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11:25 PM ET, September 30, 2021


 Top Items: 
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Manchin proposed $1.5T top-line number to Schumer this summer  —  Joe Manchin proposed a deal to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer this summer to limit the total cost of Democrats' sweeping spending bill to $1.5 trillion, according to a copy of the agreement obtained by POLITICO.
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Katie Porter's epic beatdown of Kyrsten Sinema reveals an important truth  —  However the battle over President Biden's agenda turns out, this ugly saga will accomplish something crucial: It will separate Democrats who take their role as public servants seriously from those who are operating …
New York Times:
Pelosi Hunts for Infrastructure Votes as Democrats Feud Over Agenda
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Joe Manchin Just Might Finally Be Onto Something Glimmers of hope in his quasi-plan.
Discussion: The Left Coaster and Balloon Juice
Andrew Solender / Forbes:
Manchin Sets $1.5 Trillion Ceiling For Democrats' Reconciliation Bill
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
White House ‘working toward’ successful Thursday vote on infrastructure
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Ozy Built a TV Show on a False Claim, Says Its Former Producer  —  Producers say they were led to believe they were making a talk show for A&E, which said no to the program.  “You are playing a dangerous game with the truth,” the top producer wrote in his resignation email.  — Read in app
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Sharon Osbourne says Ozy Media founder Carlos Watson lied when he claimed the Osbournes invested in his company  — Ozy Media founder Carlos Watson boasted on CNBC in 2019 that Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne had invested in his company.  It was a lie, according to Sharon Osbourne.
Durham issues fresh round of subpoenas in his continuing probe of FBI investigation into Trump, Russia  —  Washington (CNN)Special Counsel John Durham has issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, an indication that Durham …
New York Times:
Trump Server Mystery Produces Fresh Conflict  —  A recent indictment suggested that researchers who found strange internet links between a Russian bank and the Trump Organization did not really believe their own work.  They are pushing back.  — Read in app
Jerry Dunleavy / Washington Examiner:
Identity of ‘Tech Executive’ in Durham indictment over Alfa Bank claims revealed
Discussion: RedState and New York Post
Sebastian Murdock / HuffPost:
Alex Jones Just Lost 2 Sandy Hook Cases  —  A judge issued default judgments — a rarity in the legal world — against Jones and Infowars after the conspiracy theorist failed to produce discovery records.  —  Infowars host Alex Jones has lost two of several lawsuits filed against him by relatives …
Harriet Hageman once rebuked Trump and endorsed Liz Cheney.  She's now challenging her with his support  —  (CNN)Harriet Hageman, who earned the endorsement of former President Donald Trump in her 2022 bid to challenge Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, once called her current opponent a “proven, courageous, constitutional conservative.”
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Alito speaks out on Texas abortion case and ‘shadow docket’  —  Justice Samuel Alito leapt into a political fray over the Supreme Court on Thursday, lashing back at critics who have accused the justices of increasingly issuing momentous decisions on its emergency docket without the benefit of a full briefing or oral arguments.
Washington Post:
Alito defends letting Texas abortion law take effect, says Supreme Court critics want to intimidate justices
Discussion: New York Times
Harris' office does damage control over student's Israel ‘ethnic genocide’ comment  —  Vice President Kamala Harris' office is working behind the scenes to mend relationships with pro-Israel Democrats after not pushing back on a student who, in asking her a question, accused Israel of “ethnic genocide.”
Gordon Klein / Common Sense with Bari Weiss:
Why I Am Suing UCLA  —  I refused to discriminate against my students.  Then the problems began.  —  Recently, I was suspended from my job for refusing to treat my black students as lesser than their non-black peers.  —  Let me back up: I teach at UCLA's Anderson School of Management, and I've been doing this for 40 years.
