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8:25 AM ET, June 23, 2023


 Top Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Navy Detected Titan Sub Implosion Days Ago  —  Underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines first detected Titan tragedy  —  WASHINGTON—A top secret U.S. Navy acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard the Titan sub implosion hours …
Nick Visser / HuffPost:
GOP Lawmaker Finds Way To Blame Lost Submersible On ‘Epic Failure Of Leadership’
Discussion: The Hill and Joe.My.God.
Washington Post:
IRS whistleblower says Justice Dept. slowed, stifled Hunter Biden case  —  Tax investigator says prosecutor decisions whittled down the case against the president's son  —  An IRS agent who supervised the investigation into President Biden's son Hunter told lawmakers that Justice Department officials slowed …
New York Times:
I.R.S. Agent Told Congress of Hunter Biden Invoking His Father in Business Deal  —  A whistle-blower said the tax agency found a message from 2017 in which Hunter Biden pressured a Chinese business partner by saying he was with his father, who was then out of office.
Johnny Rubin / House Committee on Ways and Means:
Smith: Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected
No Labels declines to reveal just who is funding its third party bid  —  The group isn't required under law to disclose its donors even as it takes on the look of a political party  —  No Labels' bid to run a third party presidential candidate in 2024 has sparked a number of questions about political motivations.
Mark Murray / NBC News:
Poll: 61% of voters disapprove of Supreme Court decision overturning Roe  —  On the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, 53% say abortion access nationwide has become too difficult, a new NBC News poll finds.  —  NBC News poll finds 61% of voters disapprove of Dobbs abortion decision one year later
Playbook: Mike Pence's plan to go further on abortion  —  Presented by With help from Eli Okun and Garrett Ross  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  NO TRANSPARENCY — “No Labels declines to reveal just who is funding its third party bid,” by Heidi Przybyla and Shia Kapos
Julia Conley / Common Dreams:
‘Shady and Corrupt’: Add Barrett Real Estate Deal to List of Supreme Court Ethics Scandals  —  The right-wing justice sold a home to a religious freedom group that has filed numerous briefs in cases before the court.  —  Thursday reporting on a real estate deal made by U.S. Supreme Court …
Ryan Bort / Rolling Stone:
Trump Melts Down as DOJ Turns Over Evidence It Plans to Use Against Him  —  The former president is pleading for Congress to intervene now that he's learned what the government has on him  —  DONALD TRUMP FIRED off a series of desperate pleas on Truth Social, including multiple appeals …
Discussion: New York Times, PoliticusUSA and IJR
Nicholas Nehamas / New York Times:
DeSantis Dodges Question on Endorsing Trump as 2024 Nominee
Stephen Richer / Arizona Republic:
Kari Lake continues to defame me.  Here's why I'm suing her for it  —  Opinion: Kari Lake and her campaign must be held accountable for their utter disregard for the truth and the harm their words have caused.  —  For the last seven months, a high-profile former statewide candidate for office …
Ashton Pittman / Mississippi Free Press:
Senator Calls For Return of Old Mississippi Flag: ‘Our People Died Under That Flag’  —  Almost three years after both houses of the Mississippi Legislature overwhelmingly voted to retire the old Confederate-themed state flag, a state senator from Union County is calling for its return.
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement in ‘Forever Chemicals’ Suits  —  The deal followed an agreement by Chemours, DuPont and Corteva to pay $1.19 billion to help resolve claims that the chemical manufacturers contaminated drinking water across the country.  —  The chemical and manufacturing …
Sophia Cai / Axios:
GOP's field for president is historically diverse  —  Former Texas Rep. Will Hurd may be a long shot to be the Republican nominee for president, but his entry into the race Thursday was a benchmark: Of the 12 major GOP candidates, half are people of color.
Olivia Beavers / Politico:
House Freedom Caucus faces an internal purge push  —  At least two hardliners have discussed trying to boot members who no longer meet the group's ideological standards, according to three Republicans with knowledge of the talks.  —  Tensions inside the conservative House Freedom Caucus …
House Committee on Ethics:
Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative George Santos  —  Pursuant to Committee Rule 7, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined on June 22, 2023, to release the following statement:
Ayeshea Perera / BBC:
Joe Biden and Narendra Modi hail ‘defining’ US-India partnership  —  US President Joe Biden hailed US-India ties, while rolling out the pomp and pageantry for visiting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday.  —  This included marching bands, a lavish vegetarian dinner and a 21-gun salute on the South Lawn of the White House.
Robert Snell / The Detroit News:
Failed GOP gubernatorial candidate Kelley strikes deal to plead guilty in Jan. 6 case  —  Former Republican gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley is scheduled to plead guilty to a federal crime stemming from the Jan. 6 siege at the U.S. Capitol, his lawyer told The Detroit News on Thursday.
