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12:25 PM ET, February 24, 2024


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Ignoring Warnings, G.O.P. Trumpeted Now-Discredited Allegation Against Biden  —  Republicans in Congress built their impeachment case against President Biden around a bribery accusation that the F.B.I. had warned them was uncorroborated.  —  In May 2023, Senator Charles E. Grassley …
Discussion: Raw Story and Axios
Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling / New Republic:
Jim Jordan Offers Startling Confession on Indicted Biden Informant  —  After trying and failing to salvage Republicans' crumbling impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan at last, finally, conceded on Friday that Alexander Smirnov's story might not be totally accurate.
Discussion: Daily Kos, Fox News and Raw Story
David Corn / Mother Jones:
The Smirnov Affair: MAGA Republicans Are Useful Idiots for Russian Intelligence
Discussion: Power Line
Ryan Grenoble / HuffPost:
Trump Rambles His Way Through Incoherent Nashville Speech  —  “They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say.  And we're not gonna let that happen.”  —  LOADING  —  Former President Donald Trump delivered a whopper of a speech Thursday at the National Religious …
Russell Berman / The Atlantic:
How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn't
Michael Tomasky / New Republic:
Imagine a President Trump Who Owes Saudi Arabia $540 Million
Discussion: NBC News and CLAYTOONZ
Bryan Metzger / Business Insider:
125 House Republicans — including Speaker Mike Johnson — back a ‘life at conception’ bill without any IVF exception
Megan Messerly / Politico:
Alabama said frozen embryos are kids. The GOP isn't sure what to do about it.
Associated Press:
Trump says he ‘strongly supports’ IVF and calls on Alabama lawmakers to protect access
Josh Dawsey / Washington Post:
Trump says Black voters like him more because of his indictments and mug shot  —  The GOP candidate tells a group of Black conservatives: 'I'm being indicted for you, the Black population'  —  COLUMBIA, S.C. — Former President Trump sought to appeal to Black voters on Friday night …
Mike Allen / Axios:
Exclusive — Dark Trump at CPAC: “Biden's fast track to hell” … Senior campaign officials tell us Trump will lay out his general-election case against Biden in the 1 p.m. speech — flipping the “four more years” argument to a series of dire warnings about Biden's re-election.
Stephanie Mencimer / Mother Jones:
Being Denied a Press Pass at CPAC Was the Best Way to Cover the Conference  —  This is what happened when MAGA people thought I was one of them.  —  I've attended the Conservative Political Action Conference almost yearly since 2009, always as a credentialed reporter.
Boris Kachka / Washington Post:
RFK Jr.'s comedy night: Barbs for Biden, but the joke may be on Trump  —  The L.A. fundraiser featuring Adam Carolla, Jeremy Piven and others seemed to appeal to Kennedy-curious voters who might otherwise support the Republican  —  LOS ANGELES — There were plenty of moments during …
Mike Spies / New Yorker:
Even Before His Trial, the N.R.A.'s Wayne LaPierre Was a Fraud  —  The pro-gun group's former leader used the organization's funds to enrich himself and those close to him.  But the deception went much deeper.  —  In early January, Wayne LaPierre, the longtime head of the National Rifle Association …
ABC News:
Jury finds NRA liable for mismanagement, says Wayne LaPierre violated duties  —  LaPierre and an NRA executive must pay a combined $6.35 million, the NY AG said.  —  Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, leaves New York State Supreme Court, Feb. 23, 2024, in New York.
Lauren Irwin / The Hill:
Vindman: Trump's NATO threat likely a ‘contributing factor’ in Navalny's death  —  Retired Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman argued that former President Trump's recent comments about NATO are likely a “contributing factor” in the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
Chris Geidner / Law Dork:
This week, we faced all that the Dobbs justices unleashed  —  The five justices of the U.S. Supreme Court who overturned Roe v. Wade 20 months ago Saturday gave a green light to a new brand of Republican extremism in hyperdrive — a hyperdrive that has been on full, frightening display this week.
Canada Gives Ukraine $2.2 Billion Lifeline as Kyiv Awaits US Aid  — Funding for 2024 will boost Kyiv's military, economy  — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Ukraine on Saturday  —  Canada will provide Ukraine C$3 billion ($2.2 billion) in aid this year to prop up the war-ravaged economy …
Discussion: The Kyiv Independent and Reuters
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 More Items: 
Phelim Kine / Politico:
Taiwan's leadership ‘extremely worried’ US could abandon Ukraine
Discussion: Reason and Reuters
Joe Schoffstall / Fox News:
Pelosi's husband made over $1.25 million on Nvidia stock bet in just three months
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Susie Blann / Associated Press:
Russia-Ukraine war anniversary: Western leaders in Kyiv as Russian drone hits Odesa
 Earlier Items: 
Christopher Cadelago / Politico:
‘You must act fast:’ Katie Porter is selling her fundraising list — at a discount
Discussion: Political Wire
CBS News:
Military says high-altitude balloon detected over Western U.S. doesn't pose a threat