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White House, Kerry Exchange Accusations — WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House and Sen. John Kerry traded their harshest accusations since the 2004 presidential race on Tuesday, with President Bush accusing the Democrat of troop-bashing and Kerry calling the president's men hacks who are "willing to lie."

Kerry and G.O.P. Spar Over Iraq Remarks — Senator John Kerry, left, spoke at a rally on Monday in support of California Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Phil Angelides. President Bush, right, addressed supporters Tuesday afternoon while campaigning in Georgia for a Republican House candidate.
The Mahablog, Sweetness & Light, Taylor Marsh, News Hounds, Gun Toting Liberal, Wonkette, Daniel W. Drezner and The Democratic Daily

The John Kerry nonsense — Man, there are times when this stuff is more ridiculous than anything a fiction writer or satirist could ever dream up. — So John Kerry mangles a sentence in a public appearance, and the right-wing smear machine and its traditional media enablers are apoplectic.
Andrew Sullivan, Reuters, Power Line, Firedoglake, Hotline On Call, blog, TIME, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, MyDD, Jon Swift, Flopping Aces, Riehl World View, The Sundries Shack, The Democratic Daily, Free Frank Warner, Blue Crab Boulevard, Bizzyblog, Brad DeLong's Semi …, Needlenose and Redstate

Statement of John Kerry Responding to Republican Distortions, Pathetic Tony Snow Diversions and Distractions — Washington - Senator John Kerry issued the following statement in response to White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, assorted right wing nut-jobs, and right wing talk show hosts …
Hot Air, First Read, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice,, The Reaction, Redstate, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, WuzzaDem, The Democratic Daily,, The Irish Trojan's Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Gun Toting Liberal, The Sundries Shack, Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard, Bring it On!, Tammy Bruce, Squiggler, The Reporters, Atlas Shrugs, Don Surber, The Caucus, Never Yet Melted, Sister Toldjah, TIME, Confederate Yankee, Cold Fury, Patterico's Pontifications, The Sideshow, TalkLeft, The Political Pit Bull, Middle Earth Journal, The American Princess, Wizbang and The Jawa Report

Did Kerry Hand Republicans a November gift? — Politicians Look to Capitalize on Democratic Senator's Iraq War Comments — For weeks, Republicans on the campaign trail have been looking for something — anything — to talk about other than the record of the Republican Congress …
Right Wing Nut House, Big Lizards,, Slublog, The New Editor and SGV Tribune

As Vote Nears, Stances on War Set Off Sparks — For at least a few hours on Tuesday, President Bush had a chance to relive his victorious campaign of 2004, taking a break from a bleak Republican campaign season as he attacked Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts over the war in Iraq.

GOP, Kerry launch war of words over Iraq comment … WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republicans unleashed a firestorm of criticism Tuesday against Sen. John Kerry after the Vietnam veteran told college students they'd "get stuck in Iraq" if they didn't work hard in school.

John Kerry, Still One Step Behind — Once again, the former Presidential candidate deals with a gaffe by trying to compensate for his last mistake. Karl Rove is cheering — You've got to wonder about John Kerry's eye-hand coordination. His career is falling into a pattern.
Ace of Spades HQ

Kerry Remark Draws Sharp Criticism
The Huffington Post, Bring it On!, TalkLeft, The Indepundit, Bizzyblog and Political Bite

Allen Supporters Wrestle Heckler to Ground — A Democratic activist who verbally confronted U.S. Sen. George Allen (R) at a campaign rally in Charlottesville today was shoved, put into a chokehold and thrown against a window by three men wearing Allen stickers, according to a widely disseminated video of the incident.

Incident at Allen Campaign Stop in Charlottesville — Senator George Allen, (R) made a campaign stop in Charlottesville Tuesday morning and it was met with controversy. — As Senator Allen was exiting a ballroom, coming to talk to the media, a protestor started yelling and asking, "Why did you spit on your first wife?".

Tomorrow's News: Sweeney's Alleged Domestic Abuse — Joe Mahoney and I report tomorrow off a state police report of an incident in which Rep. John Sweeney's wife apparently called the police to report domestic violence. — The full story follows: — POWERFUL UPSTATE Rep. John Sweeney got …

This Is No Fun — I just thought I would go on record stating that the last few weeks and months have really sucked for me. I spent my whole life in the GOP- starting in 1984 with county meetings, going to Teenage Republican camp (my friends called it Hitler Youth Camp …

PNG tells Australia: we will stop your aid — PAPUA New Guinea is threatening to dramatically reduce the money it receives from Canberra, suspend all official visits by Australians or impose onerous travel restrictions, and recall its high commissioner. — Whether it does so …

I try, I really try . . . Since the 2004 election, I decided to avoid posting about partisan politics, that is, issues attached to candidates or holders of office. I decided to discuss issues as before, but without discussing the personalities behind those issues except, as far as possible, in a non-partisan way.