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5:00 PM ET, February 8, 2022


 Top Items: 
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
McConnell calls Jan. 6 a ‘violent insurrection,’ breaking with RNC  —  McConnell: January 6 was ‘violent insurrection’ after a legitimate election  —  WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell disagreed Tuesday with the Republican National Committee's recent censure of two GOP lawmakers …
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
McConnell breaks with RNC: Jan. 6 ‘violent insurrection’  —  Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) criticized the Republican National Committee for its censure of Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and broke with their language on Jan. 6, calling it a “violent insurrection.”
Associated Press:
AP source: GOP Maryland Gov. Hogan won't run for Senate  —  ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan plans to announce Tuesday that he will not run for the U.S. Senate, rebuffing an aggressive recruitment push from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans who saw …
Republicans are frustrated by RNC move reopening party's January 6 divide ahead of midterms
Bobby Burack / OutKick:
More Unreleased Stacey Abrams Maskless School Photos  —  Stacey Abrams' recent visit to an elementary school is more cringeworthy than we thought.  —  OutKick has obtained more photos from Abrams' visit to Glennwood Elementary School last week, showing how Abrams spent the entire day maskless while the children remained masked up.
Discussion: Twitchy
Sarah Emerson / BuzzFeed News:
A Woman Accused Of A $4.5 Billion Cryptocurrency Laundering Scheme Has Moonlighted As A Rapper And Forbes Writer  —  A husband and wife were arrested in Manhattan on Tuesday for allegedly conspiring to launder $4.5 billion in stolen cryptocurrency.  In an announcement, the Department …
U.S. Department of Justice:
Two Arrested for Alleged Conspiracy to Launder $4.5 Billion in Stolen Cryptocurrency  —  Government Seized $3.6 Billion in Stolen Cryptocurrency Directly Linked to 2016 Hack of Virtual Currency Exchange  —  Two individuals were arrested this morning in Manhattan for an alleged conspiracy …
Alexander Mallin / ABC News:
DOJ announces arrests in alleged $4.5 billion cryptocurrency laundering scheme
Discussion: Associated Press, CBS News and Politico
Emily Peck / Axios:
Male economists are freaking out over a NYT profile  —  A handful of prominent male economists, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, are freaking out — mostly on Twitter — about a weekend New York Times profile of economist Stephanie Kelton, known for her work on Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT.
Darlene Superville / Associated Press:
Emhoff whisked out of event following security concern
Discussion: CNBC and The Daily Caller
Isaac Chotiner / New Yorker:
Why Didn't Vanity Fair Break the Jeffrey Epstein Story?  —  The former editor Graydon Carter and a journalist, Vicky Ward, give conflicting accounts of why the magazine didn't publish sexual-abuse allegations in 2003.  —  “Ghislaine Maxwell is arguably the most hated woman in the world.
Carlos Frías / Miami Herald:
New York's Cafe Habana removes info about Che and Fidel from website  —  HOME THINGS TO DO FOOD CLUB + BARS MORE  —  A Mexican hangout where the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Che Guevara plotted the Cuban revolution is the inspiration behind a New York City restaurant opening a location soon in downtown Miami.
Discussion: Instapundit and The Daily Caller
Washington Post:
Documents detail U.S. military's frustration with White House, diplomats over Afghanistan evacuation  —  Senior White House and State Department officials failed to grasp the Taliban's steady advance on Afghanistan's capital and resisted efforts by U.S. military leaders to prepare the evacuation …
Aram Roston / Reuters:
EXCLUSIVE FBI probes pre-Capitol riot meeting of far-right groups … The Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing a meeting in a downtown DC garage the day before the January 6 Capitol Hill riot between the then-leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, the now-indicted leader …
Steve Vladeck / MSNBC:
Supreme Court's Alabama travesty and its worn-out ‘shadow docket’ defense  —  Supreme Court conservatives help Alabama GOP keep biased map for next election  —  Shortly after 5 p.m. on Monday, the Supreme Court put back into effect Alabama's proposed district maps for the 2022 congressional election cycle …
Discussion: UPI
Kevin Daley / Washington Free Beacon:
Supreme Court Blocks Alabama Democrats' Gerrymandered Map
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
Palin trial exposes the allure of ‘both sides’ journalism  —  When then-New York Times editorial page editor James Bennet revised the June 2017 editorial that prompted Sarah Palin's lawsuit now playing out in a Manhattan federal court, he had a specific goal in mind.
Ryan J. Reilly / NBC News:
FBI arrests Trump supporter who stormed Capitol while on bail for attempted murder  —  WASHINGTON — A Jan. 6 rioter who stormed the Capitol while he was out on bail for attempted first-degree murder was arrested by the FBI on Tuesday, more than 10 months after he was first identified by online sleuths.
Discussion: Law & Crime and Insider
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Prosecutors' witness list offers glimpse into Jan. 6 trial strategy
Discussion: Law & Crime and Raw Story
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
CNN stars clueless about how Jeff Zucker wrecked U.S.  —  How do you measure a year in a life?  For me, the question posed by Broadway's Rent is best answered by Super Bowl Sunday.  I only remember so much about my first few years, but on January 15, 1967, I sat in a linoleum family room …
S. Mitra Kalita / TIME:   RIP, Jeff Zucker's Masterful Morning Show
Emily Peck / Axios:
