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The last post — Here we go - as foreshadowed a few week ago, it's the time to say good-bye. — I'm not one for making speeches (at least not for myself), so let me just say: thank you. Thank you for all your support and encouragement, for reading and linking to my stuff, and for coming back.
Sister Toldjah

Taking My Leave — A roundup of the past two weeks' good news from Iraq. — It has been almost a year and a half since I first started compiling the often under-reported and overlooked stories of positive developments in Iraq and, later, Afghanistan. Now I must say goodbye.
Blogs for Bush

A Day of Firsts, Overshadowed — Yesterday's opening of the John Roberts confirmation hearings was a time for historic firsts. — Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) made 49 first-person references in a 10-minute statement that was, ostensibly, not about himself.

As Battlefield Shrinks, Democrats Mute Their Attacks — The first day of confirmation hearings for Judge John G. Roberts Jr. to become the 17th chief justice of the United States proved to be a tepid opening to what once was billed as a battle of monumental proportions between left and right.
Captain's Quarters, TMH's Bacon Bits, Decision '08, Wonkette, How Appealing and Democratic Veteran

Israeli evades arrest at Heathrow over army war crime allegations — · Retired general tipped off after judge issues warrant — · Ex-commander accused of demolishing Gaza homes — Vikram Dodd and Conal Urquhart in Tel Aviv — Scotland Yard was thwarted yesterday …

The 20 Most Obnoxious Hurricane Katrina Quotes — "You 60 million losers who voted for this loser open YOUR wallets. This president declared war on the poor long ago, and while some of us cared enough to vote for someone who gave a d@mn, you buried your heads in the sand …

Katrina third most closely followed news event after 9/11, Iraq War — PRINCETON, NJ — Most Americans were not impressed with the initial response to Hurricane Katrina, but according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey, majorities of Americans now say that the people and officials involved …

Large Portion of Los Angeles Loses Power — A wide-ranging power outage, set off when a cable was accidentally cut, darkened large sections of downtown Los Angeles and many parts of the San Fernando Valley for a couple hours shortly after noon, authorities said.

Worker Error Blamed for L.A. Blackout
The Corner on National …, Pandagon, Wizbang, Patrick Ruffini '05, Outside The Beltway and Donklephant

George Galloway Is Gruesome, Not Gorgeous — Now, watch me debate him. — My old friend and frequent critic Geoffrey Wheatcroft once tried to define a moment of perfect contentment and came up with the idea of opening a vintage wine while settling down to read an undiscovered work by P.G. Wodehouse.

FEMA Chief Brown Resigns — WASHINGTON — After considerable criticism for his agency's response to Hurricane Katrina, Mike Brown (search) has resigned as head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (search). — "Today I resigned as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Karzai urges terror fight rethink — Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the US and other international forces need to reconsider their approach to bringing peace to Afghanistan. — Violence largely blamed on the Taleban has claimed at least 1,000 lives this year - the worst toll since 2001.
In the Bullpen

Umpire: Roberts' Opening Statement — In his opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Bush nominee to replace the late Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, John Roberts, drew an analogy between the Supreme Court and umpires in baseball: … It is an interesting analogy Judge Roberts draws.

From Portland to Beirut - and Beyond — At the end of September I'm moving from Portland, Oregon to Beirut, Lebanon for six months. I'll rent an apartment and use the city as a base to visit the rest of the region, starting with Syria, Iran, Egypt, and Jordan. — I need a break from domestic politics.
The Moderate Voice

Poll shows racial divide on storm response — WASHINGTON — There is a lot that Americans agree about in the wake of Hurricane Katrina: that government agencies initially stumbled but are doing better now, for one, and that more money and attention should be paid to addressing the issue of poverty.
Mystery Pollster

Bush kept his head and the danger's passed — 'Flood That Released America's Demons", said the Sun on Saturday. Underneath the arresting headline was a column by Jeremy Clarkson, and, after the usual good-natured knockabout - "Most Americans barely have the brains to walk on their back legs" …

TRENCH POLITICS....Ross Douthat writes today that conservatism hasn't accomplished much since taking over the country four years ago (or 10 years or 25 years ago depending on how you count). You know what? Despite all the griping that liberals do about George Bush, Ross is right.
The Corner on National …, The American Scene, Bradford Plumer, Pacific Views and Crooked Timber

Best of the Web — Ship of Fools — As we've heard ad nauseam the past couple of weeks, the Katrina disaster raises serious questions about race in America. Just how serious became clear Saturday afternoon, when Fox News Channel's Alicia Acuna conducted a live interview with a frustrated …

Talabani Says Iraqis Could Replace Many U.S. Troops — President's Claim About Major American Withdrawal by Year's End Conflicts With White House Position — Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said in an interview yesterday that the United States could withdraw as many as 50,000 troops by the end of the year …

JOHN ZOGBY: … It says a lot about what a weak candidate Kerry was, doesn't it? It also underscores Bush's weakness. I said from the beginning that he was a weak candidate, and vulnerable in 2004, but the Democrats managed to put up a guy that he could beat.
Lean Left