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11:00 AM ET, May 27, 2024


 Top Items: 
Holly Honderich / BBC:
Trump booed at Libertarian convention  —  Donald Trump was booed repeatedly during an appearance at the Libertarian Party's national convention on Saturday as he asked members for their support.  —  Mr Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told the party's delegates to unite with him to beat Democrat Joe Biden.
Aaron Pellish / CNN:
RFK Jr. loses in first round of Libertarian Party's presidential nomination vote.  Trump didn't file paperwork to qualify  —  Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was eliminated from contention for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination during the party's convention Sunday.
Donica Phifer / Axios:
Libertarians block Trump's longshot bid for party support … - Trump and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were both among the candidates nominated by delegates on Sunday, but Libertarian Party chair Angela McArdle determined the former president was ineligible …
Megan Lebowitz / NBC News:
Trump doesn't submit paperwork to be considered by Libertarian Party after soliciting votes  —  On Saturday, Trump asked multiple times for the libertarian audience to nominate him or vote for him.  —  WASHINGTON — Hours after former President Donald Trump asked libertarians …
Andrew Kirell / The Daily Beast:
Tim Scott on Trump Getting Booed by Libertarians: He's So Popular!
Washington Post:
Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators  —  Trump has waffled on whether the Israel-Gaza war should end.  But speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel's right to continue “its war on terror.”
Aaron Rupar / Public Notice:
Juliet Jeske on Fox News brain  —  “They enjoy sitting in their homes and being angry at the world.”  —  ∙ Paid … Are you terrified of migrants squatting in your home or randomly punching you in the face while you walk down the street?  Maybe you find yourself thinking a lot …
Laurence Norman / Wall Street Journal:
Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program  —  U.S. is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the IAEA's member state board  —  BERLIN—The Biden administration is pressing European allies to back off plans to rebuke Iran for advances …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Kyle Duggan / Politico:
If you think Biden has troubles, just look at Trudeau  —  The Canadian prime minister's grim poll numbers stoke speculation about his future.  —  OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau is running out of time.  —  He has trailed in polls by double digits for nearly a year, and the outlook …
James Kirchick / New York Times:
How ‘Zionist’ Became a Bad Word in Publishing  —  This month, an account on X with the handle @moyurireads and 360 followers published a link to a color-coded spreadsheet classifying nearly 200 writers according to their views on the “genocide” in Gaza.  Titled “Is Your Fav Author a Zionist? …
Wall Street Journal:
America Is Getting Ready for Space Warfare  —  Pentagon officials open up about potential threats as China's presence in orbit grows and Russia shows interest in gear that can destroy satellites  —  In space warfare, the U.S. military is seeking the ultimate high ground.
Hans Nichols / Axios:
Scoop: Bill and Hillary Clinton to headline Virginia fundraiser for Biden … - Scheduled for June 18, it follows the “three president” extravaganza in New York in April and a planned event with Biden, Clinton and former President Obama in mid-June in Los Angeles, hosted by George Clooney.
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Wall Street Journal:
Biden Needs More Empathy on the Economy, Democrats Say  —  The president often touts strong jobs numbers, even as voters care far more about inflation
Discussion: Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit
Maya Averbuch / Bloomberg:
Peru's Unpopular Leader Hits New Low: A 5% Approval Rating  — A new poll by IEP shows continuous decline in voters' support  — Scandals have led to several impeachment attempts this year  —  Peru's Dina Boluarte saw her approval rating fall to a new low, with only 5% of people indicating …
New York Times:
Trump's Post-Verdict Playbook: Anger and Retribution, Regardless of the Outcome  —  Former President Donald J. Trump has a history of attacking investigators, blaming President Biden and seeking vengeance on those who cross him.  —  The verdict in former President Donald J. Trump's criminal trial remains …
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 More Items: 
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Fetterman, Flashing a Sharper Edge, Keeps Picking Fights With the Left
Discussion: Telegraph
CBS News:
Transcript: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on “Face the Nation,” May 26, 2024
Discussion: Breitbart and RedState
Jacob Rosenberg / Mother Jones:
Royce White—Steve Bannon Protege Who Called Our Reporter a “Cuck”—Endorsed by Minnesota GOP for Senate
 Earlier Items: 
Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner:
Who is Ross Ulbricht, the prison inmate who could be key to Trump's libertarian support
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / MSNBC:
Denial about Donald Trump has reached a new low