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3:10 PM ET, January 10, 2023


 Top Items: 
Exclusive: US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden's private office, source tells CNN  —  Among the classified documents from Joe Biden's time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are US intelligence memos and briefing materials …
Josh Wingrove / Bloomberg:
Treasury's Yellen to Stay On at Biden's Request as Showdown Over Debt Nears  —  President Joe Biden asked Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to stay in her post, and she agreed, a White House official familiar with the matter said.  —  Biden made the request in mid-December, the official said.
Discussion: Washington Examiner
There's a key difference between the classified documents found at a former Biden office and the ones Trump kept at Mar-a-Lago, national security expert says
CBS News:
U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank
Andrew Solender / Axios:
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy's shadow document  —  A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years. … - Those members have threatened …
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
McCarthy's mysterious deal with the hard right  —  Republicans can't even agree on the existence of a document outlining the terms, and are doing their best to talk around the issue — despite pledging transparency.  —  When House Republicans on Monday night passed the rules that would govern …
Jessica Chasmar / Fox News:
Gaetz introduces amendment to bring C-SPAN cameras back to House floor  —  Gaetz says pool view of Congress is 'antiquated, ‘boomer-fied’  —  The House is in a stronger position after these concessions: Rep. Matt Gaetz  —  EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., is introducing an amendment …
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Judge sentences ‘Baked Alaska’ to 60 days in jail for Jan. 6 conduct  —  A federal judge sentenced pro-Trump livestreamer Anthime “Baked Alaska” Gionet on Tuesday to 60 days in prison for his actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, calling his raucous conduct “shocking” amid the chaos of the mob.
Michael Kunzelman / Associated Press:   Capitol riot far-right internet personality gets 60 days
Nate Hochman / National Review:
How Ron DeSantis Stole Christmas  —  An ominous Daily Beast headline from this morning reads: “They Were Loving College.  Then Ron DeSantis Got Involved.”  Here are the opening two paragraphs: … Dun dun dun dunnnnnnn.  —  The rest of the story, unfortunately, is far less exciting …
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Michelle Goldberg / New York Times:
DeSantis Allies Plot the Hostile Takeover of a Liberal College
Discussion: Demodexio and Orlando Weekly
New York Times:
Crime Concerns Drove Asian Americans Away From New York Democrats  —  Worries about public safety, especially attacks against Asian Americans, caused some in the once-reliably Democratic bloc to vote Republican last year.  —  Asian Americans have typically formed a crucial and reliable voting bloc …
New York Times:
Death Toll in Peru Rises to 46 Amid Extraordinary Violence  —  “What happened yesterday was really a massacre,” said one human rights activist.  —  LIMA, Peru — At least 17 people were killed in southern Peru in a matter of hours on Monday amid ongoing protests over the ouster of the former president …
Mona Charen / The Bulwark:
The Normalization of Marjorie Taylor Greene  —  Once considered a blight on the Republican party, she is now one of its prominent leaders.  —  During one of Kevin McCarthy's gauntlet of punishing votes, it was striking to see with whom he passed the time.  There she was, dressed …
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
Powell says Fed might have to make unpopular decisions to stabilize prices  — Fed Chairman Jerome Powell noted that stabilizing prices requires making tough decisions that can be unpopular politically.  — In other remarks, the central bank leader said the Fed is “not, and will not be, a ‘climate policymaker.’”
Craig Torres / Bloomberg:   Powell Vows to Limit Fed's Climate Role to Protect Independence
Punchbowl News:
1/10/23 ☀️ Punchbowl News AM  —  The coming brawl over committees January 10, 2023 BY PUNCHBOWL NEWS STAFF THE TOP Happy Tuesday morning.  Out: Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar.  In: Paul Gosar, George Santos and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
New York Times:
House Republicans Vote to Rescind IRS Funding  —  The measure, one of the new majority's first legislative moves, would cut billions in funding that Democrats passed to help crack down on tax cheats.  It does not have enough votes to pass the Senate.  —  WASHINGTON — House Republicans …
Mary Kekatos / ABC News:
More US schools institute mask mandates as COVID cases rise  —  Weekly COVID-19 cases have risen over the last five weeks.  —  More schools across the United States are putting mask mandates in place as COVID-19 cases continue to rise.  —  Before winter break, districts in New Jersey …
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times:
Can Ron DeSantis Avoid Meeting the Press?  —  The Florida governor easily won re-election despite little engagement with mainstream news outlets, another sign of partisan division ahead of the 2024 presidential race.  —  Assigned to cover the re-election campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida …
Jennifer Gonnerman / New Yorker:
UPS and the Package Wars  —  The company offers old-fashioned middle-class jobs and is enjoying record profits.  So why is a strike looming? … For nearly twenty years, Antoine Andrews has been driving a UPS route in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bay Ridge.
