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5:00 PM ET, January 17, 2023


 Top Items: 
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
The impressively weak effort to ‘whatabout’ Biden's classified documents  —  Look, when there's no need for your rhetoric not to be lazy, you land on lazy rhetoric.  If you can carry the day — at least with those who you're most worried about convincing — with little effort or logical consistency …
Wall Street Journal:
Justice Department Considered but Rejected Role in Biden Documents Search  —  Officials opted for hands-off approach to leave special counsel's probe uncompromised  —  WASHINGTON—The Justice Department considered having FBI agents monitor a search by President Biden's lawyers …
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
The McCarthy-Jordan Plan to Weaponize the House
Discussion: Twitchy and Raw Story
Tara Palmeri / Puck:
Feeling the Vern  —  Vern Buchanan exploded after losing Ways & Means to a McCarthy ally, fueling anxiety that he could retire out of pique—and that McCarthy's favor trading has eroded his narrow margin of support.  —  As I wrote last week, Republicans have been fixated on whether 71-year-old …
Christopher Cadelago / Politico:
White House to McCarthy: ‘Come clean’ on your backroom speaker deals  —  The White House is escalating its fight with newly empowered congressional Republicans, with officials Tuesday calling on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to “come clean” about secretive deals he made with hardline members that helped him eventually land the top job.
Michael C. Bender / New York Times:
Matt Schlapp Is Accused in Lawsuit of Groping Aide to Herschel Walker's Campaign  —  The aide, who was working for Herschel Walker's campaign for Senate in Georgia, made the allegations in a lawsuit filed anonymously.  A lawyer for Mr. Schlapp denied the accusations.
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Raw Story
Jonathan Allen / NBC News:
Matt Schlapp slapped with lawsuit after allegation of fondling GOP operative  —  WASHINGTON — A Republican operative sued Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and a top ally of former President Donald Trump, over allegations of sexual misconduct Tuesday.
Remy Tumin / New York Times:
Republican Ex-Candidate Arrested in Shootings Targeting New Mexico Democrats  —  The authorities in Albuquerque said Solomon Peña, who lost his bid for a State House seat in November, was behind a series of recent shootings targeting Democratic elected officials.
Deon J. Hampton / NBC News:
Failed GOP candidate visited homes of New Mexico Democratic politicians to dispute election prior to shootings, officials say  —  Solomon Peña is accused of paying four men to carry out shootings at Albuquerque-area homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.  No one was hurt.
Rio Yamat / Associated Press:
Ex-GOP candidate arrested in shootings at lawmakers' homes
Mia Cathell / Townhall:
TAPES: We Investigated a Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring.  Here's What We Found.  —  This is Part 1 of a four-part investigative series. … A months-long Townhall investigation reveals disturbing new details about the affluent LGBTQ-activist couple accused of sodomizing their young adopted sons …
Discussion: Twitchy
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
House Republicans gear up for a debt ceiling fight, clashing with Democrats  —  WASHINGTON — The Republican-controlled House has planted the seeds for a debt-ceiling showdown, with Speaker Kevin McCarthy endorsing a push by his hard-liners to demand spending cuts as part of any extension of the country's borrowing authority.
Norm Ornstein / The Hill:   Congress should be able to function in a crisis; Republicans just made that more difficult
The Daily Beast:
The Bathroom Fight Fueling Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert's Break-Up  —  A shouting match in a bathroom.  Kevin McCarthy.  Donald Trump.  Ukraine aid.  They're all contributing to the split between two of the far right's most high-profile figures.
Melanie Zanona / CNN:
Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar get committee assignments  —  Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona have been given committee assignments for the new Congress, after being booted from their committees by Democrats and some Republicans for their incendiary remarks, sources told CNN.
House GOP lays groundwork for Mayorkas impeachment as moderates balk
Greta Thunberg arrested at German mine protest, will be freed later - police  —  Climate campaigner Greta Thunberg was detained alongside other activists on Tuesday during protests against the demolition of the coal village of Luetzerath but the entire group will be released later in the day, according to police.
Washington Post:
What the Jan. 6 probe found out about social media, but didn't report  —  The House committee investigating the riot avoided detailed discussion in its report for fear of offending Republicans and tech companies, sources say  —  The Jan. 6 committee spent months gathering stunning new details …
Barak Ravid / Axios:
Scoop: Rosen tells Israel she doesn't want to meet with members of 2 far-right parties  —  U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) told the Israeli government she doesn't want the bipartisan Senate delegation she is leading to Israel this week to meet with any members of two Israeli far-right parties …