Discussion: HotAir, The Lid and JONATHAN TURLEY
Andrew R. Arthur /
Afghan Provision in Must-Pass Legislation Puts U.S. National Security Last  —  Lowering ID standards for nationals of a country with ‘a dynamic terrorism landscape’ is a bad idea  —  Congressional leadership is pushing hard to pass H.R. 5304, the “continuing resolution” (CR) …
Discussion: Breitbart
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Senate narrowly turns back GOP amendment to curtail assistance to Afghan refugees
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
Fox News Poll: Tight race for Virginia governor  —  The survey, released Thursday, was conducted September 26 through September 29 among Virginia registered voters  —  McAuliffe says parents shouldn't choose their children's curriculum  —  Virginia voters give Democrat Terry McAuliffe …
Discussion: Townhall
Jordan Davidson / The Federalist:
Inspector General Finds Damning ‘Widespread’ FISA Failure After FBI Director Dismissed Concerns  —  Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a damning report on Thursday chastising the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “widespread” violations in the intelligence agency's applications …
Techno Fog / The Reactionary:   IG Horowitz discovers more FBI abuses of FISA process
Jennifer Schuessler / New York Times:
Leader of Prestigious Yale Program Resigns, Citing Donor Pressure  —  The historian Beverly Gage, who has run the Grand Strategy course since 2017, says the university failed to stand up for academic freedom amid inappropriate efforts to influence the curriculum.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lauren Weber / NBC News:
Covid is killing rural Americans at twice the rate of people in urban areas  —  Unvaccinated Covid patients still overwhelming health care workers  —  Rural Americans are dying of Covid at more than twice the rate of their urban counterparts — a divide that health experts say is likely …
Discussion: Raw Story and Daily Montanan
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Inside the CIA's desperate effort to rescue its Afghan allies  —  Often the spy business is about betrayal.  But for the CIA in Afghanistan, even amid the catastrophic U.S. withdrawal in August, the story in recent months has largely been about keeping faith with its local partners.
Zach Despart / Houston Chronicle:
Houston, epicenter of Harvey damage, still would get $0 under Texas' latest disaster aid plan  —  Harris County and the city of Houston this week blasted the Texas General Land Office's revised plan for distributing billions in federal Hurricane Harvey aid, saying that while it is an improvement …
Adam Wren / Insider:
I just rode the bus with Biden's education chief.  You should hear what he said about Trump supporters, critical race theory, and mask mandates.  — Education Secretary Miguel Cardona toured the Midwest last week.  — He's touting a safe return to school amid the pandemic.
Discussion: HotAir, Politico and Fox News
David Weigel / Washington Post:
The Trailer: So long, swing seats: Gerrymandering is already shrinking the midterm map  —  In this edition: The slow death of the swing seat, debate echoes in New Jersey and Virginia, and a boom market in anti-Kyrsten Sinema PACs.  —  Please don't make me write about an August 2024 primary until at least next month.
Discussion: Politico
Ian Bassin / The Bulwark:
Democracy Cannot Survive the Fracturing of the Democratic Coalition  —  When anti-authoritarian coalitions splinter, the authoritarians take over.  —  (PHOTOS: GETTYIMAGES / SHUTTERSTOCK)  —  In the early days of the first Trump presidency, our organization cohosted a “Summit for Democracy” …
Mark Harris / Wired:
How a Secret Google Geofence Warrant Helped Catch the Capitol Riot Mob  —  A WIRED investigation has found 45 federal criminal cases that cite Google geolocation data to place suspects inside the US Capitol during the January 6 riot.  —  COURT DOCUMENTS SUGGEST the FBI has been using …
Discussion: Raw Story
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Kristi Noem cuts ties with adviser Corey Lewandowski after donor alleged unwanted sexual advances  —  South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has severed ties with political strategist Corey Lewandowski, following allegations reported by POLITICO that Lewandowski made unwanted sexual advances toward a woman at a recent fundraising event.
