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2:30 PM ET, February 23, 2022


 Top Items: 
William Saletan / The Bulwark:
Father Carlson  —  Tucker Carlson is on Russia's side.  —  (PHOTOS: GAGE SKIDMORE / FLICKR / SHUTTERSTOCK)  —  Eighty years ago, when a dictator rose to power in Europe and invaded his neighbors, he found an ally in the United States.  The dictator was Adolf Hitler, and his ally was Charles Coughlin, a popular radio host.
Republicans descend into foreign policy factionalism over Russia-Ukraine standoff  —  While Russia's reinvasion of Ukraine this week stress-tests the Biden administration, it's also forcing Republicans to confront their own divisions.  —  The GOP is all over the map politically …
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
Why Putin didn't invade Ukraine during the last U.S. administration  —  Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine during Trump's term?  Perhaps because Putin was so pleased to see Trump pursuing goals in line with Moscow's agenda.  —  After the National Archives confirmed on Friday …
Madeleine Albright / New York Times:
Putin Is Making a Historic Mistake  —  Dr. Albright served as the U.S. secretary of state from 1997 to 2001.  —  In early 2000, I became the first senior U.S. official to meet with Vladimir Putin in his new capacity as acting president of Russia.  We in the Clinton administration …
Exclusive: US Warns Ukraine of Full-Scale Russian Invasion Within 48 Hours  —  President Joe Biden's administration has informed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of intelligence assessing that Russia is preparing to conduct a full-scale invasion of the neighboring country within the next 48 hours …
Max Boot / Washington Post:
With his praise for Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Trump makes his apologists look foolish.  Again.  —  It is a commonplace on the right that the only reason that Vladimir Putin is invading Ukraine is that President Biden is too weak to deter him.  As one right-winger tweeted …
Monique Beals / The Hill:
Pelosi calls Putin a ‘tyrant,’ calls developments ‘stunning’
Discussion: Human Events
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Ukraine to declare 30-day state of emergency
Laurence Norman / Wall Street Journal:
EU Set to Sanction Russian Defense Minister as West Metes Out Punishment
Washington Examiner:
Biden's weakness on Ukraine has fueled Putin's fire
Discussion: Politico
Irina Ivanova / CBS News:
How the Ukraine crisis is already hitting Americans' wallets
Timothy Snyder / Financial Times:
Putin's denial of Ukrainian statehood carries dark historical echoes
Discussion: Vox
William A. Galston / Wall Street Journal:
Ukraine Invasion Marks an Era's End
Jeff Stein / Washington Post:
New tax plan from leading GOP senator would require all Americans to pay federal income taxes … A leading GOP senator faced a backlash Tuesday after calling for all Americans to start paying federal income taxes, leading to criticism from both the White House and leading conservative policy experts.
Asawin Suebsaeng / The Daily Beast:
Trump Wanted Lindsey Graham to Take Out Mitch McConnell.  Graham LOL'd  —  The former president has been fixated on denying Mitch McConnell another turn as the leader of Senate Republicans, but he's having trouble finding volunteers to challenge him.  —  Since leaving office …
Allahpundit / HotAir:
Is Rick Scott angling to challenge McConnell as Republican leader?
