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6:00 PM ET, April 18, 2022


 Top Items: 
Tierney Sneed / CNN:
CDC mask mandate for travelers struck down by federal judge  —  (CNN)A federal judge in Florida struck down on Monday the Biden administration's mask mandate for airplanes and other public transport methods.  —  US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle said the mandate was unlawful …
New York Times:
A federal judge strikes down the mask mandate on planes and public transit.
Discussion: New York Magazine
Michael Laris / Washington Post:   Federal judge voids mask mandate for airplanes, in other transportation settings
NBC News:
Florida court overturns CDC mask mandate for planes and trains, calling it ‘unlawful’
Cory Vaillancourt / Smoky Mountain News:
Complaint filed against Cawthorn by fired staffer  —  Saying in a leaked recording that “we all want the ultimate goal of him never serving again,” Lisa Wiggins, a former caseworker and campaign aide to Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-Henderson) has filed an employment-related campaign against the embattled congressman.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Alex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy in U.S. court  —  Far-right wing website InfoWars on Sunday filed for voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas in the face of multiple defamation lawsuits.
Richard Cowan / Reuters:
Trump attempt at a coup to be a focus of U.S. House hearings, lawmaker Raskin says  —  Then-President Donald Trump attempted a coup on Jan. 6, 2021, and that will be a centerpiece of committee hearings in Congress next month, said Democrat Jamie Raskin, a committee member who led the prosecution of Trump's second impeachment.
Kyle Cheney / Politico:   Former Army colonel sues to block Jan. 6 committee subpoena for phone records
Kimberly Guilfoyle meets with January 6 committee
Discussion: Washington Times
Margaret Hartmann / New York Magazine:
In Defense of Tucker Carlson Touting ‘Testicle Tanning’  —  Here's a sentence I did not expect I would ever type: I'm excited about “testicle tanning.”  Or, more specifically, I'm excited about Tucker Carlson getting excited about “testicle tanning.”  —  For the past few days …
Discussion: Althouse
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Florida's vile ‘groomer’ law may soon blow up in DeSantis's face  —  One of the more repulsive features of Florida's new law restricting classroom discussion of sex and gender is its vagueness.  This may be a feature, not a bug: It could encourage conservative parents to sniff …
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Trump Allies Are Still Feeding the False 2020 Election Narrative  —  Fifteen months after they tried and failed to overturn the 2020 election, the same group of lawyers and associates is continuing efforts to decertify the vote, feeding a false narrative.  — Give this article- - - Read in app
Discussion: Raw Story
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
Mike Lee's Role in Trump's Attempted Coup  —  What would have happened if his plan worked?  —  Senator Mike Lee's defenders insist his repeated texts to Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows offering his guidance on the proper constitutional process to overturn the 2020 election results prove his honor.
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Mike Lee has some explaining to do
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Billionaire Peltz draws GOP megadonors to $5,000-a-plate fundraiser for Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin  — Billionaire and Wall Street veteran Nelson Peltz hosted a fundraiser for conservative Democrat Joe Manchin at his massive Florida estate last month.  — Peltz hosted Manchin along …
Discussion: Insider, Breitbart and Raw Story
We're Publishing the Facebook Papers.  Here's What They Say About Donald Trump, the 2020 Election, and Jan. 6.  —  Gizmodo has reviewed, redacted, and published more than two dozen leaked Facebook documents, the first of hundreds to come.  —  Alerts  —  In the hours following the Jan. 6 attack …
Alex Horton / Washington Post:
Lethal darts were fired into a Ukrainian neighborhood by the thousands  —  BUCHA, Ukraine — At Svitlana Chmut's house outside Kyiv, there are carrots in her garden and deadly Russian mini-arrows in her yard.  —  A pile of the sharp, finned projectiles rounded up by Chmut are now gathering rust in the spring's fine mist.
David Wasserman / Cook Political Report:
Redistricting Scorecard: A Partisan Wash, With Far Fewer Competitive Districts  —  In February, Democrats were on pace to come out modestly ahead in redistricting, defying initial expectations.  But in the final stretch, the plot has twisted once again: Ohio's GOP ran out the clock …
Patricia Murphy / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
The Jolt: Marjorie Taylor Greene outraised by Democratic challenger in 2022  —  News and analysis from the politics team at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution  —  Friday's deadline to report fundraising for the first three months of 2022 has given us more information to sift through in some of Georgia's most contested federal races.
