Top Items:

Idaho Sen. Larry Craig Denies Allegations of Same-Sex Affairs — Mike Rogers, who calls himself "the nation's leading gay activist blogger" has just finished a nationally-broadcast interview on the Ed Schultz Radio Show in which he alleges that Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig has engaged in same-sex sexual activity.
Riehl World View, Shakespeare's Sister, The Moderate Voice, La Shawn Barber's Corner, A Blog For All, No More Mister Nice Blog, Confederate Yankee, Pam's House Blend, CorrenteWire, Sister Toldjah, Blue Crab Boulevard, Outside The Beltway, Wonkette, and skippy the bush kangaroo

Lefty Blogger Outs Senator As Gay — Outing specialist Mike Rogers has "outed" Senator Larry Craig as a closet homosexual. — And he promises more to come. — The Democrats want to make this an election about gay sex. — And people say the Republicans deserve to lose?

The Left Hates Gays? — Apparently, the Left hates gays and believes that private sexual preferences belong on the front page. BlogActive, a site known for outing closeted gays in politics, now claims that Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) has engaged in homosexual activity in the bathrooms of Union Station.
TAPPED, culturekitchen, Jesus' General, Blogs for Bush, Big Brass Blog and Gateway Pundit

Rove foresees GOP victory — White House political strategist Karl Rove yesterday confidently predicted that the Republican Party would hold the House and the Senate in next month's elections, dismissing fallout from the sex scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley.

Elections May Leave Bush An Early Lame Duck — On desks around the West Wing sit digital clocks counting down the days and hours left in the Bush presidency, reminders to the White House staff to use the time left as effectively as possible. As of 8 a.m. today, those clocks will read 825 days, four hours.

No Spoils for the Victors — EVEN before the Mark Foley scandal broke, Democrats' chances of getting control of the House of Representatives were pretty good. Now, with the incompetence of the Republican leadership's handling of that affair, the odds of Democratic control are looking very good indeed.

Bush to Blame for North Korean Crisis, Soros Says (Update1) — Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire investor George Soros today blamed U.S. President George W. Bush for escalating tensions with North Korea, which last week tested a nuclear bomb for the first time.

Bush Sets Defense As Space Priority — U.S. Says Shift Is Not A Step Toward Arms; Experts Say It Could Be — President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S. interests."

655,000 War Dead? — A bogus study on Iraq casualties. — After doing survey research in Iraq for nearly two years, I was surprised to read that a study by a group from Johns Hopkins University claims that 655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the war.

Funding Constrains Democrats — Party Chiefs See Chance to Take 40-Plus Seats With TV Push — Top Democrats said yesterday that they are planning to significantly expand the number of GOP House seats they will target during the final 20 days of the campaign but that financial disputes …

And the Winner Is ... Me — Voters in Ohio can be forgiven if they feel they have been beamed out of the Midwest and dropped into a third-world autocracy. The latest news from the state's governor's race is that the Republican nominee, Kenneth Blackwell, who is also the Ohio secretary of state …

Iraq Removes Leaders of Special Police — The Iraqi government removed the country's two most senior police commanders from their posts on Tuesday, in the first broad move against the top leadership of Iraq's unruly special police forces. — The two generals had led Iraq's special police commandos …

Which Way to Win? — As we head toward Election Day 2006, political analysts are focusing on a few dozen tossup races that will determine whether the Democrats take the House and Senate. But there's a larger, overarching battle this year between two visions of America …

Video: Tony Blair calls the veil a "mark of separation" — Thanks much to kasper kasper, our man in the UK, for clipping this. The news services are already buzzing about it. — Blair, like the public, is siding with Jack Straw, but I don't know what he hopes or expects to happen here.

Hoyer Remark 'Racist,' GOP's Steele Charges — Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele accused a leading Democratic congressman yesterday of racial insensitivity for saying the Republican candidate has "slavishly" followed the GOP. — Steele, an African American running for the U.S. Senate …

Report Spells Out Abuses by Former Congressman — Former Representative Randy Cunningham pressured and intimidated staff members of the House Intelligence Committee to help steer more than $70 million in classified federal business to favored military contractors, according to a Congressional investigation made public on Tuesday.

Iraq war cost years of progress in Afghanistan - UK brigadier — Commander echoes criticism of Blair's foreign policy by head of army — The invasion of Iraq prevented British forces from helping to secure Afghanistan much sooner and has left a dangerous vacuum in the country for four years …

The Dartmouth Fracas — Alumni trustees can reconnect the university with American life. — Ho-hum about the clash of civilizations? Blasé about the struggle for Congress? Then turn your attention to Hanover, N.H., home of Dartmouth College, where the fighting is really intense.