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Dubai Port Company to Divest Itself of American Holdings — The United Arab Emirates company that was attempting to take over management operations at six U.S. ports announced today that it will divest itself of all American interests. — The announcement appears to head off a major confrontation …
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Ports deal opens rift between Bush, House GOP — Committee votes 62-2 to block approval of UAE takeover — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The White House faced a major rupture with House Republicans on Thursday after a House committee overwhelmingly voted to block a deal that would allow …
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Dubai to give up control of U.S. ports — Deal ran into tough opposition in Senate over security concerns … MSNBC TV — MSNBC staff and news service reports — WASHINGTON - A top Senate Republican says a Dubai-owned company has decided to give up its management stake in U.S. ports.
BREAKING PORT NEWS: DUBAI YIELDS — ***scroll for updates...230pm EST Dem Senators Schumer, Clinton, Reid scrambling to organize press conference...248pm EST. Harry Reid looks irked at being outmaneuvered: "We want an up-and-down vote...the devil is in the details."
The Political Pit Bull, Macsmind, The Moderate Voice, Church and State, Ace of Spades HQ and A Blog For All
Dubai Company to Transfer U.S. Ports to American Company — WASHINGTON, March 9 — DP World, the United Arab Emirates state-owned company that had agreed to buy several port terminals in the United States, said today that it will transfer those properties to an American-owned company …
Dubai threat to hit back — Dubai is threatening retaliation against American strategic and commercial interests if Washington blocks its $6.8 billion takeover of operations at several U.S. ports. — As the House Appropriations Committee yesterday marked up legislation …
Senate Could Mirror House Rebuke of Ports Deal — WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday could vote on a Democratic amendment to halt a controversial ports deal that the Bush administration still hopes to push through. — The Senate vote would come just one day after the House Appropriations …
G.O.P. Plan Would Allow Spying Without Warrants — WASHINGTON, March 8 — The plan by Senate Republicans to step up oversight of the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program would also give legislative sanction for the first time to long-term eavesdropping on Americans without …
Sen. Rockefeller praises the GOP's actions on the Intelligence Committee
Outside The Beltway
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Senator Resumes Lobbyist Huddles — After saying in January that he would end his regular meetings with lobbyists, Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.), the third-ranking GOP leader in the Senate, has continued to meet with many of the same lobbyists at the same time and on the same day of the week.
Senators Vote to Forgo Lobbyist-Bought Meals
Boy in a Bubble — What George Clooney doesn't know about life. — Memo to: The Academy — From: Just another viewer — Re: Advice, as if you wanted more — I cannot remember a time when, in the days after the Academy Awards show, it was not criticized, and even blasted.
Dr. Sanity, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER, Shakespeare's Sister, No More Mister Nice Blog, Shot In The Dark and SCSUScholars
Report posits that Chris Matthews has accepted hefty speaking fees from conservative groups — A new report advanced to RAW STORY Thursday suggests that Chris Matthews, the star of the Sunday talk show circuit's Hardball, has accepted hefty speaking fees from an array of conservative trade associations.
Official Says Shiite Party Suppressed Body Count — BAGHDAD, March 8 — Days after the bombing of a Shiite shrine unleashed a wave of retaliatory killings of Sunnis, the leading Shiite party in Iraq's governing coalition directed the Health Ministry to stop tabulating execution-style shootings …
Zarqawi Was Here — BIARA, IRAQ - The PUK's Minister of the Interior ordered 20 heavily armed Peshmerga soldiers to go with me to the borderland mountain village of Biara. For years the village was occupied by Ansar Al Islam, the Kurdish-Arab-Persian branch of Al Qaeda in Northern Iraq.
Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon — A Nuclear Composition based on one of my favorite El Greco's "An Allegory with a 'Believer' Lighting a Candle in the Company of an Ape and a Fool (Fábula)" ca. 1589-92; National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh — For some months now …