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11:45 PM ET, October 2, 2021


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
The Lawyer Behind the Memo on How Trump Could Stay in Office  —  John Eastman was a little-known but respected conservative lawyer.  Then he became influential with Donald Trump — and counseled him on how to retain power after losing the election.  — Read in app
New York Times:
Jan. 6 Was Worse Than We Knew  — Read in app  —  The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values.  It is separate from the newsroom.  —  However horrifying the Jan. 6 riot …
Discussion: Twitchy and Raw Story
Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
Dear Colleague: It's About Time!  —  Good morning.  —  It's about time!  Yesterday, we extended the Thursday, September 30th legislative day to Friday, pushing to passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework and to advance Build Back Better.  But more time was needed to reach our goal of passing both bills, which we will.
Lexi Lonas / The Hill:
Biden signs 30-day extension of highway funding into law  —  President Biden signed a 30-day extension of highway funding into law on Saturday following its passage earlier in the day by the Senate, according to a statement from the White House.  —  The Senate reconvened for a brief session …
Jordan Williams / The Hill:
Pelosi sets end-of-October deadline for infrastructure vote
Discussion: Bloomberg and Townhall
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Biden to host lawmakers at White House next week amid impasse on his agenda
Discussion: Fox News, Bloomberg and Power Line
New York Times:
Biden's Agenda in Doubt as He Aids Progressives in Fight With Moderates  —  Progressives flexed, but remain empty-handed.  Moderates feel betrayed.  The outcome of their battle could determine Democrats' fate in the midterms and the success of the Biden presidency.  — Read in app
POLITICO Playbook: 'The strangest thing I've ever seen'  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  “The fact that the president came to the Hill and whipped against his own bill is the strangest thing I've ever seen.”  —  That late-night observation was just one of many we heard from frustrated lawmakers …
Caroline Vakil / The Hill:
Sinema slams delay of infrastructure vote: ‘Inexcusable’  —  Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) on Saturday slammed the decision to delay a vote this week on the bipartisan infrastructure deal that she helped negotiate, calling it “inexcusable.”  —  Good-faith negotiations, the Arizona centrist argued, “require trust.”
Daily Mail:
EXCLUSIVE: Married Trump donor tells police she feared for her safety when Corey Lewandowski told her ‘he stabbed a man in the back of the head and killed him’ as her husband slams the political operative's ‘violent and harassing’ behavior  — Super PAC donor Trashelle Odom has made a statement …
Discussion: Mediaite and Raw Story
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Sinema Stars in Her Own Film  — Read in app  —  WASHINGTON — Just like the original Sphinx, the Phoenix Sphinx is blocking the way until those who would move ahead solve her riddle:  —  What does Kyrsten Sinema want?  And why doesn't she stick around to explain it?
Discussion: Rolling Stone
Laurie Roberts / Arizona Republic:   Here's what Democrats need to understand about Sen. Kyrsten Sinema
Mike Isaac / New York Times:
Whistle-Blower to Accuse Facebook of Contributing to Jan. 6 Riot, Memo Says  —  In an internal memo, Facebook defended itself and said that social media was not a primary cause of polarization.  — Read in app  —  SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook, which has been under fire …
Ian Millhiser / Vox:
The nihilism of Neil Gorsuch  —  Trump's first Supreme Court appointee's radical vision to remake America, explained.  —  Neil Gorsuch was ready to blow up the US housing market over a minor legal violation.  —  The case in front of the Supreme Court was Collins v. Yellen (2021) …
Don Moynihan / Can We Still Govern?:
Bullshit, Branding and CRT  —  The Nine Incredible Tricks to Get Your Moral Panic Trending!  —  As a professor who teaches policy students how to write about public policy, I spend a lot of time talking about argumentation, which is partly about how to write concisely and clearly …
Liz Alderman / New York Times:
As Bikers Throng the Streets, 'It's Like Paris Is in Anarchy'  —  An ecologically minded experiment to make Paris a cycling capital of Europe has led to a million people now pedaling daily — and to rising tensions with pedestrians.  — Read in app
Katie Mettler / Washington Post:
U.S. prosecutors ask judge to sentence men accused of plotting ‘race war’ ahead of Va. gun rally as domestic terrorists  —  Federal prosecutors have requested that two members of The Base, a white-supremacist group, be sentenced as domestic terrorists after investigators accused them of planning …
Discussion: NBC4 Washington
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 More Items: 
Jennifer Calfas / Wall Street Journal:
Alex Jones Held Liable in Sandy Hook Defamation Cases
Cindi Ross Scoppe /
Caslen calls coming to USC ‘biggest regret of my life’ as emails show split over departure
Alia Shoaib / Insider:
Rudy Giuliani admits under oath that he got some of his ‘evidence’ of alleged election fraud from social media
Discussion: Gizmodo and Raw Story
Antonio García Martínez / The Pull Request:
Why Judaism?  —  On abandoning secular modernity … You will watch your parents die and be buried.
Qataris vote in country's first legislative elections
 Earlier Items: 
USA Today:
Hack exposes law enforcement officers who signed up to join anti-government Oath Keepers
Discussion: New York Times, Raw Story and HuffPost
Andrew C. McCarthy / New York Post:
‘Collusion’ pushers in a spin over Durham indictment linked to Clinton camp
Michael Crowley / New York Times:
Ted Cruz Is Blocking Biden Nominees
Discussion: Rolling Stone and Raw Story

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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