Top Items:

The Kennedy KGB letter Updated with info about the NIE leak — So you want answers, eh? Not satisfied with the CNS report? — I've got answers. — There's a new book on Ronald Reagan making the rounds, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.

KGB Letter Outlines Sen. Kennedy's Overtures to Soviets, Prof Says — ( - The antipathy that congressional Democrats have today toward President George W. Bush is reminiscent of their distrust of President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War, a political science professor says.

KGB Letter Outlines Sen. Kennedy's Overtures to Soviets, Prof Says — Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy …
The Jawa Report

Bush: I Won't Change Strategy in Iraq — WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush conceded Friday that "right now it's tough" for American forces in Iraq, but the White House said he would not change U.S. strategy in the face of pre-election polls that show voters are upset.
MyDD, The Heretik, Pam's House Blend, The Moderate Voice, The World Wide Rant, The Democratic Daily and Rising Hegemon

Exclusive: Feds Probe a Top Democrat's Relationship with AIPAC — The Department of Justice is investigating whether Rep. Jane Harman and the pro-Israel group worked together to get her reappointed as the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee — Did a Democratic member …

HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SUSPENDS STAFFER FOR POSSIBLE LEAK — WASHINGTON — A Democratic staff member on the House Intelligence Committee has been suspended by the Republican chairman of that committee over concerns about the leak of a secret intelligence estimate …

Suspecting Leak, Chairman Suspends Panel Staffer
Think Progress

Many GOP Donors Pitch In For Joe — WASHINGTON — Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman collected millions of dollars in campaign cash since his Democratic primary loss by tapping a lengthy list of major contributors to President Bush, dozens of Washington special interest groups and a lot of loyal Democrats.

Polls [43] — No one wants any poll to show them down 17 points.

China May Press North Koreans — China is prepared to step up pressure on North Korea in coming weeks by reducing oil shipments, among other measures, if the country refuses to return to negotiations or conducts more nuclear tests, Chinese government advisers and scholars who have discussed the matter with the leadership say.

Iran 'blocks Israel soldier deal' — Israel's ambassador to the UN has accused Iran of paying Hamas $50m to block the release of an Israeli soldier captured by Palestinian militants. — The ambassador in New York, Dan Gillerman, made the claim without giving any further evidence or details.

Anger Festering in French Areas Scarred in Riots — When the call went out about a car burglary in the raw suburb of Épinay-sur-Seine north of here last weekend, three officers in a patrol car rushed over and found themselves surrounded by 30 youths in hoods throwing rocks and swinging bats and metal bars.
The Moderate Voice

Why 112 cars are burning every day — A year after the Paris riots violence and despair continue to grip the immigrant suburbs — FLAMES lick around a burning car on a tiny telephone screen. Omar, 17, a veteran of France's suburban riots, replayed the sequence with pride. "It was great.

Boo!? An Inevitable October Surprise — In the Month Before Elections, a Glut of 'Gotcha' Stories — The October surprise: It's as much a seasonal sure thing in Washington as cherry blossoms and the National Christmas Tree. — When leaves fall and elections loom, the term gets tossed around more than a Manning family football.

Poll Signals More Republican Woes As Disapproval of Congress Grows — WASHINGTON — With just 19 days until the midterm elections, a new poll shows both President Bush and his party in worse shape among voters than Democrats were in the October before they lost control of Capitol Hill a dozen years ago.

The Woman Who Would Be Speaker — Uncompromising Pelosi Set to Seize Opportunity — On election night 2004, Nancy Pelosi faced a painful reality: Her party was again a big loser, failing to win the presidency and losing three more House seats. Pundits were suggesting Pelosi should accept …
Booman Tribune

Censoring Iraq — Why are there so few reporters with American troops in combat? Don't blame the media. — In a counterinsurgency, the media battlespace is critical. When it comes to mustering public opinion, rallying support, and forcing opponents to shift tactics and timetables …

Weller refers incident to House — WASHINGTON — Rep. Jerry Weller, R-Morris, through his election attorney, moved Thursday to inform the House that a former male page or intern may have been the subject of inappropriate attention from another lawmaker, Weller's campaign manager said Thursday.
The Capitol Fax Blog