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4:40 PM ET, August 29, 2022


 Top Items: 
Devlin Barrett / Washington Post:
Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents already examined by FBI, Justice Dept. tells judge  —  A “filter team” has “completed its review” of material possibly covered by attorney-client privilege, the court filing says.  —  FBI agents have already finished their review of possibly privileged documents seized …
Jessica Levinson / MSNBC:
Trump's response to the FBI search is definitely paying off — for DOJ  —  Donald Trump ramps up attacks against government agencies following FBI search of Mar-a-Lago  —  Former President Donald Trump's response to the FBI's search of his Mar-a-Lago residence is paying off ... for the Justice Department, not for him.
DOJ indicates Trump's demand for special master may be too late  —  Donald Trump's team demanded last week that a judge appoint an official to sift through all the material that was seized from his home to find out if it was privileged.  —  The government indicated Monday that his demand …
Alexander Mallin / ABC News:
DOJ tells judge it has completed review of possible attorney-client privileged materials seized from Mar-a-Lago
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Lindsey Graham's vile ‘riots’ threat gives away Trump's game  —  “If there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham on Fox News, there will be “riots in the streets.”  —  The South Carolina Republican's quote has been relentlessly skewered …
New York Post:
DeSantis pulls out of $25K-a-plate Zeldin fundraiser over ‘unforeseen tragedy’  —  Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had to pull out of a big-bucks fundraiser for New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin on Long Island on Sunday because of an “unforeseen tragedy,” the candidate's rep told The Post.
Armin Rosen / Tablet Magazine:
It's Open Season on Jews in New York City  —  Of the hundreds of hate crimes committed against Jews in the city since 2018, many of them documented on camera, only a single perpetrator has served even one day in prison  —  The attack that sent 31-year-old Yossi Hershkop to the hospital …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Jim Sciutto / CNN:
Ukrainian forces begin ‘shaping’ battlefield for counteroffensive, senior US officials say  —  Ukrainian forces have begun “shaping” operations in southern Ukraine to prepare the battlefield for a significant Ukrainian counteroffensive, two senior US officials briefed on the intelligence told CNN.
Chuck Ross / Washington Free Beacon:
Meet the Conspiracy Theorist Advising Joe Biden on the Intelligence Community  —  President Joe Biden's pick for an intelligence advisory post falsely claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign and that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Kremlin.
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Jerry Dunleavy / Washington Examiner:
Joe Biden picks Hunter laptop denier for presidential intelligence board
Discussion: Townhall and Twitchy
Wall Street Journal:
FTC Sues Idaho Company for Selling Sensitive Tracking Data  —  Data could be used to track consumer visits to abortion clinics and other sensitive locations, suit claims  —  WASHINGTON—The Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against data broker Kochava Inc. Monday …
Discussion: Bloomberg
Ryan J. Reilly / NBC News:
Proud Boy sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in Jan. 6 case, still says election was stolen  —  WASHINGTON — A former D.C. bartender and Proud Boy who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was sentenced to 55 months in federal prison on Monday.  —  Joshua Pruitt, 40, pleaded guilty in June …
Discussion: Al Jazeera, Raw Story and CNN
Allison P. Davis / The Cut:
Meghan of Montecito … The conditions are right for confession.  It is a beautiful August day in Montecito, in a beautiful sitting room, in a beautiful home.  Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, a lively 3-year-old with a shock of ginger curls identical to his father's, toddles into the room demanding …
Jonathan Rauch / The Atlantic:
Trump's Second Term Would Look Like This  —  Ever since the U.S. Senate failed to convict Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 insurrection and disqualify him from running for president again, a lot of people, myself included, have been warning that a second Trump term could bring about the extinction of American democracy.
Discussion: Raw Story
Shay Khatiri / The Bulwark:
The “Banana Republic” Fallacy  —  Following the rule of law does not turn a country into a “banana republic.”  Bending the law because you're afraid of a populist strongman does.  —  (THE BULWARK / MIDJOURNEY)  —  The FBI's operation to retrieve classified documents from Mar-a-Lago …
New York Times:
Did Biden Just School the Republicans, or His Own Party?  —  Bret Stephens: Hi, Gail.  Depending on whom you ask, Joe Biden's decision to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loans is either the Democrats' political masterstroke or a major political gift to Republicans.  What's your take?
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Althouse
Trafalgar Group:
AZ US Sen General - Aug 2022  —  See Report Here  —  Your email address will not be published.  Required fields are marked *
Discussion: Big League Politics
NBC News:
Persuadable voters are breaking for the Democrats, NBC News poll finds  —  WASHINGTON — If it's Monday ... NASA places Artemis I rocket launch was scrubbed for Monday. ...  The Biden administration announces it will suspend taking orders for free at-home Covid tests due to a lack of congressional funding, per NBC's Monica Alba. ...
Discussion: The Mahablog and Daily Kos
Wall Street Journal:
The Comey-Clinton Document Standard and Trump  —  WSJ Opinion: What Did We Learn From Justice's Mar-a-Lago Affidavit?  —  Skip Ad  —  in 15  —  YOU MAY ALSO LIKE  —  Created with sketchtool.
Eric Lipton / New York Times:
Secret Data, Tiny Islands and a Quest for Treasure on the Ocean Floor  —  Mining in parts of the Pacific Ocean was meant to benefit poor countries, but an international agency gave a Canadian company access to prized seabed sites with metals crucial to the green energy revolution.
Zach Montellaro / Politico:
When an election denier becomes an election chief  —  Many of the election deniers running for secretary of state this year have spent their time talking about something they can't do: “decertifying” the 2020 results.  —  The bigger question — amid concerns about whether they would fairly administer …
Steven T. Dennis / Bloomberg:
McConnell Says US Recession Is Likely, Vows GOP Will Curb Biden's Spending  —  Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said the US is likely to tip into a recession as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to combat historic inflation, which he blamed on Democrats' spending.
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 More Items: 
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / Los Angeles Times:
Op-Ed: Look to authoritarian parties abroad to see where the GOP is headed
Discussion: FrameLab
Haisten Willis / Washington Examiner:
Biden will head to these two swing states on Labor Day
Eric Hananoki / Media Matters for America:
In Facebook video, Doug Mastriano thanked pro-Confederate armed men for supposedly defending Gen. Lee statue
New York Times:
Manhattan Has a Glut of Empty Offices. Hochul Wants to Build More.
INTERVIEW: Economist Noah Smith
Discussion: Tangle
New York Times:
‘The Eye of the Storm’: Taiwan Is Caught in a Great Game Over Microchips
George Phillies / Independent Political Report:
New National LP Group Underway
NBC News:
Brian Kemp must testify in Trump election interference probe, judge rules
 Earlier Items: 
Abigail Shrier / The Truth Fairy:
“I Don't Want American Kids”  —  The Real Reason Parents Are Suddenly Choosing Language Immersion Schools
Natalia Contreras / Votebeat Texas:
What brought down one Texas county's entire elections department? It was something in the water.
Jake Kerridge / Telegraph:
The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith review: JK Rowling's Strike faces the social media trolls
Discussion: Rolling Stone
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
The Jolt: National Republicans going all-in for Herschel Walker
Discussion: RedState
Washington Post:
Republicans are increasingly sharing misinformation, research finds
Discussion: and Raw Story
Same-sex marriage puts Ron Johnson in a bind
Discussion: Daily Kos, Vanity Fair and Raw Story