Michael Malaszczyk / Herald Community Newspapers:
A light in the tunnel for George Santos: New York Young Republican Club offers their support  —  U.S. Rep. George Santos, known for alleged fabrications and “embellishments” about his resume, has no shortage of detractors.  Many people, including prominent Republicans like former Congressman Peter King, have called for his resignation.
Russian artillery fire down nearly 75%, US officials say, in latest sign of struggles for Moscow  —  As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its 11th month, US and Ukrainian officials tell CNN that Russia's artillery fire is down dramatically from its wartime high, in some places by as much as 75 percent.
Discussion: HotAir
Washington Post:
Satellite images show crowds at China's crematoriums as covid surges  —  An overwhelmed funeral home in Chengdu, China, stopped offering memorial services, budgeting just two minutes for each family to say goodbye to loved ones before cremation.  A funeral parlor on the outskirts of Beijing quickly cleared space for a new parking lot.
Marisa Sarnoff / Law & Crime:
Judge Rejects Proud Boys' Racial Bias Claims Over Diverse Jury, Notes Panel Isn't ‘Bereft of White People’  —  A federal judge rejected an 11th hour claim by Proud Boys' lawyers that prosecutors improperly discriminated against white jurors.  The ruling, made by a Donald Trump appointee …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Gateway Pundit
Thomas Catenacci / Fox News:
Pete Buttigieg took government jet to NYC for radio interview, ACLU meeting before flying back hours later  —  Buttigieg was forced to take the jet due to a ‘late-notice schedule change,’ Transportation Department tells Fox News Digital  —  Pete Buttigieg was reportedly warned about travel meltdown months ago
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Jose Pagliery / The Daily Beast:
Lawsuit Reveals Trump Can't Stand Being Compared to Hitler  —  A new lawsuit against CNN reveals just how much Donald Trump hates being compared to “Adolph” Hitler.  —  Former President Donald Trump is doubling down on his “I am not Hitler” defamation lawsuit against CNN by adopting …
Discussion: Occupy Democrats and Raw Story
Max Abelson / n+1Articles - n+1:
Malcolm on the Stand  —  She is cutting, wary, funny, and wise.  Her style is what I wish I had instead of the chipper inner voice I'm stuck with.  Nothing in Malcolm's writing is dull or amiss unless she's quoting somebody else.  Her lines put me in mind of the painter Agnes Martin—everything so even and tight.
Richard W. Painter / MSNBC:
Trump's tax returns show he was a bigger risk than we realized  —  ‘That was a surprise’ What we learned from Trump's revealed tax returns  —  Last month the House Ways and Means Committee published six years of former President Trump's tax returns — documents that should have been released years earlier …
Hailey Fuchs / Politico:
Cherokee tribes turn to K Street to fulfill a 187-year-old promise for a seat in Congress  —  Three Cherokee tribes are pushing aggressively for the U.S. government to make good on a nearly 200-year-old promise to award them a sitting delegate in the House of Representatives.
Madison Hall / Insider:
Madison Cawthorn never bothered to hand over constituent casework to the successor who beat him and it's now a gigantic mess  — Outgoing members of Congress are required to pass along ongoing constituent service information to their successors.  — Madison Cawthorn did not do that.
Skylar Woodhouse / Bloomberg:
California Faces First Budget Gap Since 2018 as Stock Market Hits Taxes  —  Governor Gavin Newsom said California will face a $22.5 billion budget deficit in the coming fiscal year, the first for the most populous US state since 2018 as the global stock market rout and efforts to cool inflation hammer its tax collections.
Kenneth Roth / The Guardian:
I once ran Human Rights Watch.  Harvard blocked my fellowship over Israel  —  I was told that my fellowship at the Kennedy School was vetoed over my and Human Rights Watch's criticism of Israel  —  uring the three decades that I headed Human Rights Watch, I recognized that we would never attract donors …
Discussion: The Golden Globes …
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 More Items: 
Senior Surveillance Researcher
Shira Stein / San Francisco Chronicle:
California Rep. Katie Porter, a rising progressive star, announces U.S. Senate bid
Stephanie Marken / Gallup:
U.S. Adults Split on Companies Taking Political, Social Stances
Discussion: Fox News and The Hill
Shelby Talcott / Semafor:
Anti-abortion groups are pushing 2024 Republicans to back a national ban
Anya Zoledziowski / VICE:
Some Trans People Are Preparing to Flee the US and Seek Asylum Abroad
Discussion: Newsbusters
 Earlier Items: 
Matthew Cunningham-Cook / The Lever:
As Nurses Strike, Hospital CEOs Pocket Millions
Washington Post:
Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor investigating Trump, has taken on seemingly untouchable targets
Gerard Baker / Wall Street Journal:
The Disorganized GOP and Other Signs of the Great Inversion
Discussion: Raw Story
John Kenneth White / The Hill:
2023 is the year for hunting heretics
Karen Freifeld / Reuters:
Trump executive Weisselberg prepares for jail on Rikers Island
Joseph Berger / New York Times:
Adolfo Kaminsky Dies at 97; His Forgeries Saved Thousands of Jews

From Mediagazer:

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times:
A look at the growing popularity of Tubi as streaming prices rise; Nielsen: May was Tubi's most-watched month ever, with an average of 1M viewers, up 46% YoY

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