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3:00 PM ET, February 23, 2023


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
The U.S. Tried to Isolate Russia.  It Didn't Work.  —  After Russia invaded Ukraine, the West formed what looked like an overwhelming global coalition: 141 countries supported a United Nations measure demanding that Russia unconditionally withdraw.  By contrast, Russia seemed isolated.
CBS News:
Special counsel asks judge to compel Mike Pence to testify in Jan. 6 probe  —  Washington — Federal prosecutors have asked the chief judge in Washington, D.C.'s federal court to compel former Vice President Mike Pence to comply with a grand jury subpoena and testify as a witness …
Appeals court weighs Rep. Perry's immunity from Jan. 6 probe  —  A three-judge federal appeals court panel wrestled Thursday with tangled questions about Congress' immunity from criminal inquiries — and whether it might apply to efforts by Rep. Scott Perry to aid Donald Trump's bid to subvert the 2020 election.
Hugo Lowell / The Guardian:
Mike Pence effort to block January 6 testimony could succeed, experts say
Discussion: Raw Story
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Most people in most states support legal abortion  —  The Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade last year is perhaps the preeminent modern political example of the dog catching the car.  —  Republican leaders had pledged for decades to restrict abortion and to challenge the precedent in Roe …
Abortion Attitudes in a Post-Roe World: Findings From the 50-State 2022 American Values Atlas  —  The End of Roe  —  In late June 2022, the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson overturned Roe v. Wade, reversing nearly five decades of precedent that had established a national right to abortion access.
Barbara McQuade / MSNBC:
Take it from a former prosecutor: Emily Kohrs' media tour is reckless  —  As an American citizen, I am gratified to hear that a Georgia special grand jury has recommended indictments against more than a dozen people for election fraud.  But as a former prosecutor, I am mortified that a grand juror is talking about it publicly.
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Georgia Grand Juror Imperils Trump Case with Bizarre Media Tour
New York Times:
Trump Legal Team Assails Georgia Inquiry
James Fanelli / Wall Street Journal:
Ozy Media CEO Carlos Watson Arrested After a Former Executive Pleads Guilty to Fraud  —  Samir Rao, company's former chief operating officer, appeared in court as John Doe and admitted wrongdoing in probe of the company's practices  —  Ozy Media Chief Executive Carlos Watson …
Washington Post:
Trump's grip on the Republican base is slipping — even among his fans  —  More than 150 interviews in pivotal electoral states show the former president maintains a bond with his GOP voters, but faces rising interest in a new standard-bearer  —  One recent snowy evening at a gun range …
Washington Post:
Crew tried to stop Ohio train after alert about overheating wheel bearing, NTSB says  —  Federal investigators' preliminary report provides clues about the cause of the derailment and the response.  —  By Ian Duncan and Luz Lazo  —  The crew of the Norfolk Southern train that derailed in East Palestine …
Buttigieg world frustrated at GOP attacks over train wreck
Washington Post:
‘Incredibly damning:’ Fox News documents stun some legal experts  —  The disclosure of behind-the-scenes emails and texts greatly increased the chances that Dominion will win its $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox, experts say.  —  The disclosure of emails and texts …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Kevin McCarthy's Jan. 6 footage stunt demands a real response  —  Democrats have loudly expressed outrage about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's decision to grant Fox News's Tucker Carlson exclusive access to surveillance footage of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried hit with four new criminal charges  — FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried was hit with four new criminal charges in a superseding indictment in New York federal court.  — The new charging document lays out in greater detail Bankman-Fried's allegedly fradulent conduct related …
Alex Seitz-Wald / NBC News:
Bankman-Fried charged with hundreds of illegal campaign donations
Axios-Ipsos poll: Republicans call opioids No. 1 health threat  —  Republicans see fentanyl and other opioids as the biggest threat to Americans' public health, while Democrats say it's guns, according to a new Axios-Ipsos survey. … - The survey also found that Americans overwhelmingly …
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. to Expand Troop Presence in Taiwan for Training Against China Threat  —  The Pentagon is helping Taiwan focus on tactics and weapons systems that would make the island harder to assault  —  WASHINGTON—The U.S. is markedly increasing the number of troops deployed to Taiwan …
Joyu Wang / Wall Street Journal:
Taiwan Foreign Minister Held High-Level Meeting in Washington
House GOP looks for plan B after struggling to pass border security bill  —  House Republicans had hoped to pass a narrow border security bill within the first two weeks of their new majority, notching an easy win and delivering on a key campaign promise in the process.
