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2:30 PM ET, November 3, 2021


 Top Items: 
Zachary D. Carter / The Atlantic:
The Democratic Unraveling Began With Schools  —  Republican Glenn Youngkin's victory in Tuesday's Virginia gubernatorial election was about schools.  It wasn't about Donald Trump, or inflation, or defunding the police, or Medicare for All, or President Joe Biden's infrastructure agenda.
Christopher Mathias / HuffPost:
At Least 7 Republicans Who Were At The Jan. 6 Rally Just Got Elected To Office  —  And even more attendees of the rally that turned into the Capitol riot will likely be on the ballot in 2022.  —  At least seven Republicans who attended the Jan. 6 rally in Washington, D.C. …
Discussion: WTOP and The Gateway Pundit
Dan Pfeiffer / The Message Box:
Early Thoughts on a Very Tough Night  —  There is no other way to put it, last night was a disaster for the Democrats.  How we respond in the coming days and weeks will set the stage for 2022  —  One year ago, Joe Biden won Virginia by ten points.  Four years ago, Ralph Northan won it by nine.
POLITICO Playbook: Let the Democratic freakout begin  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  THE NAIL BITER — New Jersey's gubernatorial race is still too close to call as you wake up this morning.  With 88% of the expected vote in, incumbent PHIL MURPHY is trailing Republican JACK CIATTARELLI by just over 1,000 votes.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Democrats Need to Face Up to Their Public School Problem Education should be helping Democrats, not hurting.  What happened?  —  Election reaction statements by politicians and interest groups may be the most robotic genre in the messaging business.  Every outcome proves everybody was right all along.
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
Virginia Results: Giving Up on Rural America Is Proving a Nightmare for Democrats  —  Margins matter.  —  About a year ago I wrote about the big “trade” that had taken place in our politics.  Democrats were picking up former Republican “red dogs” who live in the suburbs.
Astead W. Herndon / New York Times:
Black voters in Virginia refuse to be blamed for a major Democratic defeat.  —  NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Democrats across Virginia expressed profound disappointment on Wednesday after Republicans romped to an unlikely victory in the governor's race, an ominous sign for the Democratic Party ahead of next year's midterm elections.
Discussion: Raw Story and Breitbart
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
A sobering reality hits Democrats after Tuesday's elections losses  —  Democrats awoke Wednesday to a sobering reality.  A year after celebrating victory in the 2020 elections, their slender congressional majorities are now even more at risk than they feared, and it is not clear that President Biden …
Jim Swift / The Bulwark:
How McAuliffe Lost Virginia  —  An uninspiring candidate with no big ideas and terrible messaging.  —  Going into the 2021 gubernatorial election in Virginia, a state that Joe Biden won by ten points, former governor Terry McAuliffe likely reasoned that he had a good chance of repeating his remarkable feat from eight years earlier:
Philip Murphy / New York Times:
New Jersey Election Results  —  In New Jersey, the headline matchup is between Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, and his Republican challenger, Jack Ciattarelli, a former state assemblyman.  The entire State Legislature is also up for election, and there are two ballot questions.  Read more »
The Daily Beast:
Democrats Started Knifing Each Other Even Before Virginia Defeat Was Official
Nicholas Riccardi / Associated Press:
Takeaways from Tuesday's elections: Bad omens for Democrats
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
Republicans Schooled the Left in Virginia
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Manchin says ‘unbelievable’ Virginia results validate concerns over spending package  —  Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who has slowed down negotiations on a massive $1.75 trillion reconciliation package, says the “unbelievable” Republican victories in Virginia's statewide races Tuesday validate …
Discussion: Political Wire
Washington Post:
Trump campaign payments for ‘command centers’ at D.C. hotels could undermine executive privilege claim in Jan. 6 investigation  —  It was a month after the 2020 presidential election, and Bernard Kerik was starting to panic.  The former New York City police chief and his friend Rudolph W. Giuliani …