Discussion: The Times of Israel
Ben Samuels / Haaretz:
Pro-Israel Democratic Senator Reportedly Asks Not to Meet With Far-right Parties During Israel Visit
Discussion: VINnews
Jonathan Martin / Politico:
Ron DeSantis Takes On the Likability Issue (Sort Of)  —  TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — When a couple hundred major donors to Gov. Ron DeSantis's inauguration arrived at a candlelight dinner to the sounds of a solo saxophonist the night before his swearing-in last week they found a pair of surprises waiting for them.
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Evangelical leaders are ‘disloyal,’ Trump says.  His real worry is broader.  —  What Donald Trump wanted to have happen when he announced his presidential candidacy in November was for the galaxy of Republican and conservative voices that had allied with him in his reelection effort to do the exact same thing.
Jesse Singal / New York Times:
Diversity Trainings Don't Work.  Here's What Could.  —  Diversity trainings have been around for decades, long before the country's latest round of racial reckoning.  But after George Floyd's murder — as companies faced pressure to demonstrate a commitment to racial justice …
New York Times:
How Restaurant Workers Help Pay for Lobbying to Keep Their Wages Low  —  The National Restaurant Association uses mandatory $15 food-safety classes to turn waiters and cooks into unwitting funders of its battle against minimum wage increases.  —  WASHINGTON — For many cooks, waiters and bartenders …
Gordon Brown / Project Syndicate:
Summon a Special Tribunal for Putin's Crimes in Ukraine  —  Since last February, thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed or injured, and eight million people have been internally displaced, with another eight million becoming refugees.  Russia's aggression and other international crimes …
Discussion: Foreign Affairs
Paul Steinhauser / Fox News:
First on Fox: Pompeo's secret trip to North Korea detailed in former secretary of State's new memoir  —  New memoir by Pompeo highlights his years as President Trump's CIA director and secretary of State  —  Pompeo says former President Trump's 2024 announcement won't affect his own decision on whether to run for the White House.
Brian Klaas / The Atlantic:
Asymmetrical Conspiracism Is Hurting Democracy  —  As an American living in Britain for the past decade, I've had a front-row seat to two dysfunctional democracies hell-bent on embarrassing themselves.  President Donald Trump warned that a hurricane was “one of the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of water.”
Julia Martinez / Morning Consult:
Republicans Increasingly Like Tesla Thanks to Elon Musk.  That Hasn't Translated to Greater Interest in Buying EVs  —  GOP adults have not drastically changed their views on whether they are likely to purchase an electric vehicle within the next 12 months, and the same goes for Democrats and the general public
Revealed: Who visited the Trump White House before Jan. 6  —  The Trump administration never publicly released White House visitor records.  But new data released by the Jan. 6 committee offers a never-before-seen glimpse.  —  Donald Trump spent his time in office fighting the release of his White House visitor logs.
Gabe Kaminsky / Washington Examiner:
Left-wing charity faces legal complaint over fundraiser for Palestinian terror-linked group  —  EXCLUSIVE — A left-wing nonprofit group in Arizona has been hit with a federal complaint over its legally contentious fundraiser for a Palestinian terror-linked group.
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Dan Lamothe / Washington Post:
Top U.S. general meets Ukrainian counterpart near edge of war zone  —  It was the first in-person meeting between Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Valery Zaluzhny.  Milley shared his impressions of a Ukrainian unit training with U.S. troops, aides said.  —  SOUTHEASTERN POLAND …
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 More Items: 
Christian Datoc / Washington Examiner:
Golden State Warriors join roundtable on gun violence at White House
Discussion: The Hill and Deadline
Anna Slatz / Reduxx:
EXCLUSIVE: Prostasia General Manager Used Pedophile Forum, Joked of “Trapping” Kids
Lauren Weber / Wall Street Journal:
FTC Plan to Ban Noncompete Clauses Shifts Companies' Focus
 Earlier Items: 
Meg Kinnard / Associated Press:
Trump to be joined by Graham, McMaster at Jan. 28 SC event
Samuel Kronen / City Journal:
American Paradoxes  —  On Ralph Ellison, Constance Rourke, and the contradictions of American identity and culture
Maxine Joselow / Washington Post:
How dark money groups led Ohio to redefine gas as ‘green energy’
Jonathan Rothwell / Institute for Family Studies Blog:
Scarred Boys, Idle Men: Family Adversity, Poor Health, and Male Labor Force Participation
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg:
Supreme Court Rejects Appeal on Use of Covid Aid for Tax Cuts
Discussion: CBS News
Eugene Daniels / Politico:
Why Harris world thinks she may be the biggest winner of the midterms
Discussion: Reason and IJR

From Mediagazer:

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

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