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U.S. Central Command Charts Sharp Movement of the Civil Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos — A classified briefing prepared two weeks ago by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward chaos, in a chart that the military is using as a barometer of civil conflict.

Abandoning An American Soldier — While the media is obsessed parsing the ad libs of someone on no ballot this fall, something truly ominous has just happened in Iraq. The commander-in-chief has abandoned an American soldier to the tender mercies of a Shiite militia.

Iraqi Demands Pullback; U.S. Lifts Baghdad Cordon — Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki demanded the removal of American checkpoints from the streets of Baghdad on Tuesday, in what appeared to be his latest and boldest gambit in an increasingly tense struggle for more independence from his American protectors.
Political Animal, Taylor Marsh, Informed Comment, Bull Moose, the talking dog, FP Passport, The Heretik and

As Vote Nears, Stances on War Set Off Sparks — For at least a few hours on Tuesday, President Bush had a chance to relive his victorious campaign of 2004, taking a break from a bleak Republican campaign season as he attacked Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts over the war in Iraq.

Kerry cancels Mankato appearance — The dueling rallies scheduled for Mankato today on behalf of Republican congressman Gil Gutknecht and Democratic challenger Tim Walz lost some of their pizzaz Tuesday night when Sen. John Kerry pulled out of the Democratic rally.

After remark, Kerry curtails campaigning for Democrats … WASHINGTON (CNN) — Sen. John Kerry has canceled plans to campaign for several fellow Democrats after controversy over his comments to college students about getting "stuck in Iraq." — President Bush's 2004 presidential rival …
USA Today, Captain's Quarters, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, Right Wing News, The Allen Blog and Bill's Bites

Letter from Mike Stark — The following is a letter to NBC29 from Mike Stark, the man who was tackled for a comment he made at Senator Allen's campaign stop in Charlottesville on Tuesday. — My name is Mike Stark. I am a law student at the University of Virginia, a marine, and a citizen journalist.
Dependable Renegade

Governor race a tossup … The Maryland governor's race is a virtual tie less than a week before Election Day, as Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s relentless attacks on Mayor Martin O'Malley's record on crime and schools have eroded the Democrat's support in the Baltimore suburbs, a new poll for The Sun shows.

What's Wrong With The Press Corps? — This. Greenwald comments: … It's not just unseemly, it's unprofessional. The point of journalism, of punditry, of analysis, is that it's independent. That doesn't mean it's not ideological, or even totally non-partisan, but that it's not written to attract external approval.

This Is No Fun — I just thought I would go on record stating that the last few weeks and months have really sucked for me. I spent my whole life in the GOP- starting in 1984 with county meetings, going to Teenage Republican camp (my friends called it Hitler Youth Camp …
Right Wing News, TAPPED, The American Street, Unclaimed Territory, The Sideshow, Daily Kos, Political Animal and Oliver Willis

Why Some Top Republicans Think They May Still Have the Last Laugh — The President, The Vice President and Karl Rove are all over the airwaves predicting that, against the apparent odds, the GOP will keep both houses of Congress next Tuesday. White House officials say this is not just cheerleading …

House control in range for Democrats-Reuters poll — WASHINGTON, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Democrats are ahead in races for 12 of 15 key Republican-held seats in the U.S. House one week before the Nov. 7 elections, placing them within striking range of winning control of the chamber, according to Reuters/Zogby polls released on Wednesday.

Pelosi's Unintelligent Choice — If Democrats win control of the House next week, Nancy Pelosi's first test as speaker will arrive long before the 110th Congress convenes. Her choice to head the House intelligence committee — unlike other House committees, this one is left entirely …

Dems hold record 15-point edge over GOP — NBC/WSJ poll: Worst may be over for Republicans after Foley sex scandal … WASHINGTON - — Mark Murray — The final pre-election NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll suggests that Democrats continue to have a significant advantage heading …

WHY DID HE DO IT? — John Kerry's gaffe yesterday was a self-inflicted wound, greatly compounded by his refusal to apologize and his bizarre attack on the Republicans, as if they had somehow made him stick his foot in his mouth. One wonders what possessed Kerry to say that soldiers are both dumb and lazy …

Wages, benefits on upswing — WASHINGTON — Wages and benefits paid to American workers rose last quarter by the most since 2004, as the unemployment rate matched a five-year low. — The Labor Department said Tuesday that its employment cost index rose 1 percent compared with the second quarter.

Tomorrow's News: Sweeney's Alleged Domestic Abuse — Joe Mahoney and I report tomorrow off a state police report of an incident in which Rep. John Sweeney's wife apparently called the police to report domestic violence. — The full story follows: — POWERFUL UPSTATE Rep. John Sweeney got …