FOX 2:
Missouri AG issues ultimatum to Gardner: Resign or be removed from office  —  JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Amid mounting calls for the St. Louis Circuit Attorney to resign, the Missouri Attorney General has issued an ultimatum for Kim Gardner: resign or face removal.
Amy Simonson / CNN:
Florida shooting spree leaves 3 people dead, including a child and a TV news employee covering one of the shootings  —  An Orlando television reporter was among the dead in a shooting spree in Florida that killed three on Wednesday, while covering one of the shootings, police said
Benjamin Oreskes / Los Angeles Times:
Schiff, Porter in tight race to replace Sen. Feinstein, poll shows; others trail far behind  —  The race to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein is shaping up to be a close contest between two congressional colleagues who have built national profiles and potent fundraising operations but appeal …
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
No, Teen Suicide Isn't Rising Because Life Got Objectively Worse  —  Over the past 15 years, the mental health of young people in the United States has rapidly deteriorated.  Between 2007 and 2018, the suicide rate among Americans ages 10 to 24 increased by nearly 60 percent.
Spectrum News 13:
Remembering Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons  —  Dylan Lyons was born and raised in Philadelphia but made Central Florida his home, when he enrolled in, thrived in and graduated from UCF.  —  That's when he began his journey up the ladder of career success.
Yair Rosenberg / The Atlantic:
The Invisible Victims of American Anti-Semitism  —  If a hateful act doesn't fit a preset political narrative, the public rarely notices it.  —  Last week, a gunman shot two Jews at close range as they departed morning prayer services in Los Angeles.  The first victim was shot in the back on Wednesday.
Brian Faler / Politico:
House GOP's top tax man throws K Street into a tizzy  —  Rep. Jason Smith hasn't been chair of the House Ways and Means Committee very long, but he's already done something rare for a Republican: He's struck fear into the heart of corporate tax lobbyists.  —  The Missouri lawmaker is making …
New York Times:
R. Kelly Sentenced to 20 Years for Child Sex Crimes  —  The singer will serve most of the sentence in federal prison at the same time as a 30-year term for racketeering and sex trafficking.  —  CHICAGO — A federal judge on Thursday sentenced R. Kelly to 20 years in prison for child sex crimes …
ABC News:
Internal chaos plagues Bannon-fronted $FJB cryptocurrency, critics say  —  Questions about mismanagement and donations to charities have surfaced.  —  When former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon and Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn took control of a MAGA-branded  —  cryptocurrency
Discussion: Raw Story
Sam Brodey / The Daily Beast:
Kyrsten Sinema's $300,000 Security Expert Is Tulsi Gabbard's Sister  —  The Arizona senator has a security arrangement that raises several ethical red flags, according to campaign law experts. … Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) spends more of her campaign funds on security than nearly every …
Discussion: Washington Press and Raw Story
Adam Rawnsley / Rolling Stone:
Elon Musk's Twitter Goes Dark on Government Data Grabs  —  “That shit went out the window right after Elon came in,” one former staffer says of Twitter's previously routine transparency reports  —  TWITTER BOSS ELON Musk has railed against what he sees as U.S. government attempts to “censor” the social media company.
Sharon Lerner / The Guardian:
This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk  —  Almost half of products cleared so far under a new US federal ‘biofuels’ program are not, in fact, biofuels  — This article is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power
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 More Items: 
Gregory Korte / Bloomberg:
Putin Gave Biden $12,000 Pen Set Months Before Ukraine Invasion
Discussion: NBC News and Fox News
Andrew Feinberg / The Independent:
How Joe Biden repaired a ‘troubled’ relationship with Kyiv and united Nato and the West in defence of Ukraine
Biden taps former Mastercard CEO Banga to head World Bank
David Dayen / American Prospect:
Congressional Crypto Defenders Accidentally Sparked an SEC Crackdown
Susannah Luthi / Washington Free Beacon:
Oh, Baby: Eric Swalwell's Post-Election Nanny Payments May Have Violated Campaign Finance Rules, Watchdog Says
Discussion: RedState
 Earlier Items: 
Roger Sollenberger / The Daily Beast:
Feds Have New Questions About Herschel Walker's Fundraising
Bonchie / RedState:
Famous Marxist Black Power Activist Finds Out She's Descended From Whites, and It's Must-See Television
Southern Poverty Law Center:
Leaked Chats, Documents Show Atomwaffen Founder's Path to Terror Plot
Discussion: Raw Story
Jake Bittle / The Guardian:
The American climate migration has already begun
Ronald Brownstein / The Atlantic:
Why This Democratic Strategist Walked Away