New York Times:
House Delays Vote on Infrastructure, in Big Setback for Biden Agenda  —  The postponement extends the showdown between moderate supporters of the bill and liberals who have said they will bring it down without progress on a separate social policy measure.  President Biden signed …
New York Times:
More Than Half of Police Killings Are Undercounted, New Study Says  —  Researchers comparing information from death certificates with data from organizations that track police killings in the United States identified a startling discrepancy.  — Read in app
Sarah Westwood / Washington Examiner:
Business gets personal: Leftists push boundaries in protests targeting public figures  —  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas became the latest victim of liberal activism targeting political figures personally when protesters shrouded his Washington, D.C., home in a giant foil blanket this week.
Discussion: ABC News, Townhall and BizPac Review
Tom Wright / Wall Street Journal:
The Man at the Center of a Shocking U.S. Navy Scandal  —  Procurer, protector, supplier for all needs: Leonard Francis claims that he made himself indispensable to the U.S. Navy.  Then he became the star witness in a sweeping corruption probe.  —  On May 22, 2008, six U.S. Navy officers allegedly piled …
Bradford Betz / Fox News:
Senior al Qaeda leader killed in drone strike in Syria, US defense officials say  —  The figure was responsible for planning, funding, and approving trans-regional al Qaeda attacks
Discussion: and The Gateway Pundit
Hack Of Oath Keepers Militia Group Includes Names Of Active NYPD Officers, De Blasio Launches Investigation  —  New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's office said it will scrutinize NYPD ranks following a WNYC/Gothamist investigation of online records that appears to tie several …
Jennifer Benz / AP-NORC:
Half support vaccine mandates amidst Delta surge  —  Half of Americans approve of the Biden administration's plan to require most U.S. workers to get vaccinated or regularly tested for COVID-19, and a third disapprove. … As businesses across the country navigate return to office plans …
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
The trainwreck of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is the cost of not getting money out of politics  —  It sounds bizarre, but a $1,117.40 summer internship at a vineyard in the heart of California wine country may prove the ultimate saga in how Big Money has permanently broken American politics.
Matthew Miller / Washington Examiner:
Psaki snipes at claims Biden has been acting Trump-like  —  White House press secretary Jen Psaki pushed back against claims that President Joe Biden is acting Trump-like.  —  “There have been a number of issues in the last several weeks in which advocates, allies of the president …
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico:
Lobbyists' frustration with BIF uncertainty spills out into the open  —  HEADS OF LOBBYING GROUPS GET TESTY ON BIF: The heads of three major trade associations pushing hard for the House to move forward with a vote in the bipartisan infrastructure bill today betrayed their frustration …
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 More Items: 
David Brooks / New York Times:
This Is Why We Need to Spend $4 Trillion
Discussion: driftglass and Raw Story
John Nichols / The Nation:
When Democrats Go Small, They Lose Big
Wall Street Journal:
In Well-Vaccinated Maine, Covid-19 Still Fills Hospitals With the Unvaccinated
Discussion: HotAir
E. Jean Carroll / Ask E. Jean:
You're Only Old Once!  —  I'm a woman on the wrong side of fifty-five who has just embarked upon an advanced degree.
Sadie Gurman / Wall Street Journal:
DEA Agents Arrest 800 in the U.S. in Crackdown on Illegal Sales of Drugs Laced With Fentanyl
Discussion: ABC News
 Earlier Items: 
Daniel Bice / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Bice: Multimillionaire U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson paid a mere $2,105 in state income taxes in 2017, despite making big bucks
Discussion: Raw Story
Yahoo News:
Pompeo: Sources for Yahoo News WikiLeaks report ‘should all be prosecuted’
Discussion: Jacobin and Shadowproof
Domenico Montanaro / NPR:
Biden's Approval Rating Recovers Some From Last Month's Low, An NPR Poll Finds
Jason Wilson / The Guardian:
Top Republicans rub shoulders with extremists in secretive rightwing group, leak reveals
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Raw Story
Sabato's Crystal Ball:
New Initiative Explores Deep, Persistent Divides Between Biden and Trump Voters
Discussion: Raw Story and CNN