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TIME Poll: The Foley Sex Scandal Has Hurt G.O.P. Election Prospects — Two-thirds of those aware of the scandal believe Republican leaders attempted a cover-up, according to a new survey — Two-thirds of Americans aware of the congressional-page sex scandal believe Republican leaders tried …

Watchdog Group Disputes FBI's Claims on E-Mails — The watchdog group that first provided the FBI with suspicious e-mails from then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) said yesterday that FBI and Justice Department officials are attempting to cover up their inaction in the case by making false claims about the group.

House Republicans Move to Back Hastert — Speaker Gains Support as Lawmakers, President Seek Best Defense Against Scandal — Republicans are calculating that the smartest way to survive the Mark Foley sex scandal is to rally around House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) …

Three More Former Pages Accuse Foley of Online Sexual Approaches — Brian Ross, Rhonda Schwartz & Maddy Sauer Report: — Three more former congressional pages have come forward to reveal what they call "sexual approaches" over the Internet from former Congressman Mark Foley.
The Moderate Voice, Blog's …, Firedoglake, Power Line, The Raw Story, The Strata-Sphere, Classical Values, Think Progress, Hit and Run,, Suburban Guerrilla, Stop The ACLU, Scared Monkeys, The Reaction, Mia Culpa, The Political Pit Bull, Right Wing Nut House, The American Street, Wizbang, Pam's House Blend, Confederate Yankee, Andrew Sullivan, Little Green Footballs, Crooks and Liars, Riba Rambles, Pandagon, Citizens Blogging …, Crunchy Con, Macsmind and Sensible Mom

A special comment about lying — Keith Olbermann on the difference between terrorists and critics — SPECIAL COMMENT — While the leadership in Congress has self-destructed over the revelations of an unmatched, and unrelieved, march through a cesspool ...
The American Street, Comments From Left Field, All Spin Zone, and Inside Cable News

Olbermann's Special Comment: It is not the Democrats whose inaction in the face of the enemy you fear — Keith hits another one out of the park. — Olbermann: And lastly tonight, a Special Comment, about — lying. While the leadership in Congress has self-destructed over the revelations of an unmatched …

Interdicting speech at Columbia — Eliana Johnson reports in the New York Sun that leftists are interdicting speech at Columbia: … The Columbia Spectator has considerably more coverage here, including this video of the protests that made it impossible for Jim Gilchrist to speak: — Commentary

Kim's message: War is coming to US soil — Speaking Freely is an Asia Times Online feature that allows guest writers to have their say. Please click here if you are interested in contributing. — The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea announced on October 3 …

Apple Of the Times — R.W. "Johnny" Apple, who died Wednesday at age 71, was the best political reporter of his era. He was also the best food writer, the best wine writer, the best travel writer and the best architecture critic, and he could have been the best garden and sports writer if he had wanted to be.
The Moderate Voice

Wetterling ad overstates facts — The TV spot by the Sixth District candidate is wrong in stating that members of Congress admitted to a coverup - none has. — Patty Wetterling's latest TV ad, in which she calls for "the immediate expulsion of any congressman involved in a crime or coverup" …

GOP's Hold on Evangelicals Weakening — Party's Showing in Midterm Elections May Be Hurt as Polls Indicate Support Dropping in Base — ANOKA, Minn. — Lynn Sunde, an evangelical Christian, is considering what for her is a radical step. Come November, she may vote for a Democrat for Congress.

Bush says he can edit security reports — WASHINGTON - President Bush, again defying Congress, says he has the power to edit the Homeland Security Department's reports about whether it obeys privacy rules while handling background checks, ID cards and watchlists.

Senator Says U.S. Should Rethink Iraq Strategy — The Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee warned Thursday that the situation in Iraq was "drifting sideways" and said that the United States should consider a "change of course" if violence did not diminish soon.

Gloria Wise Executives Indicted, Air America Radio — BUSTED — Two Former Nonprofit Execs Arrested Over $$$ Diversions — *** Major Friday Morning Updates Below *** — Finally, some accountability in the Bronx, even if it isn't nearly enough. — After over a year …
Shot In The Dark

Iraq Looms Large in Nationalized Election — Congressional Race Unchanged After Foley's Resignation — Summary of Findings — Iraq has become the central issue of the midterm elections. There is more dismay about how the U.S. military effort in Iraq is going than at any point since the war began more than three years ago.

Polling Results — Cuomo Tops Pirro By 19 Pts. Among Likely Voters, Quinnipiac University New York State Poll Finds; Clinton Has High Approval And 35-Pt. Lead — In the race for New York State Attorney General, former Federal Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat …

Moronic Convergence: Last Gasp of the Socialist Geezers — It's a Michael Moore remake of Todd Browning's Freaks, in the World Can't Wait Day of Mass Resistance. El Marco was there and has a photo gallery at Flickr: Last Gasp NYC Oct. 5, 2006. — "Mass Resistance," in this case, being defined as: about a thousand people.
Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Kesher Talk, Moonbattery, USS Neverdock and Sister Toldjah