Jaw-dropping gender gap in jobs  —  The super tight labor market pushed lots of men back to work in January, but women were held back by Omicron.  —  Driving the news: More than 1 million men surged into the job market last month, coming off the sidelines and either looking for a job or getting a job …
Aaron Gordon / VICE:
The New USPS Trucks Would Probably Be Illegal If They Weighed One Pound Less  —  Manufacturer Oshkosh Defense is exploiting a long-standing loophole that incentivizes bigger, heavier vehicles that can pollute more.  —  Aaron Gordon  —  The USPS has defended the purchase of up to 165,000 …
Discussion: UPI, Gizmodo and The Daily Caller
Bernie Sanders / The Guardian:
We must do everything possible to avoid an enormously destructive war in Ukraine  —  I'm concerned when I hear familiar drumbeats in Washington demanding we ‘show strength’, when we're faced with what could be the worst European war in 75 years  —  ars have unintended consequences.
Discussion: Takes & Re-Takes
New York Times:
Erik Prince Helped Raise Money for Conservative Spy Venture  —  New details reveal the ambitions of an operation intended to infiltrate opponents of Donald Trump, including moderate Republicans as well as progressives and Democrats.  —  WASHINGTON — During the summer of 2018, as Richard Seddon …
Chuck Schumer says he supports banning lawmakers from trading stocks: ‘I would like to see it done’  — Schumer made his support for banning lawmakers from trading stocks public, telling Insider “I would like to see it done.”  — Insider reported on Friday that Schumer convened a group of senators to hammer out an agreement.
Yaron Steinbuch / New York Post:
Oregon GOP gubernatorial candidate admits he and wife belonged to swingers group  —  A top candidate in the Republican primary for Oregon governor has admitted that he and his wife had explored a swinging lifestyle before deciding that swapping partners wasn't for them, according to a report.
Discussion: Scottie's Playtime and Mediaite
Sarah D. / Twitchy:
‘Transparent hostage situation’: Chilling detail in photo of a smiling Peng Shuai 'is all you need to know about Peng Shuai's 'interviews"  —  Did you hear the news?  Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai, who went missing for a while after accusing a ChiCom official of rape, has resurfaced at the Olympics …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
GOP candidates add a repulsive new twist to Trump's ‘big lie’  —  It's hardly surprising to hear that Republican Senate candidates are campaigning on the “big lie” that the 2020 election was riddled with fraud.  This has become so routine that it's no longer treated as newsworthy …
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
Women, candidates of color lead GOP charge to flip the House  —  House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and strategists from the top House Republican super PAC spent two elections trying to lure John James, an Army veteran and highly sought-after GOP recruit, to run for a Detroit-area congressional seat.
Discussion: HotAir and The Dispatch
Kelly Laco / Fox News:
DeSantis insists narrative of Trump rivalry is ‘total bunk’: He's ‘a friend of mine’  —  DeSantis says Democrats are trying to ‘drive dissension’ among Republicans by stoking a false storyline about his relationship with Trump  —  TALLAHASSE, Fla. - EXCLUSIVE: According to Republican Florida …
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
Don't Cry for Mark Meadows (Or Let Him Cry to You)  —  Quick tears and figurative knives may not be enough to save him this time.  —  Here is everything you need to know about Mark Meadows: In 2013, after he failed to oust Speaker John Boehner, he went to the speaker's office …
Discussion: Raw Story
Luige Del Puerto / Colorado Politics:
Poll: Polis holds edge over generic Republican challenger in 2022 election  —  Gov. Jared Polis's electoral fortunes fare much better compared to other Colorado Democrats facing reelection this year, including U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, according to a poll of voters commissioned …
Boss Babies: The Children Who Own Hundreds of Luxembourg Corporations  —  by Jonny Wrate, Daniela Castro, Luc Caregari (, Maxime Vaudano (Le Monde), Lorenzo Bagnoli (IRPI)  —  When Luxembourg opened up its register of beneficial owners in 2019, the new data revealed a surprising fact …
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 More Items: 
Zachary Petrizzo / The Daily Beast:
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims She's in ‘Facebook Jail,’ but That's Not Exactly True
Sara Fischer / Axios:
Exclusive: The Daily Wire says it's a $100M a year business
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan closes door on Senate bid
Financial Times:
Women spoke up, men cried conspiracy: inside Axel Springer's #MeToo moment
Jazz Shaw / HotAir:
BIPOC only charter school to open in Portland
New York Times:
As Officials Look Away, Hate Speech in India Nears Dangerous Levels
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Republicans are not lining up to defend Trump's Jan. 6 argument
Discussion: CNN, Morning Shots and Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill:
Trump calls for DirectTV boycott if they remove OAN
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA, Mediaite and Raw Story
Sean Davis / The Federalist:
Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff
Stephen Elliott / Nashville Scene:
Spinner Hubcaps and Working to Death: Lessons From Jim Cooper's Career
Jon Skolnik / Salon:
What's behind the right-wing book-ban frenzy? Big money, and a long-term plan

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline Mimbs Nyce / The Atlantic:
Kids are interacting with AI in school and online, serving as testers for a new generation of tech, making them the ones to experience some of its worst effects

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