Arpan Lobo / Detroit Free Press:
Former GOP candidate Ryan Kelley will plead guilty to Jan. 6 attacks charge
Will evangelicals finally dump Trump in 2024?  —  Longtime evangelical kingmaker Ralph Reed explains why Trump has such a tight grip on religious conservatives, and what it will take for another 2024 hopeful to convert them to his or her cause.  —  The big debate in Washington this week is about realism versus idealism.
New York Times:
Missing Titanic Sub: Search and Rescue Effort Is Vast.  Who Pays the Bill?  —  Coast Guard: Missing Submersible Experienced a ‘Catastrophic Implosion’  —  OceanGate Expeditions, the operator of the submersible, said it believed all five people on board “have sadly been lost.”
Rachel Ramirez / CNN:
Hundreds of dolphins and sea lions have washed up dead or sick in California amid toxic algae outbreak  —  The scene is unsettling: hundreds of sea lions and dolphins are sprawled across the beaches in Southern California, either dead or sick and exhibiting abnormal behavior.
Andrew Solender / Axios:
Top GOP senators bristle at House impeachment efforts  —  Several members of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) leadership team on Thursday expressed reluctance about potentially being drawn into an impeachment trial. … - Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas …
Drew Harwell / Washington Post:
New video undercuts claim Twitter censored pro-Trump views before Jan. 6  —  In the internal video call from Jan. 5, 2021, workers were told not to take tougher action against a growing wave of tweets they feared were veiled incitements to violence.  —  On Jan. 5, 2021, the lawyers …
Michael Mitsanas / NBC News:
Moms for Liberty chapter apologizes for quoting Adolf Hitler in newsletter  —  The Hamilton County chapter of Moms for Liberty in Indiana placed the quote on the front page of its new newsletter.  —  A local Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, a national conservative parents organization …
Mike Freeman / USA Today:
Ron DeSantis pushes racist tropes in latest comments about basketball and baseball players  —  Ron DeSantis isn't telling the truth.  He knows when he uses a racist dog whistle in speaking about basketball players − not a dog whistle actually, a bullhorn ... wait, not a bullhorn …
Discussion: The Root and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Nidhi Verma / Reuters:
India's Russian oil buying scales new highs in May  —  India's rising imports of Russian oil hit a record high of about 1.95 million barrels per day (bpd) in May denting purchases from Iraq and Saudi Arabia fell, tanker data from trade and industry sources showed.
Discussion: Breitbart and New York Times
New York Times:
Trump Trial Setting Could Provide Conservative Jury Pool  —  If Judge Aileen Cannon sticks to her initial decision to hold the trial in Fort Pierce, Fla., the jury would be drawn largely from counties that Donald Trump won handily in his previous campaigns.  —  When Judge Aileen M. Cannon …
Discussion: Raw Story
Martin Sandbu / Financial Times:
Ukraine and its partners are beginning to win the peace  —  In contrast with last year's shambles, solid planning for rebuilding a modern European country is well under way  —  This article is an on-site version of Martin Sandbu's Free Lunch newsletter.  Sign up here to get the newsletter sent straight to your inbox every Thursday
Discussion: Semafor, Daily Tribune, Politico and TASS
Emine Yücel / Talking Points Memo:
Despite Repeated Vows Not To, House GOPers Are Again Proposing Social Security And Medicare Cuts  —  Over the past couple of months, Republicans claimed — over and over again — that they will not propose cuts to Social Security and Medicare.  But despite the promises, a new budget proposal …
Jesse Wegman / New York Times:
Does Justice Alito Hear Himself?  —  Mr. Wegman is a member of the editorial board.  —  For someone who wields unimaginable power and exudes utter confidence in his own moral rectitude, Justice Samuel Alito is an exceptionally touchy guy.  —  Exhibit A: His decision to devote time and energy …
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 More Items: 
Alan Elrod / Bulwark+:
In Arkansas, a Vision of Single-Party Democracy
Conrad Hoyt / Washington Examiner:
Colorado hail storm pelts concertgoers, injuring nearly 100, and continues the next day
Amy Hawkins / The Guardian:
China is state most dangerous to its own citizens' civil rights, report finds
Angry White Men:
In 2021, RFK Jr. Told QAnon Influencer That Vaccine Mandates Violate The Nuremberg Code
Discussion: Tangle
 Earlier Items: 
Miles Kampf-Lassin / In These Times:
How Chicago Broke the Neoliberal Fever
Daniel Arkin / NBC News:
19-year-old Titan passenger was ‘terrified’ before trip, his aunt says
Noah Rothman / National Review:
The Court's Conservatives Aren't Taking It Lying Down Anymore
Mia Gingerich / Media Matters for America:
Fox News is altering language in AP and Reuters articles on anti-trans legislation — including a quote from an elected official