U.S. election, slightly edging Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.  —  A national Emerson College Poll found that if the two men were to go head-to-head in 2024 …
Discussion: BizPac Review
Tim Miller / The Triad:
Strange New Disrespect  —  The ideology beneath an abortion position that nobody likes.  —  1. Strange New Disrespect  —  Welp, the “strange new respect” I had garnered from certain corners of the progressive interwebs was bound to circle back around to “strange new WTF Tim” at some point. …
Discussion: Twitchy
Jack Nicas / New York Times:
The Strange Tale of the Freedom Phone, a Smartphone for Conservatives  —  A 22-year-old Bitcoin millionaire wants Republicans to ditch their iPhones for a low-end handset that he hopes to turn into a political tool.  —  It was a pitch tuned for a politically polarized audience.
A curtain divides male, female students as Afghan universities reopen  —  Students across Afghanistan have started returning to university for the first time since the Taliban stormed to power, and in some cases females have been separated from their male peers by curtains or boards down the middle of the classroom.
Discussion: Insider and The Daily Caller
NBC News:
U.S. evacuates 4 more Americans out of Afghanistan, official says  —  WASHINGTON — The United States facilitated the safe departure of four American citizens by overland route from Afghanistan on Monday, a senior State Department official said.  —  The news came while Secretary …
Discussion: Wall Street Journal and CBS News
New York Times:
As Migrants Surge Toward Border, Court Hands Biden a Lifeline  —  Desperate to control the unrelenting buildup on the border, Biden administration officials turn their focus to deterring migration, dashing hopes of asylum seekers.  —  MATAMOROS, Mexico — When the Supreme Court effectively revived …
New York Times:   Americans Stretch Across Political Divides to Welcome Afghan Refugees
Gideon Lewis-Kraus / New Yorker:
Can Progressives Be Convinced That Genetics Matters?  —  The behavior geneticist Kathryn Paige Harden is waging a two-front campaign: on her left are those who assume that genes are irrelevant, on her right those who insist that they're everything.  —  Until she was thirty-three …
O. Carter Snead / Washington Post:
Critics of Texas's convoluted abortion law have a point.  The solution is to overturn Roe v. Wade.  —  O. Carter Snead is a law professor at the University of Notre Dame and author of “What It Means to be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics.”  —  How did we get to this place …
Damien Cave / New York Times:
Rupert Murdoch's Australia News Outlets to Ease Their Climate Denial  —  The campaign, if sustained, could put pressure on Fox News, though critics were skeptical that a sea change was in store.  —  SYDNEY, Australia — After years of casting doubt on climate change and attacking politicians …
Kyle Smith / National Review:
Whatever Happened to the Journalistic B.S. Detector?  —  At some point the journalistic injunction, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out” became “If it fits the Narrative, don't bother to check it out.”  —  Rolling Stone — which really ought to know better by now …
Taliban accused of murdering pregnant Afghan policewoman in front of her family  —  (CNN)The Taliban murdered a pregnant policewoman in front of her family on Saturday night, according to her son.  Her death, in the central Afghanistan province of Ghor, adds to mounting concerns about the repression of women under the Taliban's rule.
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 More Items: 
Jonathan Weisman / New York Times:
From Cradle to Grave, Democrats Move to Expand Social Safety Net
Jonathan Cohn / HuffPost:
Democratic Proposal Could Reduce Poverty By 3.3 Million People, Study Says
Discussion: Washington Post and Eschaton
Issues & Insights:
Biden Loses 4,890 Migrant Children, And The Left Yawns
Discussion: The New Neo and Instapundit
Andrew Roth / The Guardian:
Belarus opposition leader jailed in Lukashenko ‘purge’
Discussion: The Moscow Times, CNN and UPI
Brad McElhinny / WV MetroNews:
Poll: Fewer than half of West Virginians believe legitimacy of 2020 presidential election
Discussion: The Hill and Political Wire
Hugo Lowell / The Guardian:
Republicans in crosshairs of 6 January panel begin campaign of intimidation
Wall Street Journal:
Biden Seeks to Shift Focus to Domestic Issues After Afghanistan Exit
 Earlier Items: 
Mary Papenfuss / HuffPost:
Arizona GOP Hired Anti-Vaccine Vote Conspiracist ‘Dr. Shiva’ For Sham Election Audit
Discussion: Raw Story
The Hill:
Why can't we mandate anything?  —  For Americans who are fully vaccinated …
Discussion: Althouse
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Herschel Walker's empty campaign calendar sparks concern among Georgia Republicans
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Covid Deaths Surge Across a Weary America as a Once-Hopeful Summer Ends
Discussion: Denver Post
Richard Rubin / Wall Street Journal:
Progressives' Tax-the-Rich Dreams Fade as Democrats Struggle for Votes
The Daily Beast:
Threats & Leaks: New Documents Show Just How Crazy the Georgia Recount Fiasco Got
Discussion: Raw Story
Ed Mazza / HuffPost:
Melania Trump Reportedly Wants Nothing To Do With Supposed 2024 Campaign
Discussion: Insider and Mediaite
Michael Levenson / New York Times:
N.F.L. Will Allow Six Social Justice Messages on Players' Helmets
Discussion: Deadline

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming in 2024

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Stablecoin provider Tether announces a synthetic dollar backed by gold that will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain

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