Discussion: Politico, First Draft and Daily Kos
Holly Otterbein / Politico:
Squad member to deliver response to Biden SOTU  —  A member of the liberal “Squad” is delivering a formal response to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address Tuesday.  —  In the speech, given on behalf of the left-wing group Working Families Party, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) …
Hugo Lowell / The Guardian:
Rudy Giuliani poised to cooperate with January 6 committee  —  Trump's former lawyer may reveal the roles played by Republicans to prevent certification of Joe Biden's election victory  —  Donald Trump's former attorney Rudy Giuliani is expected to cooperate with the House select committee …
New York Times:   Ivanka Trump in Talks With Jan. 6 Panel About Cooperating in Inquiry
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Fighting Jan. 6 committee, John Eastman details how he came into Trump's post-election fold
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Raw Story
Biden moves ahead with sanctions on company behind Nord Stream pipeline
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
North Carolina officials reject Cawthorn claim that Constitution's insurrectionist ban no longer applies  —  The North Carolina attorney general's office says a constitutional prohibition on insurrectionists seeking federal office could be applied to GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn if a state board determines …
Discussion: Raw Story and Political Wire
Sarah Knapton / Telegraph:
Wuhan lab leak theory ‘accepted as likely behind closed doors at No 10’  —  Biosecurity expert helping Government to prevent future pandemics claims ministers consider leak as most likely origin of Covid pandemic  —  A lab leak in Wuhan, China, is now considered the most likely origin of the Covid pandemic …
Guns overtake car crashes as leading cause of US trauma-related deaths, study says  —  (CNN)Firearm deaths have overtaken car crashes are the leading cause of death by trauma in the US, according to a new study.  —  In 2017, there were 1.44 million years of potential life lost due to firearm deaths …
Discussion: Political Wire
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
How an obscure far-right website with 3 employees dominates Facebook in 2022  —  Most people have probably never heard of the website Conservative Brief.  It employs just three writers and it does not produce any original reporting.  Nearly all of its articles are aggregations of Tweets …
Steph Bazzle /
Texas Governor Orders Child Protective Services To Investigate Families Of Trans Kids  —  In yet another assault on trans rights, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is ordering an investigation into families of trans kids, conflating the actual affirming services that are available to minors with surgical …
Barak Ravid / Axios:
Talk of imminent Iran deal is “very premature,” U.S. official says  —  The U.S. and Iran are close to a return to the 2015 nuclear deal but several “difficult issues” remain unresolved, a senior Biden administration official told Axios on Wednesday. … - The senior U.S. official told …
Discussion: Bloomberg and The Times of Israel
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
The Jolt: Herschel Walker: 'I don't support either' Brian Kemp or David Perdue  —  Plenty of Georgia Republicans are happy to stay out of the messy primary between Gov. Brian Kemp and former U.S. Sen. David Perdue.  But Herschel Walker is the first high-profile candidate to say he's “mad” …
Discussion: Insider and Bloomberg
Matthew Ahn / Inquest:
No Compassion  —  Judge Michelle Childs' many denials of compassionate release signal a carceralism that should have no place on the Supreme Court.  —  One year in, one of President Joe Biden's few meaningful accomplishments is his record of appointing civil rights and criminal defense attorneys onto lower federal courts.
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
A ‘deceitful’ attack by school voucher group backfires in Georgia  —  'This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen,' Speaker Ralston says  —  A national advocacy group promoting school vouchers bombarded conservative Georgia voters with glossy mailers tying Republican state legislators …
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Ryan J. Reilly / NBC News:
Capitol rioter who declared ‘civil war’ on Jan. 6 sentenced to prison  —  WASHINGTON — A Donald Trump supporter who entered the U.S. Capitol through a broken window and declared “this is war” on Jan. 6 was sentenced to 45 days behind bars on Wednesday.  —  Mariposa Castro …
Discussion: CNN, Raw Story and Daily Kos
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 More Items: 
Alex Walker / YouTube:
Walker for Colorado: Lauren Boebert's worst nightmare
Discussion: Denver Post
Press Room / The Nation:
The Nation Names Bhaskar Sunkara Its New President
Associated Press:
National Guard to help DC control traffic for truck convoys
Matt Stout / The Boston Globe:
The Massachusetts State House reopened to public Tuesday — mostly
Discussion: The Hill
 Earlier Items: 
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
The Urban-Rural Culture War Has Gone Global
Carlie Porterfield / Forbes:
MacKenzie Scott Pledges $50 Million To 4-H Youth Programs
Discussion: UPI
Jesus Jiménez / New York Times:
Group Carrying Nazi Flag Interrupts Reading in Rhode Island
Discussion: Mediaite and The Daily Beast
Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires
Discussion: Common Dreams and Grist
The 2024 presidential race has already started online
Dave Jamieson / HuffPost:
Starbucks Tries To Slow Union Elections But Misses Legal Deadline By 8 Minutes
Discussion: Daily Kos