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post:
Jon Stewart's new show on AppleTV+ is reportedly a flop  —  Jon Stewart is struggling to gain traction on his new talk show, according to a report.  —  “The Problem with Jon Stewart,” which launched on AppleTV+ in September, appears to be a flop, as it trails far behind its competitors …
Sarah Longwell / The Atlantic:
Trump Supporters Explain Why They Believe the Big Lie  —  Some 35 percent of Americans—including 68 percent of Republicans—believe the Big Lie, pushed relentlessly by former President Donald Trump and amplified by conservative media, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
Zachary Halaschak / Washington Examiner:
What late filers should know on Tax Day  —  It's Tax Day, and here is what people who still haven't filed their returns with the IRS should know.  —  Tax Day falls on April 18 this year.  Typically, the tax filing deadline is April 15, but Washington, D.C., observed Emancipation Day on that Friday …
Brian Faler / Politico:
Tax refund whiplash: Pandemic perks give some a windfall, others a bill
Discussion: Tax Foundation and Townhall
Henry J. Gomez / NBC News:
Trump Jr. to campaign with J.D. Vance in Ohio following father's endorsement  —  CLEVELAND — Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance — fresh off an endorsement from Donald Trump — is scheduled to campaign this week with the former president's namesake son.  —  Donald Trump Jr. will headline …
Ronan Farrow / New Yorker:
How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens  —  The inside story of the world's most notorious commercial spyware and the big tech companies waging war against it.  —  NSO Group's software has been linked to repressive regimes, but now “all types of governments” use it, an observer said.
Washington Post:
Sinking of Russian warship raises tense questions about fate of crew  —  Some families report sailors dead or missing in Moskva sinking despite defense ministry claim that all were evacuated  —  RIGA, Latvia — The sinking of the Russian warship Moskva is causing tension back home …
David Cruz / Gothamist:
Mayor moving ahead on metal detectors in subway system  —  Mayor Eric Adams on Monday said he is considering three types of metal detectors to be used in the subway system in the wake of last week's mass shooting on board a Manhattan-bound N train in Sunset Park.
Elizabeth Warren / New York Times:
Democrats Can Avoid Disaster in November  —  Ms. Warren is a U.S. senator from Massachusetts  —  Democrats are the party of working people.  Ahead of the 2020 election, we advanced ideas and plans that we believed would, in ways big and small, make our democracy and our economy work better for all Americans.
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Pa. Senate candidate David McCormick made a whopping $22.5 million last year  —  In his TV ads, Republican Senate candidate David McCormick portrays himself as a red-blooded Pennsylvanian who hunts, bales hay, and drinks pints with his old buddies at wood-paneled bars.But a new financial …
Discussion: Bloomberg
Jazz Shaw / HotAir:
Democrats are now fighting over how Biden's agenda imploded  —  We recently looked at a few articles from the Associated Press that took an uncharacteristically critical view of some of the Biden administration's recent misadventures.  I wondered at the time if the mainstream media was beginning …
Discussion: Politico, Breitbart and NBC News
More Dem Senate hopefuls split with Biden on border  —  PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. — John Fetterman says he's “100 percent” behind the Biden agenda.  Well, with one exception.  —  The Pennsylvania lieutenant governor and front-runner for the state's Democratic Senate nomination is distancing himself …
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 More Items: 
Anna Giaritelli / Washington Examiner:
221,000 migrants stopped trying to enter illegally in March, most in Biden era
Discussion: Townhall and TheBlaze
Anushka Patil / New York Times:
As Congress returns from break, calls for Covid funding are renewed.
Discussion: Twitchy and CBS News
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Supreme Court Rules Against Airman Who Refused Vaccine
Ayana Archie / NPR:
Florida rejects 54 math books, claiming critical race theory appeared in some
Karen Ruiz / Daily Mail:
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Jr's fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle arrives in DC to be grilled by January 6 committee after abruptly ending her initial interview …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
Matt Levine / Bloomberg:
Twitter Has a Poison Pill Now
Jules Gill-Peterson / them.:
Anti-Trans Laws Aren't Symbolic. They Seek to Erase Us From Public Life
 Earlier Items: 
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason:
City Won't Pay $6 Million Awarded to Man Wrongfully Imprisoned for Decades
Don Moynihan / Can We Still Govern?:
Twelve lessons from the book banners
Discussion: Raw Story
War on the Rocks:
Eight New Points on the Porcupine: More Ukrainian Lessons for Taiwan
Discussion: The spying game and Lawfare
Kathryn Joyce / Salon:
Think Capitol rioters were “ordinary people”? New research connects many to far-right groups
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
John Fetterman has a huge cash advantage for the homestretch of the Pa. Senate primary
Humberto Sanchez / The Nevada Independent:
Poll: Cortez Masto leads Laxalt for Nevada Senate; ominous signs over Biden approval
Discussion: New York Magazine and The Hill
Andrew M. Cuomo / New York Daily News:
There's a better way forward for New York State