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6:45 PM ET, May 21, 2023


 Top Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
Jeffrey Epstein Appeared to Threaten Bill Gates Over Microsoft Co-Founder's Affair With Russian Bridge Player  —  The disgraced financier was trying to set up a philanthropic fund that he hoped would include the billionaire as an anchor donor  —  Jeffrey Epstein discovered that Bill Gates …
New York Times:
Here's What's Dividing Republicans and Biden in Debt-Limit Talks  —  Discussions meant to avoid a default have bogged down amid disagreements over spending caps, work requirements and new Republican proposals.  —  President Biden said on Sunday that he believed he had the authority to challenge …
Associated Press:
Biden, McCarthy to meet Monday for debt ceiling talks after ‘productive’ call
Olivia Beavers / Politico:
Biden and McCarthy set to meet again to try to close distance on debt
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Biden says he thinks he has authority to use 14th Amendment on debt ceiling
Wall Street Journal:
Brutal Battle for Bakhmut Leaves Russia With an Uncertain Victory  —  Nine months of attrition warfare cost both sides dearly  —  The nine-month battle for the small Ukrainian city of Bakhmut effectively came to an end on Sunday, as Russian forces finally captured the last significant Ukrainian strongholds on its western edge.
Washington Post:
Zelensky says destroyed Bakhmut now lives ‘only in our hearts’
Sophia Cai / Axios:
Trump's 2025 vision, revealed  —  Former President Trump's second-term governing plans are coming into clearer focus, as he lays out a vision for a dramatic expansion of federal power — particularly the presidency. … - Such pardons would effectively nullify what Attorney General Merrick Garland …
NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida, saying the state is ‘openly hostile toward African Americans’ under Gov. DeSantis' administration  —  Another advocacy group is warning people of color about traveling to Florida - but for different reasons.  —  The NAACP issued a travel advisory for the state …
NAACP Issues Travel Advisory in Florida
Gillian Brockell / Washington Post:
Ron DeSantis's context-free history book vanished online.  We got a copy.  —  In the lead-up to this spring's release of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's book “The Courage to Be Free,” a funny thing happened on the internet: His first book, published in 2011 before his political career began, disappeared.
David Folkenflik / NPR:
Federal inquiry details abuses of power by Trump's CEO over Voice of America  —  On the day after his confirmation as chief executive of the U.S. Agency for Global Media in June 2020, Michael Pack met with a career employee to discuss which senior leaders at the agency and the Voice of America …
Discussion: Rolling Stone and
Susan Stubson / New York Times:
What Christian Nationalism Has Done to My State and My Faith Is a Sin  —  CASPER, Wyo. — I first saw it while working the rope line at a monster-truck rally during the 2016 campaign by my husband, Tim, for Wyoming's lone congressional seat.  As Tim and I and our boys made our way down the line …
Discussion: The Atlantic and Raw Story
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Thune, No. 2 Senate Republican, set to endorse Tim Scott's presidential bid  —  The minority whip will appear when Scott launches his campaign on Monday, and is making good on his hopes of turning the party away from former President Donald Trump.  —  Sen. John Thune, the Senate's No. 2 Republican …
Discussion: The Hill, The Messenger and Fox News
Jeff Stein / Washington Post:
The man in charge of knowing when the U.S. runs out of money  —  As the debt ceiling deadline approaches, a team at the Treasury Department is tracking the cash very carefully  —  At the beginning of every workday, from his second floor office in the U.S. Treasury Department …
Jennifer Maloney / Wall Street Journal:
How Bud Light Blew It  —  With one blunder after another, the brewing giant behind the brand became a case study in how not to handle a culture-war storm  —  Budweiser's famous Clydesdale horses still live in St. Louis, Mo., where its brewer, Anheuser-Busch, has been making beer since the 1850s.
Charlotte Lytton / Washington Post:
Long-hidden ruins of vast network of Maya cities could recast history  —  In Guatemala, scientists map well-organized network of 417 cities dating to circa 1,000 B.C.  —  Beneath 1,350 square miles of dense jungle in northern Guatemala, scientists have discovered 417 cities that date …
Samuel Braslow / Rolling Stone:
The ‘Beverly Hills Insurrectionist’ and the Big Myth About Jan. 6  —  Gina Bisignano became famous for participating in the Capitol riot clad in a Louis Vuitton sweater and Chanel boots, but her insurrection story reveals a deeper truth  —  THE FIRST TIME Gina Bisignano ran afoul of the law in Washington …
Mike Freeman / USA Today:
Dodgers fail miserably, crumble under pressure by disinviting Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence  —  Before we discuss the remarkably cowardly move by the Los Angeles Dodgers, where they crumbled under pressure and disinvited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their Pride Night on June 16 …
Discussion: Balloon Juice and ABC7
Jim Daley / The TRiiBE:
‘Fox and Friends’ staged Naperville interview criticizing Mayor Brandon Johnson  —  The morning of Mayor Brandon Johnson's inauguration, “Fox and Friends” aired a live segment from a Naperville diner featuring two Black men whom Fox's correspondent said happened to be from Chicago.
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Russia's Latest Sanctions on U.S. Officials Turn to Trump Enemies  —  Among the 500 people singled out for travel and financial restrictions were Americans seen as adversaries by former President Donald J. Trump.  —  Russia has expanded its list of sanctioned Americans in a tit-for-tat retaliation …
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 More Items: 
Lupita Murillo / KVOA-TV:
Tohono O'odham man shot and killed by border patrol
Discussion: The Guardian
New York Times:
30 Tons of Explosive Chemicals Lost During Rail Shipment
William S. Becker / The Hill:
A call to arms: Defending America's soul in an age of extremism
Discussion: The Week
Edward-Isaac Dovere / CNN:
Biden bets DeSantis' ‘Florida blueprint’ will help him flip the Sunshine State and win reelection
Jemele Hill / The Atlantic:
Brittney Griner Has the Right to Change Her Mind
Marco Margaritoff / HuffPost:
Fox News Axes Investigative Unit Following Dominion Voting Systems Settlement: Report
Discussion: RedState and The Gateway Pundit
 Earlier Items: 
Abha Bhattarai / Washington Post:
Small businesses are beginning to panic about a government default
Discussion: The Guardian
Sharon Danquah / WSMV-TV:
Dickson County parents question why more than half of 3rd graders fail portion of TCAP test
A transgender girl misses her high school graduation after Mississippi judge denies emergency plea to permit her to go in a dress and heels
S.V. Date / HuffPost:
If Trump ‘Finished’ His Wall Like He Claims, How Are So Many Migrants Still Crossing?
Liz Skalka / HuffPost:
Ron DeSantis Is About To Run For President. Andrew Warren Has A Warning.
The White House:
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Discussion: BizPac Review

From Mediagazer:

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

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