Shawn McCreesh / New York Magazine:
I Hung Out With Both Curtis Sliwa and Eric Adams on Election Night  —  It was the best of parties, it was the worst of parties.  —  At Empire Steak House on East 50th Street, the stench of fait accompli hangs in the air.  The Curtis Sliwa campaign has gathered here in midtown to watch him go down.
Amanda L Gordon / Bloomberg:   Eric Adams Hangs With CEOs, Rappers in NoHo After Win
Buffalo News:
Byron Brown claims victory in Buffalo mayor's race; write-in ballots swamp India Walton  —  Byron Brown, considered politically dead by many following his stunning defeat in the June primary for mayor of Buffalo, appears to have resurrected his long career as he claimed victory Tuesday …
Jerry Zremski / Buffalo News:
Walton failed to broaden support beyond her primary base
Discussion: Jacobin
Chelsey Cox / USA Today:
From Boston to Cincinnati, people of color won local elections in historic firsts  —  As polls closed late Tuesday, states throughout the country saw a range of candidates of color racking up election wins in historic results.  —  The gains ranged from mayoral elections to state offices …
Discussion: Associated Press, Twitchy and Daily Kos
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Supreme Court appears likely to void New York's gun permit law  —  The justices seem inclined to find that the right to keep and bear arms extends to carrying them outside the home.  —  Demonstrators rally Wednesday outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington.  Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo
Discussion: Washington Post
Ryan Grim / The Intercept:
Internal Lincoln Project Emails Show How a Charlottesville Tiki Torch Stunt Went Wrong … When Lauren Windsor, a Democratic operative working with the Lincoln Project, sent five young people dressed in khakis, white shirts, and sunglasses to hold tiki torches in front of Glenn Youngkin's campaign bus …
Discussion: Fox News and PolitiFact
Meryl Kornfield / Washington Post:
Why hundreds of QAnon supporters showed up in Dallas, expecting JFK Jr.'s return  —  In rainy Dallas with temperatures dipping into the low 60s, hundreds huddled with umbrellas, flags and signs to wait for history to be made on Tuesday.  Some even brought folding chairs.
Amitai Ziv / Reuters:
U.S. Blacklists Israeli Cyberarms Firms NSO, Candiru for Harming ‘National Security and Interests’  —  NSO Group and Candiru developed and supplied spyware ‘to maliciously target government officials, journalists, businesspeople, activists, academics, and embassy workers,’ the U.S. Commerce Department said in a statement
Ed Cunningham / Time Out Worldwide:
9 cities that could be underwater by 2030  —  With sea levels rising worldwide, several major metropolises are at risk of being submerged  —  Global warming can be difficult to properly visualise.  If you're not directly threatened by rising sea levels, suffering water shortages or ravaged by wildfires …
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 More Items: 
Jared Yates Sexton / Dispatches From A …:
A Completely Predictable Disaster: Virginia and the Need for Courage
Mike Rosenstein / New Jersey Online:
Ex-Mets manager Bobby Valentine hints at election fraud, strikes out in bid to become mayor
New York Times:
Covaxin, Vaccine Developed in India, Gets W.H.O. Clearance
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
Haley: ‘2021 Is the Year Socialism Took Control’ in America
 Earlier Items: 
Charles C. W. Cooke / National Review:
Kill the Bill  —  Why should Democrats pursue a multitrillion-dollar bill designed to alienate …
Discussion: HotAir
Jason Stanley / Rolling Stone:
Tucker Carlson's ‘Patriot Purge’ Is Too Crazy to Believe — and Too Dangerous to Ignore

From Techmeme:

Tom Warren / The Verge:
Microsoft delays Recall to test it with the Windows Insider Program and won't ship it with Copilot+ PCs next week, after saying it would make the feature opt-in

Joseph Menn / Washington Post:
Brad Smith tells a US House committee that Microsoft “accepts responsibility” for security errors, its business in China served US interests, and more

Umar Shakir / The Verge:
Apple says it doesn't use users' private data or user interactions to train its models, and uses both licensed materials and publicly available online data

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